“O.M.G O.M.G wow! Just look at the view.” My sister was entranced as she looked out over the strip from the massive windows. Eri was looking around too, shocked at the luxury, while Shaeula was already lying on one of the massive king-sized beds, her shoes off, pale feet wiggling in the air. Uh, from that angle I can see up your skirt…
Aiko skidded around the room, admiring the layout, cooing appreciatively at the second bedroom, which had another king-sized bed, as well as a smaller one I’d asked them to add for the duration of our stay. “Look at this Eri-chan! So huge! We can cuddle up like princesses!”
“I am the princess here-here!” Shaeula muttered. “Finally Akio is showing me the luxury I deserve!”
“Oh wow, wow, there’s a big swirly hot-tub in the bathroom!” my sister was shouting. “It looks like there’s room for us all if we want. I knew it, big bro just wants to get us in our swimsuits and ogle us! But a suite like this… sure, you can ogle me all you want bro!”
Eri looked at me, concerned by the opulence. “Um, Aiko-chan asked earlier, but you can afford this, right? You aren’t getting into debt just to impress me, are you? I don’t care if we are poor, as long as I’m with you… I’d go anywhere.”
Oh shit, my heart seriously skipped a beat then. Is it me or is Eri getting cuter? “Don’t worry.” I pulled her in for a hug, feeling my heart beating fast. “I’m not as stupid as that, I promise. Though I admit, I do want to show you all good things. Seriously, this is a business expense.” Surprising myself I leaned down and kissed her fleetingly on the lips.
“Get in here, Eri-chan, Shaeula! We need to take pictures, pictures! I want Yae-san and Rika-san to squirm and die of jealousy! Hurry, hurry!”
“At least put your luggage away first…” I chided, but it was a lost cause, as my sister was insanely hyper, and quickly dragged Eri and Shaeula into her orbit. With a resigned shake of my head I unpacked my clothes, including the suits I had brought, putting them into the wardrobes. I had just finished doing the same with Shaeula’s, marvelling at the rather attractive swimsuit she had bought, when my sister came back in. Seeing me unpacking, she grabbed her bag, as well as Eri’s. “Hey, no peeking at our swimsuits. You’ve already spoiled Shaeula’s surprise, but not ours. Go sit down over there or something while we unpack!” she pointed at the TV, so Shaeula and I sat down on the very nice sofa and watched some American television for a few minutes until the girls were finished.
“All right then, all done. So, what’s the plan bro? You have some work meetings here or something right, but when are they?” my sister asked.
“Oh don’t worry, they are later on this evening.” I lied, feeling a little bad, but there was no way I was going to explain we were here to gamble with far higher stakes than we could ever do online. Over the last few days I had gambled during my free time, and had more than replaced the ludicrous spending on the antique doll, so my war-chest was full. “Until then… why don’t we take a bath, get changed and have some lunch. Then maybe check out some sights around the strip? You wanted to take photos, right?”
“A bath… you want me in there already?” my sister hugged herself, shivering theatrically. “Wow, such a perv. But I did promise, so…”
“Come on, you know what I mean. You girls can go in together if you want, then I’ll go after.”
“Yeah, come on Eri-chan, Shaeula, let’s get cleaned up and dressed up! This is Las Vegas! Las Vegas! Wow, I’m hyped just thinking about it…”
She ushered the other two to the bathroom, and a short while later I could hear splashing and giggling coming from there, so I went to the fridge, finding some complimentary cold American beers. Cracking open a bottle I took a long drink, looking out over the strip. Well then, time to play…
After the girls came out of the bath, hair still damp, dressed in summer clothing such as shorts and short skirts, I took a bath myself. My abdomen was largely healed, and my thigh wound was tolerable, hidden behind a pair of long shorts. On getting changed I found the girls and Shaeula also drinking, though Eri and my sister were having fruit juice. “All right then, we good to go? Do you have any places you would particularly like to see?”
“If you don’t mind, I’d quite like to see the fountains outside the Bellagio Hotel.” Eri asked. “I did some research when you said we were coming here so…”
“Hey, no need to be embarrassed Eri, it’s your boyfriends’ job to take you places. It does sound pretty romantic too. But wouldn’t night be better for that?”
“Well, we can always check it out at night too, can’t we? Anyway, it isn’t far, so why not? Has everyone put on some sunscreen, I don’t want anyone getting sunburn?”
“Geez bro, you are such a worrywart. We did it, Eri wanted to stay pretty for you, don’t worry.”
“Aiko-chan!” Eri was a little irked at the constant teasing, but she just waved it off with a “my bad!”
“All right then, off we go!” We headed down in the elevators to the strip outside, drawing curious gazes as we chatted in Japanese. The afternoon sun was beating down, the sky blue and clear, yet a different shade to the sky we were used to back home. Shaeula and Aiko were gazing at everything with feverish curiosity, while Eri stuck close to me, my hand in hers, though she was still looking around, like a cautious kitten. Yeah, this is nice. A reminder as to why I have been risking myself…
Aiko was taking pictures of everything and I warned her to be careful not to offend anyone, but the passers-by just laughed and joked about it, being more relaxed about it than I expected. Again, I guess the Americans are pretty chill.
Strolling towards the Bellagio I bought everyone ice-creams, and as we ate them we finally reached our destination. A quick check of the time revealed the next show was in a few minutes, so we settled in to wait. Once it was time the plaza was filled with dancing water, coloured by lights and accompanied by music. It was very attractive, I had to admit. Beside me, the girls were looking on in rapt attention. As the display was winding down I made to take a picture of the girls, but they wanted me to be in it too. Guessing their intentions from our body language a woman next to us gestured that she would take a picture for us. When I thanked her in perfect English, followed by the girls, she was surprised. Still, she took a lovely picture of us all with the fountains as a backdrop, then recommended booking a fountain-view restaurant at night if we had the cash. That seems a good idea.
I forwarded on the picture to the others, who were admiring it gleefully. We then ended up taking a trip on the big Ferris Wheel that soared five-hundred and fifty feet into the sky, as well as checking out some of the sights around. We also took a tour of the Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay, marvelling at all the sea-life they had there. Once that was done it was getting on towards the evening, so we had a meal at the Eiffel Tower restaurant, looking out over the strip as we ate. I was haemorrhaging cash, but I wasn’t going to stint my sister, my girlfriend, and my ally on such a trip.
The meal was surprisingly romantic, although it was Shaeula and I sharing the wine, not Eri and me, though there was a fun interlude where one of the waiters came over to advise me children couldn’t drink alcohol. Luckily Shaeula had her passport with her, so after profuse apologies we were left alone. As we watched the fountains again, Eri leaned in and kissed me, her tongue seeking mine, her hand gripping me tight. When done she looked up at me with moist eyes and whispered “I’ll remember this day forever. It’s just another precious memory you’ve given me. I love you.”
Ugh, shit, a surprise attack! Eri is learning too much boldness from Shaeula and Aiko!
Seeing my dazed expression she flushed and giggled, kissing me again, though this time it was a fleeting brush of our lips. Other diners were smiling at our antics, and my sis and Shaeula started their customary teasing. After a dessert where I was sharing a parfait with Eri, we decided on our next plan. We would head back to the Grand and get changed for the evening, and since there was a famous magician running shows every few hours, Eri and Aiko would watch while Shaeula and I had a ‘business meeting’.
Handing Eri and my sister some money they were surprised at how much I had given them, five hundred dollars each. “Err, bro, not that I’m not grateful, but that’s like… 50,000 yen or so, right? Are you sure I can have this much?” beside her Eri nodded.
“Look, we’ve been through this. If I couldn’t afford it, I wouldn’t give it. Besides…” I looked at them both. “I feel better knowing you have money on you in case anything happens. Nothing should, but if you need to get back to the hotel after getting separated or you need to get in somewhere, I’d like you two to be able to.”
With the serious talk over, I lightened my tone. “Besides, if you see something you want, like souvenirs, that way you can get them.
“All right then, I’m not going to be shy, since you insisted.” My sis leaned in for a hug. “Come on Eri-chan, you too. Your big spender of a boyfriend needs his reward.”
Eri joined us, her arms around us, and Shaeula was grinning broadly behind us. With that done we returned to our room, where Shaeula and I changed quickly, polishing off a couple of beers while the girls spent their time picking out what they wanted to wear. I myself was in a decent shirt and designer jeans, while Shaeula was in an evening dress in a fetching pale ivory.
“Wow, you two look pretty sharp. You’ll impress your clients for sure!” my sister said, coming out in the expensive skinny jeans I had bought her, pairing it with a patterned t-shirt. Eri followed her out, wearing a long skirt and loose top in grey and blue, matching the colour of my and Aiko’s eyes. I wonder if she did that on purpose?
“Yeah, you two are definitely cute.” I said, earning bright smiles. “I’m one lucky bastard, having the cutest sister and hottest girlfriend in Vegas.”
“And what-what am I, Akio? A pebble on the roadside?” Shaeula pouted. With a wry laugh I bowed to her.
“Hardly. Surely the cutest co-worker, without question. Anyway, shall we go?”
We took the girls to the show, agreeing to meet them outside in two hours. With that done we headed to the casino floor. Shaeula was carrying a good chunk of my funds, while I had the rest. There’s a slim chance we both go bankrupt here, which will pretty much ruin the rest of the trip, but at least the hotel is paid for, so worst case we can lounge about for a few days…
Taking her hand in mine, we stepped through the entrance, immediately surrounded by the glowing neon of signs and slot machines, accompanied by the buzz of excited people and jolly music. Shaeula looked around, entranced by the spectacle so far removed from the Seelie Court, while I felt excitement rise within me. This is it. The start of the next phase of our plans.
“Shaeula, your winds…” I asked, and with a green glow swallowed by the garish lights of the casino her blessing enveloped us both. “It’s time then. We have two hours. You know what to do?”
At her nod I smiled broadly. Let’s get ready to gamble!
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