Four Hundred And Seventy

“So the hotel for tonight is booked. I’ve had your luggage transferred there.” Yu-mi said, hanging up her call, as we browsed the shops in Apgujeong, the most luxurious area for high-end shopping in Seoul. “We’ve booked a suite, so I can shut myself away while the two of you keep flirting and more.” Her smile was cheeky. “It hurts though, I’m so poor, now that dad has given away all my share of the company. However will I manage?”

Eri rolled her eyes and snorted, as she browsed through the expensive perfumes she was looking at. It wasn’t for her, she didn’t often use perfume, and if she did it was only very subtle scents, but she was intending to buy gifts for the other girls, our parents and other friends. She was still wearing her dress and cardigan, looking very cute and fresh, and we were attracting some looks from the other patrons, Eri’s high Charm drawing eyes. But then, Yu-mi is hardly plain either, and me… I was wearing a mask and sunglasses, trying to hide my face as I was famous now.

“I’m sure your father won’t leave you with nothing.” Eri said, weighing up the choices before her, unsure of which to buy. “Besides, Akio can spend your money better than you could. And since you decided to join their Adamant, much as they can be irritating, I can tell you that Shaeula takes bonds seriously and will never let those supporting her suffer, and Hinata believes in fair rewards for good work. Shiro… she’s a wildcard, but she seems to like you, so you’ll be fine. And Akio…” She looked at me, and I shrugged.

“Yeah, don’t worry. If you honestly need something, just let me know and I’ll see you get it. Besides, the Doosan group is in heavy manufacturing, right? It so happens that we are getting involved in that field too. I’m sure there could be opportunities for collaboration, which will make back that twenty percent and more.”

“Is he always like that?” Yu-mi asked Eri, a little bemused. “Oh, that one is sexy yet elegant, I quite like it myself, but even I don’t buy it often.” She pointed to one of the bottles, and Eri weighed it up, before nodding. “I can see how he ended up with so many women. He always knows just what to say…” Yu-mi finished.

“The worst thing is, he means it.” Eri agreed. “But yes, I’ve listened to Ixitt and the others talk about their plans, and even now Kana will be working hard to construct the facilities, but from just what I’ve heard, when the factories start operating, it’ll be a business worth tens or even hundreds of billions. And that’s dollars, not yen.”

“Really? I’m not too interested in business myself, dad always was planning to have Yu-jun as heir since men are more accepted in Korea, and he thinks he owes it to dear departed auntie. But I’m the daughter of Doosan, so I’m not a total novice. Do tell…” As they talked, I couldn’t help but smile. We had spent the entire night on the mountain, just talking and laughing, gazing up at the stars. Eri and I had never been so relaxed. No longer was she the childhood friend who I needed to protect, but she was an adorable, loving woman in her own right, and as we told the old stories, of the dog, trips to the mountain, stories of school, the baseball games of the past and this most recent one where I showed off my pettiness (and siscon nature, according to Eri), they were now entirely recontextualised, and tales that now made us both laugh, cry and feel happy. Yes, finally I have the proper mindset, and can have a healthy relationship with Eri. Now… now I just have to make sure I can make everyone happy. Eleven women who depended on me, as well as my friends, family, subjects and even Japan as a whole. I had my work cut out for me, but it was as if a weight that I refused to confront had been lifted from my soul, and I was feeling confident I could do it.

“So, I’m not as tired as I thought I’d be…” Yu-mi said after Eri had finished at the counter. Eri winced, hardly able to believe how much she had spent on gifts, but I was happy for her to get used to living a luxurious life. The next port of call was going to be an upmarket luxury shop for women’s clothing, which was always hell for me to go into, being a man, but as a harem bastard, it was something I was gradually getting used to. Harem bastard, huh? Maybe so, but only to outsiders. To the girls I love, I’m going to be the best husband they can imagine. Besides, it’s not only me. Power and wealth attract the opposite sex, be they men or women. Lee Jong-su and his gang are the same.

“You wouldn’t be.” Eri answered her. “Perfect Chirurgery is worth around twenty points in your stats. Well, more in Aether, but you can’t really use that yet. So it’s like going from an ordinary person to an Olympic athlete. It has other benefits too. Smooth, glossy skin, clean, silky hair and…” she flushed a little. “…more stamina.”

“Stamina, huh?” Yu-mi looked at me, hiding her smile with one hand. “And that’s something you need, I’d imagine. Though I think Akio here needs it most of all.”

“Yeah, not touching that topic.” I laughed. The streets of Seoul were bustling, as one expected from such an important city, and it made me curious. Violet-noona’s Territory was on the outskirts, as before this they lived in similar circumstances to the way I used to. When Hyacinth establishes a Ring Gate, I can move between here, Tokyo and London at will. The potential there is immense.

“So I’m curious.” We had entered the shop, and several very attractive women had approached, leading Eri off, cooing over her beauty, which was more perfect than ever. Eri was always cute enough to be an idol, and as she aged, her beauty went from cute to genuinely pretty, but now it’s a level above that. Perhaps it’s her half-Bakeneko status, she can adjust her parameters to what she considers perfection? Honestly, she’s even starting to remind me of Shiro and Tsukiko.

“What is it?” I replied to Yu-mi, who was sitting beside me, as another stunning shop assistant handed us warm cups of tea in pretty porcelain cups. “And aren’t you buying anything? I don’t mind, I’m in a damn good mood, I can afford a dress or two.”

“No, I have plenty of clothes. In fact, I’d like to change before we hit Gangnam later. I’d look a bit out of place in a business suit.” She giggled cheerfully. “Thanks anyway, but it looks like I’m already getting a uniform, no? But… you said you were going to live for thousands of years, right? Seriously?”

“I don’t know if thousands is right. Even the spirit isn’t immortal. But yeah, depending on the species of Fae and the strength of the being, hundreds and thousands of years isn’t impossible. I suspect even the Gods aren’t truly eternal, but if you can live hundreds of thousands of years you might as well be.” I replied, and Yu-mi took a sip of her tea, buying her time to think.

“Isn’t it hard for the others? From what I understand, some of your women are non-humans, so likely have the same lifespan. But Eri and the others…”

“Yes. It’s a concern.” I agreed. “But that’s why we have to work hard, so that nobody is left behind. You know, you’re quite lucky, Yu-mi. You may have lost your inheritance, but you’ve gained other benefits. Even having an Eight Moons Chakra Network will strengthen your Material body, so your body will be more resilient, less likely to suffer disease, and will remain youthful for longer. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ll live well into your early hundreds, even without further efforts. And the stronger one gets, the more their Aether and Fortitude Statistics grow, the greater the effects. And …” I smiled, remembering my recent gains. “I know the path to stopping aging entirely, at least physically.” Lowering my voice I continued. “It’s a hard path, but my girls, they are all driven and willing to do whatever it takes. So with our help, they’ll manage it.”

“I see.” Yu-mi placed down her cup. “I guess I should thank you then. Considering I turned you down so coldly. Yet you still saved cousin Yu-jun, and played along with my whims. It looks like I really will have to work hard.”

“Of course you did.” I laughed. “Marrying a man you didn’t know, for such stupid reasons? No, that’s not fair. They were actually noble reasons, sacrificing your happiness for your poor cousin. So I commend you. It’s not a choice anyone could have made, especially a rich girl such as you, likely used to having things go your way, and… if you’ll excuse the rudeness… being a bit spoiled.”

“I wasn’t spoiled…” Yu-mi pretended to be offended, but her face was red. “Yes, I do have a good lifestyle, but dad is strict with my allowance. It’ll go down now.”

“Ask him to put it back to what it was. I’m sure Hinata will be in touch with him regarding Korean partnerships. Although that will have to wait until we’ve got back the Tengokusentou. Hinata… our engagement was a political one. Motoko and Natsumi’s too. You haven’t met them?”

Yu-mi shook her head, and I explained they were nobles, Motoko being from a very important lineage. “So I’ve no doubt arranged marriages can work out, I love them all and would never part with them now. But… it’s still a bit uncomfortable for most people. Even now, there are a couple of Elves who are making it plain they want to go ahead with a political marriage, and yeah, I’ve spent some time with Bell recently, and I think she’s pretty great, but…”

“Elves, huh? Dad really picked a strange guy to go to for help. He picked right though.” Yu-mi finished her tea, now picking at some delicious sweets that was on a pretty plate beside us. As she pondered, I took a moment to check my phone. I was getting numerous messages, from Hinata, Shaeula, Motoko, Daiyu, even Ixitt and Karen-chan. Firing back replies, I realised Yu-mi was looking at me carefully, her brown eyes searching. “Oh don’t mind me.” she shrugged. “I just realised you seem rather busy.”

“Yeah, everyone’s got things they want me to know, progress to update me on, or need my approval for things. Of course, some are just flirty messages saying they miss me.” I smiled to myself, amused. “Taking this time was important though. Eri was the first relationship I entered into, and while it seems an eternity ago, it was actually only around three months. Though when you count my objective time, it’s more than twice that.”

“I was tortured by your flirting, all night.” Yu-mi giggled. “But it seemed to me you’ve both made a breakthrough. You seemed so relaxed and natural.”

“Yeah, my heart is finally calm. I understand my nature, and the nature of all the girls. There’s likely troubles ahead, but… I know we just have to follow our hearts. Anyway, yes, you can speak.” I said to the staff member who was standing patiently, waiting for us to finish.

“Young master, young mistress…” the woman addressed us respectfully. With Yu-mi’s demeanour, and the fact we were in such a top end store, she likely assumed that we were both the kids of a wealthy Chaebol or foreign dignitaries, and the fact this store had staff who all spoke English, and we were communicating in it, only reinforced that impression. “…the lady wishes your opinion on her choices.” She lowered her voice, smiling. “…if I may, compliment her liberally. Though I have no doubt you will, she looks amazing.”

“Shall we go then?” At my words, Yu-mi nodded, though she quickly wolfed down the last of the sweets. Seeing me looking, she smirked.

“My metabolism should be up to the task now, right?” I couldn’t argue with that, so we followed the staff to the changing rooms at the back. The store had a number of different private areas, and Yu-mi whispered to me about several of the other shoppers, saying they were the daughters of rich families. Finally, we reached the destination, but there was no sign of Eri. Shutting the door behind us, the staff member waited eagerly.

“Your companions are here, young mistress.” She said, and the curtain twitched, Eri pulling it back. I was then struck speechless. Eri’s hairstyle had been changed, her hair was now put up in a more mature, adult fashion, and she was wearing a dress in a deep, midnight blue, with silver trim, evoking the night sky. It was daringly cut for Eri’s usual preference, showing a hint of cleavage, and was slit up her legs, not high, but showing up to her knees. She was also wearing matching high-heels, and a sparkling diamond necklace. A similar hairpin was holding her hairstyle together, sparkling under the light.



“So, what do you think?” Eri asked shyly, though her eyes were confident, like dark pools that drew me in. Yu-mi elbowed me in the side, chortling.

“He’s stuck speechless. I can see why, you’re gorgeous. I think I’m pretty, but… looking good! You’ll be fighting them off in Gangnam later!”

“Yeah, you look amazing. So mature.” I agreed. “Like a celebrity. Shit, I’m a lucky guy. To think I had such a childhood friend sitting there all those years and did nothing!”

“Fortunately it wasn’t too late.” Eri giggled. “And you’re not too bad, Yu-mi, so don’t feel envy. I have advantages you don’t.” Her confident tone showed that she too had finally reached peace with herself during the time on the mountain. “As for fighting men off… I think Akio will do that for me. He might not seem it, but he’s very possessive.”

“Not just men, there are some predatory women there too.” Yu-mi waved off Eri’s compliment, feeling touched. “But that looks amazing. But… am I mistaken, or are you… no, must be just me.” She shook her head, glancing down at Eri’s heels.

No, you’re not wrong. Eri’s definitely grown an inch or two, to better match my increased height. Shifting Cat at work, most likely. “Anyway, this store is a match for the ones in Tokyo. Though I still think we need to get more dresses from Natsumi’s family.”

“Yes, I wouldn’t get yukatas and kimonos anywhere else.” Eri agreed. “But the dresses here are good too. I did…” she flushed adorably. “…want to show the underwear I’ve chosen as well, check you like it, but…”

“It will be more exciting for him if he sees it later, young mistress!” The excited shop assistant gave her a thumbs up, and Eri giggled.

“True. Anyway, I’ll take it. And the others too. But…”

“I understand. When you return, we will be more than happy to serve the young mistresses!” the woman almost shouted, as if her life depended on it. “And we’ll have your purchases sent on to your hotel.”

It took us a while to extricate ourselves, and Eri changed back into her casual clothes for the rest of our shopping trip, but after we left, Eri looked at me, a slight smile on her face. “I’m happy you paid for everything, but… it shouldn’t just be me. I’ll bring everyone here… Aiko too, of course, and we’ll all go shopping, You’ll be paying though. As first wife, I have to be fair to everyone. I need to make an effort to become a woman everyone respects and is willing to come to when they have problems.”

“Sounds rough.” Yu-mi giggled. “It’s just like the Joseon era, the Queen had to manage concubines. Anyway, all this shopping is exhausting, I know a great little restaurant near here, we might as well grab some food, and it’s always a place to see celebrities. I saw the guys from BTS in there a few times. Politicians too. It’s not always easy to get in, but this early… and my dad’s name does carry some weight. Although…” she arched one eyebrow in amusement. “…right now I’m with the hottest celebrity on the planet, right?”

“Not sure I’d go that far…” I shrugged off her praise. “But I could certainly use a break. And we need to make the most of every minute. Since this blissful time will soon end, and I’ll have to work myself to the bone in two damn bodies to get everything done…”


“Your phone will run out of charge.” Yu-mi teased as I continued to answer the text messages that were flooding in. I snorted, assessing the request. Yes, I know I agreed to it, but finding the time… yeah, with a few tweaks, I can see some benefits.

“If Aiko was here, she’d be pretending to weep tears of joy that her beloved brother was finally popular enough to get messages from anyone other than her or Shiro.” Eri paused, spoon held in her hand, ice cream starting to melt. “I actually feel awful thinking about it. I was too frightened I’d make him hate me if I contacted him myself so Aiko always did it for me. But no more. I’m not that pathetic, cowardly yet angry girl anymore.”

“No, no you’re not.” I smiled, finishing tapping away. We were in a private booth, so I was able to remove my disguise and relax, and the staff only entered when summoned, as one would expect from a restaurant that catered to the elites of Seoul. “Right now I really want to ruffle your hair, but you’ve gone to all the trouble of having it changed, so…”

“It’s fine. I can help her adjust in at the hotel.” Yu-mi agreed, so I did so, Eri leaning into my embrace happily, parfait forgotten. When that was done, Yu-mi curiously asked me what was going on.

“Planning. Honestly, there’s a lot to do.” I conceded. “Motoko’s grandfather is very keen on me taking the Officer training under the JSDF to increase my leadership and tactical skills. It’s a good idea, but the time it’ll take is painful. But maybe if we bring over Ulfuric and some Fae officers, we can actually make it very useful…” As I mused, I listed off more tasks that demanded my time. “Then there’s the Pilgrimage route. It’s looking good, Yasuhide-san and Gin-san have been planning it out, but it’s looking like to do it properly will require around ten days, and that’s with proper logistical support. But the gains would potentially be huge. Speaking of religious matters… I have to accompany Tsukiko to meet her parents too. Then there’s the upcoming charity concert as well, and early next year we have the trip to England for the New Year’s Honours ceremony, and I agreed to meet the Lady of the Lake on the first full moon of the new year.”

“That’ll be the tenth of January.” Eri said after some thought, showing her astronomical knowledge. “Did you know the first full moon of the year is called the wolf moon? I don’t like the name…”

“Me neither.” I agreed. “Wolves… I don’t like dogs, and Tyr had issues with a divine wolf too. Anyway… before that there’s Shaeula’s birthday. I promised to give her a whole day, just like you had.”

“I bet you have a lot of birthdays to look forward to.” Yu-mi smirked, enjoying my stress.

“I do. Luckily most of them are in the first half of the year, like my sis, so I didn’t miss any. Though Asha and Hyacinth will have to choose their own dates like Shaeula did…”

“Sorry.” Eri shook her head. “You’re wrong. Daiyu’s birthday is actually coming up. How could you not know? Oh… I see.” Eri rolled her eyes. “When you asked her about her important days, she thought you meant when she first mastered Qi Refining for the first time, as she sees that date as more important than the mere day of her birth. In any case, it’s December the ninth. So make her happy, all right? Though her idea of fun is probably more Cultivating…”

“I see. Yeah, that’s an oversight. I need to do better.” I agreed. “But it’s surprising that you know.”

“Not really.” Eri picked at her parfait while she spoke. “Someone needed to make Daiyu feel at home. She’s lost her whole way of life and only has us to rely on. Besides… I’ve been thinking for a while about just what I should do. I didn’t entirely have the confidence, but now I think I can do it, so long as you support me. I need to be the one the others turn to when they have fears and misgivings. I also need to organise everyone’s schemes, otherwise they’ll just trip each other and us up.”

“Are you sure you can?” I asked, a question I wouldn’t have offered before, as I would have seen Eri as too fragile, and not wanted to upset her. “It’s not easy keeping those firebrands in line. And you did seem rather angry at Adamant.”

“I wasn’t angry. No, no lies, I was, of course. They kept you in the dark, me too. I can see why they didn’t want to tell me, I’ve certainly been… abrasive… when it comes to you expanding the girls under your care. But that’s normal. But despite that, I’ve never stopped you, have I?” As I shook my head, she continued. “I get wanting to surprise you, and I agree you need as many utterly loyal people as you can get. But if everyone does their own thing it’ll be chaos.” She paused, looking at Yu-mi, who had finished her own dessert, and was now sipping at a glass of champagne. It was a bit early in the day for booze, but Yu-mi had insisted it was time to celebrate, since her cousin had been saved. “So just why did you want to join Adamant? And you know the rules laid down, right?”

“Yes, and I don’t really think it’s some sort of sex cult. I’m a good judge of character, and if Akio was like that, he’d have taken advantage of me, even if he didn’t want to marry me and take responsibility. I man not be as beautiful as you, Eri…” Eri flushed at that compliment. “…but I’m well above average and I take care of myself. And apparently I’ll be even prettier now.” she smiled cheerfully. “There’s nothing special about me. My family is rich, I’m fairly smart, I’m pretty, sociable and popular. But I have nothing that stands out. I’ve coasted through life, having fun but never taking anything too seriously. Which is fine. But… do you believe in fate, destiny?”

Eri nodded seriously. “Absolutely I do. Everything fits together too well for me to deny it. Besides, if you listen to Tsukiko, it’s impossible not to believe.”

“In that case, you’ll know how I feel. This strikes me as my one shot to find out what I’m here for. And… honestly, I went from my lowest low, having to marry someone I didn’t even know, to what should have been a high, but it just felt… empty.” She took another sip to steady her thoughts. “Forget the money. I know dad will make provision for me. I’ll still be able to live well, but… I’m surprisingly competitive, you know.” She giggled, tapping the edge of her glass restlessly, making gentle noises. “And honestly, I’m now determined to be Park Yu-mi, somebody who can stand toe to toe with anyone and feel like I measure up. The world’s changed, right?” At our nods, she continued. “Besides, if Akio changes his mind and has his way with me, we’d have to get married. Otherwise he’d be spitting on my dad and his deal. And I don’t think he’d do that.” She winked at us.

“So do you want it now?” Eri asked, and I was impressed at her calm tone, though her eyebrow was twitching, belying that not everything about Eri had changed.

“No, I’m not interested in marrying. I’m just saying at least I know a little more about Akio here, it’s not as dreadful a fate as I’d imagined. But after being turned down, and spending time with you, Eri… I can’t say I’m not really curious about him and everyone else. So, when the chance presented itself… I can spare a portion of my life to be loyal and better myself. And who knows what happens in the future? There’s no rush, is there? After all… you’re all going to live a long, long time, right? And maybe those of us in Adamant too?”

“I can see you’ve thought it through.” Eri conceded. “That’s… a fair way of thinking. You’re not as troublesome as some I could name. Yes, I want to live forever, and be more useful to Akio. Right now, I’m in an awkward spot, I’m strong, but not strong enough to accompany Akio into danger, and I don’t have other skills. So…”

As she struggled for words, I looked on warmly, taking a sip of my own champagne, trying not to think of the cost per bottle. It was Yu-mi who spoke up next, and I almost spat out a mouthful of champagne.

“You just need Akio to find you one of these gifts from the Gods, right?” she pointed out, and at seeing the panic in our eyes, she winked, pleased at having put one over on us. “Why so surprised? I told you earlier, your sister let spill the secrets, and I’ve been keeping my eyes and ears open, as well as reading through what info my dad gathered, as well as what the Blue House put out about Hunters. I listened to you explain Eri’s skills too.”

“Yes, but…” I began, only for Yu-mi to delight in putting one over on us.

“I get it. It doesn’t seem like common knowledge, or something just anyone can do. And if I had to guess, there’s a lot of shortcomings, else Eri here would already be blessed, like your sister. I’d imagine there are compatibility issues, at minimum? But then… you must be able to do something about that, within limits? I don’t know if you have to kill those that have them… no, I’d imagine not, you don’t seem that ruthless.” As she continued, Eri and I exchanged rueful looks. Yes, Yu-mi does remind me of Hinata. She’s similarly perceptive and a dangerous young woman.

“You do know leaking any of this is going to go poorly, right?” I warned, and she shook her head.

“I know. But we’re alone here, and I’ve already pledged to your cause. I’m a woman of my word. But I’m right then? From what I can tell, there are very few users of such abilities worldwide, but… that doesn’t mean you can’t get any.”

“I’d love one.” Eri agreed. “If I had a Divine Favour, I’d be strong enough to be on the front lines, like Shaeula, Hyacinth, Shiro, Aiko and Daiyu. But yes, it’s not like we can go around hunting other Chosen. Akio won’t spare those who do evil, but… even our enemies, taking it from them, it’s not like I’ll find one that suits me.”

“You don’t say?” Yu-mi was deep in thought. “So, you can remove it safely, right?”

I nodded. “No problems now, with my skills. But again, it’s not like I can steal them, even if it doesn’t hurt the recipient. Everyone deserves their own chances.”

“Maybe not, but… everything is for sale.” Yu-mi grinned triumphantly. “Even I was, for the right price. Be it money, power, health… people have things they want.”

No way? Eri and I exchanged shocked glances, her face mirroring my own stunned one. As Yu-mi laughed, she wagged a finger triumphantly. “Never considered it, huh? I’m surprised that none of you thought of it. Sure, it might cost millions of dollars, but… isn’t it worth it to you?”

“Yes, a blind spot. Even Hinata never thought of that, perhaps because she saw early on just what we could do with them, and how we’d never part with the power.” I mused. “But we can’t do that. If we put out a request, it would turn the Chosen of the world into our enemies, and reveal too much of our hand.” And lead to questions I don’t want to answer. Such as Yamato-san…

“True, secrecy is key. But…” Yu-mi pondered. “There’s always a way to attract a seller of an exotic product subtly.” She giggled, explaining. “There was a fad for exotic pets a few years back. The rich and famous of Korea competed. Some of them were really strange. Crocodiles, peacocks, tigers, all sorts of animals and birds. Sharks and fish too. And a lot were illegal. But with enough money and connections, what’s legal and what’s merely eccentric blur. So… I’m no expert, but maybe you know some?”

I don’t think it would work, but she’s right. Favours are priceless. Would I pay ten million dollars for one, or even more? Yes, without question. But… I fired off a text message, and hoped to get a favourable response.

“So, did I do good?” Yu-mi asked happily, and I nodded.

“Yes, even if nothing comes of it, it opens up our ways of thinking. This is the modern world. And there are ways and means of fighting even without violence.”

“In that case… we should celebrate.” Yu-mi went for the bell to bring back the server and I hurriedly covered myself. “More champagne, I think! And then back to the hotel. Tonight we party Gangnam style! I’ve heard that Japan has some fancy high-end districts, but there’s nothing quite like Gangnam, I’d wager!”

“I’m not much on drinking, or dancing. But…” Eri looked at me shyly. “I think it’ll be fun, being with you. Besides… after tomorrow, I have to start putting in more effort. I admit, I’ve made a bad impression on some of the others. I can’t change overnight, but… at least I can go about repairing that, and finally start performing my duties seriously…”

Pulling Eri into a hug, I messed up her hair as we kissed. Ignoring the server who entered, giving us a wry look, I squeezed her, transmitting my affection to her, and Eri melted into my embrace.

“I can feel it. Through our Bond. You’re proud of me. I… I haven’t done anything to warrant it yet, but…”

“That’s not true.” I said, kissing her again before continuing. “Admitting your faults and resolving to do better is enough to make me proud. Just as I’ve had to do. Too many times. And I’ll support you, and honestly, the others will too. If you’re honest with them, and listen earnestly to what they want.”

“I know. It’s hard, and I feel ashamed, but I can’t be the one that holds everyone back. Because you’re too important.” Her smile turned impish, resembling my sis for a second. “After all, when you defeat Tan, and bring her fully to our side, there won’t be anyone that can stop us, will there?”

I shook my head. There’s plenty of threats still. That damn golden-eyed toad, the Church Of True Revelation, the forces coming together in China, likely others. But worrying about them now only detracts from this happy moment… As Yu-mi teased us, we enjoyed some more close skinship and champagne, while notifications continued to pile up on my phone… Sёarᴄh the Novelƒire(.)ne*t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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