Four Hundred And Seventy-Four

“The place has changed.” I said, looking around at the mansion. It had now been fully refurbished after the battle with Ginneka and Kinneka led to its destruction, and it was a mixture of modern and Fae styles. The surrounding forest had also been replanted, but what was most different were the sheer number of Fae around, especially many nimble Sylphs, Sprites and other similar elemental-type Fae. Several of the little winged Fae flitted over, chattering curiously, but Shaeula waved them away imperiously.

“We are rather busy now. We can-can play later.” As the Fae scattered, Shaeula looked at me, grinning. “However, I am most-most proud that the Spring and also the demesne brother Shaeraggo procured for me has become so popular. We should go-go to the observation point.” The mansion had a single tall tower in one corner, several stories higher than the rest, so it could see over the forest. As the doors opened, a number of maids greeted us, including Velna, Klena and several ratkin who were some of Ixitt’s many daughters. Seeing that, Shaeula waved, and Shiro nodded politely, smiling wryly, as she confided to me. “It sure is nice to be treated like royalty, but despite me being a princess…” She made her old joke, and Shaeula snorted happily. “…I’m not exactly comfortable with it. Tan sees it as her due though.”

Cool drinks were pressed into our hands, and as we reached the top of the tower, we looked out towards the Spring, seeing fields of beautiful flowers, being lazily harvested by Mirror Bees, forests of trees laden with heavy fruit, and acres of shimmering golden crops. In the distance, the mirrored menhirs of the Spring shone brilliantly under the light of the massive moon overhead. “It’s good to see the barren, pestilent forest is almost gone.” I mused, and Shaeula agreed.

“Primal Forest is sparing no-no effort to wipe away the traces of his hated Myconids.” Shaeula agreed. “But we can-can profit greatly. With the fruits of our harvests we can make many-many valuable products.”

“I’m still more surprised how malleable the lands here are.” Shiro observed, echoing some of my previous thoughts. “I mean, the Spring wasn’t on this side of the Seelie Court originally, right? Makes you think. And wonder just what Tan’s Territory back in her own lands is like.”

We made cheerful talk for a few more minutes. On the Material I was still in the car heading to the Ministry, and the further increased difference in rates of time flow was hurting my head, so I cut them short. “Sorry, but we need to get started.”

“Indeed, Shiro says you have something that can-can strengthen me.” Shaeula’s amber gaze was pleased. “But not-not a full Favour, yes?”

I nodded, and briefly explained how I had separated some of Jarovid’s Favour to give Shiro a part that suited her. “Morana’s Water is similar. I have a decent compatibility with it, but… there’s also some of it which I think is much more useful for you.” Searᴄh the Nôvel(F)ire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I see. It surprises me that you have advanced so-so quickly. Now you can influence the crafts of the very-very Gods themselves.” Shaeula was proud of me, puffing out her chest happily, as if it was her own achievement. “You are indeed-indeed a prodigy!”

Shiro’s eyes flashed crimson. “Such a term is not used lightly in the higher Astral and the Territories of the Pantheons. A Prodigy is one who reaches a certain measure of talent far more swiftly than others. It is somewhat fitting here. However…” Tan cautioned us. “Not every Prodigy goes on to greater things. Many find they have merely reached their limits sooner than others. It is not about who can go quickest, but who goes furthest.”

“I thank you for the advice.” I said gravely, and Shiro’s face moved to a solemn expression as Tan acknowledged that, before Shiro laughed.

“Don’t take her words too much to heart, Aki. Tan’s just being tsundere again. She thinks you have what it takes, or she wouldn’t have made her offer to take us away with her. In any case… to us you’re not a prodigy, but a hard worker.”

I nodded. “Yeah. Well, it’s not a big deal, I mean, even Eri’s gained the Class now.” There was silence at my words, before Shaeula raised one eyebrow.

“I see. I can not-not deny being rather frustrated. And also curious.”

“Yeah.” Shiro agreed. “Shit, the thing Eri’s best at is being a little pervert who just wants to keep you to herself and…” At my expression, she trailed off. “No, it isn’t…” As Shaeula started cackling, I nodded.

“Yeah, seems Eri’s even recognised by my Eye.” I sent a thought to Eri. Shiro and Shaeula seem a bit surprised by your growth. By the way, how’s Yu-mi doing?

She’s fine. Rather amazed by everything, but she’s not a bad girl, so she’ll fit in. I’ve taken her up the Tree. Oh… you need to speak to Asha later, okay?

As I sent an affirmative thought back to Eri, I considered the other advantage of Lovers’ Link now. Eri’s aether was a pool I could draw from should we both consent, and while compared to me it was a puddle, it was a substantial puddle in times of great need, and sustain in battle was always my greatest weakness. I can fight hard and well, but as my stores of aether and elemental energies run down, my effectiveness drops. It’s a shame elemental energies don’t seem transferrable, at least not yet. Sending back some affirmative thoughts, I turned back to Shiro and Shaeula. “Don’t worry, it’s something you should all strive for, as the Class benefits are really good. And if Eri and I can do it, you all can too.” I paused, struck by a thought. “Oh… well I’m actually not sure if you can, Shaeula, as prodigies are usually ranked by age…”

“How rude.” Shaeula sniffed, though she took no actual offense. “In terms of the Fae, I am young yet-yet. Do not-not disparage me. I wish to stand equal to all who are-are beside you. I will not-not be left behind.” She raised one eyebrow quizzically. “Shiro, how-how about a wager?”

“Gambling with you is a terrible plan, with your crazy luck.” Shiro laughed. “But as there’s not chance involved in this… sure. Next one to gain the Class wins. Who do you think it’ll be, Aki?” Her smile was a little teasing now, as she put me on the spot. Actually…

“While I hardly think we can guarantee anyone else will get the Class, I do have a good guess as to who it might be. Though…”

“Not one of us, huh Shaeula?” Shiro smirked. “I guess Aki is underestimating us, and he definitely doesn’t want our buffs here.”

Knowing she was just joking, even so, I played along. “Oh, no, I implore you for your support.” I begged, squeezing out some fake tears. “I’d be helpless without you, Shiro, Shaeula.”

“Glad that you know it.” Shiro snorted. “Anyway, do you want the new buff as well?” she said, as Anesidora’s blessings flooded into me, strengthening my ability to manipulate the hidden property of the Favour. A cool wind blew around me, as Shaeula also buffed my Fortune.

“Not yet. I need all my concentration right now, so I’ll only use it when the timing is right.” I replied. “Anyway, let’s get started.” I used my Eye and all my senses, probing Morana’s Drowning Lake Of Self-Sacrifice. It contained a strong adherence, water-aspected, and it was also tangled up with other concepts, some of which I could understand, control, sacrifice and devotion, as well as some I couldn’t quite discern. The Favour, despite being somewhat damaged, quivered eagerly, as if willing to merge with me, but I resisted, seeing what I wanted. I was silent in the car on the Material, Trey knowing not to bother me, and I minimised my senses there, allowing me to focus as much of my thoughts as possible on the task ahead. The control… I don’t need or want that. It’s not the sort of power for me. But…

Forming blades of aether and adherence, I slowly isolated those parts of the Favour, though the division was hardly clear-cut, like roots digging into soil. Worse, while I could make out the areas of absence, and even slightly feel the hidden aspect to the Favours, I was still working almost entirely blind.

Seeing my troubled expression, Shiro’s eyes turned brilliant crimson, as did her hair, and flames flickered. Her skin darkened and facial features changed, and soon a brown-skinned version of Shiro was standing before me, her already incalculable good looks now more alluring than ever, her every move sensual. “I have little idea on your ability to manipulate subtle bodies and clumps of aether and adherence.” Tan said, her tone, while still with its usual hard edge, was somehow teasing, almost erotic. “I am not able to make a Favour myself, so my insight is limited. Despite that, I can see what you still cannot, though I would never claim to understand it. However…” She waved a hand, and adherence surged. Suddenly my eyes widened, as the hidden voids, the areas where something clearly was, became visible, shining with a lingering glow. “…I am merely creating a work of art to please me. I am bored, and miss my palace, my servants, my father. Not my sisters, however. They are both terribly vexing and exhausting.”

Oh yeah, there’s stuff Tan isn’t allowed to talk about. She’s skirted it before by making sure what she doesn’t say is clearly the answer itself, and… this is sort of the same. “Art, huh? I’m curious.” I said casually, excitement racing, as I examined the lightshow. “Do you have the same types we have here? Paintings? Sculptures? Music? Those sorts of things?”

“Of course.” Tan laughed, and gleaming gold bangles on her arms and wrists jingled musically. Beside me, Shaeula was waiting keenly, her eyes glowing, and she too was listening. “Likely on a scale you can hardly fathom, though smaller, more intimate pieces are certainly popular. We live near-eternal, so there is little urgency, only a need to stave off boredom. Though matters have changed somewhat recently. Our troubles, which you are not qualified to hear of. Not until your world has an Astral Emperor.”

“Yes, the Fae are the same. We can be lazy, indolent and quite-quite likely to put off for tomorrow what can-can be done today. Though I have changed. I do find the mortal ways far-far more entertaining.” Shaeula agreed. “While lazing about with Akio and the others has many-many charms, fun things with them are also rather-rather pleasant.”

“Yes, this is a fascinating world.” Tan agreed. “The dichotomy of a world that has little to no belief in the spiritual, despite it having long existed, yet being able to use knowledge that denies truth to improve truth… well, it is hardly any wonder I want it. I shall not let it slip my grasp.”

Our grasp.” Shaeula corrected. “You have not-not won your wager yet, and even should you do so, we have-have an agreement.”

Tan’s smile was gentle, yet subtly mocking. “Of course I am hardly so senile as to have forgotten. But we were talking of art. Creations using not merely pigments, materials and craft, but also aether, even adherence and more, can be stunningly beautiful, evoking feelings nothing else can. I have several such pieces, though my father obviously has many more. Power is of course the truest indication of strength, but possession of treasures, and objects of vanity is but another measure, and one the Pantheons favour.”

Shaeula agreed, launching into a talk on the treasury her father possessed, and I shut them out, trying to feel my way through the mysterious third aspect. It could be interfered with, though aether alone seemed insufficient. While the insides were still opaque to me, with Tan’s help I could see the connecting points to the adherence and aether, and also… I may be wrong, but Tan’s doing it again. What isn’t revealed is as important as what she does illuminate. Behind me, Tan let out a pleasant chuckle, perhaps seeing that I understood.

“If only I had your Eye, I would be able to create a Favour of my own, I believe.” Tan declared. “In fact, I would consider it worth the loss of this world to another Pantheon. It is a shame you will not succeed in replicating it. For your Eye is not merely an extension of your ability and subtle bodies.”

“Yes, I know that.” I agreed. “My experiments have shown it. But that doesn’t mean that I learned nothing useful.” The light Tan had called was a clinging film of adherence, and some areas were much dimmer than others. Tan doesn’t understand how Favours are made, and she doesn’t have an Eye like I do, she made clear to point that out. I understand. All she can do is see which areas have a lot of the mysterious energy, and which have less. Just like we can tell where a flame is hottest by the colour. Behind me, Tan was releasing her Divine Possession, and Shiro’s skin, hair and eyes were returning to normal.

“Tan thinks you might need the buff soon.” Shiro pointed out, and I nodded.

“Yes, but not yet. I don’t feel lucky.” Gently probing the areas around the connection I wanted to sever, I started isolating the adherence and aether of the controlling aspect of the Favour. However, that alone wouldn’t work, I got the feeling. After all, it’s the fluids that are the medium, which means it probably won’t work without some of the water element part, right? Making sure to carefully peel a chunk of that away as well, my concentration was intense. Flashes of insight guided me away from making some cuts, and soon I had isolated everything I thought I needed. However, I still hadn’t dug into the central, mysterious energy. I focussed all my efforts, and in the end, narrowed it down to three choices of how much material to remove. It was then the winds started swirling around me, and I had a sudden feeling the third option would be the luckiest, but there was still something wrong, I was likely to make a mistake.

“Now.” I said to Shiro, and she raised a hand, and my body shuddered, my blood starting to slowly start bubbling, a heat, quite unlike the heat of aether, this one wildly unpleasant, building within me, and my probes of adherence were suddenly sharper, more delicate. “Here goes…” With a desperate slash, I tore out the piece of the Favour I wanted to give to Shaeula. Immediately the remaining Favour started to crumble, and desperately I poured in adherence and aether to stabilise it, relying on a combination of Fortune and my temporarily enhanced Skill. For a moment the collapse halted, and I absorbed it, amber letters flaring across my overtaxed Eye, which was starting to hurt painfully.

“Here, quickly!” I said to Shaeula, and the mass of energies I passed her was sucked into her body, quickly absorbed by her sacral chakra and lunar chakra. Shaeula’s eyes widened, and then she grinned.

“I can feel it, yes. Most-most fascinating!”

“So can I…” Slumping down, I felt the boiling blood within me recede, the fury cooled. My own sacral chakra was pulsing, and the High Moonlight Spirit Water was surging, absorbing the invincible energies, adherence and more.

“Let me help you two.” Shiro said, pouring us drinks, which we took gratefully. As we rested, drinking deeply, Shiro looked at us both. “So, success? Tan thought it an incredibly long shot, but then, you’ve always been rather lucky, Aki. After all, you’ve got a cute sister, gorgeous childhood friend, perfect university friend and also a faerie tale princess here.” She winked at Shaeula. “Born under a lucky star indeed.”

“I can’t argue.” I agreed, fully aware that I was certainly more fortunate than most. “Though yeah, after the first success, I put my odds of a result here at maybe ten to one?” That seemed about right, and Shiro shook her head.

“Tan wants your Eye even more now. If an amateur who can’t even use… uh… well, whatever it is… can get the odds that high, Tan says if she had it, she’d quickly become one of the leaders of her whole Pantheon. Whoa, so you’re saying Aki’s Eye is that impressive?” Shiro trailed off, having a silent chat with her inside her mind, while Shaeula, sweating a little, downed her drink.

“Very well. My ability to use water element has surely strengthened, but…” She waved one hand. “The befuddling winds have indeed changed. Akio, take-take a look.” She swept out the winds, and they now blew like a mist, green and orange energies shining. As they touched me, I felt an instinctive urge to do as Shaeula said, almost an urge to worship her, as if she was a Goddess. Fortunately my Resilience is high, and Shaeula’s not exerting herself.

“Stop that.” Shiro shuddered. “I like you, Shaeula, but I’m not ready to throw Aki aside for you. Though… damn, I’m straight, one hundred percent. I admire beautiful and cute girls, I’m no barbarian, but… is it me or have you got prettier?” She blinked, then looked at me as well, blushing. “Uh… I hate mushy compliments, but you look way hotter too now Aki. Nothing’s changed, but… hey, are you flaring Charm? Stop that!” She was breathing heavily, and then took one long, deep breath, squeezing her black eyes shut for a moment, before opening them again. “Thanks Tan. So… yeah, Shaeula, I’m not going to NTR Aki with you. I know some guys get off on their girl and another woman together, but that’s not my thing.” She suddenly blushed red as a tomato, and her voice lowered. “Unless of course you’re really into that, Aki, then maybe… just once in a while…” Without our excellent hearing, we wouldn’t have heard the embarrassed, mouselike mutter. I pulled the surprised Shiro into a hug, rubbing her back, and she looked at me, wide-eyed.

“I’m into you, Shiro. Oh, you too of course, Shaeula.” She nodded at that, satisfied, and I continued. “So I’d never ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. And you know I’m a jealous, possessive guy, right? Anyway, you’re not thinking straight. It’s because we’ve both taken some of the aspects of Morana’s Favour. It’s a very insidious one. It either had to be destroyed or handled like this. It shouldn’t be allowed.”

“Indeed. I apologise.” Shaeula grinned. “Though I will-will remember how cute you were when flustered and embarrassed, Shiro.”

“No, please forget it!” She squirmed in my embrace for a while, before she relaxed. “It’s all right. I’m fine now, Aki. And curious. What did you gain?”

“I shall let you-you explain, as always.” Shaeula said, and so I started with her first.

“You’re right. Shaeula’s Charm has jumped up a few points, but that’s not why you were so affected.”

Winds And Waters Of Devotion And Worship is a blessing that directly causes the blessed beings to hold great feelings of affection, love and respect for the wielder, and those of weaker wills or already holding positive feelings will even find an urge to worship the wielder. Commands issued will not be refused unless they are directly against the core beliefs or safety of the affected being, and Water and Wind Elements can be expended to strengthen this effect, overpowering others and forcing them to comply, yet they will feel it is of their own volition they do so, and they will feel great pleasure and happiness to serve. The affect of Charm and Majesty of the wielder of this blessing is significantly increased at all times, dependant on the amount of Water Element held. [Class: Imperious] [Type: Principle]

“Yeah, that’s broken.” Shiro observed. “You could easily take over the world with that.”

“I have no-no need.” Shaeula grinned happily, pleased at her newfound strength. “We shall do that together and need no-no crutch such as this. But once again, I thank you, Akio. You have not-not ever refused to aid me, not-not since the day we first met. I think it was I who was born under lucky-lucky stars. In fact, I certainly was.” I remembered the story she told me of the day of her birth, while she winked. “As always, I do so-so love your gift.”

“Yep, we certainly got treated well.” Shiro agreed, now eyeing me. “As for you, Aki, what’s your benefit?”

“Several points of Charm, Sacral Chakra to Rank five, and a new Skill.” It’s certainly less than what I would have gained if I had absorbed the full Favour, but I’d rather share this one out.

Soothing Waters Of Self-Sacrifice allows you to use your bodily fluids to soothe curses, poisons, misfortune and other ills a being is experiencing, though your own Fortune will temporarily be suppressed in response, and if you have a resonance with the target of your ability, you will also take on the damage they are suffering. Your bodily fluids contain the power to heal, and your own natural recovery rate and regenerative ability is enhanced by the amount of Water Element you possess. The effects of your Charm and Majesty are significantly increased at all times, and long-term exposure to your bodily fluids will very slightly increase the Majesty and Charm of the being so exposed. Damage caused to you by your own bodily fluids, most notably blood, will be dramatically decreased, and you can soothe the damage done to others by their own fluids by application of your own. You can imbue Aether, Adherence and ???????? into your bodily fluids. [Class: Imperious] [Type: Principle]

“That’s a… very specific… set of abilities.” Shiro said, rather stunned and a little uncomfortable. Shaeula was laughing loudly, and I felt a touch embarrassed myself, as Shiro continued.

“So, sounds like you can make healing potions out of your…”

“Don’t say it!” I warned, flushing. “Tears! Tears are safe!”

“Sure. I was just going to say ‘out of your tears’.” Shiro lied. “It’s a very strange Skill, but it compliments my Berserk Blessing, and your Resonance. Which is what you wanted, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, anything that can help your buffs stack up gives us huge potential when working with Asha’s Tree. In fact, we should go see her and run some final tests…”

“Nope, not happening!” Shiro cut me off firmly, surprising me a little. Shaeula followed up with another denial.

“Indeed. You shall-shall test it on us. It must be certain there are no-no dangers.”

All right. I guess since Asha is in a pair with her Tree, there could be unforeseen problems, and if we damage the Tree that would wreck our plans. “Fine, we’ll run a few quick tests before seeing the others. I still need to say hi to Asha, Daiyu and the others anyway.”

“So, Shaeula…” Shiro said, frowning. “The effects of this ability have to be kept a total secret. Otherwise…”

Shaeula agreed again. “Indeed. Otherwise Akio will be quite-quite surrounded by those looking to profit from him.”

“Yeah, some women would do anything to boost their Charm.” Shiro nodded.

“Oh come on. Nobody’s going to start sucking out my blood for a very slight increase… are they?” I finished uncertainly, as matching eyes of amber and black stared at me, annoyed.

“Don’t underestimate women. Besides, I don’t even need Tan to tell me that when you add adherence into the mix, certain fluids are going to work better.” Shiro complained. She opened her mouth, before pausing, then changing what she was going to say, cheeks and neck a little red. “For example, when you were a kid, did your parents tell you when you fell down and hurt yourself ‘just put a little spit on it and it’ll be good as new?’. I mean, mine never did, but I’ve heard others mention it. So I think spit would heal better than tears. Blood too, obviously.”

“That makes sense.” I had to agree, being rather experienced in these subjects now. “Don’t worry, the only part of it I need is the ability to reduce the damage from Boiling Blood and your buff.” Now I can overclock Boiling Blood to push it even further beyond Body Enhancement. “Right, well I need to find a home soon for Jumong’s and Aergia’s favours, as well as whatever the one we get from the bastard who attacked my sis and the others is. Though I’m a bit short of adherence to transfer one, even with the top-up I got from the pseudo-breakdown of Morana’s favour.” I looked at Shiro, and her eyes blazed red.

“Very well, I will supply you. But do not think I am forgetting the great debt you are building up towards me.”

“I won’t.” I promised Tan. “Don’t worry, I’m already sure of how I’ll repay your efforts.”

“See that you do.” she replied, before relinquishing control once more.

“All right then. We’ll do some quick tests, then go see the others…”

As I was saying that in the Boundary, on the Material I had arrived at the Ministry and entered quickly. I was soon shown to a meeting room, which was guarded by Lieutenant Nakano. He nodded a greeting, and as I entered, I saw Major Sasaki and another military Chosen I wasn’t overly familiar with, as well as Motoko’s father, who looked furious. Seeing me come in, he also greeted me perfunctorily, and my gaze was drawn to our visitors. I recognised the massive, nigh seven-foot-tall man with dark skin and dreadlocks from London, the Chosen codenamed Titan, and when he saw me, his eyes narrowed, before he gave me a polite greeting. “Hey man. Long time no see, ya.” I nodded back, then turning my gaze to the woman, Christina Bakker, still in her ratty lab coat, a turtleneck jumper underneath it, her legs crossed in faded jeans.

“If it isn’t the man of the hour, Akio Moonstone Oshiro. Nice to meet you again.” She grinned widely, seeming amused by my shock. What the hell happened to her? Didn’t she heed my warnings? Her admittedly pretty face was covered in brutal burns along one cheek and around her eye, while her chin and neck were also mottled with scars. As she held out a hand to me, I noticed her little finger was missing, and her hands also bore more burns and scars. On seeing my surprise, she merely smiled more broadly. “Oh, are you worried about me? Isn’t that so very kind of you? Well, no point wasting valuable time, is there? We are both busy, busy people!” She waved her hand, clearly intending for me to shake it, in the way Westerners usually did. “I’m here to fulfil the promise we made you!”

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