My hi-tech Library

Chapter 173: Graduation defense?

When he got home, Li Yi immediately looked for Da Hei and praised him fiercely.

Parents' urging to find a partner is imminent.

Li Yi happened to fall in love with Zhou Wenhui's outstanding appearance, as well as her hobby of sports, personality,..., etc., and couldn't help but be moved.

The arrangement of going to school to teach, and the coincidental 'accidental encounter' is the plan provided by Da Hei, an action plan to get acquainted with Zhou Wenhui in the shortest time and with the greatest probability.

Never thought that the success rate is so high, one hit must be hit.

However, Li Yi thought about it for a while, but it was very reasonable. Everything was in the 'data', which is precisely what Da Hei is good at.

Not long after, Li Yi received a message from Zhou Wenhui, asking him if he was free, and wanted to ask him questions.

Looking at the message, Li Yi smiled happily and hurriedly asked Da Hei how to reply.

According to Da Hei's prompt, Li Yi replied to the message, telling her that she was not free at the moment and would reply to her later.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Li Yi taught more than ten classes at school. At the same time, with the help of Da Hei, a 'love expert', he chatted with Zhou Wenhui back and forth, and he was able to make some ambiguous jokes. The progress was quite smooth.

When cultivating feelings with Zhou Wenhui, Li Yi did not let go of his academic research work.

More than a month is enough for Li Yi to thoroughly study the knowledge about the entangled state of three atoms in quantum physics, and to 'copy' the relevant theoretical knowledge in the library.

Li Yi took the prepared graduation thesis and came to the school's Academic Affairs Building again to find Professor Wang Qinghua.

"Mr. Wang, this is the paper I wrote, please take a look." Li Yi handed the paper to Wang Qinghua and gestured with a smile.

"What! Have you written all the papers?" Professor Wang Qinghua was startled, took Li Yi's papers and opened them impatiently.

Professor Wang Qinghua's eyes widened, and the more he looked, the more shocked he became.

In the paper, Li Yi proposed a method to use the three-atom W-type entangled state as a quantum channel to realize the reconstruction of the initial state by means of the large detuned interaction between the atoms and the single-mode cavity field, ..., to overcome the quantum entanglement force field, quantum The experimental protocol required for the state experiment, from which a complete solution is provided to obtain real data verifying the three-atom entangled state.

The office fell into silence, except for Professor Wang Qinghua's heavy breathing and the long time he flipped through a page of the paper, there was no other sound.

Seeing that there was no result in a short time, Li Yi took out his mobile phone with a smile, found an empty seat to sit down, and chatted with Zhou Wenhui.

There is no delay in picking up girls and writing academic papers,

Li Yi made a request to Zhou Wenhui, and asked her to meet him somewhere after class was over.

I haven't received a reply from Zhou Wenhui for a long time.

When Li Yi was about to send another message and urged her, Professor Wang Qinghua suddenly exclaimed excitedly, "Okay! Okay!"

"I need to convene more professors to review your paper. If the experimental direction and data are confirmed, it will definitely be an extremely high-quality academic paper. It can fully complement the theory of the special structure of three atoms in quantum physics. Definitely a major discovery!" Professor Wang Qinghua said excitedly, looking at Li Yi.

"No problem, Mr. Wang, you can take the paper, I'll wait for your news!" Li Yi nodded happily as he expected.

Professor Wang Qinghua nodded happily and quickly called his colleagues in quantum physics.

"Old Chen, are you free? The quality of my paper is very high, and it just involves your research field. Do you have time to come and take a look?"

"Yes! I'm in the office, you hurry up and inform Lao Qin with a smile!"

"Hey! Old Zhou? I have a paper on the entangled state of three atoms, which can complement the theory of entangled state. Are you interested?"

"It's definitely a major discovery, I'm not kidding you! I'm waiting for you in the office, come here quickly."


Professor Wang Qinghua called one by one, excited to inform a large group of experts and professors who study quantum physics.

Li Yi glanced down at his phone and saw a new message from Zhou Wenhui.

"Okay! Where can I see you later?" Li Yi clicked on the message, and suddenly felt bad.

"Mr. Wang, I have other things to do here, can I go first?" Li Yi looked at Professor Wang Qinghua and asked carefully.

Hearing this, Professor Wang Qinghua was in a hurry, grabbed Li Yi with one hand, and persuaded excitedly: "Mr. Li, several professors are on their way, this paper is extremely important, you are the author of the paper, we need you to explain the paper in detail. The experimental ideas and data conclusions in this paper. If this paper can be confirmed, it will be an important discovery in the field of quantum physics, and it will provide extremely valuable theoretical support for our research in quantum physics. There is nothing more than this. Important? Mr. Li, at this time, you can't leave!"

After listening to Professor Wang Qinghua's words and feeling his powerful wrist, Li Yi's face darkened. Isn't this shooting himself in the foot!

"Professor Wang, if I don't leave, I will. You call so many professors here. Does this count as my thesis defense?" Li Yi couldn't help laughing, looking at Professor Wang Qinghua and asking! Calculate! If you pass the defense of this thesis, you can be awarded a doctorate degree, allowing you to graduate early! "Professor Wang Qinghua patted his chest excitedly and assured Li Yi.

"Okay! Then I'll postpone the trip! You guys hurry up!" Li Yi nodded helplessly.

After finishing speaking, Li Yi took out his mobile phone, edited a message, and replied to Zhou Wenhui: "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, I'm afraid I have to wait until the evening before I have time?"

It didn't take long for Li Yi to receive a reply from Zhou Wenhui: "Okay, what time is it?"

"I want to participate in a graduation defense, the time is uncertain." Li Yi quickly explained by sending a message.

After receiving the reply from Li Yi, Zhou Wenhui stared at the screen of the mobile phone, looking a little confused.

"Graduation defense? Are you not a teacher? Still graduating?" Zhou Wenhui edited the news and asked her own questions.

"The teacher is just a cameo. I am a postgraduate student led by Professor Wang. I followed him to study quantum physics. Today he wants me to defend the thesis in advance!" Li Yi quickly introduced himself to him as another identity.

After reading this news, Zhou Wenhui was once again impressed by Li Yi's talent and was in awe.

"Quantum physics, thesis defense, Ph.D.! You are amazing!" Zhou Wenhui couldn't help sending a message to praise Li Yi, and then sent another message in support: "The defense is about to be defended, you should concentrate on dealing with it! I waiting for your good news."

"Okay! See you later!"

Seeing this encouraging news, Li Yi smiled happily and responded quickly.

Li Yi put away his mobile phone and put it in his pocket. There was a rush of footsteps coming from the door, getting closer and closer.

"Pharaoh! Where is that paper?" Several experts and professors around the same age as Professor Wang Qinghua filed in. Li Yi couldn't see who was coming, and the voice came first.

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