
“About time you pair woke up. Just what were you doing last night to leave you so tired, big bro? I bet you couldn’t wait until we went to sleep so you two could have some privacy, right?” My sister was smirking at us as we exited our room.

“Don’t do that Aiko-chan.” Eri said from where she was sitting by the huge window that made up one wall of the suite, admiring the morning over the strip. “I trust Akio, and Shaeula too. If they were going to do that then they wouldn’t have brought us on holiday with them would they?”

“Wow, look at you Eri-chan. When did you get so calm and collected? I guess it’s true what they say, when girls get a boyfriend they mature a lot. Still, I guess you are right, big bro wouldn’t have the guts to cheat on you. But…” she smiled then, her tone teasing. “It wasn’t just me who had my ear against their door this morning, trying to hear if they were getting frisky in there, was it?”

Eri went bright red, shaking her head in denial, and then we were all laughing with her. On checking the time it was a bit after ten in the morning. Ouch, cutting it a bit fine for what I have planned for us today, but we can still make it. Before we had left the Boundary we had tracked back the waves of creatures to their source, making sure to polish them all off for ether, of course. Upon reaching near the edge of the strip we ran into a defensive barrier of a Territory, and since our way was blocked, we returned. Still, we know where to start tonight. But before that…

“Let’s grab some breakfast down in one of the hotel restaurants. Then… well, I think you’ll all enjoy what I’ve got planned.” I checked the guide for things you have to do in Las Vegas and this was near the top, so I made sure to pre-book it.

“Oh, I can hardly wait. It’s been pretty amazing so far.” My sis giggled. “We got a reply on group chat from Rika-san and Yae-san when they saw the pictures we posted. They are just dying of jealousy.” My sister ran up to me and threw her arms around me exuberantly. “I love you big bro, now I can lord it over that pair forever!”

“That’s so mean, Aiko-chan.” Eri snickered. “Still, it did make me feel good when Yae-san was forced to look at pictures of me and … and my boyfriend.” She blushed once more, adorably.

“All right then, glad everyone is happy. But we don’t have time to dawdle, so let’s go grab some food, then get changed and go.”

“Oh, so exciting.” My sister crowed, as I ushered us all out of our plush suite. “But it better live up to the hype, or I’ll be disappointed in you, big bro. And I know you don’t want to make your adorable little sis that you worship disappointed…”


“Wow, okay, it lives up to the hype.” My sister shouted, conceding. Spread out down below us was the majesty of the Grand Canyon, a sight we could never have seen back in Japan. The helicopter we were riding in was soaring over it, though it was noisy and shaking a little.

Beside me Eri was clinging to me, her skin cool from anxiety. Even so, she was entranced by the views, her face a mixture of nervousness and joy. On the other side Shaeula was fiddling with her phone, taking pictures, no doubt to send to her friends like Ichika.

“Wow, yeah that’s a great idea Shaeula, I should be taking pictures too, or maybe some videos. I can really stick it to those two with those…” her gaze went to Eri, and she raised an eyebrow sardonically. “Pretty bold, Eri-chan. Using your nerves as an excuse to cling to my big bro like that. Still, I guess it’s allowed, you are together now. Nice job!” she finished with a thumbs-up.

God knows what the pilot thinks of us. We are quite the group. Still, we went for the luxury tour, so it’s clear we have money so we’ll get no disrespect…

Patting Eri absentmindedly on the head I pondered what it would be like to control the Grand Canyon in the Boundary. I bet it is full of powerful adversaries, and rich in resources… oh well, I can’t have what I can’t have. There are plenty of places in Japan that would be as good…

Relaxing in the enjoyable atmosphere of spending time with those I loved, I let my own gaze wander out across the impressive landscape. Tonight would be high-stakes, so for now I would just take it easy…


“So, what are we going to do for lunch, big bro?” Aiko asked, seated at the table watching TV in our suite. “I’m pretty hot and sticky after that excursion, so I could use a bath before anything else. Why don’t we all use the hot-tub? I’m sure you have just been dying to see us in our bathing suits, right?”

Why would I want to see you in your bikini? Come on… Shrugging I asked the others if they were up for that, not wanting my little sister to steamroller them into doing what she wished.

“I do not mind-mind, it would be refreshing to take a bath.” Shaeula agreed, and Eri nodded beside her shyly. “If you want to see I don’t mind, Akio.” Sёarᴄh the Novelƒire(.)ne*t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Damn, so adorable. “All right then, why don’t I get in some room service? The one good thing about staying in a suite is that you get service worthy of the price. Do you have any preferences?”

“Oh me, me!” My sister stuck up a hand. “I want lots of quality meat and fish. The good stuff!”

“All right, all right.” I laughed, picking up the phone to order. As I did so my sister ushered Eri and Shaeula into her bedroom, with a last set of strict instructions not to peek on them changing. As if I would…

I finished ordering room service, not caring about the stupidly large sum of money it was going to cost, and changed into my own trunks. As I did so the door to the bedroom opened, and out came my sister and Shaeula, followed by a shy Eri who was hiding behind them, her expression tense.

“So, what do you think, big bro? Wowed by me, I bet?” my sister giggled, doing a pirouette in front of me. She was wearing a blue bikini, matching her eyes, and her healthy body was almost glowing, sweat shining on her slightly tanned skin.

Yeah, you’re cute sis. No wonder all the jackasses back home hit on you. “I can’t deny that suits you.” I admitted out loud. “You got all the good looks in the family for sure. The cut’s a bit daring though, don’t forget you are still in high school.”

“Oh don’t be such a prude, big bro.” She scoffed. “It’s just us here, right? Anyway, about daring…” she looked at Shaeula, who was wearing a racing-style one-piece in a very subtle orange. Yet it was cut high around the waist, showing off her flawless white legs, and was low on the shoulders too.

I remember when she bought that… but I never got to see how it looked. It… kinda reeks of a crime, now I see it…

Reading my expression, my sister burst out laughing. “I know, I get it bro, I get it. Even though the cut and colour is different it somehow reminds me of a school swimsuit. You’d seriously be getting arrested if any police were to see this, I’m sure. But anyway, we saved the best until last.”

At some unspoken signal my sis and Shaeula stepped aside, revealing Eri to me suddenly. She was wearing a pure white bikini, though the bottoms had a white skirt-like layer, covering the top of her thighs. Even so, her cleavage and vast expanses of her skin were exposed, all tinted red with embarrassment. She was stunning, though. Seriously, I always knew Eri was pretty, but since my mother and sister were gorgeous too, I never paid that much attention to it. But looking at her like this…

Eri squirmed under my gaze, yet she returned it, her eyes melting. … I guess I really am lucky as a guy to have such a knockout as a girlfriend… Her chest looked larger in her bikini than it did in her clothes, probably because she often wore baggier clothing to hide her figure normally, and with her hair up away from her face I could truly appreciate her perfection.

“Uhh, this is romantic for you pair and all…” my sister broke in. “But it’s a bit weird you two just staring at each other.”

With a start I snapped back to reality. “Oh yeah, sorry, got lost in thought there a moment. You look fabulous, Eri. I’m a happy man. You look good too, Shaeula.”

As Eri giggled shyly Shaeula mock-pouted. “I feel my compliment was not as heartfelt as the one you gave to Eri, but I shall graciously relent this once-once. Shall we go?”

“Before we do…” My sister said mischievously. “There’s something I really have to point out. Just how did you get such a huge scar?” she pointed to my thigh. I looked down and suddenly cursed internally, as I could see the wound that ran down my thigh, still vividly angry, though vastly improved on before. Since it had stopped hurting and I had continued to use Ether Healing on it during my downtime I forgot all about it… shit, shit, shit, how do I explain this?

“Oh well…” my sister said, tilting her head adorably. “Never mind, I guess it doesn’t matter, does it? Anyway, come on girls, hot tub time! When the room service gets here you can fetch it, bro. I bet you don’t want anyone else seeing us in our swimsuits, right?”

With that she ushered the girls into the expansive bathroom, leaving me to scratch my head in puzzlement. Uh, that was strange. I could have sworn I was screwed then… oh well… she’s right though, I should collect the room service…


“Go easy on the booze. We are seriously breaking the law here.” I warned, but my sister waved me off with a drunken giggle, splashing me with water as she reached for the bottle of rather nice champagne on the serving cart beside us.

“I’ve only had a couple of glasses bro, don’t be a killjoy.” She pouted. “You never ask Shaeula to stop, do you?”

“Well, Shaeula is twenty-one, so she can drink legally.” I tried to explain, but my sister merely grabbed my arm and climbed on top of me, pushing me down into the foaming waters of the massive bath we were all in. Hugging me, she smiled.

“Oh come on, no one is going to know, are they? Besides, it’s a good way to score some points with your adorable sister, isn’t it?”

I don’t think you should be clinging to me like that in your bikini. I can feel everything.

“Oh Aiko-chan…” Eri giggled. She had also broken the law, but had only had one glass, being more sensible than my sister. Still, she was definitely tipsy, as she had loosened up, her shyness diminished. Proof of this was the way she was leaning against me, giving me a spectacular view of her cleavage every time I looked down. “… if only the boys at school could see you now clinging to Akio like that, it might shatter their poor glass hearts…”

At that my sister only clung harder, blowing a raspberry at her friend. “You just wish you were doing it yourself, Eri-chan. You have to be bold, my big bro is dense, you know that. Unless you throw yourself at him, he’ll be the perfect gentleman forever.”

“No, I’m his girlfriend now… after all these years…” Eri stuttered. “He knows I’m ready to do… girlfriend… things… with… him…” her voice got smaller and smaller towards the end, and she was as red as boiled lobster.

“Oh really, girlfriend things, huh?” My sister snaked her arms around me. I thought she was going to hug me, but instead she snatched my half-drunk glass of champagne from the side behind me and downed it quickly, before letting out a charming little burp. “Oops, that was an indirect kiss, wasn’t it? Oh well, it’s with my bro, so it doesn’t really count…”

“Aiko-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!” Eri growled mock-menacingly, shoving her off me with a splash. She then promptly sat on my lap, leaning back into me. She tilted her head up towards me, blushing, so I gave her a brief peck on the lips. As my sister squealed Eri was a bit more bold, locking lips with me again for a long moment.

Shaeula was looking on with some amusement, but chose to remain dignified, if you could count the amount of food and booze she was tucking away as dignity. Carefully, she took her phone from the side and snapped a few pictures of us.

“Don’t send them anywhere…” I warned, not wanting pictures of my sister and girlfriend in their swimwear to be seen by others, causing my sister to hoot in amusement and Eri to snuggle up against me more. I looked down and realised I could see something I perhaps shouldn’t be able to from this angle, as her swimsuit was becoming slightly loose.

“It must be nice to know big bro is so possessive, right Eri-chan?” Aiko smirked.

“Uhh… something… is pressing against my bottom…” Eri had gone from lobster-red to almost purple in embarrassment, yet she didn’t move. Looking down in shame she let out a squeal as she noticed what was being revealed and where my gaze kept flickering.

“Oh my god, big bro you super-mega pervert!” Aiko teased me as Eri let out another little squeal and tightened the straps of her top. Still, she remained pressed against me, which was quite the feeling.

As Shaeula chimed in with her assertions that yes, I was a fiend for beautiful women, and their laughter echoed across the bathroom, I grimaced. I’m a healthy guy, and any that wouldn’t… have a certain physiological reaction in these circumstances isn’t interested in women! Besides, she’s my girl… it’d be more hurtful to not be interested in her that way, right?

Taking the empty glass that my sis had left I filled it with champagne and started quaffing it. The fun and laughter with the three beautiful girls carried on for a while yet…

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