Five Hundred And Five – R18/Contains sex

Crude Middle Dantian Rank 1. The Middle Dantian, the Crimson Palace, is a cauldron that amplifies and stores spiritual strength, magnifying Elemental Qi and spiritual fortitude. This Dantian is currently empty, and requires charging with an Accumulation of Elemental Qi to show its true power. This Dantian has been paired with a Crude Lunar Chakra, and while the connections are far from stable, the resonant effect offers further storage of and growth of Elemental energies and related Unique Elements.

Daiyu blinked, a smile on her face as she let her Qi Perception loose inside herself. I was smiling too, and sensing my mood, Shiro let out a quiet chuckle. “Guessing it went well, Aki? Tan’s very eager to know how it went… of course I’ll tell him, I mean, he knows anyway Tan, no point hiding it.” She paused, her own grin wicked as she obviously talked out loud so we could hear, rather than communicating with Tan mentally. “So, what’s the verdict?”

I explained the Middle Dantian, and Daiyu spoke up. “Calling it crude is rather an insult. I believe it to be quite functional. Though it is currently empty. It does make me wonder. It seems much as the Lower Dantian, the Golden Stove, relates to the Foundation Realm, this Crimson Palace surely has a correlation with the Accumulation Realm.”

“Of course it does.” Tan spoke up, her tone rather…petulant, almost. “Such is basic knowledge within the Sects of the Pantheons. I am more curious about the conjunction, however. Akio, how I wish I had your Eye.” She licked Shiro’s lips, gazing at me with a hungry gleam in her ruby eyes. “My perception is keen, yet even I have limits. Seeing how this… lunar… Chakra coexists would be elucidating. We have no Fae in our Pantheon. How vexing.”

“Be careful what you wish for, Tan.” Shiro warned, amused. “If you want to eat him I don’t mind lending you my mouth, but I don’t think you have the bravery for that.” Shiro cracked an obscene joke, and for a moment her eyes turned back again, Tan retreating. Feeling that, Shiro winked at me. I laughed, as did Daiyu, though most of her attention was inwards.

“I am Taṇhā, the Thirst, eldest daughter of mighty Mara! My favour is not given so lightly.” Tan snapped, her usual calm rather absent. Shiro laughed, and when she was done, Tan let out a long-suffering sigh. “Enough with your tired japes, princess. This is a serious matter. The interplay between aspects of the subtle body is a fascinating and dangerous matter. There are many components to a spiritual body. Some are universal. There must be Chakras to draw in ether and generate aether. The main branches and capillaries spread and circulate this energy. There are seven primary centres, and their locations are generally well understood. Creatures of myth and different form to you humans may have different sites, but generally… root, heart, third eye are the three primary which will never be absent, and above them the crown rules.”

Shiro and I exchanged a glance as Tan talked. Yeah, Tan’s in lecturing mode again. Not that I mind, it’s always very informative, and it is addressing some questions I have.

“If I may interrupt?” Daiyu asked, and Tan nodded, so she continued. “Then, the Dantians are similar. Lower, built around the root and surrounding Chakras, then Middle, around the heart, and I assume that the Upper Dantian shall encompass the third eye Chakra, as well as the others around it?”

“You assume correctly. Cultivation is a … foundational… system. Mortal language is so… imprecise.” Tan complained. “I do not mean as in the Foundation Realm. Merely that it is a system reduced to first principles, then iterated upon smoothly, until its existence is an accepted… no, that goes beyond what I can say. My point is thus. All are built from the same beginnings, though then there can be many variations. Though a foundation built upon carelessly, too much piled upon it, will surely be unstable and collapse. You must not be reckless.” She glanced at me warningly, and I understood.

“Don’t worry, I am not suddenly going to try and combine everything together. But… Daiyu wanted to take the risk, and it was calculated. With Chang’e’s Favour and Chirurgery, I was confident that I could put her back to her original state, or close enough, with the help of Shiro’s buffs, should the worst happen.”

“Yes, the princess is perfectly suited for such a Favour.” Tan agreed. “And it does drive your Skill to impressive heights. At our level, each step forward is a major breakthrough, complete with both terrible requirements and in return, significant efficacy. There are certainly those above you in terms of ability to manipulate subtle bodies, even with the princess granting you further knowledge. But again, you have advantages most do not. But do not allow arrogance to grow. Cultivation is not something easily trifled with. The Heavens are jealous.”

“Point taken.” I agreed. “But honestly, I think the lunar Chakra, and to a lesser extent the parts of the Yōkai network, are all compatible, with some work. We’ve proved that humans can hold the Fae network, and even a hybrid between Fae and Yōkai, Eri has that. So… yeah.”

“Indeed. Balancing differing powers and making them our own is the essence of Cultivation.” Daiyu agreed. “Besides… Taṇhā, we are not aiming to merely be powerful. We wish to be the best we can be, for beyond our world, lies realms beyond imagination. You know this well, better than any of us.”

Tan made an indelicate sound, but agreed. “Yes, I respect your understanding. Arrogance will not serve you. Were I able to exert my full might, I would be able to triumph over you all easily enough.” She looked at me then, her ruby eyes intense. “And even I lack something fundamental. I may be a Goddess, but even so… I decided to remain here on the chance of it. I am powerful, but compared to my father, or the strong of other Pantheons… yes, calculated risks are worthy. But never let greed blind you to the risks, assume you will succeed.” she warned, and I couldn’t help but smile. She’s certainly mellowed since our first meetings. I guess she can’t share a body and spirit with Shiro so deeply and not be influenced? Or is it something else…

Shiro, perhaps guessing what I was thinking, rolled her eyes. Before she could speak though, Daiyu frowned. “Shiro, I believe I need to regulate these new parts of me. It has disrupted the smooth flow of Qi within me. I shall meditate a short while to grasp it. For now…” She glanced down at my naked lower body. “…it may be my birthday, and I am not yet satisfied, but…”

“Got it.” Shiro laughed. “I can’t say I’m not all hot and bothered, seeing Aki like that. It’s another thing that surprises me. I never thought I was such a lewd woman. Guess I was all repressed and pent-up over the years. But…” Shiro winked at me, her eyes back to black, Tan clearly having severed her consciousness, anticipating. “…since you two are having an evening together, us girls are planning to as well, having some fun of our own. And I don’t want to be oozing all evening long. So…” Shiro brushed her long silver hair behind her head, bending over, lips pursed. “I’ll just get a quick taste of it. Keep you strong for Daiyu.” She let her tongue delicately peek from her lips, her face close enough to my glans for her breath to tickle me softly. As she gently lapped at it, she giggled as Daiyu, despite her meditating state, still flushed. seaʀᴄh thё novё website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I apologise. Perhaps Akio should have cleaned off first…” Daiyu muttered, and Shiro swallowed my cock, her mouth warm, tongue teasing at my shaft, while her hands tickled my balls gently. As I shivered, running my hands through her hair, stroking her head, Shiro opened her mouth wide, speaking, though her words were muffled by my member stuffing her.

“Don’t worry. Nothing to be ashamed about. We’re all Aki’s haremettes. Still makes me laugh saying it…” She dabbed her tongue at my oozing precum, using both sides, each feeling unique, and then blinked, surprised. “Getting bigger, huh? I can’t say I’ve any interest in other dicks, but I’ve always thought you’re packing, Aki. Must be because you’re a half…” Her cheek bulged as she moved her head back and forth, using her mouth like her pussy, her delicate lips tightening and loosening alternatively.

“I don’t think I’m that big…” I muttered.

“Big enough.” Shiro snorted, suddenly clamping her mouth shut, sucking on my glans, and I groaned, barely able to keep an ejaculation in. Shiro narrowed her eyes, seeing that as a challenge, and she intensified her oral assault. “You like it here, right?” Her hand squeezed my balls, as if to force my cum out.

“Shiro, I’m… I’m going to…”

“Let it out. I’m thirsty!” Shiro giggled wetly, sighing lustily, and as her head slid forwards, my cock hit the back of her throat and spasmed, warm liquid surging. Gripping her head I held her close, hugging her, and her throat worked, though even as she drank my sperm she made sure to continue licking and sucking at my shaft.

“Just how much… bluh!” Shiro tried to complain, only to gag as I continued to cum, and she desperately swallowed. Her cheeks bulged, and then finally my flow ceased. Pulling free, I patted Shiro’s head, and her smile broadened. She opened her mouth to show she was still holding a large puddle of pearlescent liquid on her tongue, before swallowing, making sure I could see. As she licked her lips clean, she spoke. “How is it? Like making me swallow? I know guys dig that. It’s the dominance thing, right?”

I cut her off with a kiss. Grinning, we tangled tongues, and when we parted, she touched her lips softly. “I knew I got you all hot and bothered. But you nearly got my clothes dirty. Ugh, better brush my teeth a few times, or I’ll have Aki-breath outside.”

“To answer your question, I’m a man. Of course I like it. But I also want to bring you pleasure.”

“Nope.” Shiro crossed her arms. “Not today. Like I said, I’ve not got a humiliation fetish, I don’t want you dripping all evening long. Especially when you blast it out like a damn hose.” Her accusation was mocking yet kind. “Besides, I’ll leave this…” she gently tapped my dick. “…for Daiyu. How’s it coming along?” Shiro asked, a trace of jealousy in her voice.

“The Crimson Palace is quite remarkable. I believe I have discovered how it functions. Yes, it benefits Accumulation, but…” She swallowed, perhaps remembering her Sect, her family. “…just as the Golden Stove supports a Foundation, so too can this Palace. The Invincible Jade Yang Technique, the legacy of my Sect… I no longer have to set it aside for the Spiritually Pure Physique. I finally have a way to integrate both without conflict.”

“Won’t it be harder to run two at once?” Shiro asked shrewdly, and then nodded. “Oh. Tan says of course it is, four times the difficulty for twice the strength. But… you get it, right Aki?”

“I do.” I patted Shiro’s head for one last time before settling down beside Daiyu on the bed, hugging her naked body against mine. “It’s not a case of power. It’s a case of remembrance. Does that mean that you could hold a third Foundation in the final Dantian?”

“Such is greed.” Tan spoke up, and a strange thought crossed my mind. Hang on a minute… no, it doesn’t matter right now. “Few are those who establish the Muddy Pellet early enough to take advantage of such. Thrice the strength for nine times the challenge. I have heard it requires a strong grasp of spatial element and a fortified crown Chakra as well. Be satisfied with what you have.”

“I am a Cultivator.” Daiyu declared proudly. “I am never satisfied. Except with you.” She snuggled into my grasp, and I found her exceptionally cute. The dichotomy between her usual aloof coolness and her openness when we were in each other’s arms was endearing. “So knowing it can be done, I must do it. Otherwise how can I walk alongside everyone? Even you have advantages I do not, Shiro.”

“I’m only borrowing from Tan. Eventually I’ll have to walk on my own.” Shiro demurred. “Anyway… Tan, can she do it?”

“I am not an expert. I know much, but… I spent much of my time isolated in my palace, running errands for father. I read and I drink.”

Damn. I’m laughing out loud. Elloh ell!” Shiro chuckled. “Looks like it wasn’t just me who was a shut-in, Tan was too! This was definitely all meant to… okay, I’ll shut up now.” Shiro promised, miming zipping her lips.

“I have thirst, of course I drink.” Tan said, and I detected some defensiveness in her tone. “But unlike my sisters, I was not merely wasting my time drowning in pleasures. So I may not be an expert, but I know enough. You must establish it before your spirit reaches Nascency, should you wish this path, and it will make your road rocky and difficult, but… you do not fear it, do you?”

“I do not.” Daiyu agreed. “No road walked with those one trusts can ever be considered too harsh. At least this does relieve me of one burden. I can start my Accumulation, finally. Indeed, I should, to truly utilise the Crimson Palace.”

“Even so, sooner is better than later. In building strong roots, always this is true.” Tan warned, and Daiyu thanked her.

“In that case… how’s the lunar Chakra?” I asked, and Daiyu looked uncertain.

“It is strange. It does not easily accept Qi. To use it in conjunction with my Cultivation I shall have to experiment. But… I believe it functional enough.”

“My work here is done.” Shiro said grandly. She dispelled her Berserk Blessing, and made to leave. “The plans for your date night are all ready for you. Don’t worry Aki, we may be out having fun, but we’ll not pick up strange guys!” With one final wink she strolled out, clearly in mental communication with Tan, but I found a small hand gripping my chin, turning me, and Daiyu pressed her lips against mine. We kissed deeply, and as we parted, breaths hot and fast, she reached down, gripping me tightly.

“I know you enjoyed Shiro’s ministrations, but… I wish for you to crave me so.”

“I do.” I confirmed my words with another kiss. Everyone’s different, from the more mature women like Asha, Tsukiko, Shiro, down to the impish Shaeula and Hinata, with those like Daiyu in-between. Every day I realise how lucky I am. No, it’s not all luck. Fortune played a part, certainly, but we have to work at it too, to keep what’s coming from stealing away our joy. “Don’t keep beating me over the head with my past failings. I’m fully onboard with you now. Asha and Tsukiko too! I’ll not shy away from my problems or feelings. Looking at you… bravely declaring that you can walk any difficult road with us…” I was deadly serious now. I wanted to express what was in my heart. “…I realised again just how much a hard worker you are. To me you’re not a prodigy, you’re the epitome of striving. For what you want, despite hard times, despite impossible odds. You survived an ocean, drifting alone, to wash up in my arms after all. So… I promise you this. It’s not much of a birthday gift, but…”

Daiyu watched me earnestly, black eyes shimmering, and she nodded. “I have had many gifts. One more, whatever it is, I will love, I assure you.”

That’s just like her. No, like everyone. The only thing I have to absolutely do is never fall for someone who will ruin the happiness of everyone else. “Don’t worry. I take responsibility for everything within my arms. It may be a hard road to walk, making you all as happy as you deserve, and I’m only going to make it harder. I’m weak in some ways. I never noticed, but… when someone worms their way into my heart, I can’t ever get them out of it. But… be it four times, nine times, sixteen times, a hundred or a thousand… I’ll find a way to make it happen.”

“Bold words. And I do indeed love them.” Daiyu agreed. “Though… you do not see me as a prodigy, I see. I must try harder to breach your expectations then.” Daiyu snuggled in close, our bare skins touching, hot and pink. “Fortunately I believe I can. This… lunar Chakra…” She was concentrating now, serious. “If Qi is aether, then…” Sweat beaded on her bare body, and I gently wiped her brow, before cheekily mopping her breasts and belly. She gave me a reproachful look but no more than that, allowing me to continue.

“…Yin and Yang, dark and light, one contains the other… in that case… the Crimson Palace and the lunar Chakra, there can be commerce between them… and to use it…” I fell silent, seeing Daiyu scrambling for an epiphany. We lay like that for nearly an hour, which considering the speed Daiyu’s thoughts worked at due to her high stats, was quite a while. I prepared by charging my own lunar Chakra, ready to see if we could blend them together, but Daiyu suddenly let out a cry of triumph.

“Of course. That is how it works. Everything is a duality!” With a smile she raised one hand, and a bright shard of shimmering jade appeared on her palm. It was merely the size of a needle, and the effort made Daiyu shake with fatigue, but her excitement made it plain she was ecstatic.

“I am not a prodigy? You wrong me, my Akio!” She exulted. “I dare say even the Heavens acknowledge me.”

Since she was clearly angling for praise, I laughed, stroking her hair and kissing her, while my Eye glanced at her. Yeah. But that doesn’t change my thoughts. “You’re right. But I’m right too. It’s just like the famous manga with the brightly clad ninjas. There’s a quote I think fits. You’re a genius. But a genius of hard work!

Indeed, she did now possess the Prodigy Of The Lower Worlds Class, and she had achieved it by forcing her Qi Refining to traverse the fourth horizon and reach Rank 11.

Spiritually Pure Jade Qi Refining Rank 11. This advanced Qi Refining technique can convert Aether into pure Earthly Qi, and will raise the quality of such Qi by up to several ranks. Qi interacting with and accumulating Water, Earth, Yang and Light Elements as well as their Composites will be further increased in rank, empowering these Elemental Techniques. Heavenly Qi is not inhibited due to the high purity of the Technique. The Refining rate for Ether into Earthly Qi is now nigh perfect, with less than a part in ten thousand wasted. Earthly Qi can be restored to its Aetheric state, though this is less efficient, wasting one part in ten. Cultivation Techniques can be powered by unrefined Aether, though the effectiveness of such Techniques will be significantly reduced. [Class: Imperious] [Type: Principle]

“I like that. I am the prodigy of hard work.” Daiyu giggled. “Though as Taṇhā says, I must not grow arrogant. Everyone is working hard. But…this is crude, and it will take me likely weeks of hard training, meditation and effort to truly master. Using two Foundations is challenging, but…”

“But there’s this.” I squeezed, and the jade in my palm shattered. The energy flooded into me, and it was pure elemental energy not Qi! It was still far too meagre for me to learn the element, but I could now see the path to it.

“Yes, there is that.” Daiyu agreed. “Now… more to the point, our time is wasting. I wish to make the most of the day.” She clutched my hand, threading her fingers through mine. “Do you think… we can now?”

“I think so.” I nodded. “We can give it a try at least. The worst that happens is we’re simply making love.”

“Not such a terrible failure.” Daiyu agreed, skin flushed again. “Now, you shall have to lead. I am your teacher in Dual Cultivation, you can guide me in this.”

“I can. Well, I’ll do my best.” I amended. “First…” I reached down, gently teasing her clit and pussy. She was already damp, and it didn’t take more than a few moments before her pussy was making lewd, wet sounds, leaking love nectar and dribbles of my sperm. As she relaxed, flesh pink and hot, her legs spread, her slit opened, and I pushed my glans against her. Aether and elemental energies were boiling within me, forming a stream to my lunar Chakra, and I traced my fingers along Daiyu’s body, encouraging her to circulate what aether she could along the pathways. It was hard for her, and the majority of it was Qi, similar but not the same, but soon she was generating at least a small vortex of energy, spinning in the opposite direction to mine.

“Ready then?” I asked, and her answer was a kiss, her small teeth digging into my lip sensuously. With that I tightened my lower body, and I slid inside her, parting Daiyu’s dripping body, sliding through her warm, damp insides. She bit harder, her tongue seeking mine, so I obliged. With one of our hands tangled, my other was still touching her body, allowing her to focus on the energies. With one final surge, my cock reached deep into her filling her up, and her womb shuddered, eager, the unfamiliar feeling of the current of aether and Qi leaving her body and spirit almost too sensitive, my every touch making her tremble.

“Stop, do not move for a moment…” She gasped breathily, but that only inflamed my own passions.

“All right. I won’t move, but I will…” Channelling out my surging tide of elemental energies through my sacral Chakra, where out bodies were pressed together, Daiyu moaned, now biting her own lips. Her pussy tightened, as if seeking to crush me, and she shed sparkling tears of pleasure.

“What… is this? You are penetrating me, body and spirit at once!” She seemed almost delirious by the shock. “It is like Dual Cultivation, but… no, I shall… not be… outdone.” Her legs wrapped around me, and she pressed her forehead to mine, her free hand pressing my heart. Her own feeble flow of aether was unable to beat my weightier one, leaving my thoughts, emotions and pleasures to flood her, but I was unable to get more than fragments of hers.

“Go, become one with me the way we know, any way we can!” Daiyu invited me, and I needed no second invitation. I started to move, gently at first, my motions tender, my dick sliding through her sopping pussy. But as she flooded me with Qi, the streams that normally cycled between us instead diverged, becoming a mirror opposite to the current that was overwhelming Daiyu as I made love to her. My arousal increased, and I shifted, my cock now rubbing against a particularly sensitive spot, and Daiyu gasped, drooling a little. She was wide-eyed, yet despite her seeming confusion and vacant, pleased stare, deep within dark sparks of insight were burning. Even now, she was fascinated by the process, so like yet unlike Dual Cultivator as she knew it.

“I see.” She moaned. “Yes, there, there!” I obliged by speeding up, moving like a gentle piston, poking and teasing her hole, her pussy wriggling as if it wished to suck me in. “It is… ahn, oh my… uh, ahn… again, two sides… ahn… uh… to the same… ahn… coin!”

“I can feel your thoughts and emotions.” I agreed. The swirling vortex of Qi was soaking into my lunar Chakra. There was certainly resistance, and it wasn’t anywhere near as clear as when I performed this act with Shaeula, Hyacinth or even Eri, but even so, it was present. “So how are mine?” I struggled to speak calmly, a hot, stilted feeling rising inside me, as if I wished to explode into her, both body and spirit.

“So sweet, so very, very sweet and… ahn… wet!” She gasped, her turn of phrase odd. “Now, give me your… love!”

She tightened up, legs suddenly clamping me, making it hard for me to move. Despite that, I was more than capable. My free hand strayed to her clit, which was already engorged, and as I softly polished it, finger vibrating, her legs spasmed, and with her impossible strength, if I was an ordinary man, she would have snapped me in two. As she moaned and twitched, I rolled back a little, her stiff legs resisting me, just enough that I could get some fingers around my shaft. With a few strokes, the heat that was building within me boiled over, and with a final forward motion, I stabbed my dick deep into Daiyu, even as I splashed her insides with another gushing torrent.

“See? Wet!” Daiyu moaned triumphantly, free hard slipping from my heart, flow of Qi diminishing, and she hugged me, legs and arms shuddering as she came, my spurting cock rubbing at the entrance to her womb. She squirted, the smell of my cum mixing with the sour tang of her love nectars, and she stuck out her tongue, seeking me. I obliged, while also continuing to scrape my weakening dick against her entrance.

Soon only the sound of our moans could be heard as we kissed frantically, the heightened emotions Daiyu was feeling from my attempt to merge our lunar Chakras overwhelming. Her attempt in return had been rather less intense, but I still had experienced a trickle of her spirit. There was definitely a little Jade elemental energy within too…

As Daiyu calmed down, the feeling deeper than mere Duel Cultivation, we lay in each other’s arms on the soiled bed. After a moment, Daiyu spoke contemplatively. “I understood something as we joined together. For a moment it was drowned out by our pleasure, but…everything has two sides. Dual Cultivation is more a process to share and strengthen each other through mutual transfer of Qi, but also extracting the essence of female and male, the Yin and the Yang. This Fae way… it is intense.” She shuddered in remembered ecstasy. “But it is not intended to strengthen the tangible, Qi, but to… strengthen the intangible, bond, emotions, experiences.”

I nodded, thinking the same. While doing it often strengthened Lovers’ Link, and occasionally led to breakthroughs, it wasn’t really a strengthening technique. My Eye flared, and in satisfaction I noticed that Daiyu’s Lovers’ Link had also increased, as expected. Perhaps she’ll be the next after Eri to reach Rank eleven? No, she’ll have stiff competition from Shaeula and the others. It’s not easy traversing that horizon. “Yeah, it’s almost a religious experience to the Fae, in a way.” I agreed. “Though it certainly does have some benefits in comprehension, as well as some risks. Fae of opposing types… well, it can get messy, so I hear.”

“In that case…” Daiyu said softly, determined. “I shall definitely experience it properly. It was as if I was drowning in you. It was sweet, like sinking in honey, but I believe it would be sublime if both sides were balanced, like Yin and Yang.”

“Yeah, I want to experience you properly.” I agreed, kissing her sweaty forehead. Despite all our increased Fortitude, we still seemed to get tired and sweaty during sex. I suppose that’s for the best, otherwise the joy would be gone. “Even being weak though, I enjoyed the closeness.”

“You were far from weak.” Daiyu chuckled. “But then, I am a traditional woman, as well as a Cultivator. My Dao Companion should be forceful and strong. It is reassuring.” Her face was pink, but she seemed serious. “I am the Matriarch of the Incorruptible Jade. It is a great, almost unbearable responsibility. I owe my father, all those before him, all those who died… so I must be as strong and unyielding as jade itself. I must shed no more tears, and I must triumph. And I will.” she swore. “But I need a place I can be me. Zhao Daiyu. Not the prodigy of hard work, but simply Daiyu.” She looked at me earnestly. “Where I can lay down my burden for a while. For I know the truth. Even jade can shatter. I apologise, placing this burden on you, but… huh? Why did you do that?”

She looked confused as I rapped her forehead gently with my knuckles. Shaking my head, I sighed, before kissing the spot I struck. “Because you’re being foolish. A burden? I’d carry Mount Tai on my back if it was for you. Like I said earlier, I’m a new me. No more looking back. I chose you, you chose me. How and why doesn’t matter. And me… I just want those I love to smile, and to reach their full potential. So, just as you washed ashore to Japan and came to me, let me be your harbour in the storm.”

Daiyu blinked, before her smile widened. “That is rather embarrassing to hear, and worse to say, no doubt. But…” She bent over and kissed me once more. “…I am thrilled to hear it. Now, we must make haste. We both need to bathe before we can enjoy the rest of my birthday. As Shiro says, it would not do for me to be reeking of our love and leaking everywhere.”

“Want a hand?” I grinned, and she was the one to knuckle my forehead now, her smile softening.

“Of course. But any further love shall have to wait. So hold your urges back.”

“You make it sound like I’m a lustful beast!” I protested, and as she replied that I surely was, I stretched, feeling drained yet fulfilled. All right then. Time to make this evening memorable…

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