Five Hundred
Seeing the other girls look a little envious of Shaeula I raised an eyebrow questioningly, and Eri was the one that answered for me. “To be fair, we played a game of chance to see who would get to look after you while you were out. We should have known better, matching luck with Shaeula isn’t going to end well for anyone but her.”
Shaeula merely grinned at that, glancing at the ring of golden knots and thorns on her finger. “I have always been lucky, there is no-no need to be jealous. It was only for a few minutes, was it not-not?”
“Is that how long I was trapped in her Sea of Thought?” I asked, instinctively looking down at Tamamo-no-Mae. The remaining chains had started to disintegrate, and her colossal chest, now hidden by a coat draped over her, had begun to move, breaths coming slowly. “It seemed like… damn, a long time. Everything blurred together…” I shuddered, remembering just how brutal the pain was. My thoughts could already run at a speed far outstripping ordinary people, even so, it seemed… excessive. Perhaps Tamamo-no-Mae’s mind was powerful indeed, even after all her torments. If so, I have even more respect for her will, if not everything else…
“Yes, it was merely twenty minutes or so.” Motoko said. At my questioning expression at seeing her, she shrugged. “I covered her with my coat. There are… men present.” As my expression changed, she let out a surprisingly amused laugh, a little at odds with her usual elegant demeanour. “You should already know we were here, I know Daiyu and Eri were communicating with you.”
“Yes, we weren’t going to be left out.” Natsumi agreed with a grin. “When our fiancé is in need, we’ll be there. Don’t feel bad for us.”
“Quite.” Motoko nodded firmly. “I know you wished one of us to triumph in your little challenge, though perhaps it is better this way. Choosing between Natsumi and I must have been a nightmare for you, trying to appear fair…” She paused, her smile deepening. “…It is quite all right, I will pretend Natsumi had a chance compared to me. What she does not know cannot hurt her.”
For a moment there was silence, and I was shocked too, before Motoko’s face reddened, and Natsumi burst out laughing. “Sure, keep telling yourself that, Motoko! I may be your friend, but all’s fair in love and war!”
“Is it me… or does everyone seem a little different?” I asked. Motoko wasn’t usually one for humour, being quiet and serious.
“This time was… nerve-wracking. It brought everyone closer. Apart from poor Asha, Kana-chan and Hinata. They all missed out.” Natsumi said thoughtfully. “Kana-chan was still working at your construction projects, Hinata is returning from Seoul, and Asha… nobody wants to risk her. She wanted to help, but… we knew that you wouldn’t want to put her or your children in any danger. We were right, weren’t we?”
All of the women nodded fiercely, and I finally smiled, feeling that it was over at last. “Yes, it’s too uncertain. I don’t know anything about Fae pregnancy, but I’ll learn.”
Eri was the one to agree. “We all need to learn. Asha is the first, and it makes me rather jealous, but our time will come. But fortunately, we gathered other allies. When we called on your behalf, they answered.”
I could see Shaeula’s brother Shaeraggo, accompanied by Selensha. Shaeraggo was casting glances at the badly wounded and pitiful looking Nebisuki, who now outside of the Sea of Thought of Tamamo-no-Mae was back to her tragic state, missing a leg and two tails, though her wounds had stabilised, likely due to Shaeula’s ministrations. Seeing that, I couldn’t help but shake my head. He shouldn’t be doing that with one of his wives just there. The Fae really do have a casual and tangled web of relationships…
Beside them was Haanōbō, accompanied by a number of Tengu. She was wearing her mask as usual, but it was impossible to mistake her wings and vibrant hair. Seeing me looking, she muttered out some words. “We have an alliance with you, and Great Tarōbō would not break his given word.”
“And it has nothing to do with the fact it was Akio who was calling you?” Natsumi teased her. “Your dear brother called, how could you refuse?”
“He is not… no, it does not matter.” Haanōbō wrapped herself in her wings like a cloak, clearly embarrassed. Since going through the trials of Mount Atago together, Motoko, Natsumi and Haanōbō had a closer relationship than I had initially expected they would. “I am pleased to see you safe. I had heard it was a grave undertaking.”
“Hey, there’s only room for one sister here!” My own sis insisted, half-joking. “Oh well, at least I’m not tsundere, so I have the advantage.” There was further laughter from everyone, relief starting to overpower the sense of urgency and danger.
“And are you ignoring us?” A harsh yet amused voice broke in, and I turned to see David Reckless, sitting down casually on a nearby boulder. “You’ll hurt the feelings of our dear Princess if you do.” Beside him, Eleanor was perched elegantly, despite her pale face of exhaustion, her green and gold armour making her look regal, even so drained.
“David…” she hissed, clearly flustered. “This is hardly the time for your jokes.” As he raised an eyebrow at her sardonically, giving a mocking laugh, she shook her head. “Enough out of you. We are not being ignored, he was getting to us.”
“I was.” I agreed. “I’m grateful for the help. Every drop of aether and elemental energy was vital, this really was a reckless move.” I couldn’t resist a pun which got a wry chuckle out of David.
“I am glad you appreciate our aid.” Eleanor relaxed, her normal calm demeanour reasserting itself. “Obviously we have many demands on our time, trying to solidify our control over London and the surrounding areas, especially since we are shorthanded…” Remembering that made her sad. There had been a full accounting of the Chosen of Britain after the betrayal by so many, falling in with Mary Stuart, and a number more had been relieved of their duties and were under close watch by the British government.
Seeing how her words had dampened the mood, she flushed again. “Never mind that. We are allies, so it is only natural for us to aid each other in times of need. You would do the same for us, wouldn’t you?”
“Of course. If one of us is stronger, we all are.” I agreed. Tamamo-no-Mae’s breathing was now regular, and I had a feeling she was conscious, just pretending to be unconscious, trying to assess the situation. Not that I can blame her. Everything that happened in her mindscape seems like a dream, though that might just be because of the warped sense of time and all the pain. Holding in a shudder so as not to worry everyone, I continued.
“Not that I want you to think I’m only doing it because you helped us, but it seems that Motoko and Natsumi are decided.” I glanced at the Elves too, remembering my sis having said Bell had done something impassioned I hadn’t seen. Seeing my look, Bell shrugged, a slightly embarrassed smile on her face, and Soliteare nodded her agreement. “The Elves agree, it seems. So assuming that Miss Aditi can prove herself compatible, the Favour is hers. Besides, you are shorthanded.”
“He’s got you there.” David teased. “Thanks fangirl, quiet girl.” He waved approvingly at Natsumi and Motoko. “You as well.” The Elves were also thanked. “Our little miss Asian will be delighted to be back on the front lines. It’ll be hard on the teacher, but…”
“David, we can hardly ask for more.” Eleanor demurred. “Of course, I do hope that you bear our aid in mind when it comes to taking treasures from the Tower…”
“Sorry, those are two different matters. Hinata would be angry if we don’t get what we paid for.” I teased Eleanor. “But of course Mrs Mary-Jane can be considered if a suitable Favour presents itself.” I then looked around, surprised. “So, are we underground?”
My sis nodded. “Yeah. I had to make it my Territory, the Boundary… apparently it’s screwed here, and I know you want it in check. Before you say anything my big bro moonstone would say…” She cut me off. “I know it’s a huge risk, you don’t have to tell me, bro. But you also knew going after this bad old fox…” She nodded at Tamamo-no-Mae in my arms. The Kitsune twitched a little, and I knew she was listening. Does she understand us? Perhaps as we were sharing minds…
“…was a risk too, a bigger one than this, but you thought you had to do it. So you planned as best you could. It still needed everyone to help out, but… this isn’t any different.” She grinned triumphantly, hands on her hips despite her exhaustion. “She should be done soon. We’ve been digging!”
I glanced around, and I could see that her golden warriors were indeed expanding the cavern we occupied, and as my Eye flared, the effort incredibly fatiguing, with how drained I was, I could see where the damp, musky smell was coming from, as I saw Hyacinth sitting amidst a smaller side tunnel, a rich vein of ruby elemental energies gushing out of cracks in the ground. A ring of vivid mushrooms and toadstools had grown around her, and her body was radiating her nature element, spores continuing to grow out the Ring Gate.
“I see. If that’s what you’ve decided then.” I conceded. Having a Territory offered a lot of benefits, but also matching risks. “However, when the Ring Gate is linked up, get Ixitt’s Mobile Silos to ferry over enough ether to get upgraded to Rank three and throw down some extra defences. It’s only a million or so ether…” Only a million. I remember when that was an unimaginable sum. Now it’s a day with Shiro’s extra buff and me mitigating it. Of course, since I’ll be going abroad for a while soon, that isn’t an option for the near future…
“Thanks bro!” My sis gave me a thumbs up. “Appreciate it. But for now, shouldn’t we worry about other things?”
“Yeah.” With a grimace I got up, still carrying Tamamo-no-Mae in my arms. She was light despite her height and phenomenal proportions, and her lengthy shroud of hair, easily long enough to touch the floor, made it a bit awkward, but I wanted to keep an eye on her with Chirurgery. And to prevent any unexpected incidents. I thanked everyone personally, the numerous members of Adamant and also the Fae who had come at the call of my fiancées, paying special attention to the twins.
“I hear you were the real stars this time.” I paused, looking over at the silent Arisu-san, who was once more being accompanied by Shiro now the battle was over. “Of course, you as well, Arisu-san.”
“I hardly need your praise. We are allies, as Princess Eleanor so succinctly stated before. Besides, White here would only have been distraught had you perished. And my priorities have changed. I have no wish to take on the burden of ruling this world. I shall leave it to others with more aptitude and desire than I.”
“She’s just not good at saying what she means.” Shiro laughed, earning a flat glare. As the two of them bickered, I continued praising the twins. They promised to work harder and master every element, helping everyone else who need to learn to do so. As we were chatting, a group of weaselkin and ratkin descended down from the surface, covered in ash.
“We have-have found what we could.” The leader, a large, black-furred weaselkin said, placing some fragments of jade and crystal in front of Daiyu. Seeing me looking, Daiyu shrugged slightly.
“I was hoping that some of the Saint’s treasures survived the collapse of the Sessho-seki. Sadly it seems that hope was largely in vain. Even so, to witness a Saint, false as he was, and to relive memories of distant Kunlun… this venture has been a profitable one for me.” She smiled shyly then. “Besides, I would not have you perish, my Dao companion. Not in such a manner. I understand if you are too busy and drained for tomorrow. I shall allow you to attend to matters…”
I didn’t even need to see the harsh glares of my sis, Eri and the others before I shook my head emphatically, denying her kind, self-sacrificing words. “No. To me, no matter is as urgent as making sure your birthday is just perfect for you. We still have some time. Besides… not everything was lost. I managed to salvage some Formation plates and scraps from the Material Sessho-seki. But that’s for tomorrow.” I’ve made other arrangements too, she should be coming back with Hinata…
“Are you sure?” Daiyu asked, suddenly shy. And my nod, her smile was radiant. “Very well then. I will be impolite and impose on you.”
“It’s hardly an imposition. I’ll be having fun too. And I could certainly use a break from weightier matters. Speaking of…” I looked down at Tamamo-no-Mae, still cradled in my arms. “…I know you’ve woken up. The flow of your aether has changed.”
The Kitsune shuddered theatrically, limp tails suddenly flexing. Her ears flickered, and moments later her eyelids slid slowly open, revealing orbs like green jade. “I…” She said a few words of barely intelligible ancient Japanese, before frowning, beautiful even doing that, and then paused for thought, before speaking in a way we could understand, though her accent was still rather archaic. “I was simply wary. Have you no care for a delicate woman, who has suffered greatly?”
Nebisuki was the one that answered, barking a bitter laugh. “Delicate? You, grandmother? You will have to be far more believable. Besides, if you wish to seduce him, such efforts will be futile.”
“Seduce? I am simply…” She lowered her head, leaking a bitter sigh. “I remember. The pain I inflicted upon you. I… apologise.” At those words, Nebisuki goggled, stunned.
“You? Apologise? Now I believe I can die in peace, having seen the world no longer make sense.” Her words were harsh, but there was respect and fear in them, I wagered. “You never are sorry for anything you do. A Queen, an Empress… we are merely here for your whims.”
Tamamo-no-Mae narrowed her eyes as I put her down, and she stood, crossing her arms, tails raised behind her like banners. “If so, you should not be provoking me… granddaughter. It seems you have fewer tails than when I last saw you…”
“That stings. I…” Nebisuki coughed weakly. “…was injured trying to save you, grandmother. Perhaps a little gratitude… no, expecting such is obviously folly. It seems I am not in my right mind…”
“No, you are not.” Tamamo-no-Mae agreed haughtily. Everyone was watching, with a differing set of emotions. Interest, amusement, awe, depending on the viewer, there was a whole spectrum of curiosity on display. She is a legendary myth after all. A lot of people abroad may not have heard of Nurarihyon, but the nine-tailed fox is quite famous worldwide… “Alas though, it seems I do feel sorry.” She looked at me then. “My memories… I do not feel myself. A lot is gone, perhaps burned away. You felt it, no? Oblivion was my only solace from his cruelty.” She looked pitiful, and I felt the urge to comfort her, but I held myself back, unwilling to be fooled by her charms. Seeing that, she merely quirked her lips in a slight smile, before continuing sorrowfully. “What I do remember feels distant, as though I was but an observer, not truly experiencing it. I was an Empress, yes, little granddaughter, but be you an Empress or a slave, such treatment as I have endured will wear you away to nothing. But now…”
“What will you do?” I asked. “How will you live? I know you likely have concerns for Su Caihong and her daughter, but… a few days or even weeks won’t make a difference. If they are dead, then that’s that, but if they still live…” I then promised to send emissaries to the far north. It would need to be someone who could travel in the Material, and then enter the Boundary, and also had suitable power to be safe meeting Sekka, the most powerful Yuki-onna in Japan. I’ll sort that out before I go abroad. It’s not time critical, but I also want to avoid the ludicrously unlucky scenario where they are barely clinging to life and perish over these few days. The odds of that are nearly non-existent, though…
On hearing their names, her green eyes took on a distant stare. “I… how do I feel? I remember my rage, my desire to keep them safe, my need for revenge… no… I still feel that. Even in ashes, those who thwart me earn my enmity, and I leave no slight unrevenged. As for how I shall live…” She grimaced. “I am in not much better a shape than our two-tailed little fox here…” She couldn’t resist a dig at her maimed granddaughter. “I have been humiliated, body and spirit, for countless years, burned away like incense, all to power that wretched fool. If he was not already dead in a cruel manner, I would be happy to send him to Yomi.”
“So scary…” my sis muttered, and I had to agree. Even now, the fury in her voice was almost mesmerising. No, that’s just her Charm and maybe her Majesty, I think?
“But I still live. I will not thank you, for I did not ask for your aid…” Tamamo-no-Mae declared to me haughtily. “I wished instead for death, and you declined to grant me that boon. Insolence.” Now she was smiling, amused, her moods oddly changeable. “But just as I was free to do as I wished due to my unrivalled strength, so too did you force me to yield, freeing me despite my wishes. And worse… you have bound me. For now, I have little choice but to live as you please. But remember, should you abuse me, I shall one day be free. I may be a candle long melted and deformed, but I have forgotten more wisdom than you shall ever know.” She was smiling, and I felt my grasp on her invisible tail, but I knew threats when I heard them. “Since it seems I am not yet destined to leave this world… I shall allow you to make good on your words to me, and show me that this is a world worth living for, despite my losses. Show me a world that is no longer boring. For now, I am living at your pleasure. But I shall rise again, and my name shall once more no longer bind me, as it was and will be again.” Her gaze was now challenging, and I found that more attractive than her false charm of earlier.
The tense moment was broken by great peals of laughter by Nebisuki. Tamamo-no-Mae raised an eyebrow, both amused and annoyed, and barked out a question. “Just what brings you such mirth? Are you happy, seeing me so bound? I did refuse to aid you that day, but I let you live. It seems petty to laugh at my misfortune.”
“I am not laughing at that, grandmother. More myself. Akio too has taken my name. I cannot refuse him.” At those words, I was receiving a very pointed look from Eleanor, but David, still exhausted, merely leaned over and nudged her shoulder. Blinking, she realised she had promised to give me the benefit of the doubt in future, so retracted her querying gaze.
“I said the same. I thought that when you returned, I would finally be able to grow my fifth tail. Uranai predicted so.” She snorted, looking sorrowfully at her ragged stumps. “It seems I have travelled further from my goal. No matter. But I believed I would grow strong enough to break the forced bond. No, calling it forced is wrong…” At least Nebisuki picked up on Eleanor’s misgivings. “I offered, knowing I need to lower myself for my goal. For my survival. But I am proud. All we Kitsune are. We get that pride from you, grandmother.”
Tamamo-no-Mae watched on in silence, listening, and Nebisuki continued. “However, it seems that Akio is far from ordinary. It must be so, as Uranai believes the fate of the Kitsune lie in two hands. His, and yours, grandmother. But… apparently his bonds are unbreakable, so… he claims he will hold my name forever. Perhaps yours too, grandmother. He grows his strength rapidly, so… perhaps you will find it harder to escape than you wish to?” Her smile was now wicked. “Perhaps it is some scant consolation for those you toyed with yourself? Now you will be toyed with in turn. It may well do you some good.”
“Insolence.” Tamamo-no-Mae declared, but I detected a trace of unease in her pose. I felt a gentle tugging at her invisible tail, and though she tried to cover it up, even doing that was inflicting great pain on her, as her Chakra network was a twisted and melted mess. “I am she of the nine tails. I will do as I please, as I always have. But for now… we have exchanged promises.”
“That’s right.” I agreed, glad to change the subject. “Besides, I’m not going to force you to do anything but cause no harm to me or my allies.”
“This must be a fascinating tale, but… we should return.” Eleanor said pointedly. “I believe your words, but even with good cause… forcibly bending women, even these spiritual beings, to your will is not a good look, Akio. People will misunderstand easily…” She flushed as Shiro and Shaeula laughed at her. “I am not so inclined to believe the worst. I believe I know him better now. But others…”
“Yeah, you’re right.” I agreed, soothing her. “But it’s a Yōkai thing, unfortunately. “Out of my control. In any case, you’re keeping an eye on me all the time, so you’ll not let me stray onto the wrong path, will you?”
“He’s got you there, Princess.” David agreed, and Eleanor scowled, showing an expression that she would never do while acting as a Princess in the real world.
“Never mind. This is all very well, but… we should be going. Arisugawa-san, if you would?”
“We’ll wait for the Ring Gate.” I said, thanking everyone one final time, and as those leaving filed into her Room, I looked at Tamamo-no-Mae again. “Don’t worry, we’ll talk things out. Right now, I think we are all too beaten and exhausted to think clearly. I know I am. You really did try and kill me off…”
“Bah.” Tamamo-no-Mae shrugged, nearly causing the coat she was wrapped in to burst. “I was not myself. Perhaps I never will be again. But…” She took a deep breath, and despite the ash, spores and dust in the air, she seemed pleased. “…I admit, to live a moment free of such torture… it is worth much indeed. If I have regrets, it is simply…”
“One thing at a time.” I broke in. “One thing at a time. For now… let’s go home. I’ve a lot to do before tomorrow.” Offering my hand to Daiyu, she took it gently, and we waited for Hyacinth to finish…
“This seems manifestly unfair.” Nie Ling rarely complained, she was usually withdrawn and quiet, but now she was protesting bitterly. “If she’s in fact Bao Si, as the stories say, she is responsible for much greater evil than I did! And it was at her own pleasure!”
“I see my legend lives on.” Tamamo-no-Mae said unhelpfully. Once Hyacinth had exhausted herself creating the Ring Gate and linking it to the Hub at Shirohebizumi shrine, we had returned there, though my sis had stayed behind, and was receiving ether shipments organised by Shaeula. “But what does that matter? I know not what you have done, little girl, but from your words, you have done evil too. Does one being more heinous negate the lesser?”
“No, but…” Ling seemed unwilling to back down. I was having her send Tamamo-no-Mae to the Material, as it was not something she could manager herself, unlike fifteen hundred years ago, due to her malformed network and the lower ether density of Earth. Beside us stood Hyacinth and Tsukiko, who had decided to take care of her acclimatisation. I couldn’t help but smile as I remembered.
Tsukiko wants to be useful, and feels a little out of place herself, having embraced her own self, not as just the Diviner, so she also feels that fish-out-of-water vibe. As for Hyacinth… when she heard what Tamamo-no-Mae had endured over the long years, perhaps it struck a chord with her, as she wished to also help her. Her nature as at least partially a Brownie likely influences that too.
“You aren’t being punished like I am!” she finished, losing steam.
“Am I not?” The Kitsune laughed. There was another here, her granddaughter, though she was waiting for Shaeula to recover some aether to treat her injuries with Chirurgery. I’ll likely have to finish it off, she’s totally broken by the loss of her tails and the backlash, but once she’s stabilised properly, we have time. “I endured more than you could cope with, little girl. Perhaps it was not punishment meted out by those I wronged, but you would not last a moment under that pain. I have lost more than you could ever hope to understand.”
“Look, are you unsatisfied?” I asked Ling, troubled. It’s not like I don’t understand where she is coming from, but nothing changes the innocent dead of Kyoto. While the level of blame she should face is tricky to decide, both legally and morally… she also needs to live with it herself. “I know you’re not free to do your own thing, but you live quietly at my estate, you can go out if properly supervised, and you may think we’re exploiting your powers, but… we are paying wages into an account for you. You just can’t access most of it yet. Do you really think that you didn’t do anything deserving of punishment?”
That silenced her. Biting her lip, she cried out. “I’m not as strong as you. Perhaps I should have spat in its face, let it consume me… but I’m no hero. I did what I had to do to survive!”
“And so are we. Your power is needed. And honestly… do you want me to let you go? I can.”
She paused, surprised, and opened her mouth to speak, before her expression changed, and she looked down, torn. I thought I could understand her, so I pressed on. “What would you do then? I’ll give you what you’ve earned, so you can buy a small home somewhere, but trouble will come looking for you, we both know it. You have power, but it isn’t one that is useful alone. Not against someone like me, or even the Chosen in Korea. And you know that defeating you would strengthen others. Besides… you strike me as someone who doesn’t want to fight.”
“I don’t. I never wanted any of this. I just wanted a peaceful life…”
“Which you have, it sounds like.” Tamamo-no-Mae interjected. “I see no manacles, no chains. You are not starved or tortured.”
“Chains can be invisible…” Ling pointed out, and Tamamo-no-Mae seized on that as if she was waiting on it.
“Yes, they can. And I am so bound. I am merely a poor slave to this master of yours. Unlike you though, I am not human. I shudder to think how I will be used and abused, tormented to make up for my crimes…”
“He won’t do that.” Ling said, and Tamamo-no-Mae smirked, her point proved. Ling flushed, but then sighed bitterly. “I’m a weak person. Why the Duke of Dreams chose me, I have no idea. Honestly… I thought I would hate this, hate you.” She shook her head, as if to clear her thoughts. “But it isn’t so bad. Using my power for this, not to fight. I’ve visited the construction site. It’s miraculous. Seeing giants and machinery hand in hand. If… if I make the world better, maybe…”
“You’ll sleep better at night?” I asked knowingly, and she sighed.
“I had no choice. I… think you were too cruel to me. But… I know many died so I could live. You’re right. Unless I somehow convince myself it was worth it… and I can’t go home. In China I’m a traitor they’ll hunt down, and it is as you say, others like us will hunt me… even so, her punishment should be greater than mine!”
“It was greater than you could imagine.” I assured her. “Not that it makes the crimes she committed disappear. But… just as I need your powers, Nie Ling, I need hers. Understand?”
“I do. But… You’d really let me go?” she asked hesitantly.
“Before… maybe not. But you’re right about one thing. There’s no fair solution to your crimes.”
“Such a meaningless conversation.” Tamamo-no-Mae waved her tails. “You acted in your own interests. Others paid for it. Just own it. I do. Now it seems you are paying penance here. That should be enough. Nobody can turn back time. Now, little girl…”
“I have a name, it’s…” Ling began, but Tamamo-no-Mae cut her off.
“Now, little girl…” she repeated, and Hyacinth giggled. “…I am eager to see the world that lacks boredom I was promised, and… it has been many, many long years since I have known pleasures of the flesh and spirit. I am eager to regain some semblance of joy, if only to spite that old fool who tormented me.”
“Fine. I’ll do it…” Ling said with a frown, before saying hesitantly. “Do you think I can be like you, and not regret it one day?”
“Who is to say I have no regrets?” Tamamo-no-Mae laughed. “I am naught but regrets. But I am who I am. I did those acts, through boredom, malice, hubris, pride or jealousy. I am me, I could have done nothing else. Of course, now… I cannot live for myself. So for now… I shall try being a new me. But even a new me, memories merely a mask I wear, shall still act as I act, for I can do naught else. You… had no choice but to be yourself. Those acts have consequences, but… how you decide now is also not a choice, but inevitability.”
“Inevitable?” Ling nodded. “Maybe so. In that case…” She looked at me seriously then. “I wouldn’t mind some of my wages… if I’m… going to keep on doing this work, I want to take some pride in it, not just feel like I’m atoning, or being punished. And… donate the rest. It won’t change anything, but… I will do some good in the world. Besides…” She looked on, earnestly, and I thought it was the truest face she had ever shown me, her spiky, bitter defensiveness and self-pity swept aside to reveal her core. “…I really don’t hate the work. Seeing everyone working together to build something, rather than working for that monster who threatened and controlled me, only seeking to destroy… I think this is the better path.”
“And there is your answer, little girl.” Tamamo-no-Mae smiled. “If you have no choices, either accept that, or convince yourself that your lack of choice is meaningless. I shall do the same. Though again., being myself, I can do nothing else. Though being dominated will be a novel experience…” Her grin was wicked, so I shook my head.
“All right, that’s enough of that. I’ll talk to Hinata. We’re actually already donating to the victims’ families on your behalf, but I agree it’s more meaningful this way. Now, I’m in a hurry, can you send Tamamo-no-Mae over now?”
“Yes, I too am eager.” The Kitsune crowed, and as aether surged, and Tamamo-no-Mae shed her Astral body, I recreated my Material form, while my Astral one headed for the Ring Gate, for the Fae Realms. I need to restore as much of my aether and elemental energies as possible for Daiyu’s day tomorrow. No, it’s nearly today, in fact. In any case… at least that’ll be a much more pleasing undertaking than today’s was… Exchanging a knowing glance with Nebisuki as I left the room, I found myself grinning, admiring Asha’s great Tree that towered over the Ring Gate Hub.
We did it. Uranai believed that Tamamo-no-Mae can protect my seeds. Now all I need to do is gather them, sow them… and then… the harvest!
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