One Hundred

The inside of the VIP area had eight tables set up, each paired with a dealer. Six of the tables were already full, with six to eight players seated at each. Towards the back of the pretty nice-looking room, which was decorated with images of various devils and similar iconography, was a private bar, from which various bunny girls were ferrying trays of drinks and snacks to the gamblers.

“So, how much will you be exchanging?” the bunny girl beside me asked. A massive security guard had brought over three large holdalls, and as he placed them on the ground I could see rolls of banknotes within.

“Oh, I guess three hundred thousand?” That would be a good chunk of what Shaeula and I won, and should keep the casino security happy…

 “A most excellent decision.” She approved, bowing to me, giving me a look at her nice body in the bunny suit. I never thought I’d see real bunny girls at a casino, I thought that was Hollywood fiction. The security guard took the money, dividing it into four piles, as I was given two hundred and eighty five thousand dollars’ worth of chips. Three piles were split between the holdalls, and the fourth the security kept.

“We are taking a five percent cut for running the tournament.” The girl explained. “And the prize pot is sixty percent first place, thirty percent second, and ten percent third place. There will be eight tables, and the winners of each table will join the final table to play for the money. It’s standard Texas Hold’em poker, with big blind ten thousand, little blind five thousand on the eight tables.”

Hmm, I see. So I need to come at least third to make my money back, but second or above…

“Oh, if it isn’t my new best gambling lucky charm, old Akio!” a voice boomed and I was slapped heartily on the back suddenly. I had sensed him coming, but since I had felt who it was I pretended I didn’t notice. “I could have used you earlier, I’m down a ton before we even started the poker. Just lost some chips on the last hand of cards too, so thought I’d go to the restroom to clear my head.”

Buck looked a little drained, whether that was due to the pressure, the alcohol or whether the aetheric drain was having an effect I couldn’t say. “Well, I did say I’d be here. You going to be all right to reach the final table, as I plan to?” I boasted, wringing a grin from him.

“Oh, confident, aren’t you? Yeah, I may have just dropped some chips, but I’m still in it. I’m on table three, and it could go to anyone at the moment, there’s no clear chip leader. But you…” he leaned in close, and I could smell strong spirits on his breath. “A lot of noise is going about in Vegas this evening. Seems the progressive slots jackpot was claimed earlier. And wouldn’t you know it if the description of who won doesn’t match your little girlfriend to a tee. Happen to know anything about that, Akio my man?”

Word gets around, huh. I did hear that a lot of the slot machines are linked across venues though, so… as I was wondering how to answer someone else spoke up from behind me, a newcomer who had just entered and exchanged her chips.

“Oh cool, can I hear about that too?”

It was the large black woman from earlier, who had scowled at me when I checked her out. This time she was smiling sweetly at me, though I perceived something a bit artificial about it. She was leaning in, emphasising her assets, and I couldn’t help but look. This time she didn’t glare at me though, only tilting her head coquettishly, her hair beads clinking musically.

“I saw her with you earlier, I think. She won money on the tables too, right? She must have amazing luck.”

“Oh my, miss, you don’t know the half of it.” Buck laughed, also checking her out. She scowled at him in return, before smoothing out her expression. It happened so quickly I doubt Buck noticed, but she couldn’t fool my eyes. “This guy, he’s a lucky swine too. They both won big yesterday and I made bank following his bets. So, come on, fess up. It was your girl, right?”

Everyone misunderstands Shaeula and me, oh well… “Yeah, well, she was born under a lucky star. She didn’t even really know how they worked, but … beginners luck I guess?”

“Oh hell, I’m so jealous.” Buck sighed. “I hear it was over two million. But I’m not beaten, this poker game is far from over.”

“Oh while I remember, is it usual to have the winnings for the games be handed out in cash?” I asked the question that had been on my mind a while.

“It isn’t unheard of for smaller games, but you got it, normally they’d cut the winners a cheque. But this is one of the selling points of this tournament. Who doesn’t like the thought of walking out with a big bag full of Benjamins? I know I…”

“Excuse me, sir.” A bunny girl, different to the first, interrupted. “You are needed at your table, you’ve been away long enough.”

“Oh, sorry Akio, miss.” He said to us. “Got to go and win my way to the final table. See you there!” with that he was escorted back to his table, where he was quickly dealt cards and the game resumed. The girl then returned and spoke to us.

“You are on table seven, and then the game can start.” She pointed me to a nearby table with seven players sitting around it, piles of chips ready to go. “And table eight for you, ma’am.” Table eight had three people sitting there already, and another couple of people were exchanging cash for chips behind us. “Your game will start shortly too. If you need any food or drinks signal one of us and we’ll bring it over.”

“Hey, I’ll see you later then.” The woman who was asking me about Shaeula smiled. “Good luck!”

“Sure, you too.” I replied and headed to my table, chips in hand. As I sat down I scanned my opponents. So, how is the cheating going to play out here? The dealers being crooked is pretty much a certainty, but to make it work the casino is going to have to have players mixed in amongst us. I doubt they are on every table, but if they are greedy there will be at least three to monopolise those bags of cash.

The dealers were a mix of men and women, each sharply dressed in expensive suits. Ours was a man, as were all the players sharing my table. Five were western in looks, probably American, but two were Asians like me. Possibly Chinese, maybe Korean?

Without much to go on in terms of possible plants, all I could do was observe the first few hands. The winds of fortune were swirling about me, fighting against the powerful misfortune that cloaked this Territory, and with an eagle eye on the dealer I waited for the first cards to be dealt.

The first hand I noticed no irregularities, and looking at my cards I had a pair of tens. Not bad, worth placing bets on. Still, keeping my face impassive I showed nothing. With my Precision I was easily able to control all my automatic nervous and muscular responses. As a round of betting went over I checked the piles of chips in front of everyone. They varied from person to person, but only one person had a single stack, a quiet man in a sober grey suit next to the dealer. Everyone else had two or three stacks, except one of the Asian guys, who had five stacks. The single stacker folded, as did the person next to him. Then chips started being added to the pot, and it was time for me to make my choice.

Caution first until I can learn their tells… I called the bet, but the five stacker raised by twenty thousand. With an internal grimace I called, and the next three cards were dealt by the dealer, face up. Ace of clubs, nine of clubs, three of hearts. Nothing for me…

Bets were cautious until the five stacker pilled in with forty thousand more. Damn, not good. If he has an ace then I’m on a loser… but I need to research my opponents…

I called and the next card came out. Nine of diamonds. Then the five stacker went all in.

Ugh. With great dismay I folded, and a third of my chips went to five stacks, who now had an overwhelming lead. I’m not willing to risk everything on such a shot.. my chance will come.

Bunny girls were bringing around drinks and I took a beer, taking a sip to relax myself. The dealer began to deal again, but this time my sharp eyes spotted cheating, as he dealt from the bottom to the player with only a single stack of chips. I see. Found our inside man on this table… Now that cheating was confirmed I would have to fight back to screw the culprit.

My cards came out. King and ace of hearts. Not bad again, but… with a tiny stab of wind I marked the cards with a tiny scuff only my eyes would be able to see. This time the cheater was betting, so since I wasn’t paying any ante I folded. The rich Chinese guy who won the last round tried to buy the hand again, but with a full house the cheater ended up tripling his chips from the pot.

Next I was one of the blinds so had to pony up. Again the dealer went to deal from the bottom, but with my wind I managed to hold the card in place so that he accidentally dealt the wrong one out without noticing. My cards were two sixes, and I again marked them with a tiny dart of wind.

Bets were being placed, and the cheater ended up raising twenty thousand during the first round of betting. I raised it another thirty, and while a couple folded, four others, including both Asians and the cheater were in. I’m committing a chunk of my wealth here. A pair is a decent opening gambit, and the cheater didn’t get the cards he needs to cheat so… it’s between me and these two, probably.

As the next cards were turned over, I allowed myself to fake a small wince before hurriedly covering it up. Looking at my fellow Asians I could see one was not confident by the twitching of his facial muscles. The other had one of the cards I had marked, an ace. And the flop (the first three communal cards dealt out) were a six, a nine and an ace. So, I have three of a kind. As long as he isn’t holding pocket aces I’m ahead…

Once more the richest player tried to buy it, the other folded and the cheater… he seemed hesitant, probably wondering why his cards weren’t great, but he still matched us. I slid over all my chips and went all in, matched by the other two. Damn, if I couldn’t control my body now I’d be gushing sweat… I guess worst case I lose the money, and with Shaeula having won it’s not a big deal, but I want to stick it to these cheaters…

The dealer instructed us to turn our cards face up. I flipped my sixes, and the cheater had an ace and a ten, both diamonds. The Chinese had an ace of hearts that I had marked, and a king of clubs. So I was in the lead. Now the tension was ratcheting up.

The next card (the turn) came out and it was … another ten. The high-roller had lost but the cheater would win if another ten came out on the final card, the river, as it was called in game parlance. Seeing a sudden jolt of confidence cross his features as he realised the expected outcome I held my breath as the final card was placed and then flipped over. I could still lose. The odds favour me and I’m lucky, but…

“It’s a queen of hearts.” The dealer said, and I could hear confusion in his voice. With relief I dragged over my winnings, having nearly wiped the cheater out and leaping to chip leader on the table. Finishing my beer I waved over a bunny girl and asked for some whiskey, needing something stronger. Taking a moment between games I looked around, to see that Buck had recovered and was now one of only four players left at his table, while the black girl … Damn, I realised I forgot to get her name, oh well, I doubt it matters, I won’t see her again after tonight anyway… was playing cautiously, but had more chips than she had started with.

Turning back to the game, whiskey now in hand, I observed the cheater subtly signalling to the dealer. No-one else picked it up, but I couldn’t be fooled. Yeah, can’t work out what went wrong, can you?

As the game continued I kept my bets small, marking more and more cards over the next few rounds, and I even won one hand against one of the other players, wiping them out. And to soothe my conscience, no marked cards proved relevant in that duel, it was purely luck and the fact I could pick up on his lack of confidence as he went all in.

The cheater had taken out another player to replenish his chips, and the second Asian was also eliminated, leaving five players.

I was on my third whiskey, not only because I wanted to appear drunk, but also because it was damn fine, and I had paid enough of a commission to justify it. Buck was down to the last opponent on his table, and the girl was still hanging in there on hers. Several other tables had concluded, and disappointed losers were headed to the bar, all the poorer.

During the next hand the dealer once more tried to cheat, and this time I let out wind in a way that he fumbled the cards, forcing a reshuffle. Looking at my cards I placed a bet, and by the end of the hand the Asian high-roller was being escorted away from the table, all his chips now in my possession. He was complaining bitterly, so was taken to the bar to placate him, the two burly (and armed) security guards more than enough to stop his protests.

After several more hands it was just me against the cheater, and I had a substantial lead. It would take two failed all-ins in a row for me to lose. So of course that’s what they’ll go for. But I’ve marked half the cards by now, so…

Once more as the dealer tried to manipulate the dealt cards I channelled wind. It only took a little pressure to ruin his trick-dealing, and it was surprisingly easy to use wind here, closer to what I would expect in the Boundary than on the Material.

Let’s see. Five, king, both spades. Nothing special. But both of his cards are marked. Queen and jack, both Diamonds. This is going to be interesting…

We both called the blinds, staying cautious. The Flop dropped and it was Ace of spades, ten of diamonds, six of spades. So, both of us are on for flushes, but mine is looking better. I’d win on high card though. I decided to bet cautiously, drawing him in, and a few chips were added to the pot. After that the next card helped neither of us, so he folded, visibly annoyed.

I hid my smile with another gulp of whiskey. He’s rattled now, the cheating isn’t working. As I ordered another drink I saw Buck at the bar, and he gave me a thumbs up. I guess he won then and made the final table…

This time the dealer tried a different tactic, I could see their shuffling was designed to order the cards. I let it slide and lost a few chips a couple of times in a row, allowing their confidence to grow, before on the third hand I used a little wind to subtly slide in an extra card, meaning our hands would be reversed. I’m so glad I practised these sleight of hand tricks for cards, dice and roulette… and I don’t even feel bad, cheating cheaters.

My cards were pocket queens, his pocket jacks, judging by the markings. Yeah, this is an attempt to get me to go all in. Shame it’ll backfire.

The flop was a three, a queen and a jack. So we were both on three of a kind, and you’d have to be a fool not to go in with three jacks at this point. So of course we both did. When we turned over our cards though the dealer paled, swallowing nervously. Yeah, got you.

With shaking hands a four and an ace followed, and I had won, removing one cheater from the fray. Searᴄh the* website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We have a winner, congratulations!” the dealer declared, putting on a brave face. The cheater stood and after a brief handshake left, heading towards the back of the VIP area. Not subtle man, not subtle…

Counting my stacks I had twenty one stacks of chips for the final table. That’s like two million dollars. Holy crap. If Shaeula hadn’t won the jackpot earlier my hands would be shaking now. No, they still are a little…

Joining Buck who was celebrating at the bar, I ordered another whiskey.

“Better go easy on the hard stuff, you need to keep a clear head.” He said, his words a touch slurred, his face pale and fatigue in his eyes.

“Right back at you man.” I answered. Only two tables were still playing, and one of those was the one with the girl who had spoken to us before the tournament. “So, she’s doing pretty good too, right?”

Buck nodded. “Yeah, but her opponent sucks. I wouldn’t get fooled by such a simple trick.”

Yeah, it’s quite the underhand strategy. She was tugging at the neckline of her plunging dress, claiming to be hot, showing ample cleavage, disrupting the mental state of her opponents, making them bet recklessly. With a grin she went all in, and soon her last opponent was defeated, leaving her the winner.

So, the three of us eh? What are the odds. But I am pretty sure that they aren’t in on this cheating at least.

The last table had finished as well, and now the eight finalists were decided. As if that was a signal the doors at the back of the VIP lounge opened, and out came an overweight middle-aged man wearing a very expensive tailored suit and a watch that looked like it was worth a ton. I’ve only seen those in movies. Is that a Patek Phillipe? He was flanked by two more guards and a bunny girl was following him, holding a bottle of vintage champagne.

With a smile he clapped his hands, drawing everyone’s attention. “Well done, the first round is over. Now the battle between eight skilled and lucky players for the chance to win one of the three sets of bags full of sweet, sweet money. Take a brief break to have some food and drinks, and we’ll get the top table set up. Those of you who lost, feel free to watch with envy at our open bar! Let the best player win!”

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