My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 977 977: Yandere Junketsu Is Very Possessive Of Her Master.

Chapter 977: Yandere Junketsu is very possessive of her master.

Victor, back to his usual height, looked at the sphere in his hands with curiosity. Currently, he was in the Demon King's demonic castle, his property in his personal hell.

According to Hela, in order for her to access the Abyss, she had to use her End ability as a guide. Apparently, this happens because END creatures exist in galaxies that have already had their 'end' in existence. Although these beings are not gods of END per se, they are the result of actions when an END God erases a galaxy and only the darkness of the sector remains." Victor thought.

"According to her, that being from the Abyss she summoned isn't even an adult in the abyss realm, you could say he's at the bottom of the food chain with the minions being even lower than him." Victor had a genuine interest in these beings.

After all, the first time he saw them, he felt 'called' by them, as if his existence was resonating with these beings, you could say it's the same feeling as Vampires from the same Clan meeting each other.

Although the feeling wasn't that strong, it was more like a familiarity in seeing someone of the same species.

"To access that realm, I need to exert the divinity of END... If I want to use the same method as Hela." Victor highly doubted there was only one method to reach the 'abyss'.

His thoughts were interrupted, and returned to the sphere in his hands. "And this sphere... It's giving me the same familiarity those abyss beings had given me, but only to a stronger degree."

Victor played with the sphere in his hand thinking about what to do, he wanted to 'explore' the existence of these spheres completely using his eyes to fully discern what this sphere is, but he decided not to do it for now, because of a single simple reason that this sphere seems to be connected to something, even without using the full extent of his powers, he could tell.

"Well... I've never feared anything, and it won't start now." Victor releases the sphere, and the sphere begins to float.

Victor murmurs several words in draconic language, and soon several layers of protection begin to appear around him, and around the entire room.

Approximately more than 6666 different Shields with different functions began to appear, but if we were to mention the 6 most important ones, they would be:

Anti-corruption, a shield capable of preventing any kind of corruption as long as it wasn't stronger than Victor, Roxanne, and Amara. Something shared by all the other protections.

Anti-manipulation, a shield capable of preventing any kind of control from mental control to charm control like Aphrodite's, although Victor is immune to these types of manipulations now, he wouldn't risk it, he learned from his mistakes after all.

Anti-invasion, a shield that prevents any kind of interference or passage to this sector, completely closing possible breaches in space.

Anti-observation, a shield that prevents the possible individual from the other side from observing anything beyond this room he is in now.

Anti-reality, a shield, or more precisely Victor's authority preventing whoever is on the other side from preventing the alteration of reality, thus putting him as the 'owner' of this reality he is in.

And last, but not least.

Anti-soul, a shield capable of protecting your soul, can be said to be the most important shield, as he put more energy into it.

There were other shields that he put up which prevented various possible scenarios, but these were the most important ones to mention. Victor was very cautious about whatever might be on the other side, even Roxanne and Amara themselves weren't fooling around while fully supporting Victor to ensure that his enormous energy supply never runs out, like his 'planet', the two women would do anything to protect him, after all, these were their most basic instincts in action.

"Okay, let's start..." When Victor was about to speak, his gauntlet dissolved into a slime-like liquid, and reformed in front of him as a Greatsword.

"Junketsu? What's wrong?"

The violet power around Junketsu flickered as if she were speaking to Victor, and upon hearing what she said, Victor laughed.

"Very well, you can do as you please." He wouldn't hinder Junketsu's overprotection, after all, this weapon had evolved much more than a simple weapon, due to the inherent connection this weapon has with Victor, it's not an exaggeration to say that the weapon itself is alive.

The power around Junketsu glowed with animation, and in the next moment, it dissolved into slime and lunged at Victor, all of Victor's demonic armor was completely consumed by Junketsu, and in the next moment, the sword itself became a complete full-body armor that even covered his face, giving off a macabre appearance.

The color themes of the armor changed to black and violet, a violet crystal formed on Victor's chest, a crystal that 'pulsated' as if alive, and with each pulse, the violet details pulsed with pure power.

For a moment, Victor felt completely 'whole' again, it was as if the part of the soul that Junketsu had fused completely with him, but still existed there as a separate being, it was a similar sensation he had when he merged with his Alter.

The form of his armor seemed like a hybrid form of his dragon form, and Junketsu itself.

"Since when can you do this?" Victor asked curiously as he was slightly surprised that his voice had changed because of the helmet that completely covered his face.

The crystal on Victor's chest glowed, and soon Junketsu's voice was heard not only to Victor as he always heard, but also to Amara and Roxanne who had never heard her voice.

"I was working on it when Master tried to replace me with some stupid technology." She grumbled quite annoyed as flashbacks of Vietnam appeared in her mind, Velnorah's words were like trauma to her who was born to 'protect' and 'kill' for Victor.

Amara and Roxanne looked at each other with an unbelievable look, even an 'object' had an 'obsession' with Victor, this was another level of nonsense they didn't expect... But this kind of event was very much like Victor.

"I was only able to do it recently when that white sphere helped me evolve even further due to my desires."

"... White sphere?"

"She?" A dagger appeared near Amara and pointed at her.

These words left Victor and Amara confused for a few seconds, but soon they understood what she meant.

"Oh, my Begin divinity, huh."

Victor understood how this was possible now, after all, theoretically, Junketsu was part of him, so it was obvious that his divinity would react to his desires.

But these words proved to Victor something he already knew, the divinities of Negativity, and Begin, which is just one divinity below Positivity, were more complex than he thought.

Something similar happened in the past in the incident where Roxanne and Amara played with his 'food' in his body, giving him more powers than he could count.

To be honest, the amount of power Victor had at the moment was so much that he didn't even know all of it. Fortunately, he is a master of martial arts, so it's 'instinctive' for him to use his powers quickly, he doesn't need to think too much about it, after all, everything comes instinctively.

"I understand... Don't worry, Junketsu, I would never replace you, I would just ask you to consume the armor or something." Victor spoke honestly.

He often prefers to use something he's used to rather than something completely new, of course, this thought only applies to weapons, in armor, he doesn't think much about it as long as it fulfills its function of protecting him.

"Humph, only I can use the Master, I allow these stupid armors because they have no soul, but I won't allow that strange liquid that the giant wife uses, that's NTR."

Victor's lips twitched when he heard these words from Junketsu, he wonders what kind of nonsense she's seeing to know these words.

By strange liquid that Junketsu is talking about, it was probably Velnorah's technology which was something like a living metal, something closer to nanomachines. Apparently, being a 'living' metal aroused Junketsu's jealousy and possessiveness, which made the sword want to evolve to be the Jack of all trades for Victor.

"Heh... A weapon that can transform into armor, and is quite possessive..." Victor laughed in amusement and appreciation. "I can accept that."


Amara and Roxanne rolled their eyes when they heard what he said.

"A response very similar to Darling," Roxanne spoke.

"Well, he is the god of Yanderes, he will be pleased with this kind of obsession," Amara pointed out.

"That's true," Roxanne nodded.

Junketsu and Victor promptly ignored the two women, they were having their 'moment.'

"Junketsu, what can you do?" Victor asked curiously.

"What the master desires."

'So she will react to my desires, huh.' Victor understood what she meant.

"Hmm..." Victor looked at the gauntlet with sharp claws in his hand, and thought about letting his hand appear.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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