Chapter 649: Just Bizarre

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Meng Chao felt goosebumps rise all over his skin.

He had always thought that Su Mulian’s attitude toward him was strange.

So, Su Mulian had been squatting by the side and staring at him for a few hours before Lu Siya came?

That was really odd.

Of course, he also had strange feelings when it came to Su Mulian.

How should he put it? When he met Su Mulian for the first time, Meng Chao had felt some part of his soul stir, as though they had met in their previous life.

It was obviously not the cliche “love at first sight”.

However, based on his fragmented memories of his previous life, Meng Chao was also certain that he had never met Su Mulian before.

He clearly remembered that a few hundred thousand people had died during the fire that destroyed the lair’s core in his previous life.

If he had not interfered with it, Su Mulian should have also died from the Vortex’s scheme and the fire, right?

It would have been impossible for her to have survived and had any interaction with Meng Chao.

So, what was the deal with his soul stirring and her bizarre behavior?

“Be careful, the girl isn’t as she seems.” Lu Siya furrowed her brows and said, “I’m a Spirit Sensor, you know that. I can sense plenty of things normal that people can’t sense. The first time I met Su Mulian, I had an indescribable feeling, and it’s especially prominent when she’s looking at you. It’s as if...”

“She’s scared of me?” Meng Chao asked.

“Yes! She’s scared of you!” Lu Siya’s eyes lit up, and she said, “You sensed it too?”

“I did. At first, I thought that I was being oversensitive, but since you’ve mentioned it too, I shouldn’t be imagining things.”

Meng Chao spoke in a slightly aggrieved manner. “But I don’t get it. Prior to the past seventy-two hours, I’ve never had any sort of interaction with Su Mulian, and even if she learned of my name through the Internet, I’ve never done anything brutal and ruthless before. Why is she so scared of me?”

“Who knows?” Lu Siya pondered over it, but she could not be sure. “I only know that her fear of you far surpasses what you can explain with logic. Even though she has been doing her best to control and hide it, the pulse of her nerve endings is so erratic that it makes her look like a helpless bunny facing a hungry dragon. She instinctively wants to run, but she’s so terrified that she can’t move.

“Logically speaking, the lair is a chaotic place with good and bad people. As the granddaughter of the old village chief, she should have seen all kinds of brutal people and fearsome wanted criminals. There’s no reason she should be so terrified of you.

“...Wait, now that I remember her expression and gaze, aside from terror, I seem to have read something else!”

Lu Siya’s pupils shrank into the size of two dots.

When she looked at Meng Chao, her expression became ten times weirder than before.

“What exactly did you do to the girl?” Lu Siya mumbled. “She wants to kill you.”


Meng Chao jumped up from the medical cabin. “How could that be? I’ve never done anything! I didn’t even know her before this. After I got to know her, I helped her save Leprosy Village! Besides, she’s kind and generous, and she’s an amazing doctor who can even save those on the verge of death! It’s also thanks to her unshakeable trust in me that Wild Wolf was moved. Why would she want to kill me? Aren’t you mistaken?”

“Perhaps. The things that have happened over the past two days have made me mentally tired. It’s as if someone has stuffed cotton in my head. My mind might have been playing tricks with me.”

Lu Siya shut her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose a little as she said, “It felt to me like her killing intent was very weak and short. It only appeared in her mind for a moment before she decided against it. It’s as if she doesn’t want to carry it out and was just thinking about it... imagining it.

“...Hold on, now that I’ve thought about it carefully, she shouldn’t have been thinking about killing you. Instead, she was thinking about destroying you. That’s right. There was an instant where she wanted to destroy you.”

Meng Chao scratched his head. “Is there a difference between her wanting to kill me and destroy me?”

“I can’t explain it.” Lu Siya contemplated for a long time, but she still could not figure it out, just like Meng Chao. She could only shrug and say, “In any case, I don’t know what kind of grudge she has against you or whether you’ve done something unspeakable that will incite the anger of the world. In any case, if you’ve done something wrong, remember to clean up after yourself or stay away from that mysterious Ms. Mulian. I’ve invested all my wealth in you, and while I can accept defeat, it’ll be too much of a loss for me if I fail because you have some inexplicable relationship with a woman, get it?”

“No, Big Sis Ya, listen to me, I don’t have any kind of inexplicable relationship with any woman. Su Mulian and I are innocent!” Meng Chao defended himself and did not know whether he should laugh or cry. “I really don’t know what’s going on with this girl. Even when I question her, she never says anything. We can’t even be considered normal friends. You have to believe me!”

“There’s no need for you to explain things to me. I chose you as the perfect partner after careful consideration. Of course I trust that you can take care of your private life.” Lu Siya pondered over it a little more. “Also, my instincts tell me that even though Ms. Mulian wants to destroy you, she wants to save you even more. It’s strange. Destroying and saving are two completely different approaches, so why are they both focused on the same person?”

That made things even more bizarre.

Su Mulian had indeed mentioned that she wanted to save Meng Chao before.

However, at that time, Meng Chao had ignorantly thought that Su Mulian was talking about treating his wounds and helping him dissolve the medicinal properties of the super gene medicine.

Now that his mind was clear and he had thought things through, it seemed like Su Mulian had not been merely talking about something as simple as saving his body.

The problem was, Su Mulian was just a helpless doctor, and at most, a candidate for Leprosy Village’s next chief.

Meanwhile, Meng Chao was the youngest Heaven Realm superhuman in Dragon City and the leading force of the Golden Era. He was also the leader of Broken Star Club, a director of Blue Home, the owner of Superstar, the gang leader of Golden Tooth, the leader of the Lair Reconstruction Committee, and the appointed heir of the lair as well as the owner of Golden Tooth Saber. In fact, he was currently an Internet celebrity who was the fifteenth most-searched person on Dragon City’s social media platforms this year.

What about him needed saving?

How was Su Mulian supposed to save him?

It was just bizarre!

“Forget it. I’ve drained my brain cells too much over the past few days, and I can’t think of this complicated stuff for the time being. In any case, I trust your instincts. Next time, if I really have to meet Su Mulian, I’ll definitely have you watch by the side, and I won’t stay alone with her. That should be fine, right?”

Meng Chao shook his head vigorously and exhaled before he stretched and allowed his mind to become blank. “Right now, I just want to relax a little and enjoy the victory as well as sunlight shining on my skin.”

The private medical room belonged to Golden Tooth’s gang leader, and it was located on the second topmost floor of Golden Tooth’s headquarters.

There was a wide French window set at the corner facing the medical cabin, and it provided a 270-degree field of vision.

Earlier, when Meng Chao had been deep in sleep, the curtains had been drawn tightly.

Now that he had woken up and stretched, the spirit energy that spilled out of him blew the curtains apart a little.

At that moment, a hint of golden light shone through the gap and surrounded Meng Chao’s body.

Meng Chao reached out and let the golden light flow on his palm as he enjoyed the sunlight caressing his skin.

With the golden light guiding him, he walked up to the window, took a deep breath, and swiftly drew the curtains.

Light poured in like a tidal wave. The golden rays were like splashes that instantly enveloped him and Lu Siya.

“Big Sis Ya, look!” Meng Chao cried out.

The sky had originally been covered so tightly by dark clouds and black smoke that it looked like it had been sealed shut by an iron wall for several days. It had finally cleared a little, and now, a huge hole could be seen.

Golden light poured in through the hole like a flood, and it cascaded down like a waterfall, landing generously and fairly on each person’s head.

Meng Chao, Lu Siya, the villagers, the powerful fighters in the gangs, the refugees who had no home to return to and must now wander around homeless, the injured warriors, and the normal citizens who were exhausted from extinguishing the fire could sense the sun shining on them...

Leprosy Village, the lair, Dragon City, the buildings, the alleys, the fortresses, and the debris, too, could feel the sun shining on them.

Each person who basked in the sun reacted like Meng Chao. They let their eyes fall shut and stretched their arms to enjoy the incredibly warm light that might only last for a short time.


To all Dragon Citizens, the past seventy-two hours had been the longest seventy-two hours over the past ten years.

Before the chaos stirred up by the Deification Capsule chain robberies had calmed down, dozens of new city areas, mining areas, settlements, and forward operating bases at the borders of Dragon City had been attacked by monster hordes at the same time.

When the main forces of the Red Dragon Army and the mega corporations reached the frontlines of the borders to fight, the defenses in the city itself had become weak, and chaos had broken out in the core, causing everything to descend into mayhem.

First, a large number of insect-type monsters that could fly had formed a dense insect swarm that attacked the anti-aircraft machine gun bases on the roofs of the skyscrapers.

The dense bullets from the anti-aircraft machine guns could tear through most of the flying insect-type monsters...

However, they were not that effective against small insect-type monsters. Their killing efficiency had been incredibly low, and they had wasted a lot of bullets for nothing. A lot of them had also been destroyed.

When the insect-type monsters had torn hundreds of holes in the defensive shield that the humans had set up to cover their sky, the large flying-type monsters had launched their attacks.

The monsters’ intelligence was increasing at a frightening pace in their war against humans.

In the past, flying-type monsters would usually fly horizontally and at a low altitude. They would invade from beyond the city, so before they reached their designated target, they would be torn apart by dozens of defensive shields that also protected each other.

Now, however, after they had been biochemically modified, their wings had become wider, and their flesh had become sturdier. They could also withstand lower temperatures and thinner oxygen levels. After they evolved, the flying-type monsters could stay beyond the anti-aircraft machine guns’ range. Then, from a high altitude, they could dive down almost perpendicularly to the ground.

Their attack styles had basically turned them into existences similar to ordnance penetrators, and even though it was against the hunting instincts in all predators, the attack speed was fast, and the exposed area was really small. Besides, as long as they charged at maximum speed, even if they were killed, their sturdy carcasses would ram into the anti-aircraft machine gun bases and densely populated streets because of inertia. The impact would be like meteors falling from the sky, and they would cause major damage to humans.

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