"Oh, Darling. Aphrodite asked me to give you this." Leona reached into her pocket and pulled out a chunky cell phone.

Victor picked up his cell phone and examined it. Then, he raised an eyebrow when he saw familiar writing on the back of the cell phone: "Runes?"

"Aphrodite said it was Enchanted with Norse Runes for safety."

"Probably Scathach's work."

"Mhm." Leona nodded as she returned to snuggle close to Victor.

Something that Rose, Eleonor, Haruna, and Mizuki did as well. They were all spread out on the bed, being lazy; even Rose, who was usually quite strict, couldn't take it and became more relaxed.

Conversations between the group were occasionally overheard, and overall the women got along very well with one another. "What movies are we going to watch today?" Leona asked.

"I don't know, but the first ones will definitely be the first six Star Wars movies. We need to show Eve and everyone who hasn't watched movies the beauty of sci-fi."

"Mhm, what about the new Star Wars Trilogy?"

"We don't talk about that here," Victor stated firmly.

Leona laughed softly at Victor's reaction. She knew very well Victor's distaste for the new movies.

There were several taboos between the group's more 'cultured' members.

For movie lovers like Victor, Leon, Edward, and Anna, the new Star Wars Trilogy was a crime against humanity. In their opinion, it shouldn't even exist.

For lovers of books like Lacus, Sasha, Roberta, Maria, and Bruna, the continuation of the first 7 Harry Potter books, titled 'Cursed Child', was a direct affront to humanity, and such an abomination must be expunged forever.

For Anime lovers like Ruby, Pepper, Leona, Eve, and Fred, the continuation of everyone's favorite blonde ninja titled 'Boruto' was such a crime that the mere mention of that name made the aforementioned individuals spit on the ground in heartbreak.

Similar to a certain snake-faced wizard, the name of The Son of The 7th Hokage had become taboo for these members.

These three sequels were 'affectionately' referred to as the three most unwanted sequels in the history of modern culture.

"You know, ever since I was young, I'd dreamed of being like this with you." She snuggled closer into his shoulder.

"...At that time, it wasn't possible due to our circumstances, huh," Victor commented.

"Indeed. You were a weak and sickly Human, and I was the 'failure' of a most renowned Werewolf Bloodline. Although I didn't suffer so much from that title, after all, I lived in the Human World; it was still a burden to see my brother growing stronger while I was wasting away from my illness."

"..." Victor didn't add anything because he thought she was correct. When he was Human, despite trying his best to change his situation, the illness he had in his body completely prevented any kind of overexertion.

"When I was younger, I felt a connection with you due to our similar situations," Victor said as memories of the past

returned to him.

Despite having memories of hundreds of Beings within him, the 'core' memories that represented Victor's entire existence were well protected within his Soul. He would never forget who he was.

"Two individuals trapped in their bodies due to circumstances they couldn't control." Victor laughed: "Kind of matched, didn't we?"

"Indeed." Leona shared a gentle laugh with Victor.

"In the past, I felt the same way because when I Awakened my Werewolf side that fateful night, my instinct was not to want to cause chaos or to kill people but to mark someone who was my equal." Leona lifted her head, and her azure blue eyes met Victor's Draconic violet eyes.

"You, Vic."

"...Oh." A look of realization appeared on his face.

"That was you, wasn't it? On that day..."

"Yeah... I guess I never got to tell you that, huh."

"Yes, you never told me." Victor stroked Leona's head, making the Werewolf lay her head on his chest with a smile on her face:

"To be honest, I completely lost my memories of that night. I only know little about what happened because I learned it from Ruby, Sasha, and Violet's memories."

"Mhm... That day, I was surprised by my sudden Awakening. Usually, when Werewolves are about to Awaken, there are clear signs of it, such as an increase in strength, inexplicable hunger, etc. Thanks to these signs, the Werewolf's Family can isolate the Awakening member so they don't cause chaos, but that didn't happen to me since my Awakening was so abrupt."

"As I said before, my first instinct when I changed was to look for my 'equal' as quickly as possible and mark him. I imprinted on you so strongly that even my Werewolf side wanted you." She chuckled.

"I guess even when I was younger, I was irresistible, huh." Leona snorted as she lightly patted his chest, "Jerk."

Victor laughed and kissed Leona's lips.

Leona wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds, then they pulled away, and Leona put her head back on his chest. She loved the feeling of hearing his heartbeat. It was such a powerful sound and, at the same time, so gentle; it was very comforting.

They spent a moment in silence while Victor caressed Leona's head and snow-white hair. He also didn't forget to caress Mizuki's hair, who was lying on his leg, listening to everything in silence.

In fact, all the girls were listening to Victor and Leona's conversation, but they didn't stop talking to each other to listen to them more carefully since that was a rude attitude. Clearly, this conversation was important to both Victor and Leona, and these memories were the 'connection' they both had with each other.

And they respected that, after all, each one present here had a 'connection' and 'memories' that united them with Victor.

"I wonder if there's an Alternate Universe where I'm a Werewolf who went to Samar as a Progenitor... Huhu, that'd be interesting."

Leona rolled her eyes, "You didn't even consider being a Beta or Alpha but rather went straight to a Progenitor, huh."

"Well, if I had the same Blood Type as I did when I was Human in this Alternate Universe or timeline, I would 100% be a Progenitor Werewolf for sure."

"Where do you get that confidence?"

"The Golden Blood, or as Humans call it, RH Null Blood, is one of the 'keys' for a Being to become a Progenitor related to Vampires or Werewolves."

"..." Now that was a topic that caught everyone's attention, and everyone immediately stopped talking and looked at Victor curiously.

Leona raised an eyebrow and moved away from Victor a little, then she looked into his eyes and asked:

"What do you mean one of the 'Keys'?"

"It's precisely as I said. Having RH Null Blood isn't enough to turn someone into a Progenitor; you have to survive the whole process."

"Just surviving the process of becoming the Progenitor Vampire is quite a challenge, but surviving what I experienced is next to impossible."

"I don't remember how I survived, but I do know that my Soul was shattered and rebuilt that night. Because not only was I facing my revival as a Vampire Progenitor, I was also facing the 'Ritual' that the girls performed, the 'blood' of The Three Most Powerful Vampire Bloodlines, the remnants of Vlad's 'Will' from his blood that was present in their Bloodlines, and your Werewolf Venom."

"..." The girls didn't know how to react to that information. Knowing that Victor could have died that day wasn't a very pleasant thing to think about. After all, if he had died, they wouldn't be experiencing the peace and happiness they felt right now; directly or indirectly, his very existence influenced everyone around him.

His presence was so significant that living in a world without Victor was something extremely difficult to think about. They could imagine scenarios, but none were good for them or the world itself.

After all, if Victor hadn't been alive, the war between Demons and Angels would have turned out entirely differently. Ariel would have been corrupted, The Inquisition would have lost a lot before it could prepare, and most likely, Diablo's sneaky plans would have come to fruition, and he would have become a perfect existence that broke the Balance.

Although the last part was difficult to judge, no one could predict the movements of Primordial Beings.

But one thing they were sure of, things would have been much worse without his direct or indirect influence in this war.

"Theoretically, I shouldn't have been able to survive, but somehow, I did. I doubt it was because of my will since, although I can be arrogant, I'm not blind. My will and determination in the past weren't even 1% of what it is today, and the pain of my Soul, my very existence, being torn apart was not something my younger self could bear."

"Something, or someone, intervened. Is that what you're saying?" Leona asked.

"Mhm, I don't think it's 'someone', but probably 'something'.

After all, that night was quite unusual. So it was probably your Werewolf Venom that helped me... I'm not sure."

"... It's possible. Even in the early stages of changing from Human to Werewolf, the individual gains some regeneration, and as I'm an Alpha, this regeneration is a little stronger than normal."

"..." A silence fell in the room as Victor thought about the events of that night more calmly until he broke this silence:

"I think my 'blood' most likely helped me."

"... What do you mean?"

"The Blood of a Progenitor has a 'Will' of its own; you might even call it instinct. That's where my arrogance and innate desire not to submit to anyone are born."

"Is it something like a Dragon's innate 'Pride'?" Haruna asked.


"So you're saying your blood called all those adversities you explained 'its bitch' and consumed them all as food?" Leona summarized.

"..." Victor's lips trembled a little at Leona's analogy. "Correct."

"Hmm, that's quite possible. After all, it's the Progenitor blood we're talking about here, something that creates entire Races. So it would be weird if it wasn't strong." Rose spoke.

"So we can say that it's the mixing of the Progenitor's blood and Victor's Will. Now can we move on?" Leona spoke with visible discomfort on her face.

The girls and Victor looked at Leona.

"I don't like to think about the possibility of living a life without Victor."

Victor smiled gently and pulled Leona into one arm as he began to stroke her head.

"I agree with Leona. There's no use thinking about it now, the important thing was that Victor survived, and that's all." Eleonor spoke as she grabbed a pillow and went to lie down on one side of the giant bed.

As this bed was made to accommodate 50 people easily, it was quite spacious and filled with pillows of various sizes and very fluffy blankets.

"Indeed, let's change the subject, so Mizuki, switch places with me."

"..." Mizuki looked at Haruna with a raised eyebrow.

"What does this matter have to do with the previous discussion?"

"It doesn't matter. Just switch places with me."

"Never. You've had your snuggle, so go grab a pillow or something." She snorted and snuggled even closer to Victor.

"Ughh... I haven't had enough! And because of a certain Onmyoji, he didn't finish brushing my tails! Look, they are completely messed up." Haruna spoke as she grabbed one of her tails and showed it to Mizuki.

Mizuki turned her head towards Haruna and looked at her tail, then she snorted again and said:

"I missed the part where that's my problem."

"...." Veins bulged on Haruna's head, and the pupils of her gaze narrowed a bit in irritation.

Victor chuckled in amusement at Mizuki's attitude and the reference to a past superhero movie she unknowingly dropped. To think that they were once enemies was hard for Victor to believe. Mizuki was a pretty laid-back woman when she wasn't overwhelmed by her problems.

'If you think about it, she was the first 'strong' enemy I faced, huh.' Victor thought.

While Mizuki and Haruna were exchanging barbs with each other, the door opened, and a blonde head popped through.

"Darling, I just heard from the Maids that we are going to have a movie session. Is that true!?"

Victor looked at Sasha, who wore black sneakers, black leggings, and a sports bra of the same color. As always, she had her long golden hair tied in a ponytail.

She had clearly just returned from an intense workout, the proof of which was the sheen of sweat on her body.

Containing his desire to attack Sasha, after all, this image of her was quite sexy, he spoke:

"Yes, will you participate?"

"Obviously!" Sasha flashed a big smile.

"Fufufu ~, won't you invite me, Darling~?" Another blonde head appeared behind Sasha's and hugged her from behind.

"Mother! Don't hug me. I'm sweaty!"

"Don't worry; I'm sweaty too... And the sight of mother and daughter embracing like this while sweaty is very much our Husband's desire, isn't it~?" Natashia displayed a perverted smile as she looked at Victor.

Like her daughter, she was wearing a similar outfit but in white.

"You know me so well, Natashia." Victor did not deny the statement. After all, Natashia and Sasha could clearly feel his feelings and desires through the Ritual connection.

"Of course, fufufu~."

The women lying on the bed rolled their eyes at the 'horny' Natashia.

Rose grabbed a pillow near her and threw it toward the mother and daughter.

"No horny allowed!"

Mother and daughter quickly broke apart and dodged the pillow, which flew towards them and hit the wall with a loud crash.

"..." The group just stared blankly at the pillow fixed to the wall.

"Hmm... What is that pillow made of?" Leona asked curiously. "Monster leather." Eleanor pointed.

"Holy fuck, no wonder it didn't rip... Wait, in that case, why wasn't the wall drilled?" Leona pointed.

"Well, this is not a wall made of brick and mortar. It's made of other, stronger materials." Mizuki spoke: "At least that's what I vaguely heard from Ruby."

"This is a material made from trees and stones found in Nightingale. I bought some products like that to renovate my mansion." Haruna joined in the discussion: "The materials on this planet are more resistant than those on Earth."

While some girls argued about the wall and the materials used, a little chaos broke out between Natashia, Sasha, and Rose.

"What the hell, Rose! What was that!? Do you desire to kill us!?" Natashia screamed.

"If it weren't me and my mother here, the individual would definitely suffer some bodily harm..." Sasha spoke.

"I'm sorry! I did not think it would be so strong! I just wanted to play lightly!" Rose spoke.

"Huh? How could an Elder Vampire of your caliber not control her strength!? Are you kidding me!?"

"Well, about that..." She glanced surreptitiously at Victor.

"...Oh." Words no longer needed to be uttered for Natashia to understand what Rose was implying. After all, she had experienced the same thing herself.

"Darling, Darling!"

"Hmm? What is it, Sasha?" Victor looks at Sasha.

Sasha's smile grew slightly, and she asked, "Shall we take a shower?"

Victor displayed a small smile as he sensed Sasha's desire and understood her intentions.

Natashia put her hand over her mouth and laughed with a perverted smile. 'Hehehe~, my daughter is becoming more open with her desires! Good! Mommy is proud!'

"Horny bitch..." Leona growled.

"What!? What did you say, you mangy mutt?!"

"You heard me! I can smell your hard-on from here!"

"Agreed, so can I." Haruna nodded.

Sasha snorted as she crossed her arms, emphasizing her breasts:

"Humpf, that's just my sweat! Your senses are wrong! Maybe you should get that checked out!"

Before the 'discussion' could go any further, Victor clapped his hands once to get everyone's attention and said, smiling gently:

"Why don't we all shower? After all, the Maids will take a while to complete all the preparations."

"...." The group of women looked at each other and then nodded.

"Sounds good."



Confirming sounds were heard all around.

"Good. In that case, let's go to the bathroom!" Victor got out of bed.


Victor chuckled in amusement, and it was worth mentioning that he was loving his 'vacation', and he wasn't the only one. All of them were very much enjoying their time with Victor, which was why those with more important jobs were finishing work quickly to stay with Victor.


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