Chapter 444: Absolute Brutality!

Cries of surprise came from all the walls.

The superhumans’ mood rose and fell along with Meng Chao’s situation.

When he executed the series of smooth attacks, the superhumans felt like they were on cloud nine. They could not help but clench their fists tightly and cheer him on in their hearts.

But when they saw that he was surrounded by the monster horde, their bodies turned cold, and they became incredibly anxious.

The more hot-tempered of the two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm could no longer contain himself. He wanted to lead the Dragon Fang Commandos out of the forward operating base to help Meng Chao.

But before they could attack, Meng Chao once again disappeared under the fearsome creatures’ hooves.

The superhumans cried out. They could not even care about opening the gates anymore. They just jumped off the machine gun bases and rushed to the monster horde.

Then, Meng Chao showed up again. He stood tall and proud as he cut down the fearsome horde.

The two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm could see clearly that he was using the large bodies and inherent clumsiness of the Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, and Bloody Hippopotamuses to ingeniously lead them into crashing into each other, which made them fall on their backs.

Meanwhile, he found space to move. Time and again, he managed to dance about the monster horde. Forget about getting hurt, the enemies did not even manage to touch the hairs on his leg.

The three waves of the monster horde turned into a meat shield that helped him block off the Tyrant Mammoth.

Meng Chao was deep within the monster horde, so if the Tyrant Mammoth wanted to charge at him, it would have to swing its nose and tusks to fling off the bothersome monsters.

And when dozens of monsters were thrown high into the air before crashing on the ground because of the Tyrant Mammoth, Meng Chao had already planned out a route for dodging that would take him behind another group of monsters.

Meng Chao acted like a skillful chess player. The Tyrant Mammoth and three monster waves were his chess pieces. He used his powerful calculation abilities and spatial planning ability to continue whittling down their numbers and making them kill each other.

The pitiful Demonic Halberd Pigs and Iron-armored Rhinoceroses did not die under the humans’ armor-piercing shells, but had their stomachs pierced by each other’s tusks. Then, the Tyrant Mammoth sank into berserk rage and started using the War Trample without differentiating between friend or foe, which reduced the monsters to a bloody mess.

Even if these monsters had tough skin and were in a berserk state, they could still sense fear through the thick stench of blood.

That fear snapped them awake and slowly they escaped their berserk state. They also broke free of the Tyrant Mammoth’s control. Their survival instincts kicked in, and they started pushing and shoving at each other in all directions.

As the monsters gradually dispersed, a smooth path ideal for charging finally appeared toward Meng Chao.

The Tyrant Mammoth had created intersecting cracks on the ground. Now, it charged at Meng Chao like a burning main battle tank.

This time, Meng Chao did not dodge.

He narrowed his eyes a little, and they shone with such intense killing intent that it seemed to have physical form. Profound and complicated runic symbols appeared on his skin. The beautiful tattoos kept changing, and his spirit flames gushed out of all the pores in his body to surround the Bloody Soul.

The nine supreme-grade crystals embedded in the hilt and saber cracked and released spirit energy that looked like monstrous flames. The spirit energy completely changed the molecular structure and atomic electron shell of the saber, which made it go through amazing changes while it released a piercing red light.


The double-handed saber that was already very domineering instantly became larger. The back of the saber became the width of a finger, and the saw-teeth blade became even fiercer and more monstrous than before.

Instead of saying that it was a saber, it would be better to say that it was the amalgamation of a cleaver with a broad back and an axe that could split mountains. A spirit tattoo that looked like a bloody claw went from Meng Chao’s arms to the back of his hand and palm. Then, it moved to the back of the saber and the blade. After that, it gushed out of the blade and released a howl that sounded like a hungry dragon.

This was the true form of Bloody Saber after it was injected with spirit energy!

This might have seemed to have happened over a long period of time, but all of it was over in the blink of an eye. The Tyrant Mammoth arrived in front of Meng Chao. but before it could release its War Trample or Rampaging War Song, Meng Chao widened his eyes and released a powerful Fear Bomb.

In an instant, his mind worked like the Demonic Abyss Eye. His brain waves gathered together like countless chaotic tentacles and enveloped the Tyrant Mammoth’s brain.

The Tyrant Mammoth possessed powerful mind attacks, so it naturally understood what fear was.

Even if its cognition abilities were far from a human’s and the Fear Bomb was only able to cause a blurry storm in its cerebral cortex, it lost control over its central nervous system for a short period of time, and its mobility was largely compromised.

Hence, it staggered like an overloaded truck whose steering wheel was jerked to the side while its brakes were pressed when it was traveling at more than 150km/h. It lost control over its center of gravity, and the powerful inertia shoved it forward.

The Tyrant Mammoth managed to regain control of its nervous system and muscle fibers in 0.1 seconds, but it could not violate the laws of gravity and inertia.

It did its best to move the body that was as built as a fortress to regain its balance before it fell down.

But it did not notice that Meng Chao had already moved to its left, because its left eye was already blinded. While it threw its head back and swung its long nose to regain its balance, Meng Chao aimed at the exposed vital on its neck and drew out a nigh perfect bloody arc.


No matter how tough the pelt and flesh were on its body, if it wanted to be able to freely move its neck and head, the neck had to be full of soft folds.

In the complete form, the spirit flames from Bloody Soul were more than one thousand degrees hot. With a loud roar, Meng Chao buried the saber deep into the Tyrant Mammoth’s throat.

In his previous life, his best friend, Chu Feixiong, had died horribly under the Tyrant Mammoth’s hooves.

Hence, Meng Chao had researched in-depth this king of all artiodactyla-monsters, and he remembered its characteristics clearly.

In an instant, the anatomical structure and harvesting diagram of the Tyrant Mammoth and all the other artiodactyla-type monsters rose in his mind.

Meng Chao tightened his grip over the saber and had it release high-speed frequencies. He avoided the Tyrant Mammoth’s sturdy spine and flexible tendons to cut through dozens of thick blood vessels like a hot knife cutting through butter. Then, he cut the spot between two cervical vertebrae, and with the precision of a surgeon, cut off the spinal nerve.

A red light flashed briefly.

Meng Chao crawled out from behind the Tyrant Mammoth’s head.

The Tyrant Mammoth reacted like an out-of-control train. It continued charging forward for more than one hundred meters before it finally regained its balance. It turned around while staggering and stared at Meng Chao with a confused and fearful gaze.


Then, with the sound of a balloon popping, the huge pressure in its body shoved its brain out of the terrifying wound on its neck. Hot blood gushed out like a volcano eruption, and in an instant, it formed a puddle of blood with a diameter of more than ten meters.

The Hell Beast no longer had the presence of a tyrant before the humans. It shivered while running another thirty meters forward before its front legs caved in. It then fell down with a bang and submitted completely before Meng Chao’s feet.

With just one slash, he killed the Tyrant Mammoth!

This unbelievable sight caused the air to seemingly freeze. For a total of five seconds, all the superhumans were dumbfounded. No one made a single sound.

Five seconds later, the saber glare that remained in their retina turned into magma and poured into their blood vessels, nerves, muscle fibers, and every single cell, causing their hearts to race in excitement. They could not control themselves.

“Kill them!”

The two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm led the others at the dispersed monster horde.

Once the Tyrant Mammoth fell with a bang, the situation took a 180 degree turn.

Regardless of whether it was the Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, or Bloody Hippopotamuses, they were all normal monsters. Only a handful of the kings in their species could reach the level of a Nightmarish Beast.

Earlier, they were stimulated by the Tyrant Mammoth’s Rampaging War Song into a berserk state, so they did not fear death and did not flinch in the face of weapons.

At that moment, though, their berserk state was gone, and they immediately paid a heavy price for their berserk state a moment ago.

Many of the Demonic Halberd Pigs were out of stamina and were in an incredibly weakened and exhausted state. After just taking a few steps forward, they fell down.

A number of Iron-armored Rhinoceroses had been struck by dozens of armor piercing shells before. With every step they took, the bullets tore at their flesh and crushed their bones, thereby aggravating their wounds.

The Bloody Hippopotamuses were creatures used to living in swamps or semi-enclosed bodies of water. They needed the buoyancy of water to carry their overweight bodies.

Due to the stimulus from the Tyrant Mammoth, they had charged around for a long time on land, but because of it, their joints were badly injured. As they ran, a loud crack could be heard. Their legs broke, and they tumbled on the ground like meat lumps.

The battle ended within half an hour.

Aside from the Tyrant Mammoth, the humans killed and captured more than three hundred monsters. There were no casualties, so they could be said to have gained full victory.

All the superhumans and the staff members of the forward operating base remembered the black monster horde they saw an hour ago. It was like a black cloud that could destroy even a city, and all of them knew that they had survived a disaster, even though they felt as if that was something that happened in another lifetime.

They also knew just who was the biggest contributor in this battle. In truth, he could be said to be the only contributor.

The manager of the forward operating base and the two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm were thankful and reverent when they walked toward Meng Chao.

On their way, they discussed among themselves just who was this mysterious elite.

“His saber technique is really domineering. He managed to cut the Hell Beast in half with just one swing. He’s pretty similar to Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu in that regard. But when Master Luo creates his spirit energy magnetic fields, his spirit flames form the shape of a tiger. This master’s spirit flames are like a roaring sea of blood, but also like an apocalypse descending on the mortal world. It’s even fiercer than Master Luo’s. It’s really brutal!”

“I saw how he moved around the monster horde. He was really relaxed while doing it. It’s like the approach of the Ultimate Style. Gu Jianbo, the Ultimate Style’s creator, has been growing stronger really quickly over the past year and has won against opponents of the same rank and even those who are six-star superhumans in a few tournaments of the Supernatural Tower.

“He’s now known as the Blade Dancer. Could it be Master Gu? But that’s not right. I’ve seen Master Gu’s battle videos before, and he’s a little rounder than this person.”

“That’s strange, since when has such an enigmatic and powerful person appeared in Dragon City?”

The three of them looked at each other at a loss. They could not figure it out.

And when they arrived next to Meng Chao, they experienced another great shock.

The Tyrant Mammoth was a creature that looked like a hill, but by the time they came, it was already dissected into exquisite art pieces numbering to the thousands.

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