Naruto: Konoha's Kanpu

Chapter 175: Craftsman Shinobi Revenge Plan

Chapter 175: Craftsman Shinobi Revenge Plan

What are you doing?

The young craftsman Shinobi came out and saw Kanp clinging to a blade on the wall with a wretched face.

I cant help myself, Im so sorry.

Kanp hurriedly showed a sincere expression and said, Sir, these swords you made are so attractive that I cant control my desire to touch it.


The young craftsman Shinobi snorted softly and does not continue to talk to Kanp. He walked straight over to check the blade carefully in front of Kanp to confirm that there was no abnormality, he then turned to stare at Kanp, Be honest with me in my craftsmans workshop, otherwise, I will kick you out of here!

Kanp showed a smile on the surface, but on the inside

Originally, I just wanted to collect one or two blades from you, but now Hehe, I have to empty your entire workshop!

Kanp squinted his eyes, shining brightly.

When the young craftsman Shinobi began to smelt those iron ore, Kanp stood on the side very honestly, but he was silently formulating the Craftsman Shinobi Revenge Plan in his mind!

1st Step, find a good place to wait.

2nd Step, choose a dark and windy night, prepare a sealing scroll, and silently pack the more than fifty blades here! If time permits, go to the small room inside to take a look.

3rd Step, in order to prevent being suspected, immediately let the shadow clone leave with the sealing scroll, and then find a beautiful place to hide it.

4th Step, when we leave the Craftsmen Shinobi Village, create a shadow clone again to take out the hidden sealing scroll, and bring it back to Konoha!


Kanp is proud of his own wisdom.

Its just wouldnt it be too evil to do so?

Forget it, Ill give this craftsman another chance!

Kanp quietly threw a Collection Technique at the young craftsman Shinobi.

In an instant, the green light cluster in his mind surged rapidly, but soon after, it subsided again.

The collection failed.

Kanp sighed: Bro, your chance is gone.

As the sky gradually darkened, a few black insects suddenly emerged from Kanps clothes, flew around him twice, and then flew towards the outside of the craftsmans workshop.

Shikuro is manually summoning him again.

Kanp gave a wry smile, turned his head to the busy young craftsman Shinobi, and said: Sir, Im leaving now, well, Ill come back tomorrow.

The young craftsman Shinobi ignored Kanp, and kept himself busy.

Kanp shook his head and sighed: You deserve to go bankrupt.

Leaving the craftsmans workshop, Kanp followed the insects all the way to a tavern called Shinto.

Pushing open the door and entering, he can see Shikuro, Shisui, Yui, and Kikuchi are already sitting there and eating.

Kanp, how is your sword? Shisui asked with a smile when he saw Kanp coming.

Its still being built. Its estimated to take two days to complete. What about you? What good Ninja Tools have you bought?

Kanp sat on the edge, grabbed chopsticks and started eating. Standing in the workshop for a long time starved him.

Shisui smiled and said: I changed all the Ninja Tools on my body.

What a way to change.

Kanp subconsciously looked at the bird on Shisuis shoulder, but found that it was empty.

Shisui, where is your bird? Kanp asked seriously.

It went outside for food.

Shisui said while eating, Its not used to these foods.

Isnt the crow an omnivore? What do you mean its not used to these foods?

Without waiting for Kanp to ask, Shikuro, who was sitting against the wall, spoke up: Kanp, you specially asked the craftsman to forge your sword for you. Could it be because you want to steal their technology in making Ninja Tools?

Kanp blushed and shook his head: Shikuro-sensei, I am not that kind of person!

Shikuro smiled and said: Over the years, all Great Shinobi Villages have sent their Shinobi to steal their technology, but the Ninja Tools created are not as good as the ones created by the Craftsmen Shinobi Villages craftsmen. If you can really learn anything, the village will reward you.

Kanp startled: Is he encouraging me?

Kanp looked at Shikuros face, but unfortunately, he didnt take off his sunglasses even when he was eating, and his mouth was chewing all the time, so he couldnt see his expression at all.

Kanps thoughts revolve, and he secretly thought He must have confirmed that I had awakened Transparent Release, so he wanted me to use it to steal the technology?

This this is too much!

Who did he take me, Gekk Kanp as?

For things like stealing, I will just starve to death without eating than try to do that

Kanp was about to stand up and complain, but he suddenly remembered his Craftsman Shinobi Revenge Plan he made during the day


Forget it, Ill consider it as a reward for Shikuro-senseis education!

After eating, Kanp casually found a random excuse to sneak out and went to a remote alley. After confirming that there was no one around, he lighted it up the Transparent Release, then formed the clone seal to create a shadow clone, and then told him to find a hiding spot near the craftsmans workshop.

The shadow clone nodded with a cold face, and directly use Transparent Release and disappeared from in front of Kanp.

Then Kanp began to go shopping.

One of the most important aspects of his revenge plan is the sealing scroll.

Kanp knows that Shikuro, Shisui, and Kikuchi have sealing scrolls on them, but he cant take it from them, otherwise, when the theft happened, even if Shisui and Kikuchi dont know about it, Shikuro will be suspecting that Kanp did it, and then asked to check his sealing scroll

Therefore, Kanp needs to get a sealing scroll from other sources.

Kanp wandered around two streets and finally saw a shop selling food pills, sealing scroll and other odds things needed by Shinobi.

Walking into the store, Kanp was worried that his voice would be recorded by the insects, so he pointed and bought several things, including a sealing scroll.

After obtaining the sealing scroll, Kanp left immediately. Then, he hid in the public toilet and get himself familiar with the sealing scroll.

The scroll is not big. After he opens it, he can see the word seal in the middle of the scroll, and around the seal, a circle of symbols is written, and from the upper left, lower left, upper right, and right of the symbols, a line of rune spreads out.

This is the most common sealing scroll, which can only store a few items, and the way to open it is very simple. He just needs to put his hand on the word seal and activate it with Chakra.

Kanp fixed the sealing scroll on the wall with one hand, pressed the word seal with the other hand, and poured Chakra into it.

In the next moment, Kanp sensed that a space appeared in the scroll.


Kanp stopped pouring his Chakra, then rolls up the scroll and hides it in his pocket.

After returning to the inn, Kanp refined Chakra a little and turned off the lights to rest, conserving his strength and store up his energy!

Its just that in the middle of the night, the shadow clone that Kanp let out to find a hiding spot dissipated, and the memory floods in, which directly caused the sleeping Kanp to have a nightmare.

When he woke up the next day, Kanp frowned, and it took him a long time to realize that the scene in his dream was the terrain near the workshop of the young craftsman Shinobi.

That damned shadow clone, he must be intentional!

Kanp silently cursed incessantly.

For the next two days, Kanp honestly stayed in the craftsmans workshop during the day and stayed at the inn at night. It was until the 3rd day that Kanps revenge plan began.

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