“Wow, I don’t know if my phone is broken or you started too soon, but that’s amazing, mister.” Keomi-chan said, looking down at the timer on her phone, which had stopped at just over eight seconds. “That’s totally a world record right there!”
Wiping a few drops of sweat from my brow I smiled. “You don’t have to call me mister. You can use my name you know.” As for the run I had just completed, a hundred metres marked out, I had certainly exceeded what was commonly possible for a human.
“That’s kind of embarrassing.” Keomi-chan muttered. “But you are incredible. You could be really famous if you wanted.”
Indeed, I had been breaking records to demonstrate the power I had. Before the hundred metres I had shattered the world record in long jump, and had lifted heavy objects with ease. I guess all the stat boosts and physical training I have been doing have really shown concrete results.
A gaggle of shrine maidens and the priests were gathered around Shaeula, who was demonstrating tricks with wind, her most popular one being slicing cakes perfectly with a fine thread of elemental energy. She didn’t even need to do more research. Either she broke through because she mastered it, or breaking through allowed her mastery. Not that it matters…
“So I have to ask…” one of the shrine maidens from another shrine asked her. “If Oshiro-san is your master, does that mean you have to do anything he asks?”
“Akio is not such a fool as to demand anything inappropriate with me. He may have bested me and won my loyalty, but I am pure-blooded royalty of the Seelie, a princess, daughter of the great Shaetanao. Were he to abuse me, my father would not remain silent-silent.”
“Oh, but you still let him buy you underwear, don’t you?” Kana-chan chimed in, shooting me a sly look. “I’d say that’s pretty inappropriate. I bet you even let him choose?”
“Is it not natural for a master to provide for his servant, especially one as excellent as me in all regards-regards?” Shaeula asked, bringing giggles from the girls around.
“I always thought you were a bit of a pervert, big bro.” Kana-chan said. “Still, I like you anyway.”
“Well, leaving aside my dignity that is now in tatters…” I tried to change the subject, flushed with embarrassment that caused Keomi-chan and the others to laugh at me. “… Now that you have seen more proof of the powers we hold have you had any more thought about an alliance?”
“I have a question of my own first.” Izumi-san asked, coming over with the sister shrine maidens and his son in tow. “While I have seen your abilities and can only conclude there is much truth in your words, and I can see the benefits our shrine could reap from an association with you, I would ask can you not bring our Great White Snake-sama to the mortal realm, as you have for Shaeula-sama?”
Shaeula frowned at the honorific, but I guess it made sense that a devout priest would see a noble spiritual being such as her as something sacred.
“Well…” I began, not sure of how much to reveal. I had been careful to limit information on just how my Territory functioned in case talks fell through, as there were other Astral Emperor-candidates out there and some may have connections with the temples and shrines of Japan. In fact, if the greater Japanese gods were involved, I should expect that. “It certainly isn’t impossible, but I used up a significant proportion of my resources granting Shaeula the power of a mortal body. Over time I could gather further resources, although I do have other issues that require them. But perhaps…” I ran some quick calculations. “…by Christmas I think that’s doable.”
“I see. That is interesting. And could this boon be extended to other kami, such as those of our fellows? Faith that we have hoarded for a thousand years has been dwindling in this modern era, but with concrete proof of the divine…”
“But we all agreed to keep our powers hidden.” The thin priest who seemed to be constantly arguing grated. “Do we want to be targeted by the secular authorities or captured for scientific research? These two may be strong, but even so, against soldiers armed with guns, to say nothing of helicopters, tanks and bombs, our faith would be meaningless.”
I was about to reply but Shaeula beat me to it. “You think so small, unlike my master, who has faced foes unlike those you could imagine-imagine.” She scoffed, voice cold. “As Akio grows his power within the Astral, and as his Territory expands, greater feats of strength will become possible. I dare say that if he continues on this path these ‘helicopters, tanks and bombs’ will be nothing compared to the power he will wield-wield.”
As the thin priest reeled back, a sour look on his face several of the shrine maidens gathered around Shaeula, squealing.
“Oh my god, can I call you big sister?” one of them said, and several others agreed, praising her for her cuteness and strength. Well, at least she is popular, not that I am surprised.
“Look, I obviously cannot detail exactly how I expand my power, and I’m sure you all find that reasonable.” I tried to calm the situation. “But I can say with certainly that I am only just at the beginning of this journey. Should we enter into a firm alliance, over time you will come to understand more of what I can do, and will even be able to contribute to my expansion. I look after my own, as Shaeula will testify, so we can prosper together. It really isn’t a bad offer at all, and the White Snake kami has already joined me. I can probably empower him to make another oracle if required, though this will set me back a week or so in terms of expansion.”
“I have a question.” Kana’s father, who hadn’t spoken much yet, asked. “You say this… aether… is basically the same as our spiritual power, right?” he demonstrated by flickering a small flame on his finger, lighting a cigarette. Taking a long puff and blowing out some steel-grey smoke, he sighed contentedly.
“Yeah, I can do the same by using aether, though you might be channelling elemental fire if you can’t do anything else, I’m not an expert yet.” I answered, conjuring a faint flickering flame which hovered above my palm for a few seconds before winking out.
“I thought so. By the way I should have introduced myself earlier. I am Izumi Daichi. Thanks for putting up with my daughter Kana, I know she can be a nuisance.”
“Gee, thanks a lot dad, way to embarrass me in front of big bro.” Kana grumbled.
“It’s no problem.” I replied, ignoring Kana-chan. “I haven’t known her that long but I can tell she’s a popular girl.”
“Sometimes too popular…” he grumbled. “But anyway… I wonder if it is possible for anyone to learn how to improve their spiritual power? Over the years I have meditated and taken part in many traditional ceremonies, yet my flame has only increased in duration by a small amount. Yet you, who had no spiritual abilities, have increased so much in only a few weeks. It is beyond my comprehension.”
Could we train people? “Hmm, I don’t say it would be impossible, although those who already have the foundation to use aether would have an advantage. I’m not sure it we could train someone who had no spiritual ability without forcing it like Exposition-san did for me, which might not be a good idea…” With Shaeula’s eyes to see the flow of power and guide it… though they wouldn’t have the strengthening effect of levels or the ability to pull aether from our Territory… is it impossible, I don’t think so…
“I think we could.” I concluded. “I don’t think they would show such amazing gains as I have, at least not in the short term. Maybe when I strengthen my Territory more… anyway, it’s possible.”
“Good.” Her father said, clapping his hands together. “Then how about this? We form a provisional alliance until Christmas, when our Great White Snake-sama can be incarnated to the mortal realm. In exchange for our support you will train some of us from each shrine in your spiritual arts, increasing the power we can wield, teaching us the techniques required. Then should our kami recommend we remain allied we will exchange unbreakable oaths and come together as one.”
“I could agree to that.” The thin priest said, surprising me. “Obviously I could not commit to unbreakable oaths until our shrines kami had consented, but we can co-operate until then.”
A third also agreed, and then a forth. The last remaining priest was not convinced, however.
“This all seems rather sudden. With a great conclave called, it seems rash to agree to such things before we find out the reason why. It could well be to address these so called ‘Astral Emperors’ could it not?”
“It certainly could.” Izumi-san agreed. “However we are all smaller shrines, with little influence despite rich history. What power we have has been maintained by working together. This is a chance to massively increase our standing within the entire conclave. It will take place before Christmas, so until then we have only a co-operative relationship, which we can break off if either side needs to. I fail to see the issue here.”
“Well, may I suggest this then?” I said, pleased that the scary grandfather of Kana-chan had come on board. “Until the White Snake kami can be brought to the Material plane to vouch for me, we will work together loosely. In exchange for your influence we will undertake training of a few people per shrine. Information on Shaeula and me will be restricted to between us, and as for the conclave… perhaps I can attend? That way I can address any concerns and support your attempts to gain influence. Everybody wins, right?”
“That does sound… reasonable.” The last holdout conceded.
“It’s settled then. How does two from each shrine sound to start with then?” Izumi-san suggested. “We could start today.”
“About that…” I said apologetically. “I’m heading to my hometown over the weekend, and then next week I have a business trip abroad to raise funds for the next stage of my plans. I could start after that though?”
“That seems acceptable.” The priests exchanged looks and all nodded. “But first, if I may ask, what town are you from?”
“It’s just a little place called Nishimorioka up in the mountains of Aichi prefecture. It and a couple of other villages are the only thing around there, unless you like mountains and trees. It’s pretty much in the middle of nowhere, but its home.”
“I see, I see. Fetch the list.” Izumi-san ordered his son, who raced off into the main building. As I waited, wondering what they were doing, I couldn’t help but admire Shaeula who was at the centre of the group of shrine maidens, like an amber dahlia amidst a sea of white and red petals. It might be nice if she made some more friends… I daresay some of these girls will be coming for lessons. Wow, now I suddenly feel nervous…
Kana-chan’s father returned, looking pleased. “They are listed. The shrine at Nishimorioka is a true one.”
“I see then.” Izumi-san turned back to me. “In that case, we will pen you a letter to take to your home shrine. While I am loathe to disclose information of you yet to other shrines, the support of your hometown shrine would carry weight with the conclave. Come, we must pen a suitable missive.” He gestured to the other priests who followed him to the main house. As they left an older woman who looked quite a lot like Kana-chan appeared, holding a covered basket.
“So you must be Oshiro-kun.” She said, giving me a bright smile. She’s pretty hot. If that’s Kana-chan’s mother then Kana-chan is going to stay pretty as she gets older… “I am Izumi Nagi, but you can call me Nagi. Thank you for listening to my daughter.”
“It’s no problem Nagi-san.” I answered, nervous. “She’s quite the persistent girl. But she seems well mannered. She’s a good daughter I am sure.”
“Oh you are a very polite one, aren’t you?” Nagi-san said gently, handing me the basket. “Take this as a sign of our goodwill. It’s some spirits we have brewed using the produce from the shrine. Your companion looks as though she enjoys alcohol. Though at her size I would suggest moderation.” She winked at me.
“Thanks for the gift. She’ll definitely appreciate it. Don’t worry, if your daughter is one of those who comes to our teaching we’ll look after her and treat her well.”
“I’m sure you will.” Nagi-san agreed. We talked for a while, waiting for the letter, while Shaeula exchanged numbers with all the shrine maidens. It was late afternoon by the time we had received our sealed letter, exchanged various phone numbers with the priests and agreed a schedule for our first training session. Walking down the hill back towards our home I felt drained, yet full of a sense of accomplishment. The alliance is still fragile, but if I can convert it into a firm one… who knows what we can achieve…
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