Five Hundred And Twelve *Contains Status – Motoko 2, Natsumi 2, Aiko 7*

Five Hundred And Twelve *Contains Status – Motoko 2, Natsumi 2, Aiko 7*

The sky was streaked with vivid lightning, multicoloured sparks of energy scattering through the skies like aurora borealis, yet far more brilliant and intense. The scene below was an ordinary one, apart from the mysterious storm overhead, but suddenly the seemingly peaceful cityscape scene shattered. At first the ground seemed to shiver, faint ripples in the air like the heat haze reflected from roads on a scorching summer day. Then a whine began, a faint susurrus just below the register of human hearing, a silence that ached, and the passers-by seemed uncomfortable, edgy somehow.

Some people stopped, trembling, and as they spoke to each other only silence could be heard, and then one of the rippling pools of distortion popped like a soap bubble. Out hopped a bizarre creature, appearing in a spray of violet sparks. At first it looked like a rabbit, though the size of a large dog, and one nearby passer-by, a woman, looked down in surprise, seeing it as cute. Others saw it too, and were shocked by the size and sudden appearance, but perhaps due to the changing world they were not immediately alarmed or wary.

The woman looked at the stationary rabbit, unsure of whether to approach, only to suddenly gasp in horror as it tilted its head, and within the fur of its face, a row of a dozen red eyes slid open, watching her, and the mouth, impossibly long, unhinging the near-entire head of the creature, gaped open, needle-like teeth glinting dully in the light of the chaotic lightning overhead, drool dripping to the pavement. She screamed soundlessly, and was not alone, others joining in, but the rabbit hopped forwards, and jaws clamped on her, tearing her apart in a welter of gore.

Others scattered, but more distortions crackled with violet energies, and other creatures appeared. Foxes, elephants, crocodiles, snakes, scorpions, even extinct creatures such as dinosaurs and those which defied description or classification, and soon the streets ran with blood. During all this, the rabbit chewed, and after a while it sprouted a series of tumours, fatty lumps swelling and eventually bursting. When that was complete, the rabbit had grown in size, now matching a horse, and had sprouted a pair of grasping female arms, just with fur and multiple joints, and nails as long and sharp as scythes. Other lumps hit the ground, forming into more small rabbits, and also young, human-like children, only each was subtly malformed, with bestial features or extra body parts.

This done, the now-massive rabbit hopped down the street, and as a child ran its way in panic, one of the new arms swung like a whip, and blood splattered…

Overhead, the sky suddenly descended into night, the clear skies still wreathed with iridescent lightning, thunder booming silently. The moon was shining overhead brilliantly, a massive disk hanging in the sky. Below, the creatures were rampaging, forming packs that surged like locusts, devouring all life in their paths and multiplying, only occasionally turning away erratically like the tide hitting a breakwater. There was the sound of shattering glass, and a great black rift, fringed with purple light, shrouded the stars, and a great sound of war drums could be heard, and the marching of booted feet, and cries of rage and hunger…

At that moment, a great shadow swept across the land, and the moon, which shone so brilliantly, was suddenly obscured by a series of deep black triangles, which resembled naught so much as jaws, ready to close and bite…

All this cannot be stopped. The Destiny of the Definite has too much weight. Even should you attempt it, events have begun far outside your sphere of influence, and will be felt here when the ripples reach. All that can be done is strive, struggle and try and turn aside disaster, saving what you can protect…

The vision blurred, the shadows covering the moon scattering, revealing the glowing disk, and six figures could be seen in the light. I recognised many of them, Shaeula, though she was wreathed in powerful winds, and many Fae and Yōkai were in her shadows. Shiro, half of her face twisted into an expression of great hunger, hair and eyes red and blazing, the other half cool and silver. Yukiko-san, the incandescent sun fringing her like a halo of gold, and Eleanor, a great towering pillar of life energies soaring behind her, a curtain of shimmering energy falling like a fountain. There were two others as well, one a hunched shadow, indistinct and blurred, and droplets of blood were constantly falling from it, darkening the land around. And a pink bird, shining with light, connected to something greater, a reservoir of shining brilliance that was somehow so very sorrowful…

Only though the conflux of a tangled web of Destinies and a multitude of Definites can what the moon overlooks endure. Prepare… prepare…

That’s hardly helpful! The voice, presumably of Tsukuyomi, was the only sound I could hear in this silent… vision… I supposed. I already know of the Princesses of the Six Paths. As for Shaeula and Shiro, if they die I’ll be dead first, and Eleanor and Yukiko-san are my friends, so I’ll of course protect them. As for the other two… They both seemed ominous and sad, and I would do my best to find them, and if necessary defend them. What’s the use of telling me this? It’s like I’m sitting in a greenhouse, you tell me the glass will be destroyed, but it’s done by someone with a gun on a far rooftop. I’ve no way of preventing it… at least give me something useful! I can see why Tsukiko was always so worn down and depressed. There’s no use in knowing there’s a man with a gun out there ready to shoot if I can’t leave the greenhouse to stop him!

There was silence, the vision frozen, and then the scene shifted, and I was immersed in water, drifting in a lake, the moon overhead reflecting in the glassy, smooth waters. In said reflection images were suddenly shown, and if I was actually here, in a tangible form, I would have smiled. Finally being useful, eh?

The scene switched, becoming monochrome, revealing a teeming horde of people, moving with one purpose. They looked like zombies, paying no heed to their surroundings, merely fixated on their targets, a number of men and women who shone with colour in this black and white world, red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo and violet. On seeing them the mass of people charged, and though they were weak and frail, they attacked with almost rabid, desperate fervour.

Above them in the sky, a great, serpentine white body could be seen, writhing through the clouds, and bolts of brilliant light shot from it, turning into feathers which struck the ground, detonating. One such target was a tower standing amidst a steaming lake, adorned by beautiful statues of celestial beings. Light flashed, and flame roared, forming a mushroom cloud, lightning crackling, the flickering tongue of a snake visible, tasting the scorched air. Amidst the destruction shadows moved, and a stunning marble statue of a woman, tall and muscular, carrying a spear in one hand and a shield in her other, an owl on her shoulder, eyes tied with a ragged blindfold, was rocked, daggers striking sparks.

Other statues appeared, and then a multi-armed statue of gold shattered, a torii gate collapsing, and a number of twisted, ghoulish forms wearing tattered rags surged out of the ground, faces twisted into snarls of bitter malice, ringing golden bells. A prideful, faceless giant strode out across the land, one hand clutching a winged serpent rod, blood dripping from it, and where he passed ordinary people became violent and filled with fury, shouting and hollering, shaking fists at the sky, becoming another tide of zombies, who rushed great mansions and shops, looting and breaking all within their grasp. A young girl was surrounded by shadowy figures, all pointing, mocking and laughing, and a noose fell, a woman, her dead flesh dripping with maggots, dangling lifelessly, and a second noose then fell beside it, while waiting, the crowd jeering louder. Even then a giant foot was coming down, to trample on the garden below, trees snapping under the force, blossoms scattering, and then the scene changed, broken trees merging…

A great Tree stood, spreading branches out over the land, and I recognised it. That’s Asha’s Tree. A horn blew, shaking the skies, and a great wooden wheel dropped, the spokes studded in jagged, dagger-like splinters. It began to roll, faster and faster, crushing people beneath it, until it was about to strike the Tree, towering over it, while trumpets sounded overhead and feathers fell…

You wish to stop the bullet. But if it has already been shot…

Then we either have to dodge it or block it. Is this… the upcoming events which I fear?

Yes. Destiny is in motion. Many bullets have already found their mark, as you would speak of it, but… the future is an intricate tapestry, of many threads. The Definite anchors, the Destined weaves, and Chance are stray threads that should be plucked out to not spoil the weave, but a single tug can unravel much, changing the course of the tapestry ever so slightly…

I get it. At least you’re trying to be helpful. I’ll search for the threads we can pull… With that the image vanished, and I opened my eyes to the early morning twilight. I felt some weight against me, and remembered that before I had gone to bed, Eri and Motoko had been having some fun with me. I turned, to see Eri on my left, pressed tight against me, still snoring gently, face blissful, while on my right, Motoko, her arms curled around mine, slowly opened her eyes, giving me a gentle smile.

“Good morning, Akio. I trust you slept well? You do not rest enough, everyone is worried you are working too hard.” she whispered, careful not to disturb Eri.

“I know, but if I don’t, who will?” I leant over and kissed Motoko on the lips, just a gentle greeting. “Did I wake you? It’s still dark outside.”

“No.” Motoko shook her head. “I am an early riser. I have to train Tsumura Arts, before heading to school. Though I feel today will be a good day.” She smiled brilliantly, before regretfully releasing me and standing. She went to the walk-in closet of my room, where all of the girls had a spare set of clothes for just this event. Motoko pulled out her blue and white training hakama, and giving me a rather cheeky grin, tied back her long hair and began to dress slowly, her skin flushed pink, making sure I got a view of everything.

“I can still hardly get used to this.” Motoko marvelled. “To think I would be allowed to spend my life as I please, yet still uphold the honour of the nobility. Although…” She took my hand, squeezing it as she returned to my side. “…I have my pride. And my love. Now I am more concerned with being the best wife I can be. That shall bring enough honour to Tsumura house. And it is far from a burden. After all…” She smiled, and her temperament recently was becoming less stoic and formal, more charming. “… how could I ever give up this? Last night was wonderful. If it was a better time, and we had celebrated our wedding ceremony, I would have been delighted to conceive a child, to continue our houses. The act itself is joyous. I can certainly see why our parents and brothers warn us off this act. My heart sings, just as it does when wielding my weapons.”

“I’m glad. My heart certainly raced last night.” I let out a soft chuckle, and Eri stirred, yawning.

“Have you had your heartfelt talk?” she said, coming out of her own sleep. “If not, I can rest a little more. You went hard on me last night. My hips and back ache.” She looked at Motoko then. “You must be the same. He needs to learn restraint!”

Motoko shook her head. “Do not pretend you hated it. I know you too well, Eri. If you can feel his passion, your heart is at peace. Mine is the same. And we will be without it soon…”

“Yeah, you’re off tomorrow, right?” Eri pointed out, and she regretfully moved away from me, her own body naked. Seeing Motoko already dressed, Eri frowned and crossed her legs, face flushed. “How can you bear putting on clothes before a bath, after we… were so enthusiastic.”

“It is a little uncomfortable.” Motoko agreed, her flush deepening. “But I intend to work up a sweat, and do not have time to bathe twice. Besides, it will likely just be Natsumi and Daiyu who join me this morning, and they will merely be envious.”

“True.” Eri nodded, pulling on a bathrobe, smirking at the trace of regret in my eyes as her naked body was covered. “But as for me, I’m going to wash off. You need to as well, Akio.”

I nodded. “Yeah. And you’re right. At least I’m getting a flight from London, rather than one of our airports. It’ll save me a good dozen hours of travelling.” There’s more than one way to use a Ring Gate. We definitely need to establish more, but each one is also a risk, for now, and after those visions… Most were opaque, but some were obvious, that we would come under attack directly. Though I already knew that, thanks to Uranai’s words Shinkume-no-Hana brought me. We’ll step up protection, and… hopefully we have our trump card now…

“In that case, I shall go, Natsumi will be waiting for me, since it was not her fortune to win the draw last night.” With that Motoko bowed to us and left, leaving Eri nodding knowingly.

“Shaeula’s luck arranged it.” I glanced down at my bare hand, the Anulus Fortunae now back with Shaeula, as the tasks I needed great Fortune for were done. Seeing I understood, Eri continued. “She thinks that we need to grow our bonds. Motoko and Natsumi usually sleep with you together, so she wanted to mix it up a bit. I think she’s right. I learned more about Motoko this way, and she of me. How about tonight, you go for Natsumi and someone else?”

I ruffled Eri’s hair playfully, proud that she was sharing so well, and she snorted, tugging me towards our bathroom. “Oh come on, we had this out in Korea, didn’t we? I’m happy. Motoko was happy. You heard her, right? She’s even thinking of children. I suppose having Asha pregnant brings that to mind. But not me. Not yet. I’ve not reached my potential. And there’ll be time for that later. But for now…” Her grin was wickedly teasing, and it made my body twitch and feel hot, seeing her look so different to usual. “…seems like I was right. You have some energy, so… how about a little morning fun in the bath?”

My only answer was sweeping her up into my arms and rushing into the bathroom, kicking shut the door behind us…


“Looking good!” I praised, watching the footwork, as Motoko clashed with Natsumi, using their live weapons, the Utsoroihebi Twins. Sparks flew, and their dance was blindingly rapid, exchanging blows with their enhanced attributes. After a moment though, the match as decided, and this time it was Motoko whose blade was poised at Natsumi’s throat.

“Got me again.” Natsumi smiled ruefully, as the blade was withdrawn, and she bowed. “That’s seven to four in your favour.”

“Yes, but it is still rather close.” Motoko said magnanimously. My sis, who surprisingly had also been up and was practising in our estate’s training grounds, handed them both towels.

“Good job, you’re both really skilled. I could certainly learn something.”

“Aiko’s always been considerate of her club juniors at school, at least.” Eri said, watching as she produced some cold drinks next, which the girls took gratefully.

“Wow, don’t say it like I’m not usually considerate!” My sis pouted, though it was more from reflex than genuine emotion. “Besides, we martial arts girls have to stick together!” Daiyu wasn’t here, possibly training her Cultivation rather than her combat skills. Well, we do have that opportunity. Speaking of…

My Eye shone, and I was relieved to feel that my strength had recovered noticeably overnight. My Boundary self was reformed and had arrived at Shirohebizumi shrine and would be resonating with the Berserk Blessing of Blood from Shiro to eke out what extra ether we could before my journey abroad. We’ll shoot for an extra million…

Tsumura Motoko

Bonded Kin

[Material Statistics]

[Intangible Statistics]


173 280


1 2


171 306


4 5


156 270


5 7


169 301




185 308


3 5


184 312



402 741



[Material Skills]




[Aetheric Skills]

Silver Cord

Rank 2

Rank 3

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Eight Moons Chakra Network

Rank 1 Rank 2

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

Aether Manipulation

Rank 2 Rank 3

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Ether Healing

Rank 2 Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Elemental Skills]

Light Manipulation

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Third Eye Chakra Of Light

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Wind Manipulation

Rank 3 Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Heart Chakra Of Wind

Rank 2 Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Flame Manipulation

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Solar Plexus Chakra Of Flame

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Physical Combat Skills]

Combat Technique

Rank 4 Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Sword Technique

Rank 4 Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Spear Technique

Rank 4 Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Bow Technique

Rank 4 Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Tsumura Arts

Rank 3 Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Cultivation Skills]

Qi Refining

Rank 1

Powerful (4)

Rule (5)

[Unique Skills]

Lovers’ Link

Rank 4 Rank 7

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)


28/50 41/104


Fae-Bonded 3/20 7/20

Qi Refiner 1/10

Elemental Warrior 3/10

On seeing Motoko’s stats and checking them thoroughly, the first time I had done so in a while, I blinked my Eye, surprised. I then checked Natsumi’s, only to see the same thing. I guess they’ve blindsided me. I shouldn’t be surprised though, as the two of them train insanely hard every scrap of free time they get. Even when they have to attend events for the nobility, afterwards they use the fact they need little sleep and the time dilation in the Boundary to train for hours anyway… I know they earned light element in the pursuit of Jumong’s Favour, but the others…

Hori Natsumi

Bonded Kin

[Material Statistics]

[Intangible Statistics]


169 273


2 4


161 275


2 3


153 263


5 7


171 300




180 300


3 5


179 299



433 761



[Material Skills]




[Aetheric Skills]

Silver Cord

Rank 2 Rank 3

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Eight Moons Chakra Network

Rank 1 Rank 2

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

Aether Manipulation

Rank 2

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Ether Healing

Rank 2 Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Elemental Skills]

Light Manipulation

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Third Eye Chakra Of Light

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Wind Manipulation

Rank 4 Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Heart Chakra Of Wind

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Water Manipulation

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Sacral Chakra Of Water

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Physical Combat Skills]

Combat Technique

Rank 4 Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Sword Technique

Rank 3 Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Spear Technique

Rank 4 Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Bow Technique

Rank 3 Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Tsumura Arts

Rank 3 Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Cultivation Skills]

Qi Refining

Rank 1

Powerful (4)

Rule (5)

[Unique Skills]

Lovers’ Link

Rank 5 Rank 7

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)


27/63 40/104


Fae-Bonded 4/20 8/20

Qi Refiner 1/10

Elemental Warrior 3/10

Sёarᴄh the ηovelFire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“So, when did you learn the other elements?” I asked, curious. “And I see you each went for a different choice. Water and fire, huh?”

Motoko and Natsumi exchanged glances, and Natsumi giggled, still wiping her sweat with the towel, looking fresh and alluring. “It’s not like we’ve been keeping any secrets, but we want to surprise you when we can. And we only have our talents to push us forwards, that and hard work. As for why we chose differently…?” She pursed her lips. “Really, we don’t want you to think of us as Motoko and Natsumi, the pair. We’re both individuals, even if we do cherish each other like our lives.”

“That is correct. I feel Shaeula was wise, playing her games.” Motoko had also noticed what Eri had. “Next time I shall ask another to accompany me. After all…” Her elegant smile was rather lewd, and I realised anew that by repressing the daughters of the nobility and preventing them from discovering their own sexual desires, it had created some very eager women, with a blend of elegance and lust. “…just one of us alone makes it hard to satisfy you. My Statistics have doubtlessly been improving steadily, but when you truly indulge in us…” Eri, Motoko and Natsumi shared a look, while my sis rolled her eyes, amused and embarrassed. “…while it is pleasurable, it can be quite wearing.” she finished.

“Yeah, pick on me why don’t you?” I chuckled. “I assume you had help from Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan?”

“Yeah, the two of them are basically the shining stars of the entire training school.” Natsumi smiled. “And despite being busy Haru-san also helped us.”

“Some of the new noble sons are showing an interest in them, despite their humble lineage, from the faith.” Motoko pointed out. “Though Chiaki-san and Chiasa-san both decline any such entanglements, claiming they are too young, and too dedicated to the Gods and yourself, Akio.”

“They did join Adamant, didn’t they?” my sis said, and that made Eri sigh.

“They don’t need to show loyalty like that. Besides… my biggest complaint is… what was Shaeula thinking, letting girls like the twins in? They are far too young!” She crossed her arms peevishly. “I like them too, they are cute and polite, and so very talented, but… Akio, you have a reputation to uphold. Hinata is as young as you can safely go!”

“I’m not planning on making a move on them, or anyone from Adamant…” I paused, not wanting to lie to Eri. “Well, not specifically from Adamant. I do… have to talk to Bell and Teare. Anyway, I’m not saying I’ll accept them, but… I owe it to them to talk things out, see where we all stand.”

“You do.” my sis agreed, and Motoko and Natsumi too. They all had a deep respect for the Elves, and especially for Bell after Mount Atago and our battles there.

“In that case, how about we have some breakfast. You pair have to go to school soon, don’t you?” Eri gave me a searching look, but just as she had said this morning, she was no longer defensive about our relationships, she genuinely just didn’t want me to fall to the state of a lolicon, sacrificing my pride and dignity. Yeah, Hinata, despite her youth, is old enough to make her own decisions. But the twins… if anything, they seem rather like sisters to me. They do treat me a lot like they do Ren-kun. I seem to be collecting sisters recently…

“Oh, there was one thing on your Status that was interesting.” I addressed the two noble girls, who waited patiently. “You got a Class.”

Elemental Warrior is a Class gained by those who have pushed their combat skills to the peak and are also a master of an Elemental Combat Technique of sufficient level, as well as the Elemental energies to fuel it. The path to breaking through the limits of basic combat skills and forging a truly unique path forwards is fraught with fewer challenges, and the ability to generate and utilise Elemental energies increases.

“In addition, you’ve caught me up in terms of raw Combat Skills.” I pointed out, and the two of them nodded, Motoko explaining.

“Of course we have. Now nothing holds us back, we can train as we please, and our bodies have such great stamina, and our learning speed has increased many times over, so we can push ourselves as far as our time allows. We also have expert tutelage from master Ulfuric, and other great warriors, such as Shaeula’s siblings. Even from you on occasion.” She teased me cheerfully, proud of her growth, and of Natsumi’s.

“It’s hard though.” Natsumi chimed in. “We’re fumbling our way through the dark here. Master helps us, but it is something we need to do ourselves, find our own way. That’s another reason that Motoko and I took different elements. It might help us finally distil down Tsumura Arts into our path forwards.”

“If we see our path, perhaps we can help you walk it…” Motoko began, only for my sis to let out a rather unladylike cry.

“Wow.” She slapped her cheeks hard enough for her to wince, and Eri chided her for her theatrics, but my sis was undeterred. “I’m fired up, you know? Motoko, Natsumi, I’m moved! You didn’t get the Favour you wanted, but you’re still pushing yourselves to improve, despite that. I can’t be slacking off, not now I have a Territory to run too!”

“Your archery is a match for ours.” Motoko reassured her. “You also need to find your path.”

“Yeah, I know.” As my sis let out a sigh, she slapped herself again, more gently this time. “I’m not sure whether I’ll take a hunter’s path, like Shaeula’s bro, or a warrior’s path, for battle. Or maybe some third road. But I know this… I’m an archer at heart. My Golden Sisters are awesome, and I’ll learn to make them stronger, more numerous, more flexible… but when it comes to… killing…” her hands trembled a little, but her expression was resolute. “…I’ll be using my bow. Swift, clean and deadly.”

“In that case…” My Eye flared again, and I scanned my sis, checking if there were any suggestions I could make. Yeah, my Eye is prickling. It’s not exactly painful, but it definitely feels like things inside it are changing…

Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

Chosen Of She Who Shows Compassion And Mercy, Kannon


[Material Statistics]

[Intangible Statistics]


229 501


3 5


235 510


1 2


206 483


6 8


265 538


3 5


232 524


4 6


246 540



1109 1847



[Material Skills]




[Aetheric Skills]

Silver Cord

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Eight Moons Chakra Network

Rank 3

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

Third Eye Chakra Of Sunlight

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Light Manipulation

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Solar Plexus Chakra Of Flame

Rank 3 Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Flame Manipulation

Rank 3

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Aether Manipulation

Rank 3

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Ether Healing

Rank 2 Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Aetheric Chirurgery

Rank 1

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

[Physical Combat Skills]

Combat Technique

Rank 2 Rank 3

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Bow Technique

Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Spiritual Kyūdō

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)


[Unique Skills]

Lovers’ Link

Rank 2 Rank 4

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)

Kannon’s Golden Warriors Of Mercy

Rank 5

Imperious (6)

Artifice (6)


9 43


Kami-Blessed 2/20

Wielder Of A Mutated Element 3/10

Archer Of Light 3/10

Fae-Bonded 6/20

[Territory Rank]


“Hmm…” I read out Aiko’s stats, and she hid her face in shame. “Sure, I’ve been grinding out levels every chance I could get, I damn near depopulated Nishimorioka’s surroundings after Kyoto, and I’ve overtaken you two…” Motoko and Natsumi nodded at that. “…but my Skills haven’t changed much at all! Ugh, I’ve been relying too much on the Golden Sisters for sure!”

“Yeah, but you also started well behind us, sis.” I reassured her, though she wasn’t wrong. “But there’s always room for improvement. Perhaps wind element might be worth learning. That one boosts flame element and is good with a bow too.”

“You’re right bro! I’ll do it! I swear!” She was shouting, hyped up, but Eri quickly calmed her down.

“Aiko, don’t forget your exams. You do want to get into that university, don’t you?”

My sis shuddered, as if doused with water. “Uh, sure. I definitely do, no question about that. But… there’s still winter break coming up, and with my Intellect… it won’t take long to cram everything!” She smiled broadly, and we all chuckled. Yeah, my sis never changes.

“Even so, you have to study! Mother-in-law Emily and father-in-law Taichi will be so disappointed if you fail. Besides…” Eri seemed to loom over Aiko, which was a feat as my sis was half-British, so rather tall for a Japanese girl. And a little taller than Eri. “You wanted to be a Chirurgeon, I remember? I’ll not blame you for failing to Rank up your Chirurgery, we know you are waiting on Akio to win his wager with Taṇhā, but you can’t just be a one-trick pony. Now you’ve moved in with us, you’re slacking off!”

“You know, I think I have an idea on how to proceed.” I decided to cut my sis some slack. “One thing that could make a big difference to everyone is activating the lunar Chakra. That dramatically increases the amount of elemental energy available for use. and gives faster recovery too. It should be within reach as well, everyone has decent Chakras already…”

“All right then! Wind element and a lunar Chakra, and then I’m going to immerse myself in Kyūdō until I reach Rank five and can match Motoko and Natsumi’s Tsumura Arts here. I can find my own path too!” My sis, never one to be down for long, was bubbling with enthusiasm. “Anyway, let’s hit the baths and then eat!” It seemed to me she was desperate to leave, her cheeks pink, and I had an idea why. It’s all right, nobody will be so crass as to say anything, sis. Motoko and Natsumi are too polite, and Eri… she doesn’t want to hear you complain. As for me, I know how it happened, so it’s no big deal…

Before she could drag the noble girls to the baths, I stopped them. “Just one thing. I’m proud of your growth, you two, but… still, be careful, okay? I just have a bad feeling trouble is coming sooner rather than later.”

They exchange glances, and Motoko nodded. “Do not worry. We carry Utsoroihebi with us everywhere now. Both of us.”

“Yes, we won’t be complacent.” Natsumi agreed. “We also know what you fear. But… is there any specific threat, you think?”

“I don’t know. I had some visions when sleeping last night, but I’d like to talk to everyone about it before I go, see if we can glean any clues.” I remembered the dream from Tsukuyomi. Some of those irritate me like listening to nails scratching on a chalkboard, or a bit of food stuck in my teeth. I know we’ve taken all the precautions I can think of, but… there must be more we can do…

Setting that aside, I left with Eri, leaving the others to enjoy their bath, and headed for the living area. Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Maybe Tsukiko can shed some light on it. You don’t have to do everything alone.

Eri’s voice echoed in my head, and when I turned to her, surprised, she giggled.

It’s more intimate this way. And I could tell you were troubled ever since you woke up. Motoko could too, she has excellent instincts. Why do you think we put on a show? It wasn’t just to tease you…

“I see.” I put my arm around Eri, pulling her close. I’m a lucky guy. I know it, and I’ll always work to keep it that way. Yeah…this time, we’re ahead of the threat. We might be fighting largely blind, but we’ve covered every avenue we can think of… but it never hurts to review… As Eri nodded, I turned over the dreams in my head again, trying to glean any meaning I could…

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