Five Hundred And Thirty-Five

“No tricks.” I warned, and Miss Zozibini smiled warmly.

“Perish the thought. Here we are, trying to make amends for your feelings of betrayal, and gratitude for your aid of me. We are hardly so crass, are we, great Nkosi?”

Rha! Speak for yourself, Zozibini. I don’t like this foreign heap of rhino dung. Though…” He looked as if he was going to spit, but at a pointed look from Miss Zozibini, as well as realising the company he was in, he refrained with a sour grimace. “…Got to say, I do like the way he put that elephant-fucker Dino in his grave. He’s no fucking loss.”

“Please, great Nkosi, this is not the time for profanities.” Miss Zozibini apologised for him. “He’s just posturing, don’t mind him. As for tricks… I believe you can see through any, no?”

At my slow nod, she gestured her ally forwards, and the small, wizened man with the painted face came to me, aether shining.

“Just as the moon is a revolving mirror of time, from new to crescent to half to gibbous to full, to gibbous to half to crescent to new yet again… stop the moon and stop the time, an unblinking eye of wisdom…let Khonsu halt your time!” The words weren’t in English or Japanese, but I somehow still understood them, as if they were universal.

The aether was joined by adherence, and also a torrent of elemental energies. It was mostly the inky violet of spatial, but in addition a significant amount of lighter purple indigo, as well as traces of blue, were drawn in.

Hinata seemed a little wary still, but at my nod she relaxed, and I concentrated on observing, my Eye glowing brightly, on feeling it out with my own spatial, light and darkness elements. It was definitely a composite element, mainly of space, but its workings were too hard for me to grasp. Honestly, while my understanding and ability with spatial element has increased recently, I’m still no expert. But…

With my memory, I made sure to record every detail, and hopefully Arisu-san might be able to make sense of it. Space seemed to warp inside me, it was hard to explain, as it wasn’t technically space, but it also was somehow. I had a cursory understanding of physics, like how light moved in a timeless moment, and how time slowed down for objects moving at incredible speeds… So, space and time are linked. It’s called spacetime, after all…

I felt a strange sensation, as if all my adherence was frozen. I gently tugged at it, only for the old man to speak in a language I didn’t understand, shaking his head, frowning. Miss Zozibini hastily translated. “He says to stop that. Time is like a mighty river, swimming against it, halting the current, it is barely contained, and a single crack will cause the dam to break, time resuming its normal course. So only when you wish to use the bounty you have seized from those who are weaker than you should you break the seal.”

“Weaker than…” Hinata narrowed her eyes, clearly not liking her turn of phrase.

“Stronger or weaker, that’s not relevant.” I did stop trying to move my adherence as suggested though. It certainly left me at a minor disadvantage, my ability to use my own adherence temporarily sealed, but there were two positives. No, actually it seems there are three.Firstly, with more time to examine this moon seal, I might be able to divine more about how he’s done it, how Khonsu’s Favour operates. Secondly, now my pressing need to either break down some of the Favours or find someone who was either compatible or could be made suitable had been postponed, giving me a chance to get Egil Andersen’s Seeds without losing out on this other opportunity. And thirdly, and most surprisingly…

It seemed that there was a slight resonance between the effect and Tsukuyomi’s Favour. I didn’t get much use out of that ability, mostly down to my need to spend most waking hours in both bodies doing numerous tasks that demanded my time, as well as the fact that most of the time when sleeping the Favour was quiescent, but I did feel rather guilty I was wasting the gift Tsukiko had given me. So any information on it is welcome…

“I would hope this shows our sincerity, that we have no wish to be at odds with you.” Miss Zozibini said when her ally stepped back, seeing rather exhausted. “We should let bygones be bygones, as you might say. Great Nkosi here would say, once the shit’s been cleaned off one’s boots, there’s no point further complaining about the elephant.”

At that surprising crudity, Nkosi barked a laugh, and the tense atmosphere in the room diminished, the politicians seeming to think the matter was resolved, but Hinata merely looked at me with narrowed eyes, and I understood her meaning. She’s a greedy girl. This doesn’t sit well with her…

“It does… to an extent.” My words cut off the lightening mood of the room, plunging it back into wary gloom. “But the thing is… this shit when wiped away still left us with deaths and a traumatised young woman. So excuse me if the elephant waving its tail and offering a little lip service as an apology leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”

Kira-san seemed content to let us handle things, and at his gaze the diplomats supporting us fell silent, so I continued. “Yes, your help with the gentleman here…” I nodded at the man with his painted face. “…is welcome, but honestly, it’s hardly an imposition. It’s not like you’ve given up anything except perhaps he’ll have to rest up for a day or two.”

“That’s right.” Hinata agreed, her brown eyes flashing with a faint metallic shimmer, which I found positively adorable. Hinata was more charming than ever, and not just due to her likely higher Charm now. “The thing is… we have our reputation and honour to uphold. If word got out we could be exploited in other people’s schemes just because you intend to offer us a little bribe at the end… no, that won’t do at all. My good friend and sister Daiyu has a saying… To truly show sincerity is to cut your flesh and break your bones. In this case, well, elephants have ivory, don’t they?”

Rha! You fucking greedy pigs, always the same, treating our great Africa as your own personal source of wealth. Just as you came for the minerals and precious metals of South Africa…” Nkozi was incensed, but Miss Zozibini merely narrowed her eyes. Yeah, it’s the thinkers that scare me, not the boasters, the ones quick to anger. She’s by far the more dangerous one, even if her powers ‘seem’ weaker. I wouldn’t put it past her to hide her true strength.

“Peace, great Nkozi. I am sure that our brave woman here would not be so greedy as to suggest we suffer for their hubris. After all, you entered the tale to seize spoils with tenuous connection to you, no? That entails risk. Those who steal are stole from in turn.”

“True, but those that set the stage, direct the play, right?” I countered. “You inflamed the situation I’m sure, made damn certain that Dino and his thugs were in the right places. But…” Hinata nodded, and I understood her intentions. “…we’re not here to argue that. But were the situations reversed, I’m sure Nkosi here would be clamouring for a chance to show his mettle.”

“You’re fucking right I wouldn’t stand for it…” he fumed, and I saw a brief hint of annoyance, well masked, cross Miss Zozibini’s face.

“Enough, great Nkosi. There is a time and a place for combat. Now… make your point, and I will listen, for we are not at odds, despite your anger. It is dangerous, being touched by the Gods. For they are capricious, yes?”

“It seems so.” I agreed. “Now, I’m not interested in blood for blood, because you’re right. We did come here for our own ends. But that doesn’t quell my dissatisfaction, and your kind gesture…” I nodded at the Chosen who had frozen the time of the captured Favours again. “…seems a mere token. No… you like stories, don’t you? Well, how about you face us honestly, in a story of our choosing. If you win, then I promise to consider none of this happened, and I’ll forget my dissatisfaction. And Nkosi here can brag he defeated me…”

At his smirk, I knew I had them. Miss Zozibini would also think she had the advantage as well, but I’d seen her Threads.

“And if you win?” she asked, taking the bait as I expected.

“Then you have to allow us a safe and stable Territory here in South Africa and protect it.” Hinata declared. “And no longer cause a fuss about our operations here. We won’t interfere with your actions, but you can’t with ours.”

At that, Nkosi seemed incensed, as well he might be, considering his anger at who he considered outsiders taking advantage of Africa, but sensing that, Miss Zozibini held up a hand, forestalling him again. Even so, he was glaring at us furiously, bare, beaded chest puffed out angrily like he was trying to make himself seem larger.

“This seems a rather unfair trade.” She smiled softly, almost mockingly. “Besides, I don’t believe you can truly set aside your conflict with us. Best we simply go our own ways…”

“Nonsense.” Hinata denied her. “Considering those who Akio has forgiven before, who even genuinely tried to murder him… he’s not as petty as you.” Her smile was sharp yet amused. “Our favour is worth a little sacrifice, a little ivory, and we’re not asking for much. South Africa is huge, you can’t easily control it all, so a corner for us…”

She’s thinking of Ring Gates. Yeah, it makes sense. My life would be so much easier if we had them established worldwide… and of course, the African continent likely has no end of wonders in the Boundary we might be able to make use of… My sis had used her Territory now, but we still had plenty of options, and if linked to the Gate network, defending it shouldn’t be impossible, especially with cooperation from our local warlord here, who now seemed to hold unchecked power in the region after we were helped into taking out his biggest rivals.

“…is hardly going to inconvenience you. Besides, aren’t you confident?”

Miss Zozibini’s smile was cold yet charming. “I know stories well. The confident often come undone at the final step. Now, Nkozi… if you would allow me?”

“So you agree then?” Hinata pressed, and though Nkosi stared daggers at us, Miss Zozibini nodded.

“Men do care about their pride.” She smiled warmly at Nkosi, before transferring that smile to Hinata. “I hardly think you are weak and easy to exploit. After all, Dino Moloi could tell us otherwise, if the dead could speak. Even King Midas has fled, it seems… but… it is not in Anansi’s nature to turn down a game, to miss out on a story…”

With that settled, Hinata and I exchanged glances. All right then. From what I know of how her ability works, which story will trap her in her own strings?


“Are you sure about this, Akio-kun, Hinata-chan?” Kira-san asked. He seemed in a jovial mood, but I could tell he was worried about his granddaughter still, and now this situation too. “I agree it’s important to project power, it’s how the Japanese nobility have remained ascendant all these years… but it’s a risk. And… the South African power structure isn’t enthused.”

Indeed, the General and the Minister for Home Affairs had looked positively irritated at the thought of us maintaining a stable presence here. Though the President had pulled aside Kira-san for a brief chat, and didn’t look as upset as his subordinates.

“Besides… if you lose here, won’t it have the opposite effect to what you want?”

Hinata shook her head. “Oh uncle Kira, have some more faith in us. Lose? We don’t lose. Not when we’ve seen her tricks, yes?” Hinata tapped under her eye, and I grinned, even as I was stepping out into the small pond that was in the grounds of the hospital. Fish scattered, darting away from me, and the water was cool on my bare legs and feet.

“I don’t get it, but… trust is earned, not given, and I’ve always liked you, Hinata-chan. So… this old man is cheering you on. May it bring my Mayumi some satisfaction!”

Nkosi was pacing restlessly. He had suggested a duel instead, if I wanted to prove myself, but I wasn’t here to bully with strength, but to turn their own tricks against them, which would illustrate the follies of messing with us unwisely again. Miss Zozibini was merely watching, her aether and adherence swirling, though she was unaware I could see the spider-threads of fate that were trailing from her like tentacles, I thought, as I was carefully masking the glow of my Eye with light element, giving my Split Thoughts a workout. She knows a lot, but… quite often those that now the most are the easiest to fool.

“So, this tale.” Miss Zozibini smiled brightly. “I believe I have heard of it. Are you sure this is your wish? Perhaps a more obscure Japanese one might give you a greater hope?”

“Nope. The moral here is applicable, I think. Doesn’t that make it more satisfying? Besides, there’s a version of this story that has a fairy in it.” I grinned, wriggling my toes, enjoying the cool water in the African heat. “From what I gather, Anansi likes a certain sort of symbolism, yes?”

“I have no idea why you think us benefitting from your actions makes you seem weak. You have certainly showed me that provoking you is reckless.” Miss Zozibini promised. “But… there will be benefits when I triumph. After all, Fate and Fortune go to the victor, yes?”

I’m counting on it. This’ll be payment and a lesson. Before, the dead paid what we gained, I’m sure, but here… nobody dies. And if her ability could empower her from nothing just by navigating tales, it’d be more broken than any I’ve ever seen. I doubt the Gods would spare such a Favour.

“Yes, but this tale might be more nuanced than you think.” I nodded to Hinata, who had used her newfound metal element to create three temporary axes, one of iron, one of silver, and one of gold. They looked essentially identical, apart from the metal of the head of the axes, although… Your perception would have to be insanely powerful to see the difference in size. A mere millimetre. Ordinarily that would be useless, but… Hinata’s metals aren’t ordinary…

Hinata had made the axes in secret when we had discussed our plan, making it look like something I had prepared. Handing the iron axe to Miss Zozibini, Hinata beamed at her. “Best be careful. Don’t hit Akio with it when you throw it in. After all, Fae hate iron.”

“Is that a hint? How sweet.” Miss Zozibini was confident, almost relentlessly so, and as I watched calmly, the axes of silver and gold in the pond with me already, her strands began to connect to the three axes, the lake, me and Hinata. It’s certainly interesting. Foresight is obvious, and she must have a decent amount, as before she even knew I’d challenge her, in the guise of doing me a favour as compensation, she’s managed to freeze my adherence.

Fate is also about escaping inescapable dooms. I’d guess in this context, it’s dodging the traps in the tales. Fortune goes without saying. Yes, coupled with a sharp wit, this is quite the dangerous Favour, but…

My thoughts were interrupted as she tossed the axe. It landed in front of me, splashing me with water, further scattering the fish. As it landed, I carefully, delicately wove matching strands of aether, approximating hers as cleanly as possible. I couldn’t match the adherence, as mine was sealed, but… It’s just Chirurgery, in a way… and my Aether Manipulation is strong enough to at least affect adherence if it’s not too strong.

“Shall we start then?” Miss Zozibini asked, only for Hinata to smirk at her. “What?” Miss Zozibini raised an eyebrow questioningly, and in that second, I subtly sliced into the strands, using my own duplicates to mask the quick, subtle change I made. Not that it’ll fool her, but…

“Oh, it’s nothing. I just enjoy it when people underestimate Akio and then have to admit he’s the better man in the end.”

“Better? Rha! What fucking rhino-shit…” Nkosi snarled, but Miss Zozibini silenced him again with a hard look. In her crimson suit with brilliant white shirt shining under the morning sun, she seemed very impressive.

“Shall we begin? I feel rather bad, keeping the President waiting.”

“All right then…” I nodded, sinking down into the pond, submerging myself. I then emerged, trailing water drops everywhere, Hinata looking at me warmly, her cheeks tinged with a little heat, and I realised my shirt was transparent. Maybe we’ll have time for fun later… not now.

“Oh brave wanderer, I am Mmoatia, Fairy of this lake…” I weaved her previous tale into this one, earning a smile from her, and a grudging scowl from Nkosi. “I was minding my own business, doing nothing, when somebody tried to assassinate me with an axe of cursed iron. Very disappointing, most upsetting.” I spoke like Anna, Shaeula’s sister, as part of my act.

“Does the story go that way?” Miss Zozibini frowned, but then brightened, and her threads twitched. “I assure you, no malice was intended. I merely mislaid my axe while chopping wood for the harsh winter. I have no wish to freeze, so please, can you help me, noble Mmoatia, and return my axe?”

“I see. Hmm… well, here. Do not, never do it again, throwing axes is most dangerous, greatly unsafe.” I pulled out the axe of silver. “Here, take it.”

“I am sorry. That is not my axe.” Miss Zozibini shook her head. “It is far too fine for me. I am not greedy, I simply need my axe for cutting wood.”

“I see. Not your axe, you say, you proclaim? Then…” I produced a second axe, this one shining golden. “This was yours, no?” Searᴄh the NôᴠeFire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You said it yourself.” Miss Zozibini shook her head. “My axe was one of iron. This golden axe is far too fine to…” She paused, pursing her lips. “But then… this story, it reminds me a little of when Anansi tricked tiger with a bar of gold that was simply hardened clay. Can you do me a favour, noble Mmoatia, please show me the final axe. After all, everyone knows fairies always do things in threes, and so do stories.”

“I see. Most wise, very astute. But…” I retrieved the final axe, which seemed to be an iron one. “…this axe was used to nearly murder me. Are you sure you want to claim it?”

“I assure you, that was merely a mistake.” Miss Zozibini chuckled. “But… I’m no fool. Taking that axe would be too easy, and I…”

Think so, huh? Suddenly there were two sets of Threads Of Fate, as I had carefully pared the ends down, splitting them and filling in the losses with my ether. Miss Zozibini blinked, momentarily confused, before seemingly making up her mind.

“In that case… a double bluff. Hence all your talk about the iron. I know my axe. Return it, please, and I shall apologise for accidentally nearly bringing you harm… huh?”

Too late. You paid attention to the story on the surface. Actually, this isn’t the story of the honest woodcutter at all, it’s a retelling of the events you orchestrated. I confused your Threads Of Fate just enough to make you miss that, with Hinata’s help.

“Harm, even accidental, is not a good thing, a pleasant deed.” I declared grandiosely. “Apologies will not wash away blood…” The beauty is… claiming victory, the greater the unfair scheme overcome, the greater the rewards, and the greater the fall her opponent suffers. But… I’m mirroring her scheme here, so if this is unfair, so were her own actions…

“I see. Then… I shall claim my axe, and offer amends.” She hesitated, wondering if I had tricked her, before reclaiming her iron axe. With a smile, Hinata clicked her fingers, and the millimetre of iron flaked away, revealing the axe was a golden one.

“Oh, how terribly greedy. You send me harsh, cold iron, and take away my innocent gold, incorruptible wealth. What trickster are you, what con artist?” My reply was harsh, and Miss Zozibini narrowed her eyes, threads boiling with energy.

“This isn’t how the tale goes…” she insisted. “As for that golden axe…”

“Yes, it’s iron.” I broke character. “If I was truly unfair, then the silver axe would have been the one.” I flicked the axe, and the gold flaked away, turning to scattered elemental energy, a thin layer, created by Hinata’s new power. “But… see, this iron…” There were shining sparks of golden colour within it. “…is pyrite. Fool’s gold. Faeries use it a lot to trick the gullible, delude the greedy. Just like your apologies. Sure…” I grinned, having used her own tricks against her. The muting of the glow of my Eye fell away, and the amber sparks within the grey even resembled the iron and pyrite mix the axe-head was made of. “…I believe you didn’t want us to die. You’re ruthless, but don’t strike me as particularly evil. Just pragmatic.”

“But pragmatists can be crueller than those who are genuinely evil.” Hinata stepped up to the pond, offering a hand to help me out. The axes broke apart, disintegrating, her energies spent. It was quite the challenge, making these axes, with thin layers of other metals over the top, unnaturally strong, despite the fact it was merely a plating. Fortunately, Hinata, while she had not had the time to train Motoko and Natsumi had, was working on aether and elemental control instead of weapons.

“After all…” Hinata finished. “…it can often be logical to sacrifice others for gain. But it doesn’t suit us!”

“I see.” Miss Zozibini’s eyes flashed for a moment, before the Threads Of Fate collapsed. As they did so, my Eye observed her subtle bodies waver, dimming a little, before amber letters flared across my vision.

Your Fortune has increased by Three.

Your Foresight has increased by Two.

Your Fate has increased by Three.

“You confused the Threads, so I was not able to see the story I was actually in. I had assumed you were going to trick me, and you did, but by making me assume the trick was that I would know you were tricking me.” Her lustrous dark skin seemed a little dull, and she was exhausted, her strength diminished. “But…” she laughed then, surprising me. “I do approve. It is the sort of trick Anansi favours. Truth hidden by lies only to reveal the truth anew. I admit defeat.”

“Fuck, I don’t!” Nkosi snapped. “I’m not beaten, I…”

“You’ll accept the result.” I warned, my League stoked to its maximum. Hinata paled, quickly ushering everyone away, and Miss Zozibini staggered, before also beating a retreat, a little blood leaking from her nose. “I’m warning you, I’m not in a good mood.”

Rha! Should I care?” Nkosi was unwilling to back down, but… he was definitely feeling the strain, sweat beading on his forehead and cheeks, a minute trembling in his limbs.

“I think you should. You’re strong. A true lion…” I tried not to make that sound sarcastic, but wasn’t sure I entirely succeeded. “…in fact, amongst the Chosen I’ve met, you’d certainly rank amongst the top few. Your League is impressive. You’re standing up to me…” Especially since my League has grown recently. I don’t know how much higher it can go, before I reach a wall…

“…and you’ve obviously fought many hard battles, honed yourself, but… I’m not in the mood to lose.”

“You think I’m scared of you, fucking pair of dangling hippo balls?” he spat back, and I shook my head.

“No, I know you’re not. Like I said, you’re a lion, the king of the jungle. But it’s not the lion who rules, is it? It’s the smart hunter. The lion that survives is the one that knows to avoid trouble.” I narrowed my eyes, coldly annoyed. “You agreed to let Miss Zozibini compete. Shouldn’t you respect her resolve and will?”

That gave him pause. He turned his head and spat noisily, before grunting a harsh acceptance. “Fucking fine. That’s true. I’m no lying snake, not like that bastard Dino. Rha! Zozibini, what the fuck are you doing? I thought you always knew how to read a fucking story?”

“Even Anansi lets his pride trick himself. Remember when monkey tricked Anansi into his own pit of stakes where he had killed hog, by claiming there was gold in the… hole?” Her eyes showed sudden recognition, clapping her hands. “How marvellous. It is exactly like the tale of Anansi and Fling-A-Mile too. Impaled on my own spikes, because I reached for gold that was merely fool’s gold. Is it because you tampered with the Threads Of Fate? It should not be possible.”

“You’d be amazed what’s possible.” I dried myself off with a gust of wind and flame element. “Does it feel good, being used? And your loss was mild, though unlike your previous gift, at least it’s something that costs you.”

“I hope we’ve made our point.” Hinata’s smile was wicked. “If you wanted our aid, you should have had the decency to ask for it. Consider that payment for Mayumi’s fright.”

“I see.” Miss Zozibini nodded. “I suppose it is a small penalty at that. Though I am all the weaker for it.”

“Yes, I’d imagine your Fate, Fortune and Foresight determine how strong your Favour is.” I mused. “Conversely, if your opponent has high stats, it’s harder for you. But if you want to play again, by all means give it a try… but you might lose more next time.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. After all, monkey might have tricked Anansi once, but usually, it is Anansi who is the victor, and I am not so arrogant as to fall for the same scheme twice. Now… we should go. Although…” She waved her phone, and mine chimed, Hinata’s too, her number having been transferred over to us remotely. “…I suppose you will need to notify us when you plan to secure your Territory.”

“Yes, don’t forget now!” Hinata warned, and Nkosi spat again, though he remained silent. With that, they left, leaving the grounds of the hospital with their fellow Chosen…


“So we’re in agreement?” the President stated, and Kira-san nodded, mopping his brow.

“It seems we are. We’ll not hold South Africa responsible for our lapse in safety, no more than you can hold Akio-kun and the others responsible for the deaths of South African citizens in self-defence. After all, Chosen matters are… chaotic, at the moment. I think you should get a handle on things, like we are trying.” He warned mildly. “Though I do confess, it’s not the easiest of tasks. We’re fortunate that Akio-kun is a fairly mild-mannered man, and that he’s got good women by his side to keep him grounded.”

Hinata smiled broadly at Kira-san’s praise. “Yes, though it seems Zozibini seems to be the brain behind Nkosi’s brawn. But that aside… compensation.”

“Yes.” The President agreed. “Not that we admit to any fault, but in the interests of diplomacy, a package of compensation to the families of the dead, as well as your injured, will be provided. And… we have no objections to your claiming of this other world, in a single instance.”

I’m not so sure, the General here looks like he’d want to object again, but… We’d had this argument, and the fact that we had a Ring Gate connecting us to Britain (Yes, we hadn’t claimed the Territory, but the principle was the same) and would soon be doing the same in South Korea, had won the argument. Kira-san had also promised some potential agreements in terms of mutual defence and cooperation, though the details were yet to be worked out. And of course, it’ll have to be agreed by me and the others. But…

“Fine then. In that case…” Kira-san looked at me, and I nodded.

“Yes, we’ll go see Mayumi…-chan.” At his annoyingly hopeful look I gave in and used the honorific he demanded. “You can finish up here.”

When Hinata and I left, she breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s been quite the few days. I was jealous of you going abroad with everyone else, but if it’s like this all the time, it’s not the fun holiday I thought it’d be.”

“It seldom is.” I grinned, pulling her into a hug. We stayed like that for a while, finally relaxing. “Although, one day we’ll be able to enjoy normal, fun holidays, where we don’t have to do anything. Though… not for a while.”

Hinata nodded, agreeing. “Yes. Well, speaking of… it seems that the Tengokusentou is being handed back, for a hefty cash settlement. The annoying thing is it wasn’t our efforts that secured it fully. Though in the end, what matters is we have it back. Uncle Kira…” Hinata smiled wryly at that. “…grandfather Itsuki, and Fujiwara-sama only care about the outcome. Seems like the negotiations were mediated by Fujiwara-sama’s son in the end. Which is odd, as…” Hinata narrowed her eyes, wary. “…I feel bad saying it, as… it’s just not a done thing to criticise anyone from Fujiwara house, but… Hidemasa-sama is not well regarded. He’s seen as a man whose ambition outstrips his abilities. But he does have connections, I suppose.”

“I see. That’s good for the Shiraishi sisters, isn’t it?” I asked, and Hinata shook her head.

“Not necessarily. We always planned to return the Tengokusentou to them, rather than their useless family, but Hidemasa-sama… like I said, he’s ambitious. He might try and keep it within Fujiwara house. Although…” Hinata’s lips quirked into a smile. “…if Fujiwara-sama plans to intervene, Hidemasa-sama won’t be able to resist. Thanks to our support, I’ve been invited to the grand handover, where it’s returned to the nobility. I should be able to make it back to attend, even with these loose ends here to tie up.”

“I see. And you’ll be careful, right?” I asked, worried, as I’d still almost certainly be in America at that time.

“Always.” Hinata promised. “Now… I’m better able to protect myself and others, aren’t I?”

“True, but look at Miss Zozibini. She was confident in her own abilities, and she’s much more experienced than you.” I warned, and Hinata flushed a pale pink, before kissing my lips softly.

“I get it. I won’t be arrogant. I know you worry. And you’re having those premonitions of danger. I’ll be prepared for anything, and worst case, I’ll get myself and those who matter to us out safely. The Tengokusentou isn’t worth our lives, no matter its history.”

“Good.” We kissed again, and with a smile, Hinata got off my lap, walked over to the door and locked it from the inside. With a sly grin, she glanced at the bed in the corner.

“It seems an awful shame not to use the bed, doesn’t it? After all…” She checked her phone. “We’ve a few hours yet.”

“You think?” I raised an eyebrow, and she giggled.

“I don’t think, I know.” She got up and rummaged around in the corner, finding a cupboard that contained some hospital gowns, and even a nurse’s uniform. “How about some role-play? I could be a naughty nurse, or a sexy patient, needing a visit from a hot doctor?”

My only answer was rushing over and scooping her up, tossing her down on the bed, listening to her giggles…

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