Jiao Jiaying looked like she had just returned from somewhere. She wore a knee length dress which hugged her figure perfectly. Thin make-up highlighted her features and a pair of simple yet elegant earrings adorned her ears.

When she approached, Shi Nian could smell the sweet and slightly sensual fragrance from her body. It was quite different from Xu Binchen's faint and refreshing cologne. Honestly, it was quite unpleasant that Shi Nian's nose wrinkled.

However, Jiao Jiaying didn't realize it as she sauntered to their table, her white, pearly ankles wrapped in black stiletto. The whole cafeteria's eyes were on her, making Jiao Jiaying's chin raise higher. "Long time no see. I really want to hang out more with you but I don't know your contact information."

Because Jiang Jinyan's back was facing her, Jiao Jiaying could only see him when she arrived at their table.

Instantly, she was entranced, eyes staring in unconcealed astonishment. The woman's bold manner suddenly curbed and she turned into a bashful, restrained girl. "Oh, I don't know that someone is here with you. How about introducing us?"

Shi Nian almost broke off the spoon in her hand.

She looked at Jiao Jiaying's eyes who kept on trailing to Jiang Jinyan and a strong sourness spread through her heart. Why? She clearly liked Xu Binchen already so why did she want to approach Jiang Jinyan too?

Flames burst out of Shi Nian's eyes and everyone who wasn't blind would be able to see it. Unfortunately, Jiao Jiaying just had to be one of the blinds. She pulled on an empty chair and sat down, a sweet smile on her face. "Well?"

Shi Nian really wanted to leave this place but Jiang Jinyan still hadn't finished his food yet. Thus she could do nothing but endure in silence.

To her surprise, Jiang Jinyan put down his spoon and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He gave Shi Nian a glance. "Finished eating?"

Even if she hadn't, she would still say yes!

Jiang Jinyan stood up, nodding toward Jiao Jiaying. "Sorry, Miss. We still have another matter to attend to. Please excuse me."

The last thing Shi Nian saw was Jiao Jiaying's dumbfounded face before she ran after Jiang Jinyan, exhilaration coursed through her veins. Jiang Jinyan walked slowly so Shi Nian caught up to him in a blink of an eye. Her previous anger was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she was all smiles and giggles.

How could she look so silly? Jiang Jinyan wondered.

"So happy?" he asked.

Even without seeing him, Shi Nian could feel that Jiang Jinyan's mood had gotten a lot better. Her smile instantly faded as she asked. [Do you like that type of woman?]

Jiang Jinyan was struck speechless at the abrupt question. "…what?"

Shi Nian was aggrieved as she typed. [You look happier than before.] Was it not because Jiao Jiaying had just asked for his name? Shi Nian knew that Jiao Jiaying was pretty, but she just couldn't bring herself to like that woman.

Jiang Jinyan raised a brow and the corner of his lips quirked up. It was unfortunate that Shi Nian didn't notice it. "What do you think?"

Shi Nian became more upset. She solemnly added. [Don't. She's not a good woman.]

Jiang Jinyan was amused by her blatant accusation. "So, you're good?"

This time, Shi Nian couldn't not notice the teasing tone in his voice even if she was deaf. She looked up in surprise to find a trace of smile in Jiang Jinyan's eyes.

He himself didn't know why he could never reject this girl thoroughly. He obviously hated clingy people who didn't know their position, especially ones who disrupted his quiet and intruded his personal space.

However, he couldn't apply it to Shi Nian. Every time he pushed her away, she would always return in full force. No matter how despicable he was, she would still show him a bright smile. Unexpectedly, Jiang Jinyan didn't hate it. Instead, he quite liked this kind of feeling.

Right now, he just wished to indulge in this peace and serenity.

Under the yellow light from streetlamps which light up one by one and the gradually darkening sky, Shi Nian decided to be shameless once in a while.

Her fingers almost slipped a few times as she typed and her face blushed fiercely. Even then, she didn't want to retreat, didn't want to give up on him only to lose him again.

[I am very good. If you get close to me, you will know how good I am.]


Even when Shi Nian returned home, her entire body was still burning inside out as if she had just been boiled in hot water. Her heart drummed loudly and for a split second, she was filled with self loathing. Especially when she recalled how Jiang Jinyan had mockingly laughed at her shameless remark.

Once again, it seemed like she had failed to get close to him.

It had always been like that. Every time she felt like she could finally close the distance between them, Jiang Jinyan would always find thousands of ways to push her away, to reject her, to not let anyone approach. 

Why? It was like he was afraid of something…

The sound of phone ringing jolted Shi Nian out of her thoughts. She patted her chest and pulled out her phone, only to find Qiang Fei's name on the screen. Shi Nian hit her forehead, how could she forget to notify Qiang Fei of her arrival?

The call disconnected and Shi Nian hastily opened her WeChat interface.

[Qiang Fei]: Baby, have you arrived home yet?

[Qiang Fei]: Shi Nian?

[Qiang Fei]: Niannian, are you busy? Please call mama if you've seen the messages, okay?

[Qiang Fei]: Niannian, did something happen?

Shi Nian could feel the increasing panic in Qiang Fei's tone across the screen and she hastily replied.

[Ten Years]: Mama, sorry, I forgot!

[Ten Years]: I have arrived safely. [photo]

Qiang Fei replied in a blink of an eye.

[Qiang Fei]: Sigh, scared Mama to death. Mama thought that something happened to you.

[Qiang Fei]: What have you been doing?

[Ten Years]: I was just having dinner with Mr.Jiang Jinyan.

[Qiang Fei]: .....

[Ten Years]: Mama???

What was this heavy speechlessness oozing from the long string of periods Qiang Fei sent?





Qiang Fei's inner cries: I am here worrying about my daughter but it turns out she's on a date?! (; ̄Д ̄)

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