Chapter 863: They never learn... But this time it will be different.

After resolving Sasha and Victoria's problem, Victor judged that his presence was no longer necessary, from now on, it was the Fulger family's own problem.

Not to mention that he needed to prepare for what was to come.

Therefore, he left this matter in the hands of Natashia and Sasha, of course, before leaving, he didn't forget to order everyone to keep an eye on Naty and Carmila.

As the next event would be an important occasion, Victor made sure everyone 'attended' the meeting. And when he said them all, it didn't just mean they were his wives.

And Yes ALL your allies. The Demons of Hell he controls, the leaders of his own faction, of course his own religion would also watch. Victor ordered his disciple to call the archbishops of his religion, and make them watch what is about to happen.

He wanted everyone related to them to see what is about to happen.

Of course, such an action worried Sasha, Ruby, Violet, and Anna a little. If Victor made a point of stopping their training to want them to go on the broadcast, it's because something very serious happened.

And when they heard Nyx and Jeanne's explanations about what the Egyptian pantheon did... All of them without exception understood that he was definitely going to do something.

In the ridiculously large room where all the girls related to Victor were, they all looked at a gigantic screen that showed the Primordial's palace responsible for maintaining balance.

"Silence, girls! It's starting!" Violet, who had slightly longer hair, shouted, bringing order to the mess.

Violet's words made everyone fall silent and look at the screen curiously.

Except for Ruby who was looking at the girls one by one like she was making a mental list.

"... Where is my mother?" Ruby asked the question of the millennium when she couldn't find her mother.

"Didn't you know?" Jeanne spoke.

"Did you know what?" Ruby raised her eyebrow.

"She was the one Victor invited as his date." Jeanne explained.

Initially, Victor was going to take Jeanne himself, but when he heard that piece of information from her killers... He changed his mind.

If Jeanne was the same as saying he is going in peace offering.

Bringing in Scatahch is the same as declaring war.

"...Fuck." That was all Ruby said as she put her hand over her brow.

"That's bad, isn't it?" Lilith murmured to her daughter.

"Yes, it is." Lily spoke.

"But, that doesn't change. We will do whatever our king wishes." Aline said.

The demon women just nodded in agreement.

"...So many powerful women...He really is a lucky man."

"Wrong, Mother. We are lucky to have him." Natashia smiled condescendingly.

Carmila's lips twitched slightly in annoyance when she noticed her daughter's tone, she had been with her daughter long enough to understand when the woman was trying to provoke her.

Before she can say anything to Natashia, the screen changes.

"From now on, the gathering of supernatural beings will begin."

Soon the appearance of an old man with an eye patch, along with two men behind him was seen.

"First guest, the one known as All Father, the god of war, the father god of all Norsemen, Odin!"

The girls just looked at everything with neutral eyes, the silence that followed was broken by Violet.

"I don't know whose idiot decision it was, but I congratulate you on your stupidity." While watching the God King walk along with the two gods Thor, and Loki.

"They managed to attract the attention of an entire dragon's nest by placing a bounty on our heads with even specific instructions to capture us alive to be used as a breeding cow."

The girls' faces darkened with hostile intent, just remembering what Gaia, Nyx, and Jeanne told her, they growled in pure hostility.

"Father... Is Angry?"

Ophis who was on Anna's lap asked.

"Angry? Wrong, my dear daughter." Violet shook her head from side to side as she smiled in amusement.

"Darling is not simply 'annoyed.' It would be foolish of me to quantify the depth of her annoyance, but one thing is certain."

"I've only seen him like this a few times, and the last few times it happened, a pantheon disappeared from the map, and almost an entire country disappeared from the face of the earth."

"And it only happened to a few members back then, this time, some idiot somehow got information about us, and made another idiot put a target on our backs." Violet spoke as she looked at Nyx suspiciously.

"... I already said it wasn't me! I would never betray Victor!" Nyx felt offended, she's very smart, okay? She's not that stupid.

Violet didn't say anything, she just continued: "This time, they're targeting all of us... So, yes. Victor is not well now, and if he took Scathach who in our faction only loses in strength to him, and as everyone knows, shares a similar personality to him."

Violet looks back at the screen while showing a sadistic smile.

"They are fucked."

A deafening silence fell around them, until that silence was broken by Violet.

"Language, Violet!" Anna scolded her.

Violet just snorted.

"I just hope he doesn't overdo it, we need allies, not to be enemies of the world."

"My dear Jeanne, you underestimate how fatal my husband's charm is."

"...I don't underestimate him." Jeanne replied Violet.

"Yes, you underestimate him. Even if he declares war on the world, I am 100% sure that even in this state, he will find allies." Violet spoke.

"Victor is the type of man who finds himself thrown onto a planet where he knows nothing, not even the culture of the planet. In less than a few years, he will build a powerful faction upon himself."

"The funny thing is he won't even realize he built this faction because he's just being himself." Sasha laughed.

"I can picture this scene perfectly in my head." Ruby smiled.

The Scarlett sisters nodded in agreement with Ruby, the same applied to the demonic women.

"Well, he did something similar in hell... I can understand that." Helena said.

"Therefore, you must not have war, or future wars. You must fear Victor's reaction to these wars." Violet continued.

"You should fear the simple fact that Victor won't lose control and decide to end everything. Remember, Jeanne. What keeps the monster inside Victor from unleashing is not his ego, or his warrior heart."

"It's us."

"Because of this, messing with us is the same as messing with a dragon's reverse scale." Violet's violet eyes had long since become lifeless causing several girls to gulp at the atmosphere around her.

Aphrodite who had eyes similar to Violet's just smiled widely as she nodded several times, a reaction that was echoed by Natashia, Agnes, and Morgana.

Even the demonic women agreed with these thoughts, except for Lilith who was sweating like a pig about to be slaughtered when she saw this gathering of 'madmen' here.

'I will definitely not become like that!' Lilith promised herself, this level of madness was dangerous, and contagious, and seemed to spread like a plague.

She could well tell that there were certain levels of crazy in this crazy harem, but those at the top were definitely Violet, Natashia, Agnes, Morgana, Aphrodite, and probably Scathach herself as well.

But it's not like they were the only ones, the other girls like Ruby, Sasha, Pepper, Mizuki, Kaguya, Maria, Bruna, Eve, Natalia, and Roberta weren't far behind.

This was a crazy nest!

Jeanne thought about Violet's words, and she realized that she was right, as a being that controlled 70% of existence, he could cause some pretty frightening damage.

'But... I still hope he doesn't overdo it, after all, we need allies for future enemies.' Jeanne's thinking was that the more 'disposable' allies they had, the less damage their own faction would suffer in the future.

That is, his thoughts may seem good on the surface, but they were quite cruel.

As a female dragon, and mother, instinctively, she would always protect her fellow creatures, and as the wife of Victor, a man who valued family, she would always side with her family.


The names started coming after Odin, Loki and Thor.

Just like in the past, the host, The owner of The Limbo prison, the man responsible for maintaining the balance of everything in the universe announced each of the participants present.

Odin was the first.

Next came Ra, along with a very broken Seth, and Anubis.

Shiva was next, the god of destruction might have a calm and neutral appearance, but more sensitive beings could see that he was quite upset, probably due to internal issues within his own pantheon, and his god King.

An appearance that surprised everyone a little was the appearance of Sucellus, the supreme god of the Celts, but his presence was not as impactful as the next one on the list.

"Creator of angels, the one who was said to create humanity, known also as the god of creation, and of light, the heavenly father."

When the camera went to the being covered in light, followed by two archangels.

Some communities in the human world who were also watching went crazy.

Knowing that gods exist was shocking, and something they would never think of in the past, knowing that THE BIG G exists was something completely different.

The fact that he had no form like the other king gods could be the fact that he was a pure being of light, some thought.


Unknown headquarters, hidden by the power of the blood god himself.

"So he really exists…" One of the faithful muttered upon seeing the god.

Following the order of her master, and her god, Valeria Alekerth showed the meeting to all the highest members of the blood god religion.

A strange silence fell on the 169 members present here, all of these women were human, and most fervent believers of the blood god religion.

Valeria Alekerth didn't say anything, and just nodded as if she was agreeing with the faithful's words, a gesture that everyone saw, after all, she was standing on a high platform that everyone could see her every gesture, next to her the Staff who God gave them directly to be seen by all.

A solemn feeling followed the silence, but soon this feeling was changed to irritation, and then to indifference.

They were angry because this god always existed but never did anything to change anything, he always remained passive.

They felt indifference because it no longer mattered, after all, unlike the other gods, their god really helped him, and fulfilled his words.

The perfect example of this was the high priestess, once a weak and normal human woman, now a dangerous woman who could control her own death, all because of her new god.

Instead of wasting time hating or feeling angry at someone who didn't care about them, they were focusing their energy on something more productive.

"I wonder when he will appear…"

"This meeting is happening because of him... So he will probably be the last one?"

"Ahh~, I can't wait to see you."

Silent conversations like this began to happen in hushed tones.

Each of these women occupied an important position in the religion, they were the most devout, the ones who made the most effort, and the ones who received the most rewards.

Previously simple women, now they were beautiful women almost rivaling a supernatural creature like vampires.

All this thanks to the 'blessings' of the goddesses who are the wives of your god, may he bless you all.

And these conversations made a smile appear on Valeria's face. 'As expected of my god, you ordered them to attend this important meeting because of this, huh? You want to further reinforce their devotion by presenting how false gods behave.'

If the devotion of these women grows even stronger, that devotion will spread to their subordinates, and this will cause a chain effect that will spread to all the acolytes.


After the heavenly father's appearance, a beautiful woman in traditional Japanese dresses appeared, she held a fan in her hand, and her eyes shone golden the color of the sun.

Amaterasu, the God Queen of the Shinto pantheon, behind her stood her two brothers, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo.

Again a small commotion happened this time in the Japanese supernatural community that was observing everything, the reason for this? It was that they saw Amaterasu's face!

Normally, the God Queen never showed herself to anyone, even the most famous and strongest Youkai only found her through a curtain or something that prevents them from seeing her face.

Even the gods of the Shinto pantheon rarely saw Amaterasu's face.

Only a select few like his own brothers had this privilege.

Seeing how beautiful the sun goddess was left everyone in awe.

"Hmm, he's not here yet." Amaterasu's words echoed across all corners of the world.

It was obvious who the woman was talking about, the same man responsible for this meeting taking place.

"What a shame." She shrugged her shoulders, and then walked towards the palace.


"She wants to, doesn't she?" Sasha asked.

"Yes, she does." Violet stated.

"Well, all the goddesses do, just look at Demeter." Ruby pointed out.

Victor's wives looked at Demeter who blushed slightly and hid her face in her daughter's bust.

"Unfortunately for them, they can only watch him from afar~." Aphrodite spoke with a gentle smile on her face, but her eyes were anything but gentle.

"Indeed." Violet smiled in agreement.

"Amaterasu is still as beautiful as ever..." Rhea said.

"Do you know her, Mother?" Hestia asked.

"Yes, I met her in the past, not to mention we are the same age."

"In other words, old as fuck." Violet spoke.

"Violet!" Ruby snapped.

"What? It is the truth."

"By God, Violet, I swear I will wash your mouth out with soap if you have a child in the future, I don't want her to have a foul mouth like her mother!"

"Humpf, you can't stop the Snow genes, we are delinquents by nature, all because of my mother."

"Oyy! Don't put the blame on me! I did nothing!" Agnes snapped.

"Uhum, and I'm a saint. I wonder who kept talking..... ... ....." Violet spoke barbarities that made even a sailor blush with embarrassment. "When I was younger."

Agnes shrank a little when she saw the look of the girls around her, she at least had the decency to blush and turn her face away, she knew she couldn't deny those words because there were women like Natashia, Morgana, and Jeanne who knew her in the past.


"What? You Wanna Fight, bitch?"

"I'm going to talk sense into that empty head of yours!"

While Ruby and Violet were starting a fight nearby.

Sasha looked at Ophis, and sighed in relief when she saw Anna covering the girl's ear, as she was wearing leather gloves, it was even more impossible for sound to get through.

"Good job, Anna." Sasha gave a thumbs up.

"Mmm." Anna nodded.

"Hmm, I want to play-…" As Maria was about to say something, like a mother duck, Kaguya quickly cut her off.

"You can not."


"Keep your pride as a maid, you are still at work." Kaguya pointed out.

"Ugh... Okay, boss."

Kaguya nodded satisfied, she wouldn't leave Maria, and Roberta free rein, she knows very well what kind of chaos will happen if these two women get together with Violet.

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