Side Four – Izumi KanaSide Four – Izumi Kana
The shrine was humming with activity when Kana returned, several other shrine maidens sweeping up with traditional brooms, while another couple were washing down the torii gates and steps with blessed water. Ignoring them Kana passed through towards the main building, treading along the meandering gravel path, her footsteps crunching beneath her. As she neared the temple building she noticed one other shrine maiden there, her cousin, who was hastily applying red paint to several faded areas of the building.
Damn, why go to all this trouble now? It isn’t like they are holding the meeting at our shrine now is it? Such a waste of time…
As she approached the main entrance her cousin turned to her, her brownish-black hair braided into pigtails, making her look even younger than she was. I can’t help but notice you’ve managed to get paint in your hair. Who even does that?
“Hey there Kana-chan. You finally made it back?” she said with her typical cheer. “Your honoured father was looking for you. He seems pretty mad.”
Isn’t he always? I wonder what he is bitching about now? “Thanks for letting me know Keomi-chan. But I don’t have time to speak to him now, I have to talk to grandfather pretty urgently. By the way…”
“Yes?” Keomi–chan asked, tilting her head to the side, managing to drop red paint on her shrine maiden attire. Lucky it’s already red…
“How did you manage to get paint all over you? Even in your hair?”
“Uwa?” Keomi-chan exclaimed, turning to look, only managing to get more paint on her, this time over the white part of her uniform. As she twisted and turned, paint flecks flying everywhere, Kana sighed, stepping back to avoid being soiled.
Seriously, if I was as air-headed as that I wouldn’t dare to show my face in public. Still, I bet the boys just eat that kind of thing up…
“Just be more careful, alright?” Kana said gently. “You don’t want to earn the ire of my grandfather, do you? His temper hasn’t got any better as he’s aged.”
“You are right.” Keomi-chan said, eyes tearing up as she began to sniffle. “The honoured head of the shrine can be a bit… sharp. If you have to speak to him you’d better go. He’s pretty stressed with everything that’s going on.”
“Well if I’m lucky what I have to say might cheer him up. Maybe.” Kana replied. “Anyway, try not to make too much of a mess, all right?”
At Keomi-chan’s embarrassed reply Kana waved her hand in acknowledgement, and she entered the shrine, going through the ornate yet weathered doors. The interior also had a few younger shrine maidens that she didn’t recognise, hurrying about on varying errands. Did we have so many shrine maidens? I’m sure we only had Keomi-chan and the sisters? Has the old man dug into his pocket and hired us some more for this meeting? I don’t get it…
Kana walked across to the dilapidated building towards the back, where her grandfather’s private quarters were. If I’m lucky my father will be elsewhere… but when am I ever lucky? A girl as smart and beautiful as me deserves better…
She forced her expression to remain calm as her father ducked out from a curtain over the door to her Grandfather’s abode. When he spotted her his face hardened, his dark eyes grim. Running a hand through his black hair, which was starting to thin at the temples, he spoke harshly.
“Kana, where have you been? You knew we needed all hands to prepare the shrine as soon as possible.” He continued, his tone sharpening. “I do hope you were not out playing with your friends. You are of the age to be responsible now, daughter. You have no time to be messing around when duty calls.”
Oh great, when he starts calling me ‘daughter’ he is really pissed. But I am not in the wrong here! I was playing around, but I did it to gain information Grandfather would want, not just to get free sweets.
“Of course I wasn’t.” Kana tried to look simultaneously offended and hurt. “I know how important this time is to the shrine.” Well no I don’t, not really… “I see there are a lot more shrine maidens here today. I didn’t think we had so many…”
“Hmph.” Her father frowned sternly at her as she changed the subject, but he answered slowly. “Indeed, we have had to get in some additional hands on a temporary basis. Your cousin was helpful in finding us some students in need of money who could do simple tasks such as cleaning and spreading the consecrated water.”
Oh great, spending more money we don’t have. If it was up to me we’d sell off the spare land the shrine has. Even here on the outskirts I bet we could make enough money to do up this dump and still have enough to live on comfortably… but no, our land is precious and full of historic value…
Not showing the irritation on her face Kana responded. “I was on my way here to help out like you instructed, but on my way back I found some information grandfather will want to know. I was just going to see him now.”
“Father is extremely busy right now.” Her father said. “He doesn’t have time for any foolishness. This is a critical time for the shrine. Such conclaves as this come about barely once in a century. The stock of some shrines will rise and others fall. The times are changing and we must be prepared to seize our place in it. All the other shrines throughout Honshu will be thinking the same thing. A lineage such as ours that goes back a thousand years should have respect befitting our weighty history. Before the conclave we need to renew connections with other local shrines. We cannot be the only shrine looking run-down and faded.”
This again? As I thought before, I’d much rather have cold hard cash befitting our weighty history, but alas I fear that is a dream. Maybe I’ll quit and become a model. I’ve got the looks… but I hear it’s really hard work…
Her father’s hash glare snapped her out of her thoughts. Smiling as confidently as she could she spoke once more. “I understand father. I do listen to you, I promise. But today I’ve found out something grandfather really needs to know about as soon as possible. It might affect our preparations. Can I go talk to him now, please?”
“If this is one of your little jokes…” her father began, but she cut him off earnestly, her expression honest.
“It isn’t, I promise you.” she swore.
“In that case…” her father said. “Follow me.”
He led her towards the back, passing through the white curtain tooled with gold kanji that separated her grandfather’s quarters and the most sacred part of the shrine from the rest.
Still as crappy-looking as ever.
Looking around she glossed over the faded white coiled stone statue that was so weathered with age it was barely recognisable, and the red and gold ropes that twisted around the walls, hung with faded hangings. She spotted her mother over by the statue, wearing an outfit similar to a shrine maidens’, yet more ornate.
Mother’s still got the looks. I get them from her, not my father, that’s for sure. If I do take up modelling, I guess I can expect a long career. Still she wasn’t here to talk to her mother. Her grandfather, dressed in ornate vestments that he rarely wore was standing by a small shrine next to the statue, applying blessed water with a silver ladle. As she entered, her father following, her grandfather looked up from his ceremony, his steely gaze causing a chill to go through her.
Grandfather can be tougher to talk to than father. Damn, he’s always so stern and overbearing. Still, I am sure the news I am bringing him will please him… for a moment Kana remembered when she had been only a young girl and was actually interested in what went on at the shrine and wore her maiden outfit with pride. Grandfather had smiled so warmly then, rubbing her head with a big hand. Why am I thinking of this now? I’m not a kid anymore, I’m a beautiful young woman…
“What brings you here in such attire, granddaughter.” He said, his voice not cold exactly, but with no warmth either. “Do you not know how critical a time this is for us?”
I’ve heard, yes. “Forgive me, grandfather.” She bowed contritely. “But I had good reason for my lateness. I found some information that you simply must be made aware of. It could prove vital to your preparations.”
Beside her grandfather her mother shot her a reassuring smile. You are the only one on my side.
“I see. Well, speak then.” he ordered, brusque as ever.
“You are aware that my gift is that I can see the abnormality in things, of course.” Kana began carefully.
“Yes, it is quite the blessed talent, one that you seem surprisingly displeased with.” Her grandfather said, her father nodding behind her in agreement. “After all, the greatest priests and priestesses have all been able to see and commune with the Gods. To even have a portion of that talent is good fortune indeed.”
Yeah, whatever. “So anyway, I was hurrying home to come help out here, since I know we are in the midst of a major event, when my ability woke up. I found two people with a powerful abnormality not too far from here.”
“I see.” Her grandfather scratched at his bearded chin, contemplative. “It is probably several priests on their way to their own shrine. Although I am not aware of any other shrine near here with a history as deep as ours, that still has true faithful…”
“You misunderstand me, grandfather.” Kana interrupted. “When I speak of abnormality these two were on a scale so far ahead of us it is like comparing a priceless diamond to a chunk of glass. They were shining like the sun, so bright it almost blinded me.”
“And this was no mistake?” he answered, sharing a glance with his son, who looked perturbed. “Such powerful spiritualists… other than those who maintain legendary shrines like those at Kyoto… why would they be coming here, at this time? This could bode ill…”
“It’s no mistake. I spoke to them, that’s why I am so late.” I best not mention I was gorging on sweets at my favourite café though… “I saw them demonstrate the power of what they called ‘elemental wind’ to move a knife through the air, flipping it off a table and holding it in place.”
“Impressive.” Her father burst out, breaking her silence. “Such feats that go against the laws of the world are difficult to achieve indeed. To think that you could persuade them to drain such huge reserves of spiritual power like that… you have done well indeed Kana. We must discuss this with our nearby shrines. Which shrine or temple were they from? We must prepare…”
Kana interrupted again. “They weren’t from any temple. They were a man and a girl out on a date. Yet they were much stronger than any of us. They said they had already used most of their ‘aether and elemental wind’ that day, but if we waited a day or two for them to recover they could show us far more impressive things.”
“Nonsense.” Her grandfather said coldly. “I know not what this aether is… but the spiritual power to defy gravity and move objects is not so easily replenished. If it were then one could achieve truly miraculous feats and we would not have to hide our gifts…”
“Well, they didn’t seem like liars.” Just a young girl and a pervert. “But I would imagine it would be easy to prove. I got their phone numbers, see!” she flourished her phone with a cute ‘taa-daa!’. “I’ll drop him a text.” She quickly typed one out and sent it. “So since there is a meeting going on with all the shrines soon, don’t you think the timing of finding such abnormalities is suspicious? Maybe they are connected?”
“That… is a good point.” Her grandfather conceded. “Go and get changed into your shrine maiden attire and re-join us here. I will convene a meeting with the other local shrines so we can form a united front on how to proceed.” He smiled, the frost in his eyes melting away. “It is good to see you taking an interest in shrine matters at last. As your grandfather I am most pleased.”
I can’t say I’m sure why I approached them, it was just the shock of seeing such an abnormality I guess. It was… really pretty. Still, if you want to keep my interest why not treat me to lots of delicious sweets like they did…
Kana stifled a yawn as the conversation around her went on and on. My legs hurt. Sitting in seiza on this hard floor sucks. I’m regretting getting involved now.
“None of the major shrines of Tokyo were interested, as you knew they wouldn’t be.” A thin man in priestly vestments said sullenly. He was flanked by a pair of young shrine maidens who looked as bored as Kana was. There were also several other heads of local shrines, each accompanied by maidens. “I find it hard to believe someone with such spiritual energy could be wandering about so conveniently.”
You old windbag, are you calling me a liar?
“My granddaughter would not be mistaken about this, not at so crucial a time.” Grandfather leapt to her defence. “We are all aware of the great council coming. Every shrine in Honshu that has kept our legacy of faith is being invited. The last time this happened was a hundred and seventy years ago. There is no doubt that momentous times are here. To dismiss such portents as ‘hard to believe’ is insulting.”
“But such a thing…” another priest began, only to be interrupted by yet another. The hour had grown late, the shrine lit by flickering lanterns, and nothing had been achieved. Except to give me a headache. These morons have been arguing for hours. Maybe we should have monopolised the knowledge ourselves rather than calling in the local shrines.
As the argument continued Kana shared some commiserating looks with the other maidens who were likewise suffering from the long period of seiza, when suddenly her head ached and her talent activated. Flecks of light were drifting around the priests and some of the shrine maidens, but around the weathered snake statue… rainbow light was blazing…
Silence descended on the room as the still air was shifted by a sibilant hissing breeze, flapping the cloth banners attached to the ropes adoring the walls. It was faint, but within the susurration was a faint, inhuman voice, one dusty with age and slurred, though still somehow comprehendible. “caaaaaaaaaalllllllllll theeeeeeeemmmmmm.”
With that the wind ceased, and Kana slumped in relief as the blinding glow, which was a match for the one she had seen Shaeula sport earlier, faded away without a trace.
“An oracle… it has been so long.” Her father whispered beside her, voice choked with emotion.
“I feel that closes this discussion, does it not?” her grandfather said firmly. “Could you not feel the presence of the divine, our Great White Snake-sama?”
Murmurs of agreements and nods spread through the chamber, and her grandfather turned to Kana. “Kana, you said you had their number. You have done extremely well. Please contact them at once!”
Well this wasn’t quite what I expected. I thought he might have been able to get support from my grandfather in exchange for knowledge, but this… oracle… I’m going to demand he treat me to more sweets for this. Or maybe a new handbag… if he can buy Shaeula all those clothes he won’t mind rewarding me for this…
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