My hi-tech Library

Chapter 114: Product Impact (2)

"Welcome to use the smart pet dog of Xingyao Technology. Dear users, please fill in your personal information, sign the use agreement, set the authority relationship, ..." With the appearance of the projection screen, a burst of electronic synthesis sound came out of the metal bulldog's body Pass along out.

"How should I fill in this information!" Xia Feng was stunned for a while, looking at the projection screen, unable to start, neither sent an external pen, nor a keyboard.

"Dear user, you can provide relevant document scanning recognition, gesture input, face recognition, and other recognition modes to fill in the information." Metal Bulldog's mouth opened and closed, indicating.

Xia Feng was overjoyed and looked up at the live broadcast room: "Shui friends, you have all seen it! This thing is too intelligent. It understands the questions accurately, and answers the questions in detail. This 'intelligence' is very powerful!"

At this time, there were already more than 50,000 viewers in the live broadcast room. After reading this popular live broadcast, they were attracted by the intelligent mechanical dog and stayed to watch the live broadcast.

"Anchor, quickly fill in the information and activate it!"

"Try gesture recognition, I saw it at the press conference before, it feels so cool!"

"It's too advanced! I think I want one."

"The anchor opens its casing to see if there is a biochip inside!"

"Where is the anchor? You speak in a dialect. It's very hard to listen to. Even the robot dog can understand it. This Chinese comprehension ability is really strong!"

One of his own questions immediately received countless responses from the water friends. This is the treatment only for big anchors. Xia Feng was extremely happy.

In the lively live broadcast room, the water friends asked various questions. Xia Feng didn't have time to read, so he was brushed away by other questions. However, most of them asked him to demonstrate gesture input.

"Most of the water friends want to see gesture recognition, try gesture input first, and I will demonstrate other functions slowly, water friends, don't worry!" Xia Feng explained and looked at the mechanical dog: "Use gesture input."

"Gesture recognition mode is enabled, dear user, please enter!" Metal Bulldog closed the projection of an electronic eye for recognition.

A gesture input field appears on the projected screen.

Xia Feng nodded, raised his right hand and followed the hints on the projection, and the words written with his fingers were accurately recognized.

"This is my name. I wrote it out very simply. The information that follows is a bit sensitive. Friends, let me move the camera!" Xia Feng wrote his name and smiled at the audience in the live broadcast room. call.

After speaking, Xia Feng moved the live camera, quickly filled in the relevant information, and confirmed the submission.

Next, the steps of signing the user agreement, setting permissions, and so on, are all carried out in the live broadcast.

"The last item, give it a nickname and define its character, including: enthusiastic and active, honest and gentle, cheerful and lively, lively and active, etc. There are twelve characters to choose from. Once selected, if you need to change it, you need to Send it to the headquarters of Xingyao Technology for reset. In addition, when I signed the user agreement just now, this mechanical dog has to be sent back to Xingyao Technology to maintain the chip within half a year, which is very troublesome. However, there is a five-year warranty period. It feels very safe." Xia Feng was facing the camera, asking for help from the water friends in the live broadcast room, and introduced.

Soon, Xiaoyong, big head, broken leg, iron lump, ..., etc., a lot of pet nicknames appeared in the chat column of the live broadcast room, and the water friends watching the live broadcast were in high spirits and were very active.

Xia Feng smiled and saw that the number of viewers for the live broadcast exceeded 100,000 people, and the reward was more than 60,000. If the broadcast continues, it will not take long for the money to buy the intelligent mechanical dog to be earned back.

The name and character setting were discussed with the water friends for a long time. Finally, the most popular name, Datou, was chosen, and this character was enthusiastic and active.

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"The setting is complete, master, the big head is at your command." The metal bulldog turned off the set projection, and sent out the electronic child's voice of a seven- or eight-year-old boy from his mouth, greeting.

"Okay, sit still, I'll ask the water friends how to play." Xia Feng's eyes lit up, looking at Big Head and instructed.

The 'big head' squatted obediently, the small tail of the machine swayed slightly from side to side, and a pair of electronic eyes blinked and watched, and the body movements and micro-expressions were highly similar to those of the real bulldog.

Xia Feng saw it in his eyes, and was delighted in his heart. He wished he could hold it in his arms and have a good time.

However, the hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room were all Xia Feng's 'parents', and they had to take care of their emotions first.

"Friends of the water, look, is there any difference between the big head and the real dog? Next, how to test it, listen to you, it is ready!" Xia Feng picked up the live broadcast mobile phone and pointed the camera at the big head. ', asked signily.

"Wow! Such a cute big head, can you sing a song!"

"What talent does 'Big Head' have! Will he stand upside down! Let's perform a 'handstand'!"

"The 'big head' anchor, have you told a little joke!"

"'Big Head', are you very smart, can you help me with a math problem!"


Looking at the messy proposals of the water friends, Xia Feng almost broke out of laughter, singing, talking about jokes, etc., and it's reasonable, to actually let the 'big head' perform a handstand, which is too difficult for a mechanical dog.

However, if the 'big head' can perform the action of 'handstand', the effect must be very beautiful. UU reading www.

"Big head, can you 'stand upside down'?" Xia Feng asked, looking at the big head who didn't understand sitting and standing, staring at the phone screen with a pair of electronic eyes.

"Master, do you want me to stand upside down with my forelegs?" Datou asked Xia Feng and confirmed.

"Yes! Can you do it?" Xia Feng nodded happily and asked with concern.

"Yes! The big head has a 99% canine motion system, and the forelimbs can support the body weight. This action can be performed. However, this action lasts for more than 3 hours and will cause compressive wear on the metal girdle of the forelimbs. Do you want to perform it now? ?" Datou responded, replying to Xia Feng.

"Execute immediately for 1 minute!" Xia Feng's eyes lit up and he ordered quickly.

"Okay, master!" The big head responded, stood up, put his forelegs on the ground, supported its body, and slowly stood up.

Seeing the action of the 'big head' standing upside down, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately boiled.


"Damn it! This mechanical design aesthetic is blown away."

"This handstand is so beautiful, take it!"

"Great! It's a pity it's out of stock! Otherwise, I'd like to buy one too!"

"Anchor, don't transfer the big head! I'll increase the price!"

With cheers and cheers, the chat bar appeared one after another, and the water friends who met the requirements were excitedly rewarded, and various reward special effects continued to appear.

In this short time, there will be more than 10,000 reward income.

Soon, Xia Feng discovered one thing, he didn't need to appear in front of the live broadcast camera, and he could waddle and collect money by relying on the "big head" handstand performance.

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