Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 185: Barrier Encirclement; Demon Worship Society’s Surprise Attack

Chapter 185: Barrier Encirclement; Demon Worship Society's Surprise Attack

Lin Moyu looked up at the barrier that appeared abruptly, his mind a lake without ripples.

No matter when the Demon Worship Society decided to move, it would be within expectation.

From what Bai Yiyuan said before, he knew that the Demon Worship Society either won't take action at all, or it will make a move before the end of the class user competition.

Otherwise, when the competition is over, the class users will leave Nanhong City and spread around the world, making it difficult to find them again.

At this time, they are all gathered in Nanhong City.

Legendary class users who have yet to mature and teams that took first place are in Nanhong City, and they can be all trapped in one go.

If they die here, it will be a serious blow to both the Shenxia Empire and the entire human race.

This is much more damaging than simply destroying a city.

No matter how many ordinary class users you kill, it won't measure up to killing a single legendary class user.

And if things go well, several legendary class users can be killed.

The best solution is to strangle them in the cradle before they have mature.

The Demon Kings in the Abyss don't want to see powerhouses like God Bai appear in the human race again.

"What's going on?!"

"What's happening?!"

"Is this a barrier? Oh my god. Such a huge barrier, is this the doing of some godly class user?"

"What are they after?!"

The previously quiet encampment turned noisy.

Class users sensed something that something was unusual and walked out into the open one after another.

Ning Yiyi ran out of her room and joined Lin Moyu's side, "Did they start already?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "They're unexpectedly fast!"

As he spoke, he applied Bone Armor on himself and Ning Yiyi.

At this time, Jiang Taotao, Duan Gao, and Miao Yu quickly ran over.

Lin Moyu promptly applied Bone Armor on the three, "In a while, be careful!"

The three don't understand what is happening.

Seeing Lin Moyu's solemn expression, Jiang Taotao asked, "What's going on?"

Lin Moyu said softly, "It's the Demon Worship Society."

Jiang Taotao's expression changed drastically, "What? Why would they attack at this time?"

"This is Nanhong City, where the class user competition is being held. Why would these rats attack at this time?"

The countenance of Duan Gao and Miao Yu changed greatly.

They all know about the Demon Worship Society.

Despite being humans themselves, these lunatics worship Demons. They are constantly trying to destroy humanity.

More class users came out and looked at the giant barrier in the air in disbelief.

The barrier is shimmering with lightning.


Lightning flashed and thundered, and the sky turned bright. Nanhong City instantly entered daytime.

Massive electric serpents swimming in the barrier charged toward the class users.

The class users let strange cries and assumed combat postures.

To set up such a large barrier, at least a peak Barrier Master is required. It's bound to have astonishing power.

The lightning struck out. But before it landed, the ground in the encampment had already started to crack.

The earth shook, as if it were the end of the world.

"How terrible!"

"Oh my god! We're all going to die!"

"It's over! This can't be stopped!"

"What do we do? Are we going to die?"

Many class users already started despairing.

Such a powerful attack, this isn't something they can resist.

At this moment, even Lin Moyu had a solemn expression, unsure if his Bone Armor could withstand it.

All of a sudden, two huge shields rose from the two encampments and blocked the lightning.

At the same time, arrows of light ejected out from the encampments, heading straight for the barrier.

The arrows of light exploded, causing the barrier to shake violently. All lightning disappeared in this instant.

The barrier buzzed and hummed, and a large amount of black aura flowed out.

Ten black-clad people wearing masks appeared in the air.

Standing tall in the air, they exude huge pressure.

The ten black-clad people are all above level 70 top class users.

Then another person appeared, his aura even more majestic.

Lin Moyu's pupils contracted.

Although this person is inferior to God Bai, but he is at least an above level 80 peak class user. He is on par with Councillor Xu Wei, whom they met in the afternoon.

The masks the black-clad people are wearing are special items.

Ning Yiyi shook her head and said, "I can't see."

Her Shadow Vision can't penetrate through the masks.

"It's over. It's the Demon Worship Society."

"How is this possible? Why would these guys come here?"

"They are really bold. To show themselves in the Shenxia Empire, aren't they afraid that God Bai will wipe them out?"

"That requires God Bai to find them. These people hide too deeply."

Some recognized the clothing of the black-clad people.

These black-clad people have special emblems on their cuffs and collars, which represent different Abyssal Demon Kings. That's because members of the Demon Worship Society worship different Demon Kings.

The people can recognize them as emblems of the Demon Worship Society at a glance.

One above level 80 peak class user and ten above level 70 top class users.

No matter where it is placed, this force is considered very powerful. It is more than enough to destroy some small forces.

The leader of the group from the Demon Worship Society snorted coldly, "Kill!"

The voice was cold and heartless. most uptodate novels are published on ƒгeewё

Nine black-clad people immediately flew down.

Some took out a bow and arrows, others took out a stave, and yet others took out a sword.

They shone with status buff light.

The nine black-clad people formed a team, assisted by an above level 70 Battle King support.

The nine people rushed toward the two encampments, six toward the high-level encampment, and three toward the low-level encampment.

The encampments' shields shone brightly, blocking their attacks.

But under their powerful attacks, the shields shook unsteadily. They obviously can't hold on for too long.

Although the class users in the encampments are scared, but not a single one retreated.

They are all ready for battle.

These are true class users, unafraid of a fight to the death.

The waves surged, and tens of thousands of abyssal demonic creatures rushed out of the ocean.

These abyssal demonic creatures have been hiding at the bottom of the ocean.

The Demon Worship Society clearly made extensive preparations.

Different from the abyssal demonic creatures Lin Moyu has seen on the Dimensional Battlefield, these demonic creatures were originally monsters roaming the ocean. They were contaminated by the Abyss's power and turned into abyssal demonic creatures.


"Sweet human flesh, here I come!"

"After hiding for so many days, I can finally eat human flesh!"

A large number of Abyssal Demons rushed out along with the abyssal demonic creatures and roared with bloodthirsty excitement.

Alarms sounded in Nanhong City.

Large numbers of combat-type class users gather.

In the area of Nanhong City shrouded by the barrier, there are many class users.

They formed teams and received status buffs, ready for combat.

The abyssal demonic creatures that rushed ashore charged into Nanhong City like crazy and engaged the class users.

Lin Moyu suddenly saw his wrist shining. It's the doing of the black aura that drilled into his body when he touched the chest.

At this moment, the black aura shone brightly, and Lin Moyu became extremely conspicuous in the crowd.

The same happened to Ning Yiyi, Jiang Taotao, and the other two.

At this time, the teams that took first place in the team competition look like beacons.

"There! Kill them!"

Having found their targets, the Abyssal Demons commanded the tens of thousands of abyssal demonic creatures to charge toward the enemy.

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