Five Hundred And Eight *Contains Status – Hyacinth 5*Five Hundred And Eight *Contains Status – Hyacinth 5*
Tengoku-seki [Item Class: Legendary] [Item Type: Law]
This miraculous item is forged from the principles of multi-dimensional space and Cultivation techniques, forming a small, sealed pocket of space which is invisible to the outside world. Based on the now-defunct Sessho-seki, the Cultivation Techniques employed here are the works of a child as compared to an adult, but with other crafts and great understanding of the scientific nature of alternate non-Euclidean space, a facsimile was created on a smaller scale for a different purpose.
Trapped within, Heavenly Purifying Lightning and Chaotic Winds are sealed by potent Ice and Spatial Elements and integrated within the being of a spiritless Fae creature. These Elements can be nurtured and grown by filling the Tengoku-seki, which allows passage in very specific ways, so supplying suitable Elements will prevent the dissipation of these Elements. The shell, formed from a mysterious Klein Bottle, is specially designed to magnify Adherence and allow it to be collected.
The Heavens do not approve of such disrespect, and the fury of a Tribulation is not to be mocked. The Tengoku-seki is fragile, and if overloaded, the Elements within will break free, and that which is hidden shall be revealed…
“Damn, it’s good. Everything I hoped…” I muttered, quickly scanning the description of the item. Bjarki, his hands and arms little more than burned bones held together by mere sinew and willpower, grimaced suddenly, coughing blood, though his eyes were feverish as he gazed at the small orb in my hand.
“It’n be done then? I see… I see. Beautiful!”
“You damn fool.” I complained. Grabbing Bjarki by the shoulder with my free hand, I quickly started Ether Healing, and aether surged from me, reknitting his flesh, sealing burns. His ruined hands flexed, and Bjarki let out a deep laugh.
“A fool? Aye, we Dvergr are fools f’but three things, ye ken? A tankard of ale, a nugget o’gold, and lastly, a mighty craft. And this’n… it be mighty indeed, aye? The sort that even Ivaldi would approve of.”
“I don’t know about that. It’s turned out how I hoped…” I replied as I brought Bjarki out of danger. I then turned to the other injured smiths and regenerated their lost fingers and other small injuries. While I was doing that, Hyacinth had trotted over to me, mopping my sweat and offering comforting words of praise for my efforts, while Shiro observed the new item with interest, one of her eyes a brilliant crimson, showing Tan was watching too.
“…but of course, it’s all theoretical.” I explained further. “Sure, I saw a lot of the Formations of the Sessho-seki, but my Cultivation talents are modest. But what I have noticed, from seeing those, and talking with Daiyu, as well as seeing the other Formation Plates we have…”
“Got it.” Shiro had understood. “It’s a lot like programming, isn’t it? In a language we don’t really get, but nonetheless, I know that Hayato and the gang have noticed as well and plan to run a lot of supercomputer time on it.”
“Yeah, it’s nice to put my degree and job to some use.” I snorted, continuing to finish the remaining healing. “It’s not overly useful in battle, but… when it comes to this sort of thing, and crafting… it helps to think logically and methodically. As well as to build a system that does what we want from first principles. Crafting seems to follow a similar process too.”
“From what I’ve seen, it’s not exactly that simple. Even if we don’t know what we’re doing, aether solves everything.” Shiro shook her head. “Although…”
“Yes, it is quite-quite true that many miracles can be wrought with power.” Shaeula agreed. “I have experienced this myself, with-with the wind, but… it is not-not wise to merely rely on brute force. Power has limits, and greater feats require escalation.”
“Exactly.” I agreed, having finished saving the maimed hands of our eager craftsmen. “I know I didn’t get this perfect, but I got it close enough, thanks to what I had to work with, to make things happen. It’s left me drained though. Although fortunately…” Eri was supplying me with aether through Lovers’ Link, which should be enough to tide me over. Shaeula’s done what she can, minimising my needed efforts, so it’s time to switch.
Thanking Eri in my thoughts and receiving an amused warning to not work too hard in response, I handed over the Tengoku-seki to Shaeula. She took it in her hands, looking at it almost reverently, while I sat down beside the silent, observant Tamamo-no-Mae, and the frail, pale Nebisuki. “Be very careful with it.” I warned. “It’s a ticking time bomb in some respects, but you’re the perfect one to feed it, considering it’s mostly lightning and wind we’re trying to harvest.”
Shaeula’s eyes glowed amber, and she winced, a sickly frown crossing her features. Blinking, she narrowed her eyes, trying to make sense of it all, before nodding. “I understand. Caution is something I do-do excel at!” she boasted, and Shiro snorted.
“Sure you do. What do you think, Hyacinth?”
Hyacinth froze, unwilling to criticise Shaeula, and her silver-violet eyes swam with uncertainty, before she decided discretion was the better part of valour. “I think that Akiooo should rest. You are working toooooo hard, Hyacinth is worried about you!” She had mopped my sweat, and was gazing at me with tender concern, though her glances at Bjarki and the others, whose injuries had required me to attend to them, were noticeably less warm.
“It’s fine. I’ll have plenty of time to rest on my trips abroad, hopefully.” I assured her, patting her head, which made her flush and giggle. “A lot of travelling, mainly, and some diplomacy. While I’ll try and keep my Astral body here as long as I can, once I need it for something, you’ll have to do without me for the rest of the time.”
“We shall manage.” Shaeula promised, extending a faint trickle of vivid lightning into the Tengoku-seki, a merest whisper of power, judging the effect. “After all, even though we have-have many commitments, what use would we be if we could not-not protect everything in your absence, is that not-not correct?”
Hyacinth nodded fiercely. “Indeed, I have been cooking in my pooot, any foe will be reduced to dust and rooot!”
“That’s rather poetic.” Shiro sniggered. “Scary too. But yeah, leave it to us, Aki. Besides…” She glanced over at the two foxes, and lowered her voice a little, though if she genuinely didn’t wish them to hear, she’d have taken precautions. “…even if the oncoming disaster happens, this time we’ve taken every available safety measure. Everyone knows what to do, even the Ministry has a broadcast ready. Britain’s been informed and stands ready. Just let us handle it. You think you have to go, so just go.”
“Indeed. Trust us and we shall prove-prove worthy of it.” Shaeula nodded fiercely. “Besides, did we not-not rescue this fox? Uranai did predict she would help, no?”
For the first time in a while, Tamamo-no-Mae spoke. She had sat in silence as Shaeula had ministered to her severe spiritual injuries, but now her bushy tails twitched. “Me? I fear you are being rather optimistic, little Kamaitachi. I may be the proud nine-tailed fox, but… I am barely myself. The Kudan are wise and see the strands of what may be and what should be, but… even they are far from infallible.”
“No kidding. Else I should be dead.” I agreed. “Nebisuki, can you wait a while? I’d like to take a look at Tamamo-no-Mae first.”
“Of course.” The now two-tailed fox sighed, her lone leg kicking restlessly. “I am a patient woman, I have always been prepared to wait. Compared to realms where time moves like droplets of pitch, endlessly slow… I can endure. Though…” She looked at me, her expression teasing. “…I would greatly appreciate it if I too could taste the pleasures of the mortal realm while I recuperate, just as dear grandmother has. After all, I sacrificed for you, did I not?”
“Actually, you sacrificed for your own benefit.” Shiro pointed out shrewdly. “And don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, trying to win Aki’s pity and affection. You think you’re worth his love?”
“When in my prime? Certainly!” Nebisuki nodded fiercely, not backing down. Her grandmother looked at her, the detachment in her eyes fading a little, and the younger Kitsune continued. “I know you hardly care for me, daughter of Urakaze…” Shaeula nodded at that, so Nebisuki continued. “…I can indeed see why, though just because I have had… acquaintance… with some of your family before is no reason to spurn me. We all have pasts. It is the now and the future that matters. I am not as fickle as grandmother…”
“Fickle? It is simply so few were my equals or worth my effort.” Tamamo-no-Mae sneered. “And few of those that were liked me overmuch, or were to my tastes. Nurarihyon took little Seirei to wife, and he is… surprisingly loyal.”
“As he should be.” I nodded, remembering the strange scenes inside his Territory, and the small doll he had given his love to. In terms of power, she’s a good match. Her ability to make wishes reality, even limited, still leaves me sweating. “I sometimes feel he’s a better man than me, but… this is for the best. I know I can make everyone happy, so I will.”
As my Eye shone, peering deep into the ruin that was her spiritual body, Tamamo-no-Mae curled her lip, and continued. “Strength is appealing, there is no question of that. But just strength abhors me. Ōtakemaru and Shuten Dōji are both arrogant and boorish, though there is a certain savour in being… overpowered.” She glanced at me then, her green eyes shining nigh-imperceptibly. “But few can. Not without base trickery, like that worthless monk. But…” her expression turned sombre. “…I did have a few who I… cared for. All gone now, no doubt.”
“Not necessarily. We’ll know soon.” I promised, thinking of Su Caihong and her daughter, likely dead in the frozen north. But she put everything into trying to preserve their lives. And this Sekka is supposedly on the same level as many of the top Numbers of the Hyakki Yagyō. There’s still hope.
“The issue is, nooobody who Akio chooses may take any others.” Hyacinth said firmly. She was rather fascinated by the Tengoku-seki, and was glancing over at it, faint sparks of purple rising from her, matching the colour of her eyes. Of course. She’s unlocked a brief taste of spatial element, after all, having been making Ring Gates. Quickly measuring her growth, I smiled. Hyacinth is right. Just like the Myconids, she punches way above her weight in terms of devastating destructive power, and even without that, she’s reached the same level of raw power as Shaeula, even if she has much lower flexibility and utility. It’s hard to use her properly, but anyone who attacks us will regret it!
Hyacinth | Noble Grey Fae | Space, Light, Darkness and Wood Aspect |
[Material Statistics] | [Intangible Statistics] | ||
Might | 856 1156 +30 | Fortune | 5 7 +1 |
Fortitude | 877 1174 +30 | Majesty | 2 +1 |
Intellect | 765 1030 +30 | Charm | 9 13 +1 |
Resilience | 781 1043 +30 | League | 11 16 +1 |
Alacrity | 916 1176 +30 | Determination | 10 15 +1 |
Precision | 893 1165 +30 | Foresight | 6 8 +1 |
Aether | 2369 2879 +30 | Fate | 4 6 +1 |
[Material Skills] | Rank | Class | Type |
[Aetheric Skills] | |||
Silver Cord | Rank 4 Rank 5 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Eight Moons Chakra Network | Rank 5 | Noble (5) | Rule (5) |
Aether Manipulation | Rank 3 Rank 4 | Sufficient (3) Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Weal And Woe | Rank 3 | Noble (5) | Artifice (6) |
Ether Healing | Rank 3 Rank 4 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
[Elemental Skills] | |||
Space Manipulation | Rank 1 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Crown Chakra Of Space | Rank 2 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Light Manipulation | Rank 4 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Third Eye Chakra Of Light | Rank 3 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Darkness Manipulation | Rank 5 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Throat Chakra Of Darkness | Rank 4 Rank 5 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Wood Manipulation | Rank 8 Rank 9 | Noble (5) | Rule (5) |
Root And Sacral Chakras Of Wood | Rank 6 Rank 7 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Lunar Chakra Of Wood, Space, Light And Darkness | Rank 3 | Imperious (6) | Rule (5) |
[Intangible Skills] | |||
[Unique Skills] | |||
Sporecaster | Rank 6 Rank 8 | Imperious (6) | Principle (7) |
Blessings Of Home | Rank 4 Rank 5 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Curses Of Home | Rank 4 | Powerful (4) | Foundation (4) |
Lovers’ Link | Rank 7 Rank 9 | Noble (5) Imperious (6) | Artifice (6) |
[Level] | 84/104 100/163 | [Class] | Great Darkness, Light And Nature/Wood Grey Fae 18/20 True Space, Light, Darkness and Wood Grey Fae 2/30 Walking Plague 11/20 15/20 Pledged One 8/20 Dweller In Twilight 5/10 6/10 |
[Mastered Class] | Darkness and Wood Fae 10/10 Great Darkness, Light and Wood Grey Fae 20/20 Pledged One 10/10 |
Her nature element has settled on being called wood element now. Or rather that’s what my Eye has done. Is that merely a terminology change, or something more fundamental? It’s wood element for me and for Asha, and as well as for Arangbō, so…
“I believe I understand.” Asha spoke up quietly. She was rather self-effacing most of the time, blending into the background, much as her Tree did, though that was a habit I wished she’d break. After all, she was going to be the mother of my children, and I cared deeply for her. “The past affects us, but… it is not who we are now. I… have many sorrows and shames. I… sometimes still feel unworthy of living on.” Seeing me ready to comfort her she waved a hand, shaking her head, long red hair cascading like an auburn waterfall. “I know. I have much to live for now, least of all my fallen sisters. But even these sweet months can hardly erase the many long years of my past. This woman, Nebisuki… she has done much, but… wishes to turn over a new leaf?” She made the plant-related pun sound charming.
“Maybe so, but… it’s different for men and women.” Shiro interjected, troubled. “It’s not fair, and I hate that biased shit. But it’s how the world sees it. A man like Aki, having lots of lovers… sure, there’ll always be those who don’t like it, call him shameless…” She smirked, raising one hand, whispering loudly and mock-conspiratorially. “…which our Aki most certainly is, just ask Eleanor. But… there are a lot of guys who’ll be jealous and respect him. Like Yasu, or David. But if the tables were turned… if say you or I had eleven male lovers, Asha, we’d just be seen as a loose woman, a slut. Now…” Her hand forestalled me again. “Aki, I don’t have any interest in anyone but you, so don’t even say it. Nobody here does. But you struggle with the unfairness too. Nobody has to come to you a virgin, that’s sexist crap, and while most of us did, maybe all of us…” She glanced sideways for a second, before shaking her head. “…if I’d have dated around a little beforehand, you wouldn’t have minded, would you Aki? You’d still have wanted me, to help me, to love me?”
I nodded. “Yeah. It’s only natural. Not everyone finds love first go. And I don’t think women have to be spotlessly chaste, waiting for the one…”
“The issue is… when someone has been around way too much. I mean, Tamamo-no-Mae is famous for it, and you’re no better, Nebisuki.” Shiro pointed out.
“I am desirable, and I have my appetites. But… I am not disloyal.” Nebisuki insisted. “A firm hand can keep me captivated as long as a strong, handsome man wishes. Be that a night, a moon, a year, a century or… forever.”
“Maybe so, but it’s hard for guys to like a woman far more experienced than they are, and… well, Hayato wouldn’t be so crass, but… Shugo and Yasu… they’d probably think Aki was being a fool…”
Nebisuki drooped her ears, looking hurt, though I wasn’t sure if it was an act or her genuine feelings. Despite that, it was actually Shaeula who spoke up. “I do not-not care for loose females. Be it that foolish Bakeneko, or you.” She scowled, and Nebisuki managed a wry smile. “But I do understand wishing for Akio. That-that is simply, surely the natural state of any wise female. My brother, perhaps my father… well, do you still pine for them, fox?”
“Hardly.” Nebisuki shrugged. “I swear upon my Number in the Parade, may Grand Nurarihyon drown me in his dark waters if I lie… I have given that up. I wish to live, to grow stronger, and if I must be a tamed pet, give my name, crouch and lick his feet, offer myself I shall do so. It… seems a rather sweet prison.” She licked her lips. “And dear grandmother seems to have little other choice.”
“My father, Orion…” Asha mused. “He and the noble Queen Ariel, their love lives are the stuff of whispered mirth and wonder about the Court. Powerful men and women do as they please, but… to have the strength to force such to yield…”
“That is it precisely.” Nebisuki sniggered. “If you could be the man to stop our errant ways, finally make honest women of us… while yes, fools may scoff, deride you… the wise would know it proves your strength, your desirability, that you are the man who yoked, tamed such women, made them yours and yours alone. Those who know would laud you as the greatest of men.”
“All right, enough of that.” I changed the subject, not wishing to dwell on it. I’m a normal guy, it’s something heart-warming to think that I’m the only man a girl’s ever been with, but… I’m also not enough of a hypocrite to make a big deal out of it. But… Tamamo-no-Mae… I mean, even my confidence at handling her isn’t high… “Shaeula, you did a good job stabilising them and repairing surface-level damage. But…”
“My Skills need work.” Shaeula admitted wistfully. “I have so-so little time, and you have surpassed me before I knew it. However…” She grinned at Hyacinth, her fellow Pledged One. ”…we do have many-many advantages. What you know, we can learn also, in time. Now proceed, and I shall observe.” She was still trickling in lightning element to the Tengoku-seki, but her eyes were on me and my Chirurgery now.
“True. I think I made breakthroughs in Spatial Perception because you already paved the way for me. Anyway…” I looked at Tamamo-no-Mae seriously. “Putting aside your granddaughter and her flirty entreaties, which don’t work, may I add, as I still find it hard to forgive her over nearly getting Eri killed or worse…” As Nebisuki made an apologetic noise, looking deliberately pitiful, I ignored her. “…I’m not trying to claim you. I know your suffering, thanks to you making it abundantly clear…” My lips curled into a wry smile at that, and I couldn’t help but shudder at the remembered agonies. “…so long as you’re here, I think that Uranai’s words will be true. That’ll be enough for repayment.”
“You think so?” Tamamo-no-Mae studied me calmly for a long while, before turning to her granddaughter.
“Is he a fool, little Hana?” she said at last, and as I gently began the arduous task of reforming her melted Chakras and networks one by one, she shivered. They’re largely destroyed, so I expect she’ll suffer a great loss of strength, even with my help, I’m not a God, or a miracle worker. But then she’s also retained her core League and massive aether reserves, so perhaps over time if I can renew her she’ll naturally return to her peak? If so, are we talking months, years or even longer? Unless I can think of a suitable solution, she might have to rebuild from a low ebb. Damn it, I really didn’t want this to be the scenario where you recruit a boss character and they are nerfed to hell when they become playable…
Shaeula, Shiro, Hyacinth… everyone was laughing at me, even Asha covering her mouth with one hand.
“Little Hana?” Nebisuki laughed. “So you remember? As for your question, he is undoubtedly a huge fool. But his foolishness is honest. And… though he did it because of my words picking at his interests, as Uranai no doubt intended, I can but think that some part of his desperate attempts to save you were for me.”
“You can think it.” Shiro agreed. “We all think things that might not be true if it makes us feel more appreciated, better loved.”
“And so I will.” Nebisuki snorted, agreeing. “Also… I am also not the only enemy here, who wishes to be a friend now. That again speaks well to his strength, grandmother. Any fool can crush enemies, slaughter foes, but only those who are destined to rule, who have true power, can make enemies not only yield, but beg to be a part of his world.”
“Like Nurarihyon, and his Hyakki Yagyō…” Tamamo-no-Mae mused, before letting out a bitter, indrawn hiss. “Careful, that burns. Treat a beautiful woman with far more care. Have a delicate touch!” She glanced at the others. “You should teach him how to handle us. I am not … that.” She nodded at the Tengoku-seki. The craftsmen and Bjarki were bringing out observation tools, but were careful not to bother Shaeula, instead chattering eagerly amongst themselves, comparing ideas, not even listening to our conversation. Makes a change. This time when we’re having an embarrassing talk in public, nobody’s even listening…
“No, I am Tamamo-no-Mae, I believe.” Her words were bitter. “I still have my memories, enough of them, I suppose, distant, foreign though they seem to me. Only a few motes sparkle, bring me any emotion. But I am still the greatest seductress of the East. From the great empires of the Shang dynasty, through Tianzhu, the land called Ind, and then these isles, I have been the woman all men have dreamed of bedding, all women wished to be as beautiful as, all who sought power envied. At least treat me so!”
“She’s… pouting?” Shiro cocked her head, snorting with laughter. “Damn me, Aki’s a natural. I still don’t get how he could have changed so. I need to speak to Aiko and Eri more. Find out just how this all started, and how he kept it hidden for so long.”
As Shaeula laughingly agreed, I sighed. “Mock all you want. Sorry, Tamamo-no-Mae…”
“Call me Mae. My true name… it is unpleasant now I am so weak.”
“Mae then. I may have saved you, but… I did it for selfish reasons. But… I also don’t mean to treat you without due care and attention. It’s just…” I paused then. When she had compared herself to the Tengoku-seki, I had an idea. And it’s a truly terrifying, dangerous idea.
Looking at the Skill gains I had achieved, I had gained a new Skill, Calculative Predictions, which had rapidly risen, reaching Rank 3 in the blink of an eye. It was one Ixitt made great use of, and I suspected Bjarki may have possessed as well, as it seemed to be akin to insight for a craftsman.
This Skill increases the ability of the bearer to perform complicated mathematics and simulations in areas of natural law, such as material stressors, gravity, propulsion, and other aspects of physics and chemistry. It allows a limited predictive model to be created to test theories and applications of the sciences mentally, though this is limited by the knowledge the bearer already possesses. In addition, biological and spiritual bodily processes you have understanding of can be simulated. [Class: Powerful] [Type: Artifice]
I had also gained several Rank-ups in my crafting Skills, with Crude ???????? Crafting having finally become simply ???????? Crafting and reaching Rank 3. In addition, Shapercraft had jumped two Ranks from 3 to 5, Dvergr Crafting had finally risen to Rank 3, and Ether and Adherence Crafting had both increased, to Rank 8 and Rank 4 respectively. The gains had been spectacular, but the question as to why was more important, and judging by some of the benefits I received, in addition to the usual better, more efficient crafts, I understood.
Basically, I can now create an item effect within an unresisting spiritual or material body using Shapercraft, and the flow of aether, elements, adherence and ???????? can be promoted and strengthened. And while most of the description of ???????? Crafting is obscured by the usual bevy of question marks, one telling point seems to be repairing the spirit through the fundamental aspects of ????????. I could only think of one reason these abilities had strengthened.
“…look, I’ll be honest with you, Mae. You’re very damaged. I mean, it’d be impossible for you to be unharmed, the monk was draining you dry, shredding you apart slowly, all those years.” She nodded bitterly, and I continued. “But I’m confident I can fix you to the state that you’ll stop hurting at the least, though using your League and aether will still damage you again, and you’ll be weaker than your granddaughter, for certain. Much weaker.”
“Oh, how the tables have turned, grandmother. If I was not such a mutilated, tail-shorn descendant, I would turn you over my knee and spank you for your terrible attitude.” She snorted a laugh as she met her grandmother’s glaring eyes. “No, I suppose I would not. I too understand the bitterness of long years of yearning.”
“Go on.” Tamamo-no-Mae turned from Nebisuki to me. “I am wise, and I may have lost much of my strength and will, but none of my cunning. I hear a but in your words.”
“Right.” I agreed. Everyone was listening raptly to me now, and I could feel a new thread of Foresight chiming. This one… it wasn’t overtly dangerous, but… it tangled with the threat I could feel looming, and perhaps the decision made here would have great influence, for good or ill. “Yeah, I’m confident I can allow you to function, and you might slowly recover, you’re strong, after all. But… that could take longer than you’d like. A lot longer, but…”
The nine-tailed fox wasn’t the only one who snorted, Shiro rolled her eyes and mouthed something to Shaeula, who laughed.
“Here it is then. Many sought favours from me. Some few I granted. Mostly, it went poorly. I did not like being badgered, boy.” Mae sniffed.
“I know. Look… you’re… actually wrong. You are like the Tengoku-seki… or you could be.” It wasn’t that risky, at least, in terms of failure, or so I assumed. It’s combining Chirurgery and Ether Healing with Shapercraft and also… other crafting Skills. Using her as a material, though we’ll also need… huh, yeah, that’ll work. I ran some Calculative Predictions, and my Eye also guided me. Okay, now I really think I’m a cheat protagonist. The synergy with all these Skills is broken.
I asked Bjarki and his smiths to fetch me a significant amount of bluesteel, as well as a number of other precious materials. On the journey to Kyoto, which was drawing ever closer, I stopped looking at physics, and instead was checking out surgical procedures and medical equipment, searching for what I needed. I then offered my solution.
“If you could trust me, and let me craft you… I believe I can fix the worst of your wounds. It wouldn’t be perfect, but if done right… it’d be like pacemakers, artificial body parts, medical gauzes that help veins and arteries regrow as a scaffold then dissolve away… I think your recovery time could be measured in a matter of weeks.”
“Aki’s making cyborgs now. It was only natural, Tan. After all, he’s already got plans for the classic Sharingan-style eye transplants.” Shiro joked out loud for us to hear, and Shaeula nodded, agreeing.
“I… do not understand.” Mae said at last. “You… do not have to ask my permission. I could fight you, resist your grip on my name and my invisible tail, but doing so, all I would gain is the satisfaction of my death.”
“We don’t do non-consensual here.” I joked, tuning out Shiro’s inevitable ribald quips about that. “Honestly, you’ve done many terrible things in your life, I’ve seen it. But… a lot of religions have a Purgatory to pay for sins with punishment, and… you’ve had yours. Look, I confess, I want you to protect the seeds I’m to gather. I need that, if I’m going to be sure I can protect Earth and those I care for on it. I’ll even protect you and Nebisuki here. And Su Caihong and Liena, if they still live. But… there’s a saying we have. Save someone’s life and you’re responsible for them from now on. I don’t think that’s necessarily true, but… you did want to die and I forced you to live, so… let me at least get you back to a state where you can make your own choices without any regrets.”
“Hana, you are a fool.” Mae said at last, and the Kitsune snorted.
“How so, grandmother? If you mean my sorry state, I agree, but… if he can craft me new tails, I will accept in a mere moment, and will kiss his feet, and…” she pursed her lips, licking them lasciviously. “…other more fun things.”
“Enough.” Shaeula swatted the fox, who giggled, not hurt by Shaeula’s light chastisement.
“No, I mean your choice. You shall never be free of him, it seems.”
“Freedom? Perhaps all I ever needed was a strong binding, to tie me down. Perhaps that is all we Kitsune ever need, even you, grandmother. A sad shame. We are a pitiful race, are we not? Forever causing mischief, seeking pleasures, but always, always unfulfilled. Are you not the same?”
“I am.” Mae agreed finally. “Or so I felt. It is… strange. My memories that remain are much as that magical contraption I watched in their home, with moving pictures and sound. Real, yet distant. But the hollowness is real to me.” She narrowed her eyes, and I felt her tugging on our bond, her tail, perhaps a warning to me. “Now, speak no lies, human. No, Akio, I suppose.” She amended, giving me the honour of speaking my name. “What do you seek? What will your aid cost me? I am… not good at paying what I owe. And that led me to here. I… hardly trust myself. If you lend me aid, I will likely bite your hand, as I have so many times before.”
“Maybe so. But… I don’t think so. Nobody can go through Purgatory and not understand the pain of others.” I shook my head. “Like I said. Protect my seeds, protect my home and those I love, until at least this danger has passed. After that, I’d love it if you continued to aid us, but… it’s up to you. Just don’t cause trouble, go back to wicked ways, or else…” I stared into her eyes, my League at its maximum, and she grimaced, unable to resist fully with her own without harming herself further. “I’d hate to make Su Caihong cry. And don’t think I can’t do it, if you push me.”
Mae was silent for a moment, before letting out a long laugh. “I see. Had you merely offered fair words, no threats, I would not have believed you. But…” she turned to the others, just as the dwarves brought back large stocks of ingots and other materials. “…he is too generous. I do not trust me.”
“Nor I. But careful, fox. I have never eaten one such as you. Do not test me.” Shiro’s hair burst into crimson flames as Tan warned her.
“No need for threats.” I shook my head. “I think we have an understanding.”
“We do.” Mae nodded slowly. “Perhaps I am not myself, perhaps it is your dominance, but… I find myself curious. You promised this world would never be boring again. I may cheat and lie, but I hate being cheated and lied to. So… tell me true. Is this for my benefit?”
“It is.” I promised and meant it. She let out a long sigh, before she turned once more to Nebisuki, who was snickering, amused.
“Be silent, granddaughter, else when we are both at our best, I shall have to teach you to respect your elders. It seems… we shall be together long this time. With much to do.” She squeezed shut her eyes. “Very well. You may begin then. But heed my earlier words. I am beautiful and precious, and handling me roughly, marring my beauty, is an affront I shall not forgive you for. And if… you should find the chance… I would appreciate you extending the same courtesy to Caihong’er and Liena. Should they have received their miracles as I did. They would have been far worthier of it than my sorrowful self, but… those who do good often face bad ends.” She laughed mirthlessly. “Girls, you should remember that well and watch out for him. He is too naïve and kind-hearted. He needs women who are cold and hard to keep him safe.”
“We know it well-well.” Shaeula laughed, and I noticed her expression had changed as she looked at the nine-tailed fox from myth. “We do try, but it is not-not something we can do alone. Strong, loyal, obedient… those are who we seek to be our sisters. And it is an enviable position to be in. For… we are never-never bored.”
“Damn, I wish we had time for boredom! Even now I’m a buffbot extraordinaire.”
“Gooooood girls, no matter how bad they were before, can still be forgiven. Hyacinth was.”
“My Tree and I did unspeakable things to survive, but… life can still be beautiful. What was once desolate and barren can be regrown, and what buds shall sprout.”
“I see.” Mae nodded. “Then… we shall see what sprouts from my withered, bitter ground, and whether my beauty is tarnished beyond repair. Begin.” She ordered me to start, her tone brooking no argument, and I snorted, amused. Sure, I may be able to force you with your name, but… does it seem like I’m in control here? Women aren’t creatures who can be easily tamed. All we can do is show them the way…
“This would truly be impossible without my Eye.” I muttered, as the fine, almost impossibly minute threads of bluesteel, strengthened by ancient Dvergr techniques and aether, were being manipulated on a level so precise as to make me thankful my Resilience was so obscenely high. Shaeula had funnelled me all of her remaining aether through Chirurgery and was now trying to recover as rapidly as possible. Back in the Material, Eri was doing the same. I was resorting to emptying out all the aether my Ether Spires provided me, as it required the draw of my Territory as well to work repeated crafts of these levels. At least we don’t need lightning element so Shaeula can still carefully nurture the Tengoku-seki…
“I would hate to…” Mae moaned, though there was nothing lewd about it, only pained. “…see impossible if this… is not. I had thought… my tolerance to torment… admirable, honed by the long… torture… but… congratulations… you rival… that wretched… monk!”
“Yeah, sorry.” I used wind element to catch the falling silver and red blood that seeped through her skin. Only the girls were present, and we had taken the materials and Tamamo-no-Mae herself somewhere private, one of the Boundary shrine buildings. She was naked, her massive bosom heaving, her tails wagging, fur and hair drenched with sweat and blood, to which Hyacinth was attending as best she could, a sympathetic look in her eyes.
Nebisuki was watching on with a mixture of fascination and horror, her two remaining tails curled around her, her hands touching her stumps, and Shaeula couldn’t help but tease her, easing her own exhaustion with threats of the same surgery for Nebisuki.
“Apologies will… hardly… suffice.” Mae managed to mutter.
“If she was a more innocent girl, I’d say Aki should be taking responsibility.” Shiro quipped, and Asha shook her head.
“A woman is a woman. Nobody wishes to be seen like this, touched so deeply. He is remaking… reforging her, step by step. It is… greatly intimate.”
“It’s not any fun, trust me. I know some of the myths…” Obviously we had been researching Gods from every religion in our spare time, or rather, my staff were, and there was a whole subsection of it at the Ministry as well. “…Pygmalion made a statue that the Goddess Aphrodite brought to life. But Mae already lives. So…”
“Bah…” Mae spat blood as the wires connected to her throat Chakra. Hyacinth had contributed too, but a tide of darkness element was being held within a carefully crafted false throat Chakra, made from bluesteel and other rare metals. Shapercrafting it and her surrounding spiritual body, the wires that were functioning as a scaffold for the savage redrilling of her network linked up, pulsing with a sudden surge of aether as the flow continued.
Speaking of flowing aether… I was resorting to destroying Etherites to keep up too, which was a waste, but we did have a large stock of red and orange ones, the numbers increasing daily as more and more Artificial Ether Spires were condensing them from the high-ether areas. My natural recovery was strong, but I was being taxed hard, as each Chakra was its own careful craft. Worse… “This is the crunch. Third eye and crown.” I muttered, and Mae blanched, her tails writhing.
“The heart was…. bad… enough. I truly… believed… I would die. My tails… too. For another… reason.”
“Yeah, the tails. Guess you don’t like them touched, right?” Shiro observed sympathetically, and Nebisuki answered for her.
“It depends who is touching.” She explained. “It is an… intimate… part of us, for we are our tails, and they are our power. We do enjoy those we are close with playing with them, but…”
“This is a medical procedure.” I insisted, blinking sweat from my eye. Hyacinth was busy tending to Mae so it was Asha who handed me a goblet of fruity juice, which I gulped down, the flavour soothing. “And she knows it. Besides, a bit of shame is better than… well, death.”
Mae nodded weakly. “Quite. When… my heart… was grasped, a hard, cold metal inside… I believed I would die… at last.”
“Yeah, it was tough. I have to work so fast. But…” I had stirrings of hope. Admittedly, I had planned to do a lot more today and tomorrow before I would have to leave on the first leg of my trip abroad, but I was going to be wiped out after the two incredibly challenging crafts I had undertaken. I need to strengthen my own Chakra network, if so, I can pull in much more… “…I think it’ll work. Now to prepare the third eye core.” Hyacinth had stepped up again, her light filling it alongside mine, and Shaeula had also spared what she could. The item itself was a work of art, based on a mixture of modelling, crafting and what I had seen of Tamamo-no-Mae’s true strength and form through the Tribulation with my Eye.
“Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be perfect, as it’s eventually going to break down and be absorbed, but for now it’ll function to allow you to draw on far more of your strength, hastening your recovery and reducing complications.”
Temporary Third Eye Chakra Of Tamamo-no-Mae [Item Class: Imperious] [Item Type: Rule]
This artificial part of a spiritual body, forged from Adherent metal, Elementally absorbent alloy and the flesh of Tamamo-no-Mae, has been forged in a facsimile of the original, functioning Third Eye Chakra. Ordinarily, such would cause significant rejection and damage, or at best function poorly for a short while, but it has been connected to the spirit and ????????, and the surrounding spiritual body has also been Shapercrafted into at item as well, prepared to slowly encroach, absorb and repair itself.
Tamamo-no-Mae’s Regrowth [Item Class: Imperious] [Item Type: Principle]
This mass of spiritual flesh and energy has been threaded and connected with an artificial scaffold of Adherence, Aether and Elementally absorbing and channelling threads, mimicking the original Chakra Network. Instead of rejection, it has been crafted to attach to all aspects, especially the ???????? of Tamamo-no-Mae, and gradually be subsumed and become her new spiritual body. This process will be hastened by the flow of aether the body can hold and maintain, with a stronger flow stabilising the body, spirit and ???????? at a more rapid rate, provoking a true regeneration.
“Reducing… complications. This is… nothing but… complications.” she spat, glowering at me. “At least… if you err and I perish, I shall insist… my dear granddaughter Hana here… reminds you of it… every… single… day!”
“She won’t need to.” I promised, my Eye shining brilliantly, as I precisely opened up Mae’s forehead. I heard a gulp from Shiro, and I understood, as it was effectively a fatal wound on us, but with Chirurgery rerouting the energies around the injury, as if it wasn’t there, and Ether Healing preventing the damage from spreading, it was possible.
“Was my healing like that, Tan?” Shiro asked quietly, but I barely heard her or the answer as I focussed my all in placing the artificial Chakra in place. Worse, they had to be paired with Artificial Night Orb Chakras too, so it was a multi-stage process.”
“Not at all. It was finely balanced, and your life was nearly extinguished many times, but… the finesse required here… it exceeds it many times over.” Tan replied out loud.
That was nerve-wracking too. But there, I was frantic, fearing Shiro would die. Here… I’m certain Tamamo-no-Mae won’t die, even if I fail, though… it still won’t be good. If I mess this up, a second try will be orders of magnitude harder as I’ll have a mess to unpick… now, connect… it’s like a circuit diagram. And a series of logic gates. I’ve made my own at uni enough times. But this is still working on the micron scale. Hell, factories can work on nanometre-scale, at least I don’t have to be that precise. Even with all my Skills and Statistics there’s no way I could do that yet. Fortunately, I don’t need to. Get it close enough, and like we discussed earlier, aether will eventually smooth out the minor issues…
“And done…” I muttered, Ether Healing regrowing smooth, jade-like flesh over the savage trepanning in Mae’s skull. Her breathing was ragged, her body shuddering, but she looked at me with a hint of respect, I thought. Though when she started howling and cursing me, spitting blood, I thought perhaps I was mistaken. “Now I have been… laid bare, my very… thoughts… and what lies within… my flesh spied… upon… I am… humbled. My pride… such as it was… no, I lost… my pride to… that bastard monk… yet even he… has not stripped me to… nothing as… you have…”
“Final step.” I said, ignoring her, and the final Chakra, charged with vivid violet spatial energy, contributed by Hyacinth, mostly, a far-cry from the strength of the other artificial Chakras, was placed in my hand. It’s not so much about the elemental energies anyway, it’s more to make sure everything meshes together…
“If… I… offer you… what I offered him… my… everything… will you… please… stop?” Mae cried out, and for a moment my hands froze, before I shook my head.
“You don’t mean that. I know this is awful, but… you’ve come so far. Unlike what the monk did, this will soon be over. Now… this… I feel bad about.” With a surgical strike, her long, golden-blonde hair was shorn off, exposing her bare skull and flickering ears. She flushed with shame and self-loathing, likely anger too, and her emerald eyes stared daggers into mine, even as endless tears flowed down her deathly pale face.
“You will… take… responsibility for… debauching and… disgracing… me!” She swore, and I nodded. I know enough to understand a woman’s hair is her life. But there’s really no other way. As for responsibility, I’ll do as I promised, and show her the world still has value.
Nebisuki was clutching her own long hair, her tails wrapped so tight I thought she’d snap herself in two. The other girls were looking at me reproachfully, except Hyacinth, who giggled, wiping the suddenly bald skull. “Hyacinth understands. For… rebirth… nooo price is too great. Besides…” She bent down and whispered something into Mae’s twitching ear, and as I was so intently focused, I heard it. “I knooow. Akio loves long hair like yooours. He will fix it. And the more you suffer…” Her smile was amused and somehow evil at the same time. “…the cuter you becooome to him.”
As Mae’s emerald eyes opened wide, I seized the moment, and Shiro turned away, unable to look any further as I peeled her flesh and bone away expertly. Damn, why does the spiritual body have to resemble the material body so perfectly? That’s a damn brain… and it’s in the way…
Swallowing grimly, I carefully manipulated her head, pushing aside brain-matter, forming a sort of small, bowl-shaped indentation. Her body spasmed, and she bit down so hard she was likely to hurt herself, but Hyacinth merely shoved a stick formed from wood element in her mouth. It snapped, but it prevented Mae from biting herself. Tails flailed uncontrollably, and Hyacinth retrained them with vines so they didn’t distract me. I placed the crown Chakra where it should go, but that was the easy part. The most delicate array of branching paths, capillaries and acupoints were around the root, the heart and the third eye, but here… each one runs through such vital areas. I have to do the best I can…
“Hang ooon.” Hyacinth was grasping her hand. “The worst is over. Hush now, hush. Yooou know what it is to be hurt, hurt ooothers. You are like me. Hyacinth is here.” She glanced at me, frowning. “Akio, be swift. Fooor this is a crueller invasion ooof her existence than any should bear. The Dark Maidens… if it was nooot for pity, compassion, you would make the cruellest Maiden of all.” She giggled then, her free hand going to her crotch, which she tapped lightly through her maid outfit. “Thooough that would have tooo go first, Akio!”
No thanks… With that thought, and a shiver running through my groin, I began the final crafts, turning Tamamo-no-Mae’s body into a series of linked treasures…
“And… done.” I gasped, collapsing beside Tamamo-no-Mae. Her skull was once more sealed and covered in flesh, though her long hair still lay beside her. Shaeula gave me one withering glance, seeing I was spent, before coming over and gathering the golden strands, calling on what aether she had recovered to begin reattaching it.
“It is… over?” Mae took a long, rasping breath. “You are not tricking me? I am… safe?”
I nodded, blinding pain my own companion, as I had stressed my Eye, mind and network far too severely. In fact, my Eye was swirling with a mess of question marks and garbled orange text. Have I broken it? Ugh… no, it’s probably just strained… Tapping my head, shooting needles of pain pierced me, but I blinked at Tamamo-no-Mae, and some sentences, though hard to read, slid through the gibberish…
Tamamo-no-Mae [Nine-Tailed Kitsune] [Queen Of The Three Most Evil Yōkai] [Item Class: ???] [Item type: ???] [Namebound to Oshiro Moonstone Akio] [????????-bound Artefact] [Kin] [Fallen Empress] [Tribulation’s Refugee]…
Shit, there’s a lot. Now… please all the Kami and Gods in the Pantheons, let me rest… Even as I wished for that, I knew that was a forlorn hope, as in the Material I was pulling out a chair, Yasaka-san, Saionji gin-san and several other guests, including the prickly, fearful Akai, waiting for me…
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