
Up here the crowds were dense, and we had to carefully wind our way between groups of revellers. We drew a lot of attention, and not just for the five very pretty girls I was with. I heard people talking about my stellar turn at the baseball, and a few people even congratulated me, causing my sister and Shaeula to both look as pleased as if it was they who were complimented.

After talking to one such well-wisher, Shaeula came over and dragged me away, over to a stall where a load of goldfish were swimming around. “What is this, Akio? Is it another food stall-stall?”

At the question the owner managed to look both amused and horrified, so I corrected her quickly. “No, it’s a classic festival game, goldfish scooping. You use one of these fragile paper scoops to capture the fish, then you get to keep them as pets. Want to have a go?”

“Very well, I shall try-try it!” she declared, and quickly broke her scoop. “Hmm, it is indeed rather feeble-feeble. But now that I know… another go-go!” she adapted quickly and began scooping out fish one after the other, the onlookers very impressed.

“I can do that too!” my sister declared, and she managed to flip out several before her paper broke. Rika-san and Yae-san cajoled me into trying too, and with my enhanced skills I quickly amassed many successes. All in all we decimated the fish supply, though I took pity on the owner and we only kept five fish, one each for the girls, returning the rest, to rounds of applause from the onlookers.

“So, what is next-next?” Shaeula looked around, very excited. Man, she’s like a little kid, but then I guess everything on the Material is new to her. Man, it gets me right in the feels, she’s so cute…

There was a toy rifle range with some cuddly toys and other items for prizes, as well as ball scooping, yo-yo fishing and katanuki, the cutting out of shapes from sugary candy sheets with a needle. Shaeula hopped wide-eyed from game to game, and I was again forced into trying them out, as well as paying for the girls to do so. Quite a crowd was following us, egging us on as we cleaned out stall after stall, Shaeula and I winning many prizes, and my sister taking a few for her trouble. Once we had finished with the last stall, where I took the best prize for carving out the most complicated, nearly impossible shape (thanks to my Precision and Alacrity) the crowd once more applauded us as we scuttled away, embarrassed by all the attention.

“Are you sure we can have these?” Yae-san asked, looking at the stuffed bear she was holding. Rika-san had one too, as did all the other girls, as well as keychains, badges and other small prizes. As with the fish scooping, we had returned most of our winnings, as I would have felt bad taking everything from them. Of course now the question was, who was going to receive the largest prize I had won, an extremely large and fetching dog plushie, modelled on the kami of the shrine? Of course it had to be a dog… though admittedly this is more a cutesy design than a realistic one, so it’s bearable, I guess…

Everyone was eying it, but Shaeula spoke first. “I think Eri should have it. Perhaps it will be a good motivation for her to do her best-best.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” My sister agreed, and while Yae-san and Rika-san looked a bit disappointed, they also agreed. Eri-chan tried to refuse but I wouldn’t have it, insisting she take it.

With the dog plushie in her arms she gave me a brilliant smile, causing my heart to skip a beat. “Thanks Akio. I’ll treasure it, and when I look at it I’ll always think of you, and that time you saved me. That day… I think it was destiny. I will never, ever forget it.”

“Wow, little Ri-Ri delivered that bold attack with a killer smile.” Rika-san goggled, while beside her Yae-san agreed sourly.

Scratching one cheek while my sister and Shaeula congratulated Eri-chan I looked away, embarrassed all over again, only to see Marika-san coming through the crowd towards us, accompanied by her mother. When Takeyabashi-san saw me her gaze hardened, and she quickened her stride, Marika-san struggling to keep up. Oh great, just what I needed…

“Oshiro-san, I don’t know how you convinced me last night, but I will not be fooled again…” she launched into an angry tirade at me, her daughter looking on apologetically from behind her.

“Uh, what’s going on?” Yae-san asked.

“Nothing of importance.” Shaeula san answered. “I believe these… fireworks… as you call them, will start soon, no-no? We do not have time to waste here. I shall speak with her.”

Hearing Shaeula talk, Takeyabashi-san turned to her. “And just who might you be, young lady? You should be silent when adults are talking…”

“No, I feel it is you who should be silent and listen to me-me…” Shaeula retorted, and under the hanging lights of the festival I could see flickers of green rising from her.

Should she be doing that in public? That’s pretty careless…

Luckily no-one else seemed to notice as Shaeula began to talk to Takeyabashi-san, using her befuddling winds to defuse her anger and persuade her to comply. I’ve thought this before, but that is a very dangerous power. If others have similar abilities but aren’t as kind-hearted as Shaeula… ugh, I shudder to think at what might happen.

“I apologise for my mother, Akio-sama.” Marika-san said sadly, offering us a deep bow. “She does not understand what an honour this is, and how important it will be for our shrine. My father… he tried to reason with her, but when mother sets her mind to something…”

“Oh, that’s fine then. I didn’t understand.” Takeyabashi-san was saying. “In that case I am more than happy to leave my daughter in Oshiro-san’s care.”

Marika-san froze at this strange situation, eyes wide, then understanding dawned and a shy smile spread over her face. Bowing again to Shaeula, she turned to us. “I’ll be dancing the Kagura dance shortly. I would be honoured if you could come and see it, especially you, Akio-sama, Shaeula-sama.” Ignoring Shaeula’s grumbles about honorifics, her smile turned impish. “Afterwards that boy who lost the bet with you should be taking the stage. I heard he tried to renege on his bet with you, but some seniors from the ‘pro’ team said doing so would make them look bad, and he had to ‘man up and take the loss like an adult.’” She giggled then.

“Well I don’t care about that absolute clown, so long as he gets the message and stays away from my sister.” I spat. “I’m not going to waste my precious time watching him. But of course we’ll come see your dance. Just let us grab some drinks first, okay?”

As Marika-san rushed off happily, Shaeula and my sister went to purchase some drinks for us… as well as more food. Wow, they are bottomless pits, where do they put it all?

“So, what’s this about then?” Yae-san asked as Marika-san left. “Just what have you done to upset her mother so?”

“She seems to be another love rival.” Rika-san said. “She’s cute and all, but if you go for girls her age you’ll get a bad reputation, Akio-kun. Stick to high-schoolers like us.”

“Yeah, it isn’t what you think…” as I explained as best I could the circumstances that led to me taking charge of Marika-san’s relocation we all headed to the shrine proper, enjoying our drinks and snacks. The night was clear, the stars burning brightly overhead, and sounds of merriment were coming from the crowds around us. This is… nice. I’m glad I came back home. I should do it more often. But will I get chance now? If I have to build my Territory, being away from it makes me feel nervous… oh well, if I find more trustworthy allies and build my forces, as soon as the upgrade is done and everything is functioning again it should be okay for a few days, surely…

As I was lost in thought a collective noise of appreciation went up around us. Marika-san had taken the stage, wearing a very ornately embroidered chihaya over her usual shrine maiden attire, the long white sleeves flapping, showing glitters of silver and gold thread in the light of the lanterns that overhung the stage.

“I am very curious to see this traditional dance to honour your local Gods-Gods.” Shaeula whispered to me. I nodded in response, eyes glued to Marika-san. She saw us standing at the front and smiled, before calming her nerves, face expressionless.

She then began to dance, the ringing of the brass suzu bells she held in one hand the only sound that could be heard in the suddenly still night air. Her movements were sure and elegant, and it was hard to believe she was still so young. The dance continued, everyone mesmerised, and I felt a stirring within me, almost as if I was circulating aether, though I was not. As I continued to watch with rapt attention, she struck one final pose, bells ringing, sweat dripping from her brow. Looking directly at me, she smiled again, in relief for a perfect performance.

In that moment, when the crowd broke out into applause, I felt a flash of heat go through me, my chakra nodes bubbling with energy.

Your Class, Kami-Blessed, has increased from level 4 to level 5.

Your Fortune and Charm have increased.

Your Aether has greatly increased.

Huh? Why? As I pondered, Marika-san came down off the stage towards us, making polite small talk to those who were praising her for the performance. Upon reaching us she bowed to Shaeula and I. “How was it, Akio-sama, Shaeula-sama? I really felt the touch of Chairo-sama on me as I danced, and I wanted to make sure you felt his blessings too…”

“It was really cool, I’ve seen a few dances at festivals before, but that was definitely the best!” my sister said, and I had to agree, not that I had seen many before…

“It was indeed.” I ruffled Marika-san’s hair, causing her to blush, but she did not seem too displeased. “I think you pleased the kami of this shrine more than you know. I was definitely moved by your dancing.”

At my praise she squirmed with happiness. Shaeula was appraising me with her amber eyes after my comment, and she arched an eyebrow in surprise at what she saw.

“So anyways, Kenji-san should be up next now that the dance is over. We going to watch?” Rika-san asked.

“I will, I want to make sure he knows how unimpressed I am with him.” My sister said. “You two should as well. We can stay here with this little cutie.” She grabbed the hand of Marika-san. “We’ll buy you a drink and something to eat, you must be tired. Come on, our treat. You are with me Shaeula. Oh, but…” my sister slapped her forehead with her free hand, looking puzzled.

Yeah, nice acting sis. That looks fake as hell…

“The fireworks are soon, so if we try to find a good spot after watching that idiot humiliate himself we might not find one. Big bro, why don’t you and Eri-chan go and find us a decent viewpoint? You can let us know when you’ve got one. Just drop us a text. You can leave your prizes here, we’ll being them later.”

Eri-chan grabbed at my hand. “I don’t mind. We… we can find a good place.” Her hand was warm, almost hot, in my palm.

“Oh, I see how it is.” Yae-san grimaced. “Well, nothing that can be done about it.”

“Yeah, see you later Ri-Ri. Don’t blow it, all right?” Rika-san said.

“Don’t embarrass me…” Eri-chan complained, but she started leading me slowly away from the crowd. “We’ll… see you all later.”

So, I think I know where this is going. I’ve pondered this these last few days, but I’m still not sure what decision I am going to make… looking at Eri-chan who was clutching my hand tight, looking beautiful and mature in her makeup and yukata, I felt a strange turmoil within me. My hand tightened involuntarily, and Eri-chan looked at me in surprise, but when seeing I was staring at her, she smiled, shyly yet somehow bold as well. “I think… over there might be good.” She gestured to the rising hills to the side of the shrine, where there were very few people.

“Should we let the others know where we are?” I asked, as we moved out of the glow of the lanterns into the darker shadows.

“Uhh, wait, I’ll do it, big bro… Akio.” She reached into her purse with her free hand and pulled out the phone I had bought her, typing away furiously. “There, done.”

An awkward silence descended, both of us seemingly searching for something to say. Eri-chan opened her mouth first, though no sound came out. She swallowed nervously, her hand gripping mine, and then, as she started to speak, her words mere whispers, they were drowned out by the explosion of a firework, red and gold sparks scattering across the sky.

How pretty. And how cliché. What is this, some sort of anime?

We turned away to watch the fireworks, bright clouds of colours scattering across the pristine mountain skies. Eri-chan was right against me, her breath hot on my neck, her skin scalding through the thin fabric of our yukata. Even under the multicoloured bursts of light from the fireworks I could tell her skin was flushed crimson, and her breath was coming in ever faster gasps.

“Are you all right?” I mouthed at her, the sizzling and hissing of the explosions making words useless. Her eyes met mine and she nodded back, leaning into me more. Since she said she was fine I took her at her word, and we watched as the fireworks continued. As the last explosions filled the air, large enough that the breeze from their detonations ruffled our hair, silence descended around us, distant cheers and applause of the other festival-goers floating on the still air.

“Well, that was pretty nice.” I said to Eri-chan. “I wonder where everyone else went. I hope they got a good vi…” my words were stopped by Eri-chan, who put her finger to my lips.

“I’m a little upset…” she said, though her face was calm, her eyes piercing mine. “I had finally worked up the strength to say what I always wanted, then the fireworks interrupted me. I thought things like that only happened in stories. And in stories…” she paused, taking a nervous swallow, then resumed. She was so close to me that it was as if she was whispering directly into my ears. “… when the person who says what they finally have the courage to say is interrupted, they always give up and say it was nothing. But to me…” tears were glimmering in her obsidian eyes now, bright as the stars above. “… but to me, it isn’t nothing. It’s the most important thing in the world. So I want you to listen, big brother, Akio. I want…” tears were running down her cheeks, gliding over her makeup.

“I love you, Akio. I love you like a brother, true, but I love you so much more as a man. I’ve loved you ever since… ever since I can remember. You protected us when we were in danger, you looked after me when I was lonely, you comforted me when I was sad, celebrated with me when I was happy…” the tears were coming harder now, in big gasping sobs, breaking up her words.

“I… when you… moved away… my heart… I was so… so sad. For the first time… you weren’t there. And I knew… I knew, that if you weren’t with me… I could never be happy. So please… please Akio… don’t leave me again. Be with me. I can make you happy, I… I can! No-one else can love you like I will!”

Ugh, my heart. My chest was aching, feeling as though a troll was constricting my chest, crushing me. As Eri-chan sobbed against me, her eyes never leaving mine, so sad and yet so hopeful, for one last time I considered just what I felt for her.

We spent the best part of a dozen years growing up together. I’ve always treated her as a sister, same as Aiko. If you asked me if I love her, of course I do. Would I risk my life for her? Of course, if some beast from the Boundary somehow appeared here now, I’d fight it to the death to see her get away safely… yet after I moved to Tokyo… for the first few years I came home fairly regularly, but the last couple I’ve barely been back at all. She’s grown up, and even more beautiful, but do I still think of her as a child…?

Seeing me lost in thought, Eri-chan swallowed down her tears, face resolute. “Shaeula told me something important.” She whispered.

What? What did she say… it better not be about…

“She said that if you loved me you would make me happy. I felt that what she said was selfish, as why should.. why should you put my happiness above yours? But then she answered me, and I knew deep in my heart she was right. I’ll make you happy, my big brother, my Akio, my hero. If it isn’t you, I could never do it. I’m scared of other boys, they make me feel unwell. I’m too shy, I know, if you and Aiko-chan hadn’t been in my life… I don’t know if I could have made it this far. I want to return the kindness you’ve always shown me. Shaeula told me if I wanted happiness from you, I would have to give back double. ‘A male must make those females who deserve him safe-safe, loved and fulfilled.’” She giggled as she mimicked Shaeula, speech quirks and all. “’But a female has it simpler. A good female makes sure-sure the male never regrets loving her’. The sentiment. It was so beautiful. I cried then, and made up my mind today I would tell you how I felt.”

She looked up at the sky, the light of the stars reflected within her dark orbs. “I swear it, on a promise as unbreakable as any Shaeula has ever exchanged with you, that if you will love me and be my boyfriend I’ll never make you regret it. I’ll get better, I’ll grow stronger, I’ll be more beautiful if you want me to be. But one thing I’ll never do is hurt you. So please, please…” her eyes met mine again. “… love me like I love you.” with that her arms circled me and she buried her face in my chest, trembling, waiting for an answer, one that would lead her to happiness or shatter her fragile resolve.

Just what have you been telling her, Shaeula? No, I’ll deal with you later…

With a gentle sigh I tilted up her head so we were once more face to face. Gently I rubbed away the tears that had covered her cheeks. “Man, your makeup is a fright now. Such a shame, you looked so mature before.” My tone was quiet, almost… hesitant. “You know something? I’ve never been good with girls. I’m no loser who freezes and can’t talk to them, in fact I have quite a few female friends I made at University, and we keep in touch sometimes. But… I never felt comfortable trying to take things further. I guess… I guess I’m surprisingly shy myself, in some ways. My sister was always more outgoing than us, wasn’t she?”

Eri-chan… no, Eri was watching me in silence, mixed hope and dread warring in her eyes, not sure where my rambling was going. “I honestly think you are beautiful, Eri.” Hearing that and the way I said her name her eyes widened, and she was biting down on her lip so much it had started to bleed. “Maybe I still think of you too much as a little girl, but seeing you tonight… no, you are a woman. A woman that I love.”

She gasped, though she still knew I could reject her. Still, hope was welling in her, I could see it. “As a sister, as a woman. Love is still love, right? And you aren’t my sister. That means… even if I was to love you as my sister… I could also love you as more, couldn’t I?”

Thinking about it, this is really the only way. I could never bear to leave Eri unhappy and alone, and no man could hate being with someone so beautiful and loyal. My only worry is… the upcoming struggle in the Boundary… I don’t want to put her in danger…

“Then that means…?” Eri said, voice trembling.

“That means I need to stop overthinking. I love you too Eri. And if you need me in your life to be happy, then there was never any doubt I’d be there for you. however you needed it.”

“So… that’s a yes then?” she insisted.

“Yes, Eri. I’ll be your boyfriend. I’ll make sure you have.. what was it? Safety, love and fulfilment.”

“And I… I’ll never make you regret it. If I do, I’ll die ashamed. I swear it!” Eri started to cry again, this time silvery tears of joy. Standing on tiptoes she reached up towards me, lips puckered for a kiss.

Shit, I’m embarrassed, it seems a bit soon, uh, men must be brave… leaning in I pushed my closed lips to hers, where they met, transmitting a soft sensation to me that made my legs quiver. As I was going to pull away Eri grabbed me tightly and her tongue pushed its way between my lips, forcing them open. I reacted instinctively, and as my mouth opened she entwined our tongues, greedily seeking my warmth, her slender body pushed against mine.

My reason fled me, and I too slurped at her, my hands circling her, clutching her tightly. For what seemed like an age but surely was no more than a minute or so we kissed deeply, only for us to separate as we struggled to breathe, a thin, wet line of saliva connecting our mouths as we parted. Eri released me, in a daze, her hand going to her lips.

“My first kiss… it was… so much better than in my dreams…” she giggled.

Hey, that was mine too, wasn’t it? “Yeah, it was pretty… nice.” I said lamely, my brain struggling to catch up, even with my enhanced alacrity.

“Nice? Is that it? Maybe we should try it again, so you can say something less lame, Akio. My Akio,” she spoke dreamily, and once more we kissed deeply. Sёarᴄh the Novёlƒire.n(e)t website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Yeah, nice doesn’t cut it.

Once we parted, I took her hand. “Yeah, I’d say it was spectacular.” I joked. “But I think we should be getting back now. The others will be worried about us. They knew you were going to confess, right?”

She nodded, and as we were about to return to the festival a voice stopped us.

“There’s no need to worry, big bro Casanova.” The familiar voice of my sister said, as she, Shaeula, Rika-san and Yae-san emerged from some trees and bushes on the hillside. “Unless you want to worry about all the pain you caused Eri-chan. Instead of dragging it out you should have said yes right away!”

Why didn’t I sense them? Oh, right… Shaeula. I bet she did something with her winds…

“I’d be more worried about the fact we saw you making out. That was some intense kissing.” Rika-san said. She was sweaty and flushed, fidgeting restlessly.

“This is a setback. Ri-Ri beat me to the punch.” Yae-san complained. “Still, I have my date, and if you think that kiss with Ri-Ri was hot, wait until you get a taste of my technique.. uh… wait…” she trailed off, stepping away as Eri approached, her face smiling, but her eyes weren’t.

“I have to put up with you having this date as it’s payment for a wager, a promise, and it’s bad to break promises.” She said flatly. “But there will be no cheating. You can go get some food somewhere and receive a little gift, but Akio is mine. Find your own boyfriend or get back with that… whatever-his-name-was.” Eri tossed her head dismissively.

“Wow, Wow, Wowowowowowowow!” my sister exploded into laughter. “Eri-chan, your personality has totally changed. Is this the legendary yandere, like in the books my brother used to read?”

“A female grows proud and strong when she has to defend her male-male.” Shaeula joined in the laughter. “And trying to claim Akio for herself will be a task like no other-other, as such a strong male will only attract many lovers. Still, she who makes first claim has many privileges. But I must say, Eri, you look a fright right now-now. Your face is a mess.”

“Don’t think I don’t know what you are up to.” She glared at Shaeula, though there didn’t seem to be real malice in it. “It is you I am most wary of. After all, you get to live with him while I am still stuck here, away from Akio. I am grateful for your advice, and the push you gave me, and I hope we can be friends, but Akio… my Akio is off-limits!” with that she pulled me down and kissed me again, showing off to the onlookers.

This is… yeah, nice. And hot. And pretty much what I dreamed of… but also… really embarrassing too…

As my sister covered her face with her hands, yet somehow still leaving enough room to peek through, and Shaeula snickered away, Rika-san consoling the annoyed Yae-san, I imagined that tomorrow would bring even more chaos.

Oh god, I have to tell mom and father, and Uncle and Auntie Mori… this was going to be … interesting…

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