My King System

Chapter 109 - Rey Moon

"What do you even want from us?" Erika asked. 

"You just keep fighting with us but continuously show us how much stronger you are than us. Don't you think it's a waste of your time? You could just kill us right now, so why do you choose to torment us instead?" asked Erika. 

"Oh well you're right. Sorry, I got caught up in the moment and forgot about my goal here. Well, say your goodbyes now," replied Yuki. 

This caught Erika off guard. That wasn't the response she was expecting.

"Wait, that's not what I meant-" Erika began to speak before she was cut off by Yuki. 

"What's this now? Why would you remind me that I didn't kill you and expect me not to do so? Wait, don't tell me, were you hoping to negotiate with me," Yuki gasped sarcastically. 

"Well, you would be correct," said Erika as she blushed from embarrassing herself in front of the enemy. 

"That's a shame. I don't take back my word. Like I said, you'll all be dying here so say your goodbyes," replied Yuki. 

"Just kidding," Yuki added, which made Erika sigh in relief. 

"Please, isn't there anything we could do to make you reconsider. The 3 kingdoms will come together and give you as much money as they can offer. Just let us escape with our lives," pleaded Erika. 

"I literally told you that everyone could go home with their lives but of course those 4 decided to try and attack me," said Yuki as he referred to Tanya, Lou, Rina and Simeon. 

"Even after showing them how helpless the situation really was, the rest of you decided to join in as well. If you couldn't stop me when I created that sun and fire wall, what made you think you could defeat me moments later? All of you did this to hold onto your pride and look where it has gotten you. You're all going to die here. It's over!" Yuki said, now tired of all the fake promises.

"Activate ability: Fire Control"

"Heaven's Sun"

Yuki once again covered his feet in his flames as he elevated himself in the air. His finger raised into the sky, Yuki created a large sun like ball which was much smaller than the previous sun as he created a solid ball this time. Even if it were smaller than the previous ball, it would still be able to kill at least 1/3 of the army. 

"Are the preparations ready?" said Scar in a calm tone as he spoke to someone through the phone.

"Yup. Just give the signal when you're ready," replied Rey Moon, who was now standing on top of the cliff with all the prisoners which were gathered. Every single one of them was knocked out however they would not wake up as they were killed. Rey Moon's ability allowed him to lead people to their deaths and in exchange for their lives, he could use them to kill someone else. 

"Actually, now would be a perfect time for you to use your ability," replied Scar. 

Without replying, Rey Moon ended the call and began to chant the words which would lead Yuki to his death.

"Activate ability: Lives for Life"

Once Rey Moon chanted those words a moment of silence took place as everything seemed to go quiet. A gust of wind reached Yuki and his profile screen popped up. He saw as his exp began to decrease faster than he could see the numbers move. Once it reached 0, a level would be deducted and the next level began to get erased. After only 12 seconds, Yuki saw as the very last of his exp drained from level 1. 

"What is happening?" Yuki asked as he panicked. 

Before an answer could form in his head, Yuki heard a loud continuous beep sound. His line of vision turned upside down as he began to feel as if he was falling like a feather. Even through the confusion, Yuki felt Joy as he died. 

"I remember this familiar feeling. It's death. I never thought this would happen so soon. When did I get killed?" Yuki asked himself as he landed head first into the ground. 

Yuki was dead.

Seeing this was a momentous occasion. The good guys had won. Yuki had tried to tell them that they wouldn't win the battle but in the end he was the one in the wrong. Everyone cheered and cried as they celebrated the death of their common enemy. 

"I can go back to my family! I really thought I would die here," some of the soldiers said. 

Others dreamed of going back to the bar and passing out as they celebrated. Even if their future goals were different, they all had something in common. They all celebrated as their evil enemy died. 

Even at a time like that, Rina began to head towards Yuki's body to slice off his head and take it to Mr. Y so she along with Simeon could claim the reward and split it amongst the two of them instead of the previous 4 members. 

Far off in a dark place, Yuki awoke from slumber. 

"Hey there," a familiar voice said. However, it wasn't Zero's voice. It was Yuki's voice. 

"Do I go to a different place every time I die?" Yuki asked sarcastically as he couldn't wait to make Zero respawn him back into that world. 

"What do you mean 'die'? You must've gotten the wrong idea. We aren't dead," replied the voice. 

"Why did you change your tone when you said we? Are you some demon that is supposed to help me recover from helpless situations and get me out of places where I should've died while accompanying me to be the best hero in the universe which takes place in a cartoon?" Yuki asked. 


"Wait, don't tell me that I'm right," Yuki corrected himself. 

"No you're not. I'm not some second entity. I am your emotions which have been amplified. Do you remember when Zero gave you a little bit of godly power? When he gave you that, since your mind was still human and not the one from your original form, your emotions became amplified to an extreme extent as well. I am not some other person or creature, I am your true darkest and deepest emotions," replied the voice. 

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