Four Hundred And Eighty-Two / Side One Hundred And Seventy-One – Kanzaki KeikoFour Hundred And Eighty-Two / Side One Hundred And Seventy-One – Kanzaki Keiko
The music died down, the lights dimming, and Kanzaki Keiko stood there pridefully, sweat beads glittering on her face and arms, the idol costume she wore, the short red skirt, with flashes of black and silver cloth sewn through it, as well as the silver shirt partially covered with a red and black waistcoat covered with sparkling sequins, catching the eye of the crowd. “And that song was Sentimental Train! Now, Matsui-chan hasn’t been well, as you all know, but she wishes she could be here to sing for you all.” Keiko continued. “But who knows…” she addressed one of her colleagues beside her, who was wearing the same outfit, her hair bunched into braids with cute pink ribbons. “…maybe our fans will get a nice surprise next Saturday, don’t you think Yoshino-chan?”
“Oh definitely, Kan-za-ki-chan!” Yoshino-chan replied into her microphone in a singsong, cutesy voice. “I just know everyone is super excited for the charity concert at the Tokyo Dome next Saturday!” She paused to allow the crowd here at the AKB48 Café in Akihabara to cheer, before continuing. “But to those of you who couldn’t get tickets, don’t despair!”
“That’s right!” Keiko grinned, her smile lighting up the room. “Our very own café will be hosting a live viewing event, and there will even be some of our ex-members coming back for a special live performance. So you can cheer us on from here!”
“And what do we have planned?” a third idol said, this one a cute younger girl with her black hair tied with a single white ribbon.
“That’s a se-cr-et!” Keiko copied Yoshino-chan’s inflections from earlier. “But…” she lowered her voice conspiratorially, a clear act considering she was speaking into a microphone. “…we’ll be playing our newest single, and announcing our new centre. And that’s not all… we’ll also be having a collaboration song with an up-and-coming local idol group. Let your speculation commence!”
“You forgot that there’ll be special international guests too!” the younger member broke in. “Though don’t let these foreign idols turn your heads. Who do you love?”
“AKB48! AKB48! AKB48!” The crowd in the café chanted, waving their glowsticks frantically, much to the bemusement of some foreign tourists who had been drawn in by the noise earlier, or had just come in because it was a café and they wanted something to eat or drink.
“In that case…” Keiko grinned. “If you can all keep a secret, here’s a brief taste of happiness! In fact, this next song is called Tsukiakari no shita de shiawasena ai! May you all find happiness and love under moonlight! A one, two, three!”
The lights of the café dimmed, leaving the glowsticks of the fans the only light apart from a few by the bar, and then spotlights, brilliant white like the moon, highlighted Keiko, who had moved to the centre of the trio. As the members began to dance, the routine they had painstakingly learned through hard work and endless repetition, her voice rose in song, and she was glad the lights were so bright, as it hid the scattering of tears glimmering in her eyes. I’ve finally done it. I’ve been voted number one and I’m the centre on this single! And it’s not just any single, but it’s a single that we’ll perform first at the biggest musical event in Japanese history.
Her thoughts a whirl, they sung and danced, though it was only half the song and their first chorus, before they switched to several different songs in a medley. As their dance came to a close, the lights came up again, and the chants of the fans finally stopped. Tossing back her head, beads of sweat scattering, Keiko spoke again. “You didn’t get the full song, as not everyone’s here, and let me tell you, the later verses are real bangers.” As the crowd cheered, she placed one hand at her mouth, to show she was sharing another secret. “The last verse we’ve actually rewritten in tribute to someone that’s done AKB48 a huge favour. I think it’s even better now.”
“But you’ll have to wait and see!” Yoshino-chan giggled. “Since you who come to our café are our biggest fans, we gave you a brief taste. But the full meal is served next Saturday! Anyway, I know you’re all eager for the handshake event, but give us fifteen minutes to freshen up first, okay?” She winked, and the crowd waved their glowsticks in response. A curtain came down over the stage, and the idols relaxed.
“Whoa, you were on fire there, Keiko.” Yoshino Asuka said, taking a towel and wiping her sweat. Now the audience was hidden, they relaxed, addressing each other by their given names. “You’ve certainly blossomed recently. You’ve even shrugged off the backlash from your interview.”
“Maybe she really does have a thing for him.” Ema, the younger idol, grinned.
“Oh you!” Keiko laughed wryly, also drying herself off. “You know the way things are. If I seriously did date anyone I’d have to drop out of being an idol. You know what the fans are like… I mean, I love them, we all do, but there are some bad apples…”
“No kidding!” Asuka hugged her, until she pushed her away. “It’s like these handshake events. I have to respect how the fans spend their hard-earned money supporting us, buying multiple copies of our albums and tickets just to get more votes, but… well, it’s a good job that they are forced to wash their hands before they are allowed to come up. If it’s just that they are nervous and sweaty, that’s to be expected, but…”
Ema spoke up, curious. She had only been a member of AKB48 a short time, and the upcoming single was her first major appearance, so she was a little naive about things. “…Really? I thought that was an urban myth.” She flushed, embarrassed and morbidly curious. “There’s no way a fan would… you know… in the toilet beforehand?” She couldn’t even say it, and Keiko found her blush adorable. Ema’s a born idol, though she’s got a different style to Asuka and me.
“I wish it was.” Keiko sighed. “It never happened to me, but some of our founding members ended up with sticky hands. Fortunately we’ve far better security and rules now. The worst we have to worry about is some slander online and having to remember the names or nicknames of all our wotaku. Although when it crosses the line into stalking that can be scary…” She brightened up then, reaching for her phone. “…though if any of you get hassled, just tell me. I’ll get it sorted.”
“You’re not supposed to have your phone at work.” Ema said, and Keiko playfully flickered her forehead.
“Everyone does it. I know you have yours, right?”
“Guilty as charged!” Ema flourished her own hot pink phone. “So, by getting it sorted, do you mean you’ll call him?” She inquired, brown eyes sparkling.
“I have another question. Do you really think Juu-chan…” Asuka referred to Matsui by her nickname, as she was a senpai in AKB48 “…will be able to perform? When she had to be replaced as centre on her single due to illness she was devastated. I’d love to see her come back strong!”
“I think so. It’s all hush-hush, but the promoters of the concert are powerful, important people. The government, big business and more.” Keiko pointed out, having done more research on the powers behind Akio-kun after their stint on the talk show together with Arisu-chan. Now she was a frightening woman, but so powerful and elegant. I wish I could be like her someday. “I know management suggested it without much hope, to make things go with a bang but… I met her. The bar-bar my way girl, Shaeula-chan. She’s the reason we rewrote the last verse. She brought hope and happiness to Juu-chan. I believe it.”
“That’d be amazing!” Ema raised her fists to the sky, excited. “Injury and illness is scary. And we’ll get to dance with her in front of all of Tokyo Dome. It’s unbelievable. I’m so lucky!” She hugged Keiko, rubbing her cheek on her. “I’m still a newbie, but thanks to being put in your trio I’m flying!”
“It’s not just Tokyo Dome, this is going out worldwide!” Asuka laughed, and Ema froze, before her hug tightened.
“I’m suddenly scared! Help me Keiko-senpai!” Ema cried, and everyone laughed.
“Oh, now you respect me as a senpai?” Keiko said with mock severity. “Anyway, time is up, we need to get out there and make the day for our fans. After all, we’re idols! We may not be heroes saving the world like some, but we do brighten the lives of our fans!”
“That’s right!” they agreed, and placing their hands over each other’s, they then raised them to the sky. “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
After quickly freshening up, the curtain was drawn back on the stage, and they took their positions behind their individual tables, lines of fans in front of each one, clutching CDs, posters and other merchandise ready for signing. With a practised smile, Keiko greeted her first fan warmly. “A-kun, good to see you!”
“You remembered me…” the man who was nicknamed A-kun said, scratching at his slightly chubby cheeks with delighted embarrassment. It was only his second time visiting her, so he was impressed.
“Of course, who could forget you? Oh, you’ve got my limited edition poster where I’m dressed as an Akiba maid. That one’s premium!” Keiko praised him. “Do you want a signature?”
“Yes, if you could sign it with the name of the new single…” he said slyly, and Keiko couldn’t help but giggle.
“Sure, clever! But that doesn’t mean I’m leaking any secrets, all right?” She winked, signing her name and the name of the single with bold, cutesy kanji. “Anyway, thanks for having my back, it’s the support of the fans that makes us shine!” She held out her hand for the handshake, and the man shook her hand gingerly, before releasing it with a shy smile.
“Great, I’ll be your fan until the end! I’ll buy more merchandise and vote you for centre!” he promised, but she shook her head.
“I appreciate it, but… this time, instead consider donating to the concert fund. It really is for a good cause!”
The man promised to do so happily, and after a few more sentences and a selfie with her, the next fan was up. The routine continued, Keiko chatting away, shaking hands, posing for photos and signing items, and she glanced at her fellow idols, who were also greeting their fans, though Ema looked a little bit flustered. She’ll get used to it in time, and fortunately she has the smallest line. She’s cute and has that little sister vibe, I have to step up my game or she’ll overtake me in popularity. Now that I’ve reached centre, I want to hold it for a few more singles at least…
“Hi, good to see you again, oh, Sora-kun, it’s great to see you!” Keiko greeted one of her true superfans, who had been with her from the beginning of her career, when she was a newbie like Ema. He was a tall, rather lanky man, with a head of white hair despite his age, hence his nickname. “Are you excited for Saturday, I bet you have a ticket, right?”
“I don’t know if I’ll go.” Sora-kun said, his tone odd. Keiko blinked, thinking maybe Sora-kun was unwell, and she noticed that he seemed to be sweating, his forehead covered in beads of water. Also… his hands are empty. Normally he’s got all my latest stuff. Maybe he’s low on funds? I love the support, but I do hate that the culture forces fans to spend big to show their love for us. If so, I can be nice, since he’s a super fan.
“Hey, just between us…” she whispered, reaching under her desk. “This is for you.” She handed him a limited edition badge that had just been printed to celebrate the new single. “Don’t wear it until Saturday, okay?” she smiled winningly. Normally the brushing of her fingers on his would have made him blush with happiness, but now he only looked down at the badge, seemingly puzzled. What’s going on? Keiko was starting to feel that something very odd was happening, and her senses were buzzing. Sora-kun looked around, scanning the room, before glancing down at the badge, and his hand tightened, the metal, which wasn’t thin, as AKB48 prided itself on quality merchandise, crumpled.
“Hey, you’ll hurt yourself, be careful…” Keiko warned, before realising that the noise around them had stopped. Casting her gaze around, she noticed everyone seemed frozen, faces pale and struggling to speak. What’s going on? No… it’s obvious. Sora-kun… he’s like Akio-kun, Arisu-chan and Shaeula-chan. But why… what?
“You’re a slut, Kanzaki-chan.” Sora-kun said suddenly, his tone icy. “Ever since the start I’ve been your fan, your destined one. When you came second last in the popularity poll, I spent big to bring you up three places next time.”
“And I thank you…” Keiko said, scared. Her hand crept into the inside pocket of her skirt uniform, unlocking her phone by touch. This is bad, bad, bad, bad! Nobody is moving! If I get stuck too… The door to the café opened and a pair of tourists entered, only for Sora-kun to glare at them, and they were suddenly motionless, door slamming behind them.
“…every step of the way I’ve bought your merchandise, voted for you every poll, praised you online, defended you from those trash that don’t know your value… but you betrayed me. Slut, whore, bitch!”
“I’m not…” she began, but he growled menacingly, freezing her fingers for a moment. Ugh, no, I have to find the right number…
“Akio-kun is my ideal man!” he mimicked her voice. “If that isn’t whoring yourself out to others, what is? I’ll kill kill kill KILL KILL that fucker!” He took a deep breath, his range suddenly dropping. “I was the chosen one. I gained these powers, and they’re great. I knew then we would be together. But no, you let that unfaithful bastard steal your heart!”
“No, I didn’t… ahh!” She cried out as he slapped her face, not hard, but enough to leave a vivid handprint on her cheek. Her head spun, and the phone fell out of her pocket. Fortunately it landed screen up, and Sora-kun wasn’t paying attention.
“My power is great, but it’s hard. Not like in the stories. I didn’t want to bloody my hands. It’s all very well stopping creatures…” He pointed to the frozen figures around them. “…but having to finish them off… I wasn’t eager. But then I realised…” his tone was bitter. “…if I don’t grow, you’ll leave me for him!”
She shook her head, desperately trying to distract him from what her foot was doing. Her shoe was kicked off, and she was trying to manipulate the screen with her toes. “I am dedicated to the fans, I’m not in a relationship…”
“Lies!” he roared. “And now you interrupt me, your husband! Shut your mouth!” Spittle splattered her face, but she was too terrified to care. “Anyway, I knew I had to grow stronger. I took a trip to the mountains, and spent long days there in the other world, freezing and killing everything I could find, endlessly hunting and freezing and killing. After the first day it was finally bearable. After the third it was even a little fun. I was such a fool.” he scoffed. “And now my Eye That Curses With Stillness can even exert such power here. I am the chosen one!” he grinned viciously. “Now… kiss me!” He tried to push himself on her, but as she flinched back, he slapped her again, her other cheek now crimson too.
“I see. You still don’t see reason. Then… it’s time for punishment. But I don’t want to defile you. You’re Kanzaki-chan, my idol, my angel! But you need to suffer…” His eye flashed, and she felt a numbness come over her, body locking, Desperately her toe stabbed down, and her phone began to ring, even as Sora-kun strode over towards the second table, punching aside the frozen fans. Reaching Ema, he gripped her by her braid, grinning. “I wonder how you’ll beg and plead for me when your kouhai cries at your feet?” He reached out, tearing the ribbon free from her shirt.
“No… help… help me…” Ema cried, her mouth barely able to form words, and hot liquid splashed down her legs, tears falling from her eyes. It was at that moment that her last-ditch call was picked up, and with desperation Keiko screamed with all her strength, her mouth so numb she could barely control it, teeth clashing against her lips, red scattering. You said if I was ever in trouble… I know it’s impossible… you could be anywhere… you were in Korea? But… please, please help us! Save us!
“Help! AKB café… Chosen… attacking us! I…”
“Help! AKB café… Chosen… attacking us! I…” The desperate shouts were followed by a pained scream, and the call terminated. Split Thoughts cycled to the maximum, allowing me to calculate in a merest fraction of a second. It’s not a joke or a prank. She genuinely sounded terrified. A Chosen, huh? Why? But…
Tsukiko’s parents seemed confused, but Tsukiko and Yukiko-san understood. Before they could speak I opened my mouth. “I have to go. Even if it’s a false alarm… there’s no time. Tsukiko, enjoy your day. The others will fill you in…” With that I dismissed my Material body, leaving them behind.
In the Boundary at Shirohebizumi, I asked Shiro to cut the buff to Asha’s Tree. She seemed confused, but I explained as quickly as I could, as every second counted.
“Shit, that’s bad. But… sure, you’re back from Kyoto, but Akiba is like fifty kilometres away. You’ll not make it in time…” Shiro cursed, frowning.
“I will.” I said, furious. “Because I have to.” I made the promise half in jest, when would I ever need to help out a celebrity like Kanzaki-chan? But even if I hadn’t, hearing the panic and pain in her voice… In the Boundary I could sprint faster than a top-of-the-range sportscar without causing trouble for the residents, and I was off, running north, when suddenly a colossal surge of aether and shimmering violet and purple motes flared around me, and space blurred, my front leg stretching out into momentary infinity.
I knew they’d work… It was a stretch, calling what was happening an invasion, but if I considered the Akihabara café where AKB48 played as its own place, then an intruder would clearly be invading if they attacked, and the only logical option was to notify the Akiba Police Box. Good going, Godwin the Watcher. If I can find out where your grave is in Britain, I’ll leave some flowers. Seven leagues was half the distance, and as my other foot came forwards, aether and most of my remaining spatial element scattered, and once more space blurred. Crashing down into a wall which suddenly loomed out of nowhere, stone shattered, but I didn’t even feel it. Of course, if I thought of it that way and the boots didn’t accept my reasoning, then I might have triggered the Geas. Fuck it, I can always grow new damn feet…
Looking around the Boundary, I could feel I was very close to Suzu’s Vassal territory, which meant I could orient myself. I’m in northern Akiba. Shit, I’m close… time passes faster here too, so it’s only been a handful of seconds outside. A lot can happen in a few seconds, but… I raced down to roughly where the centre of Akiba was and summoned my Material body anew, appearing in the crowds. People were startled and screamed, before some recognised me, and soon people were pointing, shouting and taking photos with their phones, but I ignored them, instead racing the last two hundred metres to the café in a blur that left cracks in the pavement, and the wind of my passing swept hats and scarves off passers-by.
This is why I need a Rank four Territory, so that enemy Chosen are suppressed. But then, I’d have to own all of Tokyo. No, no time to think of this now… The doors shattered as I crashed through them, my reflexes allowing me to dodge the frozen people standing by the entrance. I instantly took in the scene, a crying, paralysed Kanzaki-chan with bruised cheeks and bleeding lips staring at another younger girl who was dripping with tears, snot and more, her mouth moving soundlessly, eyes wide with terror, as a tall, white-haired man was tearing off her clothes. Her waistcoat was off, and her skirt had been unzipped, hanging onto her thighs, while buttons were just now flying off her shirt, revealing her camisole-style undershirt. My mind raced, a dozen thoughts processed in an instant, and I felt a surge of relief. Safe. Looks like I’ve made it before anything irreversible happens. That relief was replaced nigh-instantly by a powerful wave of anger, my fury spiking. Fucker. Another idiot that’s got consumed by their own sense of self-importance. And the timing couldn’t be worse!
It seemed like I wasn’t the only one relieved, as Kanzaki-chan went limp, her struggles against her bindings ceasing, and she crashed to the floor. At the same moment the man attacking the idol turned his head at the noise of the exploding door, his eyes shining with a powerful aether.
“It’s you! I knew it!” he roared, shaking the girl he held furiously. Aether spiked, and his face twisted into a manic grin. The impact of the energy struck me, and I quickly discerned it was not an external acting force, but an internal effect that numbed the nerves and motor functions of the body. Therefore it isn’t suppressed nearly as much by being active on the Material like external forces. That explains a lot…
“When I kill this man, you’ll come back to me, Kanzaki-chan!” He dropped the other idol, forgetting her as though she was trash. “You’ll see I’m the one you should turn to, the one who loves you most!” He grinned balefully, showing his teeth, and howled. “Kill you, kill you, KILL YOU!” Energy gathered on his palm, a surge of fiery yellow power, forming a fireball. “I’ve grown these past few days, trained like I was the Shonen protagonist I am… just to kill you!” All of his flame element was expended, and a huge fireball surged towards me. Kanzaki-chan let out a strangled scream, but it was drowned out by the man’s loud, crazed laugh. “I learned how to call on fire. Burn to ash… es… argh!”
“I’ve seen enough.” His paralysing gaze was impressive, but against my surging aether and boiling blood, there was no comparison, and it barely halted me for a fraction of a second. Light element flared, and one eye burst with a sizzling pop, severing his hold on everyone, aether scattering away harmlessly. “Training hard for days or weeks, sure it’s praiseworthy…” I snorted, water element forming a bubble, drowning the fire, wind scattering the remaining sparks away from the people coming out of their bondage. “…but I’ve been in constant life or death battles and training from hell for many months now.”
“You bastaaaaaaaaaaaard!” the man yelled, one hand clutching his destroyed eye. Moments later he fell to the ground, his other eye exploding too. Blinded, he flailed around and tripped over the fallen idol, landing on his knees, even as screams started around us. Kanzaki-chan leapt up, despite her injuries, and raced towards me, shouting out for calm.
“It’s all right!” she shouted. “Don’t panic, stay composed! Help has arrived!”
As she did so, my feet suddenly started to feel a pressure, and I looked down to see the leather boots I wore were starting to shrink. Guess there’s no cheating the Geas. I tossed my phone to Kanzaki-chan, who fumbled but caught it. Looking at me puzzled, I spoke rapidly. “Call the local police, as I had to take on a cheat to get here in time. I was in Kyoto a couple of minutes ago.” I snorted, the situation painful but also amusing. “Unless you want my feet to tear off in front of you…”
“No, ah.. okay!” She dialled hurriedly, and I ignored the growing pain to help up the crying girl, another idol running over. “Ema, are you all right? I’m sorry, I was frozen, I couldn’t do anything?”
Ema-san, the girl I had pulled up and helped cover herself, draping my coat over her and pulling it over her torn shirt, shook, sobbing silently. I could hear Kanzaki-chan reporting the situation to the police, and at that moment the boots stopped constricting my feet. Moments later Ema-san blew her nose, and with a shuddering breath, looked at me, eyes widening.
“Hey, you’re Oshiro-san!” she managed. “Where did you come from? Oh… no, no…” She looked ready to cry again, and I looked down to see that my boots and trousers were covered in liquid where I had bent down. She blushed as red as a tomato, and in a mosquito-like voice whispered she was sorry.
“No problem!” I said, aether surging, extracting the liquid from my legs and also the floor, before flame element evaporated it. “Now I’m sure this was just a spillage from a bucket that got kicked over in the struggle, but it must be uncomfortable…”
“Please.” Ema-san whispered, understanding my consideration, and she shivered as she felt the unusual sensations of aether and flame element cleansing her shame.
“The police are on the way.” Kanzaki-chan handed me my phone back, looking down at the writhing man clutching his face. “They’ll take Sora-kun away… but can he be contained? He’s not normal.”
“His strength is still a problem, but he won’t be able to do much with his ability.” My Eye glowed as I confirmed that it was indeed an eye-related ability, and I had blinded him. “They’ll call for special police from the Ministry for Spiritual Matters, and they have specific holding cells. Though, maybe I should help them out, just in case.”
At that, the man, Sora-san, let out a bitter, wheezing laugh, cackling madly. “I’m glad I can’t see this! Kanzaki-chan, you slut, you…”
“That’s enough out of you.” I growled, my League surging. I tried to direct it, though everyone around me fell silent under the strain of my presence. Sora-san was barely able to speak, pale from more than pain, and with a swift motion I broke his wrists and ankles with an audible snapping sound. He bellowed inarticulately, and I advised him to be silent. “I suggest you choose your words carefully. I was meeting some people I’ve now worried severely before this…”
As if on cue, Eri’s voice spiked into my mind. Akio, are you all right? Shiro came back in a panic, and Tsukiko called saying it was an emergency?
I’m fine. Though the fallout is going to be a pain. You can reassure everyone and handle it for me… I explained what had occurred, and Eri, pumped up to be of help, agreed to coordinate everyone. Turning back to Kanzaki-chan, I smiled reassuringly. “It’s not your fault though, and nobody would care about being a bit worried over this.”
“Excuse me…” the third idol said cheerfully, though I could tell she was shocked by the sudden violence and putting on a brave face. “Can I… have your autograph? I’m a big fan… especially now!”
I paused, a little surprised, and Kanzaki-chan burst out laughing, as she hugged Ema-san close. “That’s a role reversal, Asuka. Anyway…” she took a deep breath, calming herself. Security for the venue had reacted, and some of the idol fans had also regained their own calm and were making sure everyone was all right. Several people had fainted and one was having a panic attack, but my Eye could see there were no life-threatening injuries anywhere. “…Akio-kun, thanks. For keeping your promise.”
“Of course. Though when I gave it, I never thought this would happen.” I snorted.
“No, I know. But still… thank you.” She smiled, and I raised a hand, aether flowing, and her cheeks and lips healed up. She touched them, surprised. “I guess I should thank you again.”
“Hey, you’re an idol, the show must go on, right? Besides…” I began, only for Kanzaki-chan to interrupt me.
“I know this one. Your sister is an idol fan, right? So you did it for her.” She remembered our conversation from before. “Don’t worry, we plan on giving her the full backstage experience on Saturday.” She took a deep breath. “Anyway, please call me Keiko. I’m Kanzaki-chan to the fans, but… to my friends I’m Keiko.”
“All right, Keiko-chan.” I nodded, and she looked down, face red. Asuka-san started teasing her, and Ema-san joined in, trying hard not to see or hear Sora-san who was muttering and cursing in between his roars of pain. Soon, the police and some paramedics arrived, and several minutes after that a special team from the Ministry joined them, accompanied by Detective Kato and Officer Usui. On seeing me, Usui-san rolled her eyes, addressing me rather familiarly.
“Why is it whenever there’s trouble, especially involving girls, you’re always there?”
“That’s a hurtful accusation.” I sighed, though I knew she was joking. “Anyway… his power is in his eyes, so I blinded him. But be careful, he’s gained a few Levels recently so he’s likely stronger than you can handle. I’ve broken his limbs to make it easier to control him, but even so, be careful.”
“You could have been gentler. This is going to be problematic.” The Detective sighed, before his expression hardened. “Though I’ve no time or remorse for scum who abuse those weaker than themselves. All right, interview everyone and get the CCTV footage…” He ordered his detachment to work, and as the café bustled into life, Keiko-chan thanked me again.
“I’m…” Emotion was getting to her now, the relief uncorking her shock and fear. “…so glad you came. If I had… to watch Ema… hurt because of me…” Ema-san started to sniffle and shiver again, and Asuka-san started to console them.
“It’s not your fault. Trust me. I know. But…” I had an idea. “…if you’re grateful, then make the concert a real success, okay? That’ll help me a lot. Arisu-san would appreciate it too.”
“I am grateful.” Her fellow idols echoed her, Ema-san wiping her tears, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down. Keiko-chan then paused, before managing a genuine smile. “I guess it really was lucky that I was chosen to go on the talk show with you, otherwise…”
“Maybe.” Although there’s no guarantee that wasn’t what provoked that bastard to attack. “Anyway, I have to go, now that the situation is under control.” As I said that, Ema-san grabbed one arm, while Asuka-san grabbed my other.
“No way!” Asuka-san protested. “You can’t just show up like a knight in shining armour in our hour of need and not let us thank you properly! Words aren’t good enough!”
“That’s right! You even…” Ema-san looked down at my coat she was wearing, before her eyes narrowed. “…helped me out of trouble. You came here for Keiko, if you go without letting her express her gratitude, she’ll be devastated!”
“Yes, she will be!” Asuka-san agreed, giving her a sly thumbs-up she thought I couldn’t see. Keiko-chan rolled her eyes, but she did seem to want me to stay.
“Honestly, we’re all really shaken up. It would be good if you could explain to us how you deal with such things. Oh, but you said you were worrying people, if you can’t stay I’ll understand…”
Seeing her look pitiful, the others hanging onto my arms, I gave a rueful smile, listening to Usui-san chuckling at my discomfort. Directing some thoughts at Eri for her to pass onto the others, I conceded. “Fine. You can let me go, I won’t run off. I don’t have long, but there’s a bar near here I frequent…” I can console them a little, and I could use a drink after this mess…
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