My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 396 - Chapter 396: Chapter 396 Court Appearance (4) Song Zhizhi’s Last Stand (Second Update)

Chapter 396: Chapter 396 Court Appearance (4) Song Zhizhi’s Last Stand (Second Update)

Translator: 549690339

The atmosphere in the courtroom was incredibly tense.

There was even a second of awkwardness.

Quickly, Yang Gang reacted sharply, “Objection, objection to the defense lawyer inflicting severe harm on us!”

“Objection sustained!” The Judgment Chief’s face was serious. “If the defense counsel continues with this unchecked speech, I will order him to leave and he will no longer be allowed to defend this case!”

“Your Honor, I admit my words have been harsh, but please understand that my intention was not vicious, I was only stating the facts. The prosecution is evidently biased. Why do my client’s evidence and testimony bear so many defects, while the prosecution insists that we are guilty? Chu Qin’s criminal evidence is so obvious, yet the prosecution keeps covering up her crime! Even if Chu Qin’s evidence is insufficient to ascertain her crimes, it doesn’t exactly clear Chu Qin of all suspicion. The prosecution is supposed to be fair in the prosecution of this case, not desperately trying to frame my client!”

Wen Tian vehemently made his arguments, word by word.

The Judgment Chief did not immediately respond.

The prosecution made no attempt to clarify at this time either.

The courtroom fell silent.

It seemed like the atmosphere had suddenly turned cold.

Suddenly, Minghan rose from his seat.

Being a member of the official family and rumored heir to the Dean, his sudden rise drew the attention of everyone in the room.

He said, “Lawyer Wen, you have a superb oratory skill, I must admire!”

“Mr. Jun, your compliment is undeserved. I am merely trying to prove the innocence of my client. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way!” While he seemed to be apologizing, there was a lack of sincerity.

In that moment, Zhizhi was somewhat moved.

Being able to argue against Jun Minghan in such a setting, few people have such audacity. Many would have reservations for fear of any impact on their future career, but not Wen Tian!

Minghan maintained his seriousness. “You haven’t offended me. The court grants you the freedom of speech. I agree with your opinion. I also want to clarify our position regarding the doubts raised by the defense counsel.”

Wen Tian appeared respectful, even bowing slightly as though awaiting Jun Minghan to continue.

With calm deliberation but a strong voice, Minghan said, “Firstly, we are not exonerating Chu Qin of criminal suspicion. Our view has always been that without significant evidence, neither Zhizhi nor even Chu Qin can be declared guilty! Secondly, the reason our lawyer has been standing from Chu Qin’s perspective is to corroborate if Zhizhi indeed committed the crime. If the defense counsel can debunk the criminal evidence and prove Chu Qin’s guilt, we will not protect anyone.”

“Agreed,” said Wen Tian, still respectful. He seemed very complaisant, like a good student accepting whatever is being taught.

Minghan said, “I personally think that this case is full of mysteries, and all evidence carry a lot of doubts. Whether the suspect is Zhizhi or the newly identified suspect Chu Qin, there is no solid evidence to ascertain who indeed committed the crime. Therefore, I suggest postponing this case for further investigation, and to reconvene when evidence is clearer.”

The Judgment Chief readily agreed, “The prosecution’s opinion is accepted. The case holds too many doubts. It is inconclusive as to who should bear the responsibility. Therefore, it will be postponed for further hearing!”

“I object!” Wen Tian vocalized loud and clear.

The Judgment Chief looked serious, “Objection overruled!”

“The case is not as mysterious as the judge and the prosecutor say it is, the case is actually quite clear now!” Wen Tian unyieldingly proclaimed, “At present, all the key points lie in the witness. Whether the witness’s testimony contains lies will determine the truth of this case. I personally do not think there is a need to postpone! I also have evidence!”

The Judgment Chief looked coldly at Wen Tian.

Examining the young lawyer’s imposing manner.

“If you have any evidence, don’t hesitate to produce it all at once,” Minghan interjected.

As soon as he spoke, the Judgment Chief didn’t say anything else.

“Yes.” Wen Tian respectful, “Just now, I mentioned that Gao Chao was threatened, his boss fired him on the pretext of meddling, and the property manager threatened the owner not to discuss the matter. I have found Gao Chao’s boss and the property manager, please allow them into court.”


With that, Gao Chao’s boss came forward.

Wen Tian asked, “What is your name, please?”

“Zhang Xiang.”

“What is your relationship with Gao Chao?”

“I am the owner of his company.”

“Was it your decision to terminate Gao Chao?”


“May I ask why you suddenly decided to fire him?”

“The issues Gao Chao spoke about in the media have affected our company, so to maintain our company’s reputation, I decided to fire him.”

“What impact has it created?” Wen Tian asked.

Replying smoothly as if rehearsed, “Because of Gao Chao’s media exposure, there were journalists frequently visiting our company. Our company mainly deals with logistics, and trustworthiness is of utter importance. The regular presence of journalists led clients to think there were problems with our company, and it affected our performance.”

“But from what I understand, your company’s exposure due to Gao Chao has inadvertently given your company free publicity. I learned that the performance income of your company during this time has increased by 20% compared to the previous performance. Would you say that for your company, this is a good impact or a bad impact? Such free advertising, shouldn’t your company be thanking Gao Chao?!”

Zhang Xiang was flustered.

He stuttered with a forced explanation, “I didn’t know it would turn out like this. I estimated it would have an impact so I fired him!”

“But from an order I obtained from your company, clearly showed that before you fired Gao Chao, the company’s order had already increased by 10 percent.” Wen Tian forcefully pressed on!

Zhang Xiang was speechless.

Being the first time to lie in court, he was naturally uneasy.

His eyes were darting around.

Prosecutor Yang Gang was prepared to stand up.

But Minghan stopped him.

Yang Gang instantly understood.

From this point forward, this case should be argued from a fair and impartial viewpoint.

If they continue to be biased, it will only plainly corroborate with what Wen Tian had said earlier.

He really didn’t expect the young lawyer, Wen Tian, to be so formidable. He knew exactly where their weak spots were and how to hit them where it hurts!

“I can answer that for Mr. Zhang because someone has been using their status to pressure you to fire Gao Chao!”

“No, that’s not…”

“Mr. Zhang, you better think carefully before you answer!”

Staring at Wen Tian, Zhang Xiang couldn’t utter a single word.

Wen Tian seemed not to want to dwell on him anymore and had the property manager brought to court.

“May I ask your name and your position?”

“My name is Zhu Jiang, I’m the manager of the Airport Residential Area property management.”

“Why did you issue a notice of lawyer’s letter and go from house to house threatening every resident not to discuss the matters regarding demolition?”

“It would negatively impact our residential community, so we advised homeowners not to bring up this matter anymore. We didn’t mean to threaten.” Zhu Jiang explained.

“You continuously issued a notice of lawyer’s letter, how is that not a threat?” Wen Tian raised an eyebrow.

“We just thought it would be more formal.”

“Mr. Zhu, are you aware that a lawyer’s letter without legal effect amounts to a criminal act of forgery? Surely such a reputable property management company can’t be ignorant of this basic knowledge?”


“Mr. Zhu, please think carefully, your answer might directly impact the reputation of your esteemed property management company. Don’t spoil the reputation of your entire company because of you!”

Certainly, Zhu Jiang was threatened.

“So, aware that this method violates the regulations, you still carried on. Is it because someone is forcing you from behind?”

Zhu Jiang couldn’t mutter a word.

He kept his head down, afraid to look around carelessly.

Wen Tian, addressing the Judgment Chief,” Your Honor, Zhang Xiang and Zhu Jiang clearly refuse to reveal the truth! And the testimonies by Li Sheng, accusing my client, Liang Ping, has serious issues! From a logical perspective, aren’t these clear indications that my client had been maliciously framed?”

The Judgment Chief did not respond.

Wen Tian turned to the prosecutor, “Prosecution, please judge this wisely.”

Yang Gang consulted with Jun Minghan.

Minghan nodded in agreement.

Yang Gang stood up, “From the essence of the case, it is indeed possible that Song Zhizhi has been wrongfully accused. However, there isn’t sufficient evidence to prove her innocence. As for the other suspect, Chu Qin, he bears significant suspicion of criminal activity. As the defense lawyer has said, the crux of the matter lies with Liang Ping and Li Sheng. Whether or not they are lying is the focus of this trial!”

“Thank you for the prosecutor’s confirmation!”

“Your Honor, may I interrogate Liang Ping, the perpetrator of violence?” Yang Gang asked.

It was clear that the actual trial of this case had started.


Yang Gang faced Liang Ping.

“On the court, please answer all questions truthfully, if there are any elements of lying, I have the right to accuse you!”

Liang Ping started to feel nervous.

He was told earlier that the Judgment Chief and the prosecutor would stand on their side.

But now, it was clear that the prosecutor’s stance had somewhat changed.

“You insisted that you dealt directly with Song Zhizhi before, but after being exposed, you said you were dealing with Li Sheng, who told you that it was Song Zhizhi who ordered you to do so, correct?” Yang Gang asked.

Liang Ping braced himself to nod, “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you say it was Li Sheng before but insisted that it was Song Zhizhi?!”

“Because Li Sheng, Li Sheng…”

“Because I gave him extra benefits and told him not to rat me out if anything happens!” Li Sheng shouted.

“Yes, she gave me advantages.” Liang Ping hastily nodded.

“Well, Your Honor, please give me two pens and two sheets of paper.” Yang Gang suddenly said.

Someone handed him the materials.

“Please Liang Ping and Li Sheng, write down individually the advantages you received. We will believe your testimonies as long as the two match.” Yang Gang declared outright.

Li Sheng panicked.

Liang Ping panicked too.

“Please turn your backs on each other.”

Both held a blank sheet of paper.

Li Sheng didn’t dare to write anything.

Lian Ping didn’t dare to write either.

They didn’t expect it to reach this stage in court.

So, what she had just said was obviously blurted out in a fluster.

Everyone was watching them.

Watching the two people who dared not to write anything.

About ten minutes passed.

Turned towards the Judgment Chief, Yang Gang said, “Your Honor, it is evident through the current proceedings that there are significant issues with the testimonies from Liang Ping and Li Sheng. Their testimonies are not admissible as evidence in court, and there is no other evidence to sufficiently prove that Song Zhizhi committed violence against the victim, Liu Wen. Therefore, in the case of Song Zhizhi’s violent eviction, we, the prosecution, believe that she is innocent!”

The prosecution asserted their stance.

The Judgment Chief nodded, “Regarding the legal defence of both the prosecution and defense, I will pass judgement on the violent eviction case against Song Zhizhi. I request your patience as we adjourn for deliberation and subsequently make an on-the-spot judgement for this case…”

“Your Honor.” Song Zhizhi, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

The Judgment Chief looked at Song Zhizhi.

“My innocence is clear, but why am I still being falsely accused and framed in an unclear manner? I now wish to charge Liang Ping and Li Sheng for the crime of false accusation against me.”

“This case is not within the jurisdiction of our current proceedings. If the defendant wishes to raise charges, she may proceed through normal procedures …”

“According to the laws of Yanshang Country, in cases where framing is evident, the person who framed the victim can be tried in the same hearing!” Song Zhizhi directed at the Judgment Chief, leaving no room for compromise.

The Judgment Chief was briefly silent.

“We support the defendant in upholding her legal rights!” Yang Gang stood up in agreement.

The Judgment Chief nodded, “Granted.”

“Thank you, Your Honor.” Song Zhizhi courteously said.

With a polite nod, she turned to Li Sheng, her face turning stern instantly, “Li Sheng, you were adamant that I instigated you to find Liang Ping for the violent eviction, you said I asked you to withdraw $500,000, can you tell me what’s the password for my bank card?”

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