Five Hundred And ThreeFive Hundred And Three
“Yes, I believe you have succeeded.” Daiyu said, her Qi Perception penetrating Keiko-chan as she sat in the lotus position, face red and sweaty with exertion. “Keep it up. This is merely the first steps on the path to Cultivation. But even refining a little Qi will strengthen your body, mind and spirit. Perhaps you have talent.”
Keiko-chan, flushed and with a slightly pained expression, managed a grin. “It wasn’t comfortable though. And if my fans could see me in this state now…”
“You did say that Akio-kun here was your ideal man?” Ema-san giggled. She was struggling, but I would adjust her with Chirurgery next. On seeing me looking, she shivered a little, probably remembering the pain of her initial Chirurgery and the discomfort Keiko-chan had endured as I made adjustments here. “Maybe you don’t mind him seeing?”
“I’ll never live that down, will I?” Keiko-chan laughed, before changing the subject. “Matriarch…” Daiyu smiled slightly as she was addressed in the proper manner. “Don’t you find it a bit aggravating, considering how many years you struggled to learn? Doesn’t this seem rather too easy and unfair? Besides, if I have talent…” She glanced over at where Eui was sitting with Eri, relentlessly refining Qi.
“It is a question of desperation. Kim Eui seeks control in her life, to prevent her future repeating her past. It is a wise decision, and a Cultivator needs the hunger to succeed.” Daiyu approved. “As for fairness…” Daiyu glanced at me, cheeks faintly pink, and her slight smile broadened. It’s always nice seeing Daiyu smile. She’s usually so expressionless, but she does it more often now. I like it. “…I must admit, it does sting me a little. Ever since I could walk I studied and trained, eschewing all the ease of childhood, the pleasures of womanhood. Now Akio can smooth a path for almost anyone to learn the basic techniques. But… even if we start in different places, it is not she who walks fastest, but she who walks furthest that wins. Besides…” Daiyu’s rare smile turned mischievous. “…Akio will simply have to spoil me to make it up to me. I do have some needs.” She stared at me boldly, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sure, even if it wasn’t your birthday, just say what you need. Anyway, Ema-san, you’re next.”
“Wish me luck.” Ema-san swallowed, nervous, though her eyes held a gleam of anticipation. Daiyu’s lecture on some simple Qi techniques, such as rudimentary body strengthening, reaction time enhancement, and the ability to disorient a powerful man with a touch, had piqued her interest, especially the last talent, after her dreadful experiences at the AKB48 café.
“With Akio’s assistance, you do not need luck, merely persistence and courage.” Daiyu promised, and soon I was working on Ema-san, the Eight Moons Chakra Network which she had been granted before was certainly effective and seemed better than others I had observed in rival Chosen, for example, but when it came to Cultivation, it wasn’t properly optimised. The area around the lunar Chakra was particularly problematic, but that wasn’t an issue for simple Qi Refining, or likely even Foundation realm. I suppose that while everything seems to function on the basic principles of ether and its derivatives, there are numerous variants, so it’s no wonder each uses a slightly different set of capillaries and branches optimally…
Once Ema-san was done, I progressed to Asuka-san. Once she too was prepared, I moved to Kazumi-san. “Do you worry about leaving Hinata alone?” I asked her as I worked, making the necessary adjustments.
“Hardly. There’s no safer place than here.” Kazumi-san replied. “Anyone foolish enough to attack this estate gets what they deserve. But I can’t rely on others to do my work for me forever. I’m Hinata’s bodyguard, and her friend.” At her words, Natsumi nodded completely understanding.
“It’s a struggle. And it’s not that I’m not grateful.” Kazumi-san told me. “I’m stronger than ever, and more than capable of beating any ordinary thugs or kidnappers. But the world is getting less ordinary day-by-day.”
“No kidding.” Asuka-san agreed. “Who would have thought that Sora-kun was a psycho with magical powers? If not for Akio-kun’s timely intervention…”
Ema-san shuddered. “I don’t want to think about it! I don’t! It makes me…” Her words were cut off as Daiyu gently rapped her and Asuka-san on the head, telling them to concentrate. As they shut their eyes, trying to refine Qi, Kazumi-san continued.
“Hinata herself has some benefits, but she’s not focussed on growing stronger. So I need to do it. After all, there are times you can’t be with her, and places you can’t go. This seems like a way anyone can grow stronger, without needing to be…” her voice lowered. “…one of yours.”
One of mine, huh? “I think you worry too much, Kazumi-san. This is only the beginning. And I know Hinata loves you and appreciates your efforts. I appreciate them too.” I turned to Michiru-san then. “That goes for you too. It’s good that Miyu has such a close friend.”
The boisterous ninja girl leapt up, nodding furiously. “I knew you would understand me, Akio-sama! Indeed, it has pained my heart that Miyu-sama is in fact stronger than this ninja right now. It is such a shame, I should face harsh punishment.” Her face flushed red at her own words, and once more I had to wonder if there was something wrong with her. Yeah, she’s rather amusing, but… considering her actions when she tried to poison Hinata at our first meeting… she takes everything way too far.
Before I could speak, Miyu shook her head. “You are bothering Akio. If you insist on being punished despite having done no wrong, it only makes him uncomfortable.” Miyu bowed apologetically, her poise even in the lotus position shining through. “I apologise on Michiru’s behalf. Again. It is all because she is strangely comfortable around you. I do understand though…” She sighed. “Anyway, Michiru, I may be physically stronger, due to my Favour from Ame-no-Uzume, but that means little. If you and I were to fight…”
“Never! This Michiru would cut her own throat before ever harming you!” she insisted, and I could see some of those around us smiling. Sadly, I’m sure she’s serious though. She may claim to be descended from Koga ninjas and play the part well, but… she’s got a few screws loose in her head, I’m sure.
“I know.” Miyu sighed. “You are doing it again, Michiru. Keep this up and I will have to punish you, and not in the way you are thinking. It is quite true though. Motoko-san, Natsumi, do explain.”
The two of them exchanged glances, and Natsumi spoke up, perhaps as she had a closer standing to Michiru-san, despite her higher family lineage, she was still a bodyguard. “Miyu is right. Skill and experience can overturn an advantage in raw power and speed. Of course, if the gap is too great, skill becomes meaningless. But… you’re not weak, Michiru-san. In our school, there are a lot of bodyguards, but really, there aren’t that many I actually respect. You and your sister are two of them.”
“There’s you of course, Natsumi.” Motoko chuckled. “Sakura-sama’s guard, as well as Mayumi-sama’s, of course. Then there’s the…” She rattled off a few names of eminent families, and I recognised a couple. Isn’t that girl one of the new recruits to the training school? Are they focussing on the ones with excellent bodyguards?
“In any case, we are wasting Akio-san’s precious time with his fiancée.” Miyu bowed again, and Daiyu waved it off.
“It is not important. I am enjoying seeing the first steps for my revitalised Sect.” Daiyu accepted her apology. “But in your case… I believe your foundation to be a Cultivator is most excellent. You have the grace and elegance of a dancer. You are one, after all. And if Qi can strengthen your Chosen abilities, then you can provide further strength for Akio.”
“It comes down to that, I see.” Miyu smiled softly. She was certainly more outgoing than the first time we had met. “Of course, I am grateful to Akio as well. Had he not listened to my foolishness and persuaded me otherwise, my fate might have been very different, and far less pleasent. I am happy that I can use my talent for something other than my family lineage. It can be suffocating, being a daughter of the Fujiwara family.” She smiled at the idols then. “Goddesses of Hanafubuki? Sometimes I feel more a prisoner than a Goddess. Only when I am with Michiru, or playing the piano, or dancing the Kyomai, or… when I am helping make something special here.”
“So you don’t regret it?” I asked, and Miyu seemed offended by the question.
“Becoming your Vassal? How could I? You were right. You and Hinata-san both. I now have the power to dictate my own fate, though it is borrowed from you. My engagement was cancelled, and I am far freer to do as I wish. Honoka will likely inherit Fujiwara house, since her father is the eldest son of grandfather, so… my fate was to be married off as a prize. But now…” She smiled, a pure and elegant expression. “…you hold my reins. After all, you persuaded grandfather that I belonged to you.”
“Whoa, so much to take in!” Keiko-chan said, amazed at the scene. “But wait… you do Kyomai? Imperial Kyoto-style traditional dance? Is your teacher…”
“Yes, Ageha-sensei is my teacher. Though that is not so special. After all, even Motoko-san here studies under her, though… Ageha-sensei does lament that you seem more interested in fighting than the arts, and your appearances at practice have dropped alarmingly of late.”
“I have a different path. Though I do wonder…” Motoko glanced at me. “Would you like to see me dance?”
“Yeah, I’d love to.” I said, and Motoko nodded.
“In that case, I shall find more time to practice. But I cannot neglect my Tsumura Arts.”
“We’re in the presence of greatness.” Ema-san giggled. “My brother would do anything to take my place right now. Kyomai students… he’d consider that real dancing.”
“Hey, idols are good too, just ask my sis.” I pointed out, and I continued to make adjustments, until everyone was slowly converting Qi, even Eri and Miyu. Heading back over to Suk-ja, who was a little bored and also worried, I patted her shoulder gently. “It’s fine. Your turn is coming up. Come on.” I led her over to Daiyu, who was eagerly waiting for my second birthday present, which was Suk-ja’s presence. Daiyu was still glancing down at the Spatial Ring with a satisfied expression rather often, so I knew so far her birthday was going well.
“Daiyu, this is Suk-ja. She’s one of the Korean Hunters I met over there. She has a rather useful talent though. One I thought we might be able to investigate.”
Daiyu nodded. I translated a brief conversation between them, and at my reassuring nod, Suk-ja raised one hand, and a shining polyhedral crystal appeared, glowing with etheric light, spinning in the air, emitting a mournful vibration.
“This is K’uk’ulkan’s Winged Diamond.” I explained. “It’s got decent attack power and manoeuvrability, a good Favour.”
“I see.” Daiyu nodded. “And it is forged from crystal element, no?”
“Yeah, it’s rare to have composite elemental abilities. But since Shaeula learned lightning from a similar event, I thought perhaps we might be able to learn crystal element, if we work hard, or at least revitalise your body.”
“I see. You are perhaps thinking of my Qi Manipulation and Lower Dantian of Jade? It would be a mutated element, surely.”
“Yeah, but since you can in theory manipulate a mutated version of crystal, even if you don’t seem to generate a tangible amount, maybe we can kickstart it by feeding you crystal element?”
“I am certainly prepared to try.” Daiyu was eager, and after a moment instructing her new disciples to continue refining Qi, we moved to another room and began. I used my Eye, seeing the structure of the Winged Diamond. It was mostly crystal element, which was a combination of light and earth, but there was a significant wind presence as well. Suk-ja, at my urging, called on more of her Diamonds, and soon she was surrounded by a dozen of them, the air around us vibrating, not unlike Shaeula’s pinwheels. In fact, Shaeula’s birthday is coming up too soon. That gives me an idea for one of her gifts…
Just as I did before, but without taking the injury, I broke down the first of the gemlike crystals. It only provided a trickle of energy, but I sent it towards Daiyu, who drew it in, allowing her Qi Refining to absorb it. Crystal after crystal shattered, and soon Suk-ja was exhausted.
“Creating the Winged Diamonds isn’t so easy, Akio-oppa.” The younger girl was addressing me rather informally now, sipping on a drink I’d brought her from the other room. “In battle I usually only need one or two.” She suddenly raised an eyebrow. “I remember when you tried to look cool, you ended up cutting yourself badly, didn’t you?”
“Forget about that.” I laughed. “I’m surprised you remember, you weren’t in your right mind at the time. But yeah, it’s a strong offensive skill. As for being tired though… this is where you earn your money.” Seeing my smile, she took a step back, and Daiyu put a hand on her shoulder.
Do not despair. This will not harm you. But…” Her smile was as intense as my own, her dark eyes sparkling. “…your crystal element is indeed very interesting. I need more of it…”
“It’s great to not be stuck inside the Sessho-seki or Tamamo-no-Mae’s Sea of Thoughts. Here I can actually use the Elemental Silos.” Since I wasn’t restricted here, I was pulling earth and light elements, as well as wind, and pouring it into Suk-ja using Chirurgery, rapidly recharging her. Of course, I don’t want to use more than I need, as with my Foresight still whispering something bad is coming, something widescale… I’d rather have energy available for people to use in emergencies. But…
“I’m tired, can I take a break?” Suk-ja whined. She was eating a set of Japanese cakes we had brought her in, but her face was pale from overuse of her Diamonds.
“Soon.” I promised. “Just think of the money you’re earning here. Your Guildmaster will be impressed at a job well done.”
At my reassuring words, she gave me a flat look, before sighing and addressing Daiyu. “He’s a bad man, isn’t he? Trying to talk me into being happy about this.”
When I translated for Daiyu, she leaked a little laugh. “I believe you should be pleased. It is an opportunity to hone your abilities. If you work on feeling the increased flow, how it interacts with your body, you may find your ability to call upon these Diamonds strengthens.”
After I relayed her words, Suk-ja asked if it was true, and when I agreed it was, she looked a little troubled. “Should you really be helping me then, Akio-oppa? After all, this is a job, and you’re paying me a fair wage…”
“Why wouldn’t I help? After all, didn’t our Guilds…” it seemed a bit strange, saying that Violet-noona’s Guild was now mine, but she insisted. The Violet Scorpions. The name really doesn’t fit… “…allies on our last mission? And since we’ve faced life or death battles together…”
“…we faced it against you.” Suk-ja muttered, rather mortified.
“…together.” I insisted. “Take it as a lesson that our powers alone can’t protect us in every circumstance. Which is why Daiyu is right, if you get an opportunity to better yourself, to grow stronger, take it. Don’t worry about whether you’ve earned it. If you think you don’t deserve it, just repay me later.”
Suk-ja exchanged a glance with Daiyu, before nodding slowly. Why do I get the impression she’s thinking something rude? Turning to Daiyu, I let my Eye shine. “So how is it? Can you use the crystal element?”
Daiyu was breaking it down into Qi. With her experience of desperately refining elements she wasn’t skilled with to strengthen me during the mess with Tamamo-no-Mae her skills had improved, and I was once more impressed at her sheer talent. Hard, relentless work too. Even with the assistance I’ve provided, she wouldn’t get to a Rank ten Skill without great effort. I bet I can count the people in Japan with such skills on one hand.
“I am not sure. It does not seem quite right.” Daiyu gathered the little Qi she had refined. “I know no specific techniques to utilise crystal Qi, but… Jade Yang Stance: Gem Wall!” She pushed her hands in a circular motion, and her arms shimmered with red and purple light. “Strike me, Akio!” She cried out, before rapidly amending her words. “But not too hard. I need my arms for later!”
With a chuckle I kicked out, holding back. The impact struck her crossed arms, and I felt the feedback. Daiyu winced, using her delicate footwork to disperse the force, sliding backwards. It was then that a force reflected on me, glittering motes of diamond-like dust in the air, and I winced, my foot bruising a little. “Was that… crystal element?” I asked, seeing the fading sparkles.
“I believe so. Before, I had to activate my Jade Yang Stances with earth Qi, and it sufficed. But it seems it is actually for crystal Qi, as instead of merely a defensive, or strength enhancing effect, it has other properties. Unfortunately, it seems I cannot yet generate such Qi myself in quantities enough to use.”
“Yeah, you seem to have the basic Skill for the mutated crystal element, but… hmm.” As I observed her, we ran a few more tests, and I got a feel for crystal element. It seemed to combine the strengthening and sturdy nature of earth element, as well as having a sort of reflective nature. I then asked Suk-ja to summon more Diamonds, and for another hour we continued helping Daiyu fill up. In the end, our efforts finally bore some fruit, as Daiyu, also drawing on earth and light elements from the Silos with my permission, managed to create a tiny trickle of mutated Jade. “Crushing Palms!” Daiyu cried, her hands slamming into my arm. The impact was stronger than I expected, and now the shedding motes of crystal were a pure and beautiful mix of white, green, red, lavender, black and yellow.
“I believe I have it.” Daiyu smiled broadly, before throwing herself into my arms, delighted. Suk-ja politely looked away as Daiyu pressed her head into my chest, and I could feel her through the ornate yet thin cloth of her robes. “It was as if a spark lit within me, something I had not felt before. It is weak, but… from a humble beginning, grows the mightiest empire.”
“That’s true.” I agreed, scanning her status, noticing immediately what had changed. Ruffling her hair, she raised her head and I kissed her tenderly, and she greedily sought my tongue. For a moment we were lost in each other’s embrace, until Suk-ja coughed behind us, and we separated, Daiyu wiping her lips clean, and I apologised.
“Sorry, we just had a great success. Thanks to your help, of course. Like I said, I know this might be a paying job, but I never forget a favour.”
“Fine, I accept, just…” Her face was red, and I chuckled at how young she was.
“Yeah, that was rude of us, but…” I looked to Daiyu, who nodded eagerly, waiting my words. “Your Chakras of Jade Skill has reached Rank two. More to the point…” Setting aside that the Wielder Of A Mutated Element Class has gained a Level as well, she’s gained a new Class.
Jade-Blooded is a Class given to those who have awakened their ancestral bloodline aptitude towards the Mutated Element Jade. Having aptitude for a Primal Element or two is not uncommon within the multiverse, though in scattered worlds such as this it is rather rare. But having aptitude for a Mutated Element, especially a Composite Mutated Element, is an unusual event indeed. Jade Element combines Earth and Light Elements, and has six primal forms, though rarer forms do exist. This Class strengthens and increases production of Earth, Light, Crystal and Jade Elements, as well as their derivatives such as Qi.
“Six forms, huh? Does that relate to the colours of the crystals? So, you’ve got a bloodline, huh?”
Daiyu shrugged. “I had thought it an old story, of why we are the Incorruptible Jade. Back in the days before Kunlun sealed itself away, fled our world, the Patriarch of our Sect found a mysterious jade idol. From then on, our Sect grew in strength, and many of our Arts involve Jade Qi. We grew in power, to be behind only the Great Sects of Kunlun. Even so… we were left behind. Now I know why.”
Oh yes, the visions of Kunlun during Tamamo-no-Mae’s false Tribulation. “It doesn’t matter now. Done is done. You’re where you are meant to be. After all, you have your new disciples out there practising.” After she gave me a grateful smile, I let Daiyu continue.
“I appreciate the comfort. But I am far removed from the initial betrayal, some fifteen-hundred years ago. And even the Great Sects were not entirely spared treachery, it seems. But my point is… eventually the gift of Jade stopped blossoming in us. Perhaps our blood was now too thin, or the world could not support it. But now… once again, I shall be truly Incorruptible Jade.” She kissed me again, and then her expression did grow more serious. “The heirloom was kept with our most precious knowledge. Now that our Sect has been usurped and driven from China… I fear it has fallen into the hands of our enemies.”
“We’ll get it back.” I promised, curious about what my Eye would see looking at it. “We’ll reclaim everything we can.”
“I know.” Daiyu was serious now. “Ever since that day the sea washed me ashore in this land, only Chang’e’s Favour keeping me alive, I have known it was my fate, my Dao, to be here now.”
“In that case… time to get working harder.” I grinned, giving her final, chaste kiss, a merest brushing of the lips. Turning to Suk-ja, my expression made her giggle nervously. “All right, time to squeeze out more Winged Diamonds…”
“It’s all right. Go and rest.” I told the wrung-out and dead-eyed Suk-ja. For several more hours we had poured huge amounts of elemental energies into her. While her Diamonds certainly seemed larger, more vibrant and shimmered with brilliant light, signalling she had likely Ranked up a Skill herself, she had suffered for it. “Violet-noona and Yu-mi are still out there, and everyone else is friendly.”
Grateful, Suk-ja staggered out, and I exchanged a grin with Daiyu. “Looks like not everyone is as determined as you. Though we shouldn’t be too hard on her. She held on quite a while.”
“Yes, I agree.” Daiyu nodded at the retreating girl. “And when she is next in battle, and her Diamonds prove more effective than ever, she will remember this, and learn from it. My only regret is we used a significant stock of elemental energies from your Silos. And that you spent it all on me.”
“Yeah, I want to learn crystal element, definitely. But you are my priority today, Daiyu” I agreed, hugging her close now that Suk-ja was out of the room. I then let out a surprised yelp as I felt small hands on my bottom. Daiyu was flushed red, her eyes and lips moist.
“It is indeed my birthday. And today, I am glad I was born. So… I wish to experience closeness. Eri has mentioned on her birthday you indulged yourselves. I also wish to. And if it can strengthen us, if we can Cultivate together, perhaps it will help you learn Jade as well?”
“Maybe. But what about the students?” I asked, and she let out a soft laugh.
“My disciples are doing well. I shall watch over them a little longer, and then… the bedchamber.”
Unable to withstand her suddenly smouldering, alluring look, I merely answered with yet another kiss, and after we separated and Daiyu straightened her robes, we headed out back to her disciples. We spent a while watching them, Daiyu and I offering advice and corrections, and it seemed that everyone had managed to reach Rank one in Qi Refining and gain the Qi Refiner Class at the least. I could see Daiyu’s impatience rising, and after I had confirmed that the last of them had achieved the goal for this first session, Daiyu stood straight and addressed them as their Patriarch.
“Disciples, you have all achieve the first steps on the long path of Cultivation. Do not mistake your swift progress for it being trivial, or easy. You have advantages others do not, excellent teachers.” Daiyu glanced at me boastfully, and I gave her a praising smile in return. “Now you must all strive to perform Qi Refining at every spare opportunity. Doing so will increase your reserves of Qi and your speed. But that is hardly enough. The effective ratio of Qi to aether is the greatest challenge, and…”
I listened to her speech, impressed at her deep knowledge. As she finished, telling them she expected to see the results of their efforts in the near future, and that they could text her or come seek her out with questions any other day than today, the girls stood up gratefully, stretching cramped and tired limbs from meditating for a number of hours.
“Done at last!” Ema-san grinned. “I thought my legs wouldn’t work!”
“Don’t be rude, Ema. You should thank our Matriarch.” Keiko-chan said firmly, before standing, wobbling a little on unsteady legs, and bowing. “Thank you for your instruction. Just as we put the effort into our idol activities, we’ll do the same here. We promise!”
“If you do, you will achieve great things.” Daiyu promised. Then a question occurred to her. “Will you also be joining Adamant?”
The idols exchanged glances, while Kim Eui’s face changed, becoming a blank mask. Keiko-chan spoke for them after a while. “It seems a bit hasty to decide. That’s… a serious commitment, isn’t it?”
“It is.” I agreed. “And not one to take lightly.”
“That’s right. It’s only been a few days. We need to think about it.” Asuka-san nodded, supporting Keiko-chan. “But… we’ve seen your sincerity. Don’t worry, we’ll perform our heart out at the concert, all of AKB48 will, and we’ll be sure to show your sister and any of your friends who want to come a good time! We’ll support Suzu-chan as well, like we promised!”
We exchanged more pleasantries, and the idols left, planning on heading to a bar incognito. Ema-chan wasn’t quite old enough to drink, but in the right bar she could still enjoy herself without alcohol while her friends drank. Next to go was Eui. She thanked Daiyu for the help, glanced at me as if she had something to say, and after a moment she spilled out words as if a dam had burst. “Maybe you’re right, and I have to find a new way to live, to live with myself. I’ve changed… I cant go back to who I was before. It hurts… everything hurts, but… I have to live for those that didn’t, right?”
“That’s right. I won’t say we owe it to the dead, you didn’t do anything wrong except survive, and even try and help people. But you weren’t strong enough.” My words seemed harsh, but she understood.
“That’s right. Being weak is a sin nowadays. So…” she clenched her fist, the arm still painfully thin and weak. “…I’ll take what you offer, and I’ll never cry again.” She scrubbed at her dry eyes. “Instead, I’ll make those who are evil weep.”
“I approve.” Daiyu nodded, and as I translated the English words she hadn’t yet learned, Eui nodded. “Gather strength, live a life so you can say from this point on you have no regrets, and then even should you be defeated in the end, you will fail knowing you gave it your all.”
“Failure, huh?” Eui barked a laugh. “Already setting me up for disappointment? I know I’m not much compared to you, or him…” She pointed at me. “Or Haru-unni. I know I‘m just a kid. I haven’t even finished school…”
“I doubt I am much older than you.” Daiyu shrugged. “And nobody who survives what you did is a child. Life has a way of making us grow, be it through adversity or sorrow.”
“I don’t know if you want to finish your education, or whether you want to work. I know that Yu-mi will find you a position in our Korean organisation.” I said softly, the sombre mood infecting me. “If that’s not what you want, I can probably pull some strings and get you the sort of work you want…”
“No, I’m happy enough to work with Yu-mi-unni and Haru-unni. Bora-noona seems fine too, and Kang-oppa.” Eui insisted. “But I don’t just want to be behind a desk. I’m clever, yes…” she remarked bitterly. “After all, I was one of the top students at Choe-Museon. But that didn’t help me. Matriarch, Daiyu-unni… please help me grow stronger. You too, Akio-oppa.” She bowed to us, and I could see that despite everything, she wasn’t a weak girl broken by her hellish time in that closed-off world of the Academy, but a fiery, angry young woman, who never wanted to feel so helpless again, feeling out of place in a world that didn’t yet understand her. Unfortunately, as time goes on, I’m afraid more and more people will know her pain…
“In that case, work hard and I shall spare no effort on your training.” Daiyu promised. “There are other avenues though…”
“You mean Adamant? Yu-mi-unni mentioned them. She’s already rising through the ranks, so she says. But… it’s quite a commitment. I went through hell protecting my heart and purity. To give that up…”
Hang on a minute. I had heard something I couldn’t let pass. “I think there’s been some sort of misunderstanding. Adamant isn’t my personal harem or anything…”
“You’re the only one that thinks that.” Eui sniffed, looking to Daiyu for assurance.
“It is as he says. Akio truly does not see it that way. In fact, and it is hard to believe…” She leaned in, though the effect was spoiled by her fumbling for the words she didn’t yet know, which I had to provide. “… considering his many lovers, he is oddly unwilling to accept the affection of others. Why, I did fear he would refuse me, despite it clearly being an act of fate, us being destined Dao companions. I washed up, alone, desperate and eager for vengeance, and was placed in his care, only surviving by miracle stacked on miracle. And yet he agonised over me. So… do you really think he would force you, or others?” Daiyu held my arm possessively. “If he wishes, I have no right to stop him, I was not first, so know his position well. Many would gladly jump at the chance. But… do you believe he would so compel you?”
Eui met my eyes for a moment, before sighing. “I guess not. He can’t be a bad man when you all look so happy. But rules are rules. I’m not sure, but… you’ll help me whatever I choose, right Matriarch-unni?”
Daiyu raised an eyebrow at the address, but nodded firmly. “I am the Incorruptible Jade, and my disciples shall not be tarnished while I live. Akio is my second, my Hall Master, as he should be called. Adamant Hall, perhaps.” She smiled then, like a beautiful lotus unfurling, clutching my arm tightly. “Now, if you will excuse me, this is my special day, and I have other plans.”
Eui flushed, clearly understanding. “I’ll get out of your way then. I’ll… go see unni.” She rushed out to find Yu-mi, and as she did so, Eri slipped back in, a sly expression on her face.
“That girl seems rather embarrassed. Did something happen?”
“No, definitely not.” I insisted. “She just has the wrong idea about Adamant.”
“Sure, if you say so.” Eri arched an eyebrow teasingly. “But forget about her.” She nodded to Daiyu. “Thanks for helping me again. I think Cultivation is one way I can get stronger and help more. I want Akio to be able to trust that I can handle myself in dangerous places one day, like he trusts you.” There was a hint of envy in Eri’s tone, as expected, but mostly just honesty. “I know he remembers me getting hurt, but… oh well, I can take my time.” She then got to the point. “Your room’s tidy, Daiyu. Go ahead. But… you can’t spend all day and night making love, can you? I mean, you obviously can, and it’s not a bad thing, but it’s your birthday and there must be other things you want to do?”
Daiyu looked at me, and I shrugged reassuringly. After a moment she nodded. “I seldom get to experience the vastness of Tokyo. Perhaps some sightseeing?”
Eri nodded. “Shopping too, I think. I’ll see to it, get you an itinerary. The others can help. A nice meal too. Very date-like. Anything else?”
Daiyu nodded. “Once that is done, perhaps a trip to the Boundary? I would fight beside you for a while, Akio, just you and me, together.”
“That’s so very you.” I laughed, and Eri agreed, nodding. Daiyu flushed a little, but took my hand, leading me towards her room.
“Of course, who else could I be but me?” As we reached the door to her room, Daiyu leaned up and kissed me, and I felt her hands on me, first my bottom as before, then on my belt, and as she started unbuckling it, I pushed her into her room, kicking shut the door behind me…
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