My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 157 - He Needs Me

So, after they had made sure he was really okay and after Solomon had apologized to Liam because he had to return to the demons territory because of him, he had told them that Alyssa already had explained to him what had happened when he was unconscious.

Then, Kerry and Liam after exchanging a glance of connivance therefore explained to Solomon and Alyssa what had happened with Alice and the alliance they had just created with the black market.

And as they had just finished their explanations, Liam suddenly felt an excruciating pain that pierced his skull and another equally painful that was spreading rapidly all the way up his spine.

The pain was so intense that he fell to his knees, drops of sweat began to appear on his forehead, which he quickly wiped away with the back of his hand, and he couldn't help but swear wondering what was happening to him.

Alyssa hurried to check what was going on with Liam, she was the one who had the best medical knowledge of them all, but Liam stopped her and he told her it wasn't necessary because the pain he felt didn't come from him.

He had turned pale when he had realized that the pain wasn't his but Ian's, damn he thought, but what the hell was going on with him ? Wasn't he supposed to be in class ?

As the pain continued to increase, Liam could sense Ian's distress, and he was freaking out so much that he totally ignored Solomon, Kerry and Alyssa who were staring at him completely stunned by this revelation.

Suddenly the pain he had been experiencing turned into a torrent of power, he could feel this power rushing in Ian's veins through their bond, and it was then that he finally heard him, Ian was calling him, he was desperately calling him.

At that moment he looked up and saw that the three of them were staring at the back of their hands with a bewildered gaze.

Liam wanted to ask them what the problem was with their hands, but as Ian was still calling him he was obviously his priority at the moment.

And, after trying several times, he still hadn't been able to reach him via their telepathic link, and he was starting to feel helpless.

Feeling frustrated and anxious he was about to use the Teleportation Talisman paper that Kevin had given to him to go back to the Sun Sect and looked for the love of his love when his Union mark started to burn him, and when he looked at it, he saw that it had turned golden.

Instinctively, he raised his hand palm forward towards the center of the living room and a golden light shot from his hand and turned into a vortex, he knew that Ian was on the other side of that golden vortex so he didn't think more than that and he told them : "I'm leaving, Ian is on the other side of this vortex and he needs me."

Solomon then said, taking his arm before he could cross the vortex : "We are coming with you, if Ian is in trouble let us help you."

Liam just nodded and the 4 of them passed the golden vortex which disappeared as soon as they had gone through it.


When Kevin saw that it was Liam and possibly Solomon and other demons, he motioned to Alan that they had to go and Alan nodded before grabbing Kevin by the waist to go faster.

When they got to Liam's side, Kevin wasted no time and he grabbed his arm to hold him back as Liam had already started walking towards the pillar of fire with a determined gaze.

Kevin then told him : "Liam wait ! Listen to me first before going to rescue Ian, it's important.

What is happening to Ian right now is the equivalent of what happens when a Warrior Spirit loses control."

Liam looked at him worried and asked him : "Kevin, I can still feel his pain but it's getting better from what it was, the problem now is that he can't control this influx of power, damn it but what the hell happened ? Why are you all here and how did you get to the Wildlands ? ... Wait, don't answer me now, all I want to know is how to help him."

Alan then said to him : "That's good because it would take too long to explain it to you and we don't have time for that.

We have to find a way to approach him and put down that pillar of fire. Liam we need to get the hell out of here quickly, because we must have already caught the attention of more than one person."

He added then : "What was that golden vortex ? I never saw one like this before."

Liam told him while wondering what would happen to him if he tried to just force his way through this fire : "It's the Union mark, it's thanks to her that I have been able to get there to reach him."

Kevin hearing that got an idea and to be sure he asked him : "Wait, do you mean that it was the Union mark that created this passage so that you could join Ian ?"

Liam nodded and said : "I heard him calling me, listen I know it's unreasonable, but let me go, he needs me."

Kevin let go of his arm and he took his left hand where the Union mark was still in its golden color, then he said hoping he guessed it right : "Use your Union mark as a shield, if that mark got you here and allowed you to hear him, it will probably help you to reach him.

Once you will have found him he may not recognize you, you have to use something that he can only associate to you, a nickname maybe, a gesture, something that makes him react, do you understand ?"

Liam nodded and said : " I got it, let me go now … He fucking needs me."

Kevin stepped aside and let him go, Liam was anxious and nervous but he knew that he had listened to his recommendations, everything should be okay, right ?

Liam wasn't an idiot and when he had heard Kevin saying that Ian was experiencing something similar to a Warrior Spirit he had listened to him intently.

He knew that if someone was able to help him to get Ian back it was Kevin, because he was the only one who had some knowledge about the Warrior Spirits.

He approached the pillar of fire with his left hand in front of him and as Kevin had predicted, a golden shield formed around him and protected him from this infernal fire.

It was the first time he had seen something like this, and he had never felt such power before, it was mind blowing.

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