In a vast arena made for Samar fighters to fight each other. Victor and Adam stared at each other.

"It's time for the duel, Adam! I won't use any Powers in this duel, just my physique." Victor declared with a small smile as he bumped his fists together.

| Adam raised an eyebrow as he looked at what he was wearing and what Victor was wearing.

While he wore full armor and was holding a Naginata, Victor was only dressed in long wide black pants with red stripes. On his hands were wrappings made with white material covering his entire hand to the middle of the arm, almost reaching the elbow. Victor's only visible body parts were his upper body, bare feet, and the fingers of his hand. Other than that, he wasn't wearing anything.

"... Aren't you underestimating me too much, Alucard?" Fighting with just his physical body against a Werewolf who specialized in that area? Was he crazy?

Victor's smile grew:

"I should say this, Adam. Aren't you underestimating me too much?"

"Do you think that armor will stop me?"

A vein bulged on Adam's head. 'This brat is really good at pissing me off.'

"Hmm? They arrived." Victor spoke.

Victor and Adam looked at the stands and saw Victor's group consisting of Leona, Anna, Natalia, Kaguya, Bruna, Eve, Roberta, and Maria.

For obvious reasons, Roxanne and Big Guy remained inside Victor's Soul. It was not good to reveal your assets to strangers.

"Ohhhh! Look at that! Anna, Natalia, take a photo! Quick!" Leona screamed with eyes shining like stars as she stared at Victor's appearance.

"W-Wait, don't pull me into the sun! I will burn to death!" Anna resisted Leona's tug.

"Stop the drama, Anna." Leona snorted, "You won't burn to death. You are a Noble Vampire of a Progenitor's Bloodline. The only thing that will happen is you will feel pain... A lot of pain... And if you stay in the sun, you will eventually die."

"This is so much worse! I do not want to suffer!"

"Hmm, Master looks really hot in that outfit..." Eve muttered in a mosquito-like voice.

When she realized she had voiced her thoughts aloud, she looked around and shuddered when she saw the smile on Roberta's and Maria's faces.

"Don't say anything." Her eyes glittered menacingly.

Would Maria and Roberta listen to her? Of course not.

"Fufufu, there's nothing wrong with finding your Husband handsome, Eve." Roberta laughed.

"He is not my Husband; he is my father." Eve's face darkened even more when she realized she'd dug her grave deeper.

"Father-daughter play? I know you have a soft spot for that kind of stuff, but let's keep it a secret, shall we?" Maria smiled.

"It's not that!"

While the other women were joking with each other, Bruna and Natalia, who were not participating in the conversation, silently took their cell phones and started taking pictures of Victor. They shamelessly put the cell phone's camera in a mode that took several photos consecutively.

'This is definitely going into my collection.' Bruna thought. 'Maybe I'll sell some pictures to Violet, Agnes, Aphrodite, and Natashia for a good price too.'

In the girls' inner circle, a trade related to Victor's photos occurred between them. Leona, Violet, and Natashia had the most 'rare' photos of the man. The three of them dominated the market and would buy any photo or video they considered rare.

This trade was only made between Victor's Wives, and no photos were leaked outside the inner circle... Only a few selected photos were used to lure women into the Blood God Religion.

Even though Violet, Natashia, and Leona had the rarest pictures of Victor, there was one person whom they could never beat.

Anna Alucard, Victor's mother.

She was the one who had the most pictures of Victor. She was the secret head of this trade that everyone but Anna herself knew about.

"... One question, Victor..."

"Hmm?" Victor pulled his attention away from the stands and looked at Adam.

"Are you bonded with everyone there?" The older Werewolf asked.

"Obviously," Victor answered as if it were natural.

Adam's expression darkened.

'Even his own mother!?' He never expected the man to go that far.

'He is a deviant! I need to save my daughter!'

"..." Victor narrowed his eyes as he felt Adam's emotions getting stronger.

'Did I say something wrong?'

Analyzing his response, Victor realized what he had said.

"Adam, you're getting something wrong. I don't have that kind of relationship with my mother! You degenerate old man!"

"I am not the one with a Harem of a thousand Wives! You damned degenerate!"

"1000 Wives...? I'm not Solomon, you bastard! And no matter how much you look at it, a harem of 1000 women is already overkill!"

Victor very much doubted whether a man could satisfy 1000 women without having some ability to manipulate Time.

"..." The girls stopped talking to each other and looked at Arena with a confused look.

"Why did they start verbally yelling at each other all of a sudden?" Roberta asked what everyone wanted to know.

Fortunately, Bruna and Natalia, who were paying attention from the beginning, were around to answer their questions: "Adam mistook Lady Anna as one of Victor's Wives, and they got into an argument about it," Natalia spoke in a monotone. All the girls looked curiously at Anna.

"...Eh?" Anna made a surprised face, and when she saw the girls' gazes on her, she pointed at herself.

"Me? Why me? I did nothing!"

The girls eyed Anna's embarrassed reaction suspiciously but decided not to comment on it.

"Well, he realized you weren't a Human anymore, and since he said Victor was a degenerate, he must have thought you were one of his Wives, too," Bruna explained gently.

"...That fucker...." She gritted her teeth as her eyes glowed blood red, "Making baseless accusations like that!"

The surrounding girls broke out in a cold sweat when they felt Anna's killing intent. It was so heavy!

"Victor! Spank that old man! Demonstrate your superiority!"

"..." Adam and Victor were speechless when they heard what Anna said.

The blow was even worse on Adam, who had known Anna for a long time.

Weren't we friends? Why does this woman want to see me being beaten? Is she manic like her son?' Adam asked himself several questions.

Victor smiled at his mother and declared something that made Adam even angrier:

"Of course, leave it to me. I will teach this old man the meaning of 'humility'."


"Oh? They are already here."

Hearing a heavy, authoritative voice, the group looked towards the entrance beside Victor's group and saw the Werewolf King's family arriving.

Volk Fenrir, The King of Werewolves; Tasha Fenrir, The Werewolf Queen; The First Werewolf Prince, Fanir; The Second Werewolf Prince, Anderson; and the Third Werewolf Prince, Thomas Fenrir.

"Oya... Mah..." Tasha looked intently at Victor.

'He's so hot that I frankly wouldn't care about social norms if it were him... I can understand Leona's feelings even more now.'

Victor smiled kindly at Tasha, and that bright smile made The Werewolf Queen involuntarily blush a little. Luckily, she was very proficient at maintaining a poker face that managed to hide her reaction.

If she didn't manage to do that, she could already see the shit storm brewing on the horizon. Her husband was a jealous man, after all.

Volk narrowed his eyes at Tasha when he saw her reaction. He didn't like that one bit, but he didn't blame her. After all, he was feeling something similar to her himself.

Victor's Charm was just that strong. He attracted everyone and everything like he was a God of Beauty.

'He's like a male version of Aphrodite.' Volk thought.

And The King of Werewolves knew how difficult it was to remain rational around Aphrodite, especially for instinctive creatures like Werewolves.

Victor looked at every member of the Werewolf King's family, and he realized that, unlike Vlad, Volk was blessed with capable sons.

'I think environment matters a lot, huh.' Victor thought.

His gaze fell on the First Prince, and he saw the man flinch a little. Victor's smile grew, but unlike the smile he gave Tasha, his smile for the Prince was more predatory.

His 'predatory' smile seemed more like a 'knowledgeable' smile as if Victor knew something about Fanir.

This realization made Tasha and Volk narrow their eyes. They weren't fools. There were many obvious clues. Their son's abnormal reaction and the knowing smile of The King of Hell were just the triggers for a suspicion that the two already had. The Queen and King looked at each other and nodded. With just that gesture, they conveyed a lot of information to each other.

One thing was for sure: Tasha would have a lot of work to do after this duel.

After all, she was responsible for dealing with the 'dark' side of Werewolf society.

'The Uruky Clan is the first step; I hope my Betas find something useful with the Patriarch.' Tasha thought to herself.

Victor was delighted by the feeling of fear coming from Fanir, and then his gaze went to Thomas. He looked at the boy for a few seconds with his Dragon Eyes and lost interest when he saw nothing special.

'The boy has a God's Blessing and Divinity lying dormant within him, but that's all.' He didn't think it was strange that the boy had Godhood. After all, Tasha Fenrir was a Goddess.

When Victor returned to look at Adam, he felt his senses pick up on something, and he quickly glanced toward the other side of the bleachers with a serious look.

"... This presence... It can't be..." Adam shuddered visibly and quickly looked at Volk.

The Werewolf King gave an apologetic smile, "As this is a duel to resolve an internal problem of Clan Lykos... The Matriarch of Clan Lykos, Maya Elizabeth Lykos, has been invited."

"Little Adam~, you've been doing some interesting things, haven't you? I wonder why you didn't invite me~?"

A woman appeared in the stands. She was tall, around 187 CM tall. Like all of the Lykos Clan, she had loose snow-white hair that reached her shoulders, and her eyes were sky blue, creating a beautiful contrast with her chocolate skin.

On her lower body, she wore tight black pants ripped at the thighs and black high heels with gold accents that made her slightly taller than her usual height.

She wasn't wearing anything special on her upper body, just a simple black top with silver designs of a wolf that covered her breasts that weren't too big or too small, just average and balanced, as all things in the Universe should be.

Because of her attire, her warrior-toned body was on full display, as were her six packs of defined abs.

She was the perfect image of what modern men describe as a femme fatale.

"I was really sad, you know?" The woman smiled widely with a seductive smile.

"M-M-Mother...!" Adam was screaming internally when he saw his mother. He quickly looked at Volk.

'Why the fuck did you invite this troublesome woman!?' That was what Adam's eyes said to Volk.

Volk just shrugged. He didn't have a choice, okay? This was the law. When a dispute arises relating to an internal issue of the Clan, the Clan Leader must be called.

And Maya, from the beginning, never abandoned the Title of Leader of the Clan, the Clan Lykos had representatives who could speak for her. Still, the Leader and Matriarch of the Clan was only Maya Elizabeth Lykos.

Adam looked at his mother again, and he felt a headache. He really just wanted to get away from here right now.

'Fuck, this is all Victor's fault!'

"???" Victor looked confusedly at Adam when he sensed his feelings. 'Why is he blaming me?'


[A/N: Maya in Hebrew can also mean 'mother' or 'great', generally meaning a great and capable mother.]

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