Side One Hundred And Ninety-Four – Fears and Fury

“Good afternoon, our distinguished guests.” The lead delegate of the Ruby Group spoke into the microphone, his slightly accented Japanese amplified and spreading around the packed hall. “I thank you for attending this… handover… of the renowned Tengokusentou.” With his expensive crimson suit and ruby jewellery, he almost looked like he was dipped in blood.

Fujiwara-sama curled his lip in a show of annoyance, and Hinata privately agreed. Handover? This is simply extortion. Not even business. Profit is a good thing, but the best deals are those where both sides walk away thinking they got the best of it.

“It is our great honour, to return this treasured…” As the man continued to speak meaningless, clearly false platitudes, Hinata exchanged another glance with Shiro. The tension as palpable. At any moment, trouble was sure to break out, and they had been ready, their weapons under the antique chairs, but that momentum had been stymied by this situation, throwing them off a little.

Hinata shifted her head a little, glancing at Nozomi and Arisa. They were both glaring at the brother of Nozomi’s erstwhile fiancé, having finally realised that Nozomi wasn’t loved at all, and that the Kuwahara house had been involved in the betrayal that effectively destroyed Shiraishi house. It may be heartbreaking, but at last Nozomi doesn’t have to marry a man who will only exploit her and hold her in contempt. Instead, she has a bright future… assuming we don’t run into a fatal problem here.

Seeing the unease on Hinata’s face, Shiro spoke up with a confident whisper, rolling her obsidian eyes at the platitude filled speech of the Ruby Group executive. “Don’t worry. If things get troublesome Tan will take care of it.”

That’s what I’m worried about.” Hinata muttered back. “She’s… rather destructive. If the historic Tengokusentou catches fire, it’ll be a disaster, and screw up my plans.”

“How rude.” One of Shiro’s eyes flickered red lazily, and Hinata had to chuckle at the languid, slightly offended tone that came from her lips. For a Goddess, Taṇhā’s attitude is rather… amusing. Whether that’s Akio’s influence or Shiro’s, it’s hard to say, but I certainly find it interesting.

“I am an appreciator of beauty. My own abode, far from here, is a simple yet elegant treasure. I would not carelessly damage such a site. However…” Her eye narrowed, and Hinata could feel aether rising. “…things can be replaced, but when a mortal perishes, their spirit is lost forever. Ordinarily.” Taṇhā admitted then, and Hinata’s grin broadened, as she half-listened to the rambling of the executive up on the podium.

“But relying on miracles is not a wise endeavour. There are many here who the princess wishes to prioritise. If I must burn this place to ashes to ensure their safety, then I shall sate my thirst with abandon.”

“She’s such a tsundere.” Shiro giggled quietly. “I swore never to be one myself, but Tan’s a classic case. She’s worried about us. And about how Aki would take our deaths. Oh well…” Shiro clapped her hands quietly, just as the executive was finishing up his speech. “Reckon it’s time to use Ichnaea’s Favour?”

“And now… while Hidemasa-sama is unable to attend here today, his noble father and his niece are in attendance.” The executive grinned at Fujiwara-sama and Miyu, with seeming good humour. “Hidemasa-sama did sterling work with us to make this deal possible. A deal that opens true cooperation between the Ruby Group and our backers, and the nobility of Japan led by Fujiwara house. In these trying times, that is surely a good thing. So… Hidemasa-sama’s right-hand man in these negotiations… come up and say a few words!”

At that, Aimi-san’s boyfriend stood up, a proud expression on his face. Beside him, Aimi-san also seemed happy, and Hinata felt a brief pang of worry for her. I don’t know her well, but as Akio’s close friend… no, there’s no reason to believe that her boyfriend is involved in any scheme. After all… he’s here. But… with Hidemasa-san absent, and no phone signals…

Shiro seemed to be equally troubled, but oddly enough, it was Mayumi who spoke up, frowning. “From what I have heard, Hidemasa-sama is… eager… to get your attention and praise, Fujiwara-sama.”

Fujiwara-sama nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing. “Yes, he does crave my approval, though he does little of note to earn it. When I am watching.” Hinata didn’t fail to notice the brief expression of pain that crossed Fujiwara-sama’s face. “Going against me openly would be… unthinkable. Though…” He glanced back at his granddaughter Miyu, who was listening intently, as Aimi-san’s boyfriend began his speech, thanking Hidemasa-san for his hard work in setting the table for the successful negotiations.

Successful? We overpaid many times over. If he was in charge of Fujiwara house, they would end up like Takatsukasa house in short order. Near bankrupt. Though if I am being charitable, money was hardly the issue here.

“There’s no point speculating.” Shiro seemed motivated by Aimi-san’s potential plight, so with a surge of energy, Taṇhā called upon her ability, and Hinata could sense the aether clearly, now she had her own powerful composite Favour. A near-invisible wave of aether radiated outwards, Taṇhā’s ruby eye glittering with rainbow lights.

“Make ready…” Hinata whispered, and Nozomi, Arisa, Miyu, Michiru and Kazumi all reached down, ready to grab their weapons at a moment’s notice. I hope it’s nothing, but… there’s too much evidence to the contrary…

“As I suspected. Two possessing Divine Favours…” Shiro’s now crimson eye narrowed as Taṇhā whispered her findings. The red-suited men seemed uncomfortable, likely sensing the change in aether around the Tengokusentou, confirming more of Hinata’s conjecture. Her expression then shifted to one of disgust. “…no, not two. Five. There are those outside, and worse… they reek of the arrogant Throne.”

“Why?” Mayumi spoke up quietly for all of them. Aimi-san’s boyfriend was still happily giving his speech, seeming proud of his achievements, though obviously some eyes were still on their very important group, so they had to be circumspect. “Are… are they here for you, Hinata?”

“I don’t see how. After all, I was surely beneath their notice before, and I only gained my Favour these past couple of days.” Hinata shook her head minutely, the sudden spike in the danger of the situation making her sweat. No, there’s no need to fear. I may be new to this, and lacking practical experience, but… I’ve heard of how Midas supposedly did battle…

“Those that call themselves the Throne, the Ninth Heaven…” Taṇhā curled Shiro’s lip in disdain at the words, as though they offended her. “…have many advantages. They perhaps could have divined your new strength, or worse…” She paused, a grimace crossing Shiro’s perfect features. “…if they are aware I am here, they would balk at naught to bring me down. I have been cautious, but at times I have been forced to act… if so…”

The speech had lost everyone’s attention. Aimi-san’s boyfriend hadn’t noticed, so proud and eager he was, but some of the red-clad men were clearly on edge.

“…I fear I may be a cause of trouble.” Taṇhā finished. “I had little intent of acting precipitously, and perhaps with Divine Possession, I have been noticed.”

“That doesn’t matter.” Shiro whispered. “You’ve always been needed, Tan. And if there’s consequences… you’ll deal with them, right?”

“Of course!” Taṇhā seemed almost offended. “I have no fear of a few dogs of the Throne, and I am not alone here. Though…” She wrinkled her nose, and Hinata noticed a faint, sickly-sweet smell. It was Miyu who spoke up though, having also noticed.

“Do you smell that? It is rather cloying, like incense, though without any hint of subtlety. It is too sweet, like burned sugar…”

Hinata nodded, though Mayumi and the others didn’t seem to be able to detect it, which made her wary. “Yeah, it’s faint, but… growing stronger. It’s not poison gas, is it? I hear some of those can smell sweet.”

“Honoured father would never make such a mistake.” Michiru declared, offended. “Every vent and location would have been checked thoroughly for such things.”

“It is not gas.” Taṇhā declared, the one ruby eye she was using narrowed ominously, making Shiro appear rather comical. “Not in ways you understand. It is an ability, a Favour, if you will.” She licked Shiro’s lips, and Hinata noticed they were dry and cracked. “One I recognise. Sānchóng.”

Everyone seemed confused at that, Hinata included, so Taṇhā hastily explained. “The Three Worms of Misfortune. They are a spiritual affliction. This one… the second Worm, it attacks the Dantian known as the Crimson Palace, near the heart. I see. It all becomes clear to me now.”

“Should we be worried?” Hinata asked, frowning. “There are too many important people here. Though if they all perish, then it will mean war with the Ruby Group… Japan’s revenge will be terrible…”

“Though that will not bring back the dead, will it?” Fujiwara-sama pointed out, and uncle Kira nodded.

“Yes, the nobility would be quite paralysed, and…” He glanced at Miyu meaningfully.

“You do not mean that uncle Hidemasa-sama…” Miyu trailed off, before a stern expression crossed her beautiful, elegant face. “No, I cannot turn away from difficult things anymore. I have no wish to replace Honoka-san as your heir, grandfather, and I cannot in any case, as I am merely a humble Vassal to Akio-san. But… if uncle thinks I am a threat to his ambitions…”

“That’s all very well, but… what do we do? If it’s some spiritual plague… shit, I’m getting Hyacinth flashbacks…” Shiro was sweating, and Hinata couldn’t help but agree. If we assume it is similar, then we could already be exposed and are doomed…

“Remain calm.” Taṇhā’s voice was stern yet quiet. Aimi-san’s boyfriend was still talking, though he was faltering a little, seeming to sense a change in the atmosphere. “The Sānchóng are dangerous, and indeed those exposed would likely suffer death quickly, from seemingly natural causes, but…” Her crimson eye gleamed coldly. “…this is only an imitation, an ability. So…”

“If they’re airborne, it’s a shame we’re short on competent wind users.” Hinata mused. “If Shaeula was here, we’d be fine.”

“Tan has a solution, I imagine?” Shiro suddenly relaxed, and Tan let out a chuckle.

“Indeed. Not a… long-term one, but it shall suffice. After all… we are the cicada, so we must deal with the mantis before us, as the oriole stalks us both from behind.”

That sounds like something Daiyu would say. It’s not a hard expression to understand though. But… I get why the Ruby Group might attempt this. If these Worms don’t act instantly, and the causes of death are varied, heart attacks, strokes and so forth… well, it would certainly be extremely suspicious, and the nobility would surely dig into it… but with the Three Grandfathers dead, and potentially other chaos… Hinata glanced at Miyu, who nodded slowly, understanding. …their aims would likely still be served, and if the Ruby Group is simply a front, they can disappear, their task succeeded. But… the Church of True Revelation… if they attack us here… the consequences would be ruinous…

As Hinata’s thoughts raced, Taṇhā stood up, drawing all attention. Aimi-san’s boyfriend paused, frowning at the rudeness, and a number of other distinguished guests who weren’t sitting with their big group also looked rather disgruntled. Taṇhā paid them no mind, of course. Now both of Shiro’s eyes and her hair were all a brilliant crimson, faint flames flickering, and the combination of Taṇhā’s immense confidence and Shiro’s stunning looks made her seem like an Empress, drawing all eyes and silencing dissent.

She opened her parched lips to speak, and her loud tone rang out. Miyu narrowed her eyes, as did Hinata, as an uncomfortable absence was suddenly felt around then, the aether levels dropping away to a bare minimum. “I deny you! Abrogation!”

“What is the meaning of…” one of the red-clad men began, only to freeze as Taṇhā glared at him, licking her lips.

“You know precisely what, foolish one. Your scheme, while clever, has failed. I am She Who Thirsts, the false Sānchóng will avail you naught here. As for you…” She turned, glaring at another of those clad in red, likely the second Chosen, Hinata surmised. “…your efforts to obfuscate are worthless. If you aim to act against us…”

“What… what’s going on?” Aimi-san’s boyfriend asked, unable to look away from Taṇhā, which would certainly annoy Aimi-san, Hinata supposed. He then shook himself, as though gathering his will, and glanced to where Fujiwara-sama and the others were sitting. Seeing they made no protest, he was unsure of how to proceed.

“And you would be…?” The red-clad man Taṇhā had addressed ignored the confused employee of Fujiwara house, merely glaring at Taṇhā.

“I would be one who you should never have provoked.” Taṇhā tossed her long, blazing red hair. “Now, yield and accept my judgement, before our uninvited guests cause further troubles.”

It’s time. Hinata reached under her chair, revealing her weapon, to gasps from those around them who were ordinary guests. As the others followed suit, she was actually feeling a little relief mixed in with her fear. The uncertainty is over, now for action…

“This is most irregular…” Aimi-san’s boyfriend muttered, unsure of how to proceed, when the lead figure in his red suit snorted loudly.

“It seems we have caught some bigger fish than we anticipated. Though I have no idea just what you are insinuating.” He tried to dissemble.

“I think you know all too well.” Taṇhā snorted. Then she suddenly snapped her head around, towards the entrance of the hall, as a Fujiwara Security operative rushed in, looking alarmed.

“It’s an emergency… outside…” He seemed panicked, quite unlike the usual well-trained calm of a professional bodyguard, and Hinata knew the situation had taken a turn for the worse. Fujiwara-sama stood, his expression calm yet furious, and he quickly began to bark orders to the security personnel in the room. Hinata looked to Shiro, no, Taṇhā, who grinned balefully.

“The fish you feel you have caught is no fish at all, but a great whale, and it will pull you under if you persist in your folly.” She fixed the red-clad man with her equally crimson, burning glare. “The Throne are surely no allies of yours. You have a choice. Face my wrath here and now, or perhaps find a way to survive another day…”

Before he could speak, Aimi-san’s boyfriend spoke up, completely thrown off by everything. “Just what is going on…” His words were drowned out by a colossal explosion, and the walls of the Tengokusentou shook, dust and fragments of plaster falling from the ceiling and walls.

Damn it all, the Tengokusentou can’t be damaged! Hinata, angry, barked out an order to her group. “Everyone, form up. We have to protect the dignitaries here. Nozomi, Arisa, time to show you have what it takes. After all… the Tengokusentou belongs to the Shiraishi house, yes?”

The older sister, Nozomi, nodded. Her eyes were tearing up as usual, but she wasn’t crying, and there was a look of resolve in her eyes. Her younger sister seemed surprised, but she soon pumped herself up, her usual fiery, protective temperament reasserting itself. “Come on big sister, we can do this!” Arisa declared, and armed with their weapons as members of Adamant, they began to organise the others.

Aimi-san came rushing over, her worry about looking out of place and causing trouble for her boyfriend forgotten. She seemed calm regarding the attack though, and Hinata couldn’t help but think she was definitely Akio and Shiro’s friend. “Do you need me to do anything?”

Taṇhā shook her head, and it was Shiro who spoke up. “Help with the evacuation. And go grab your boyfriend. He looks lost. Might as well make a good impression on him. As for you…” She scowled at the red-clad men and especially at the man from Kuwahara house. “…your choice. Your scheme has been exposed. You can fight us here and die, or try and make yourself useful.” Another loud explosion rocked the Tengokusentou, and Taṇhā was in charge again.

“How apt, you worms will certainly face your own misfortunes. I am not the forgiving sort, I thirst to avenge all slights against me. And scheming to defeat me is laughable. However… I have learned the merits to mercy of late.” Flames blazed around her, and Hinata shielded her face, though the heat was more spiritual than physical. “And I do so detest the so-called Throne rather more than you. Make your decision swifty… and wisely.”

With that, Taṇhā tossed her head regally, crimson hair streaming out behind her, and turned away. “Hinata. We must act swiftly, if you wish to preserve this place.”

Hinata nodded. I know that. I’m confident we can protect the dignitaries, barring unexpected setbacks, but… “Miyu, it’s time to dance.”

Fujiwara-sama seemed both worried and curious at that, but Miyu merely stood, and having retrieved her own weapons, which were a pair of ornate silver and bluesteel fans, designed by Ixitt to enhance the aether and elements her dance generated, she nodded to Michiru. “Please, defend me. I have… concerns I shall be targeted.”

“If they try, they shall perish, I swear it, or I am not Michiru Koga!” she declared, her red scarf flapping.

Miyu then began to dance, a graceful and elegant display, her every move impeccable and measured. Even in the chaotic, desperate situation, she drew all eyes, and as she danced, the air around her darkened nearly imperceptibly, only Hinata’s newfound strengths allowing her to notice. A faint haze of blue, the presence of darkness element was building, spreading outwards, walls and other obstacles no bar to it, and Hinata knew that soon their enemies would suffer under her efforts. Continuous debuffs, as Akio, Shiro and Shaeula would call it. So long as we protect Miyu, the longer this drags out the greater our advantage…

“Can we trust them?” Mayumi asked, glancing at the members of the Ruby Group, who seemed paralysed with indecision.

“Hardly.” Hinata shook her head. “Though it would be great if they pitched in here. I don’t fancy a three-way struggle. Motoko says that’s the worst way to fight a battle.”

“And she would be right.” uncle Kira agreed. “But it is better to have a competent foe than an uncertain ally.”

As the sounds of battle outside intensified, Taṇhā agreed. “Fortunately, we have ample advantages.” She nodded at Miyu. “And I am here. It is time, princess.” With that, Taṇhā’s presence became more real, a heavy weight, as Shiro’s skin darkened to a rich brown, and her allure grew explosively. Even uncle Kira seemed mesmerised for a minute, only to snap out of it as Hinata laughed.

“Sorry, uncle, she’s for Akio. If you want to die going for the forbidden fruit at your age, go right ahead.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it…” uncle Kira managed after a moment, though he was sweating, his forehead glistening with specks of water. “…but that is certainly something.”

“I am a Goddess. Even this small part of my strength that the princess can maintain is Divine.” Taṇhā sniffed. The members of the Ruby group were truly horrified now, and Hinata was gratified to see that the Kuwahara nuisance had actually been sick, soiling his expensive suit. As well you might be. Your schemes have come undone, and you now realise just who you’ve double-crossed.

“Now…” Taṇhā declared, casting one last glance at the red-clad Cultivators, before she held her palms together, creating a ball of glowing flame, which she tossed to Michiru. The bodyguard caught it gingerly, seeming surprised that it didn’t scald her. “…we must go. Are you ready?”

Hinata nodded. As I can ever be. “Come on.”

It didn’t take the group long to reach the chaos. The beautiful grounds of the Tengokusentou were a battlefield, and Nozomi’s eyes did shed some tears at the sight, and she wasn’t alone, the fierce Arisa also wailing at the scene. Trees and bushes that had flowered here for more than a century were ruined, destroyed by flame and explosions, and the immaculate grounds were smouldering. The Tengokusentou hadn’t been spared either, the outer wall charred, one stained glass window having caved in, but fortunately the structure still seemed sound.

The lake the Tengokusentou bordered was churning, and a figure clad in white was standing on the surface as if it was solid, directing the battle. Armed Fujiwara Security staff, as well as the more eclectic forces led by Koga-san, were engaging a motley crew of warriors in white, and what looked like ordinary civilians, except they were armed with automatic rifles, rocket propelled grenades and other heavy weapons. The surrounds of Tokyo were also boiling, the civilian population torn between fleeing and filming the chaotic scene. Even as Hinata watched the chaos, the air was tinted blue, Miyu’s Dance spreading, and the nearby assailants staggered, the strongest slowing, the weaker or injured ones even collapsing, coughing blood and bile.

This… “It just defies belief…” Hinata managed to say. Behind her, a corridor was being formed by the security to take Fujiwara-sama and the others to safety. “Why… how can they hope to profit from this? This is terrorism, plain and simple.”

Flame roared, a brilliant spear piercing through two white-clad figures, turning them to ash. Taṇhā stepped up, her presence overwhelming, her League, even though it wasn’t being used to oppress Hinata, stifling. “Terror? Apt. The Throne knows how to wield the whip, and reward with the honey. This is their method of subjugation. Decapitate the head, and the body rots, no? If they can defeat those who stand against them, and break the spirits of those who would perhaps oppose them, sowing discord and division through diverse means…” More flame surged, Taṇhā showing no mercy at all. Bullets whizzed at them, and Hinata waved her hand.

Golden Fleece!” A cloak of fluffy golden wire materialised in front of her, and the impacts were absorbed.

The Midas Touch!” The deformed cloak disintegrated, bullets dropping spent to the ground, and the powdered golden element scattered. The assailants seemed unharmed for a moment, before clutching at their throats and clawing at their faces. Blood foamed, their lungs destroyed by the creeping golden powder, and as they collapsed, Hinata froze, mind reeling at what she had done, before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned, to see Mayumi, who should have retreated, there beside her, Taṇhā looking on approvingly.

“Don’t panic, Hinata. You’re stronger than that.” Flames bloomed, a great blazing wheel cutting through the ruined grounds of the Tengokusentou, heading for the man striding across the lake. Hinata winced, and Taṇhā looked a little apologetic.

“Flame is not a… subtle… element. Have no regrets, I am certain that Asha, that being you call a Dryad, can restore the nature here to what it was. She is most skilled. Most skilled indeed.”

“Yeah… I guess so.” Hinata shook her head to clear the fog from it, and Mayumi squeezed her tighter.

“They came for us, remember? And… they’ve killed.” Indeed, bodies of brave Fujiwara staffers were lying amidst the blasted gardens, having died for their paychecks, and Hinata nodded once.

“Yes. You’re right. Besides…” Hinata swallowed, but despite that her mouth was so terribly dry. “…it’s just like money. In the wrong hands, it can be used for crimes and to harm others. But in the right hands it creates jobs, performs charity, makes the world better. Money has no sin… it’s all… how it’s used.” A great gale of golden dust blew around her, surging outwards. “It’s just… so insane. So wasteful. We should all work together. Instead… they’re ruining everything!” She was indignant, thinking of what they could do with the Favours these fanatics would lose this day.

“Hardly, alas.” The figure in white had manipulated the lake, and a colossal figure of water, some four metres tall, had formed, and caught the blazing wheel Taṇhā had summoned, making her frown in annoyance, though she looked stunning, even doing that. “None understand the… hmm… you have heard of it, so I may speak of it… the Truesoul… as does the Throne. Their grasp of the Favours exceeds my father’s understanding many times over. No matter their recklessness, they seldom run dry of those with Favours. They can afford losses we could ill stomach.” She licked her lips, her own sweat droplets of golden flame, as she forced the blazing wheel against the water elemental with effort of will. “As for this display… I fear they will be acting not just against us. Fear is only potent if it is widespread, universal. The greater the fear and the chaos, the more their enemies fear, and their allies cling to their promises of salvation.”

“Let me give you a hand!” Hinata grimaced, her golden dust pouring into the wheel. Gold was soft and easily melted, and so the wheel absorbed it, taking on a golden sheen, and the water elemental started to break apart, bright metal clumping within it, disrupting the aether than bound it.

“Die!” A fanatical woman rushed forwards, an ordinary citizen, one you could see on any street corner, except for the blood and ash on her face, and the rifle in her hands. Then she staggered, looking down, seeing that blood was pooling through her clothes. She clutched her stomach, and then toppled to the ground, dead.

Hinata turned, only to see Nozomi there, her aetheric pistol in hand, trembling. “I… I…” she began, shocked at what she had done, but her sister grabbed her hand.

“Look around you, big sister! Look what they’ve done…” Even so, her words were faint, and she too was shaking.

Hinata opened her mouth to speak, to assure Nozomi that she had tried to save her, that she’d done a good thing, but again it was Taṇhā, despite her duel, who was the one to commiserate.

“The first life taken is always a bitter one. And yet, a life taken in defence of another is no shame. Again, this is what they do, the followers of the Ninth Heaven. Opposing them brings terror, despair, bitterness, they make you fear for your safety, they make your heart and spirit burn with pain for the things you must do to oppose them… they are so very practised at it, and they almost always win.”

Seeing Nozomi, Arisa, Mayumi… seeing Aimi-san helping evacuate Fujiwara-sama and the others, seeing Koga-san, the brave Fujiwara Security… Hinata cast her gaze further out, seeing the ordinary people to Tokyo in the distance, horrified and fascinated by the chaos, Hinata felt something click inside her. “Nozomi. Good job! You’re an Officer of Adamant! I know I bullied you into it, but… it means something.” A golden halo surged around her, as Hinata pulled out her Pot Of Faerie Gold, her treasure from the Tower of London.

“Adamant has many meanings. Sure, Shaeula might have considered us all brilliant diamonds, to adorn Akio… but that’s Shaeula. Me… I see us as precious treasures. Sparkling, shining, and valuable. And like diamonds, unbreakable. So dry those tears, Nozomi. I’m proud of you. And look around you! The Tengokusentou… I’m getting married here, just like the nobility before me. Don’t you want to as well? Isn’t this your true home?”

Hinata’s Divine Favour, Ajé-Shaluga’s Golden River Of Prosperity And Treasures, radiated power. Focusing it on the Pot, Hinata tried to manipulate it. Ordinarily, it produced worthless trinkets and baubles, maybe sometimes an Etherite or two, but it could occasionally find a precious treasure, like the dagger she had found in it before.

“Yes, look around us. This is madness…” This is a risk, I’m using up most of my strength, but… I get a good feeling, like… the Pot is hiding something that begs to be found, used… “I hate that fools like these have power. Instead of trying to build a better world, they just want to tear us down… but…”

There. I… can grasp it… The pot shuddered. Miyu’s darkness element from her dance had thinned out the attackers, but those who were Chosen were still fighting hard. One white-clad fanatic opened fire, and Hinata was struck by several bullets, but with her stats and under-armour, it was merely painful, her flesh bruising. With a grimace of despair, Nozomi and Arisa returned fire, only for a whip of flame from Taṇhā to incinerate the foe.

“…we’re here to forge a new, better Japan, no, not just Japan…” Hinata reached down, her strength fading, her knees weak. Her body ached where she had been struck, and her heart ached too, but she was undeterred. “…not even a better world, but…” Glancing at Taṇhā, Hinata smirked knowingly, her expression cheeky and mocking. “…a better everything. And those that try and stop us… they… they don’t have a place in our lives!”

With a cry, Hinata retrieved her daily treasure from the pot, Gold, Silver and Copper element gathering around a seed of glowing rainbow light, being drawn in. The Pot cracked, stressed beyond belief, spewing a halo of violet sparks, and Hinata felt a little guilty, but she set that thought aside. I can fix it later. If not me, then Ixitt or Bjarki can… hopefully…

A blazing golden light built up, first drawing in the silver element, growing, elongating. Then the copper poured in, forming a cross-shaped protrusion of knotted wires, intricate and artistic. Lastly, the gold element was infused, and the light turned a brilliant golden-yellow, like the sun. Hinata felt her hands burn, but despite that, the heat felt comfortable, like spring sunlight.

“Is that… how fascinating.” Taṇhā managed, but Hinata barely heard her. Glaring at the Chosen who was standing on the lake, his water colossus still fighting despite the damage she and Taṇhā had dealt it, Hinata flourished her Fae blade she had retrieved from the depths of the Pot. The hilt and guard were ornate Celtic knotwork, while the blade was a crystalline substance, transparent and golden, yet with an inner radiance.

“The sword is drawn. Either I am as unbreakable, as Adamant as diamond, or I shall fall here!” Hinata cried, and even without Akio’s Eye, she somehow knew the name of the blade. “Claíomh Solais! Let golden light burn you away!”

In a blinding flash, the lake exploded into steam, the water elemental dispersing, and as the sword fell from her suddenly numb fingers, Hinata found herself grinning. “You want to terrorise us, make us submit by fearing the darkness… well, I’ll show you we hold a greater light!”


“There’s a TV here, which should work.” Junpei pressed a button, and on one of the walls of the well-furnished and cosy underground panic room and bunker, a large television turned on, to the main Tokyo news channel, which was broadcasting footage not just from their own estate above, but Shirohebizumi shrine, Kyoto, several other places in Japan and many others worldwide. Emily frowned, but on seeing how upset Hana was, as well as Tsukiko-chan’s parents, she smoothed out her expression. No, I need to be calm. I know Eri and Ai are out there, but…

“Nobody panic.” The little doll Azuki, who Emily found utterly adorable, especially the way she sulked and pouted at the slightest annoyance, kicked her legs on the stool she was siting on. “If they try to come down here…. I will send them to sleep!”

“You do not seem sure, little Zashiki-Warashi.” The maimed Kitsune, whose real name they didn’t know, but who called herself Nebisuki, drawled. With her missing leg and shorn tails she cut a rather pitiful figure, but Emily still found her incredibly beautiful, and rather amusing. She then cast a glance at Hana. Though I can see why Junpei and Hana dislike her. And not for the usual reasons of beautiful women hanging around Aki. But… it seems Eri and Aki have forgiven her, so it’s unfair to hold a grudge.

“I… you shut up!” Azuki complained. She was wary of the Kitsune, and rather defensive. “I am still not very strong, all I can do is lull people to sleep, slow them down. You can hardly expect me to fight! I watch a home, look after children…”

Oh, that’s a bad thing to say right now. Emily felt sick with worry, and it must have shown on her face, as Taichi tried to comfort her. He wasn’t a demonstrative man, especially in company, but he could be sensitive when necessary. Except with Aki, oddly enough. Taichi has some very old-fashioned views on male roles and strengths. It’s so very Japanese. But… he’s starting to change his views.

“We have to believe in Eri and Aiko.” he declared, drawing all eyes away from the dreadful news on the TV. “They were confident, and… I hardly think it is misplaced. After all…” He stared at Nebisuki, who had the grace to look a little abashed. “Eri has understood her own powerlessness before, and Aiko learned her lesson there as well.”

“Yes, you… I still don’t know why we allow you to stay here!” Hana complained, glowering at Nebisuki. “You pushed my little Eri into a life-or-death battle. She was horribly wounded and should have died!”

Nebisuki’s two remaining tails wagged sadly, and her fox-ears lay flat on her skull. They’re so adorable. I just want to fluff them. We never had a pet, Aki and Ai hate dogs, after all, but… no, that’s not important now.

“Yes. I confess it.” Nebisuki agreed, surprising everyone. Seeing our shock, she grinned, stretching, and her ample assets bounced alarmingly. She’s bigger than me, and I’m not small. Though compared to her grandmother… hah, grandmother. Tamamo-no-Mae doesn’t look any older than her twenties. I still can’t believe it. It’d be like meeting King Arthur or Merlin from the old myths. Though Shaeula did say the Lady of the Lake was real, so… it makes me wonder… no, this isn’t the time. Shaking her head to clear her rambling thoughts, Emily listened as the fox spoke solemnly.

“I indeed allowed a situation where Eri was put in great danger. After all, they were merely interlopers, who had caused the Parade much trouble. Besides…” Nebisuki chuckled self-deprecatingly, looking alluring even doing that. “…I am a Kitsune. Chaos is in my nature. And I was starved for entertainment. After all… I believed I was to die soon. It was inevitable.” She glanced at Tsukiko-chan, who had remained quiet, looking after her elderly parents, as well as Hana’s parents. They’re terrible gossips, and honestly, hard to get along with, but… family is family.

“I too know the folly of allowing what will be to determine what is.” Tsukiko-chan agreed softly. Emily could hardly tear her eyes away from her. Eri was beautiful, no question, Shaeula too, the noble girls as well. Emily was proud that every one of her soon-to-be daughters-in-law were stunning, the sort of girl that any mother-in-law would be proud of. But two stood above them all, in terms of sheer, impossible perfection. Tsukiko-chan could be the avatar of a Goddess. That face, those eyes, those proportions! Aki’s such a lucky boy. Who says nice guys never win?

“You would, yes, favoured of Tsukuyomi. Unlike Great Nurarihyon or most of the Hyakki Yagyō, I have little disgust for the so-called Gods.” Nebisuki snickered. “After all, what are they except beings with powers in excess of our own, just as we Yōkai are to humans… well, most humans.” she amended. “And your path was a hard one. Similar to mine, no, crueller. But just like me, you are now tied to your saviour.”

“Tied?” Tsukiko-chan shook her head. “If you mean that I live purely through his Throne Of Heroes, then you are correct. However, that was my choice. Choices. I, who tried constantly to turn aside the Destined, feared the Definite, who tried to offer others choice, never believed in it myself. But… I chose this. I still find it hard…” She smiled at her elderly parents. “…mother, father. I am unversed in the intricacies of ordinary human behaviour, of the feelings others share with one another. But I know I wish to feel them, to make up for lost time.”

“Tsukiko… I have no right to stop you.” Her father whispered. “Your mother and I, we… we only saw the weight of the God you carried, your holiness. We… made mistakes.”

“Everyone does.” Nebisuki barked a laugh, chewing on the stem of her ornate pipe. It wasn’t lit, and not just because they were in an enclosed bunker. After all, it had excellent air circulation systems and purifiers. No, she had stopped smoking, because Aki didn’t approve of the habit, and didn’t want the others exposed to second-hand smoke. It’s the little cute things like that which get me. I should loathe her, but…

“It’s hardly a mistake…” Hana pressed, infuriated. Yes, while it’s wonderful to have a whole football team of daughters-in-law, it also causes friction. There’s… a lot of extended family.

“I ask no forgiveness.” Nebisuki shook her head. “And Eri herself no longer blames me. Simply put, if Eri died there, I would have died too. I am no fool. That dreadful maid, Hyacinth… no, calling her dreadful is rather cold. I find her personality amusing, she is certainly closer to being a Yōkai in terms of temperament than a Fae. It would not have merely been the Kijo who perished under her wrath. No, I would be a decaying, rotten corpse as well, alongside many of the Parade. Though Great Nurarihyon would have punished her and Akio too, no doubt. No, we all would have perished there. But you do not care about that. I understand.”

Nebisuki was pensive, and her gaze flickered to the TV. “No, Tsukiko. I believe in destiny, but not quite as you do. It was all meant to be. However, that does not mean if we do naught, it would have come to pass. It was meant in that none of us could have done otherwise. I was bitter, bored and spiteful, just looking for entertainment to while away my final few years, while perhaps putting a troublesome youngling in his place. His grave, as it happened. Akio was too stubborn to back down when Eri was at stake, and she…”

Nebisuki’s eyes narrowed and she smiled, looking rather more like a cat than a fox. “…had no qualms about fighting to the death. Just as she does not now.” She swung the conversation back to Hana and Junpei’s worries. “A myriad of events could have shifted the paths of our futures. And it may seem self-serving to only crow about the result… but after all, I am a Kitsune. I am wicked and cheeky. So… the end result is… you have naught to fear. Eri suffered, but through suffering is borne strength. She is no weak little girl.”

“I know that, but… look at the situation! There are guns and worse out there!” Hana complained, still fearful.

“You still underestimate Eri. And Aiko too.” Nebisuki tried to reassure Emily as well, which she appreciated. She’s… got a colourful past. But I don’t hold that against her.

“Mere mortal weaponry will be rather useless against them. After all, Eri holds strong bonds with Akio, bonds that empower her. I…” She paused for a moment, orienting her thoughts. “…I spoke of Uranai’s prophecy, and it is indeed true that I and all my fellow Kitsune would perish, were grandmother not to return to us, and Akio and she shelter us.” Her smile turned rueful then, and Tsukiko-chan seemed to have a knowing gleam in her beautiful crimson eyes.

“But prophecy and visions are seldom clear.” Tsukiko-chan understood. Her expression changed, now one of serious solemnity, and Emily was squealing in her heart, despite the danger outside. She’s so serious, yet that contrasts with her almost girlish behaviours when it comes to romance. It’s gap moe, right? No wonder Aki likes her.

“What sounds so clear and simple seldom is, yet it leads to the correct result anyway. Though… not without efforts.” She echoed Nebisuki’s earlier words.

“Indeed. Grandmother is needed to protect Akio’s seeds. He believes they are something, but…” She gestured to the screen, where the newsreaders were constantly giving updates on various situations countrywide and worldwide. “…I believe differently.”

“I’m still worried.” Emily spoke up, understanding. “I know you said that Asha will be safe with Mae, but…”

“Grandmother is far from her best, yet Akio has restored her with his talents.” Nebisuki assured her. “Any threat to the Dryad will be met by her swift and furious retribution. Grandmother is wicked indeed, and terrifying, but none can harm those she chooses to protect without consequence.”

“I am curious to meet the Cultivators from fifteen hundred years ago.” Tsukiko-chan agreed. “And it is a sad tale, but a heartwarming one.”

“Aki would go that far for you, don’t worry!” Emily promised, and Tsukiko-chan laughed charmingly, a faint red flush on her cheeks.

“He already has. Further than I believed possible. Which is why we should trust in Akio. And also in Eri, and Aiko, and all those who fight.” She was resolute. “That includes Tamamo-no-Mae and Asha. I believe the seeds will sprout, have no fear.”

Emily nodded. “I can hardly wait. Grandchildren. Our grandchildren.” She addressed Hana, Junpei and Tsukiko-chan’s parents. “No matter the woman who bears them, they belong to us all. That’s what Aki says. Eri agreed too.”

“It amuses me greatly. I am from a family more dysfunctional than most. Yōkai are not known for family ties, and grandmother… she has shed more blood of her children and grandchildren than even our enemies. I have never considered bearing offspring myself. After all, my time was short, and grandmother left a deep impression on me when she slew many of us, sparing only me. So I find it refreshing. And a little comical. But I agree. The future only works if you all share in it.” Nebisuki’s two tails lashed. “I daresay our little Zashiki-Warashi is overjoyed. Children are their treasures.”

“I am.” Azuki nodded, her nervousness forgotten. “Though… I wonder how Dryads will differ. Will they live in the home, or dwell outdoors?”

“More to the point… grandmother is caught, as am I.” Nebisuki smirked, chewing on her pipe. “And there are none prouder than Tamamo-no-Mae, the only Kitsune whose name could not bind her until now, one of the Three Most Evil Yōkai… though really, it should be four. She has been an Empress, and a lowly slave, a Princess, a warrior, a witch, and a prisoner. She has slain many, and dispensed mercy to others. Always at her own whim. She has watched the world come and go for millennia, and been trapped in a frozen moment for equal ages. Now…”

“Now?” Emily asked, holding her breath.

Now her path is a different one. I know my grandmother, as perhaps none but this Su Caihong do who yet live. Or perhaps Great Nurarihyon, though he seldom speaks of her. But grandmother’s pride will only accept one outcome, I am certain. And she will never wish to seem weak in front of he who has caught her invisible tail. So… I pity any who try and harm Asha. Grandmother will show them that even faded glories still outshine an upstart.”

She leaned back, well-satisfied, and Emily nodded in relief. “That’s great. If anything bad was to happen to Asha…” She then frowned, thinking. “…but I’m a little bit torn, you know? I like older women for Aki, he needs a wiser head to take care of him, but… Mae is very… experienced. I mean, she’s already got grandchildren! And she likes girls too!”

“True. I was quite hurt when Urakaze’s dear daughter called me a harlot.” Nebisuki chuckled. “It is true we foxes are lusty, grandmother more than most, but… does that not make the man that tames us, forces us to submit, a great one? Now that I shall live…. Once I am healed, I want to settle down. Grandmother… she has been imprisoned longer than many countries have existed. Her past is her past. Some might call Akio a wicked man, for his myriad of partners…”

There were some wry smiles at that, Emily included, as she nodded.

“…but we know better, yes?” Nebisuki finished her argument. “Men do like virgins, I know. It is pleasing to the ego. But… to discard a gem just because it has been touched before is foolish, and…”

“I know. My Aki wouldn’t be so shallow.” Emily nodded. “But… she’s Tamamo-no-Mae!”

“I know. A myth that shakes the world. But…” Nebisuki smirked. “…I think it more plausible a match than the Goddess that dwells within Shiro. She is a being older even than grandmother, and more powerful, and not even from this world. Yet an experienced woman knows.” She winked then. “Your thoughts are still mundane. Grandmother is hardly out of his reach. And… I would be pleased to see it. She has suffered much. Sinned much, yes, but… you humans believe many curious things, such as Purgatory, yes? I feel grandmother has suffered for her mistakes. And she can start afresh. Besides… should she risk herself to save Asha and his unborn children, I doubt Akio will look unkindly upon her.”

“I think… we should change the subject.” Hana didn’t like talking about Aki and other women, which Emily understood. I’m just grateful that Hana and Junpei are kind people who want the best for Eri. Eri’s accepted it, so they have too. But… I get it. If it was Ai in a relationship with a man who had multiple girlfriends… I’d probably feel the same way. But… I wouldn’t have to worry. If he didn’t treat Ai right, Aki would teach him a harsh lesson.

“Is… is this going to happen a lot?” Hana asked.

“What, Aki attracting mythical beings and Goddesses?” Emily giggled, only to flush as Hana gave her a flat, angry look. “Sorry, bad joke.”

“Yes. Because it’s not funny. I know this isn’t the end of that.” Hana sighed, exasperated. “I mean… this violence? The danger?”

It was Tsukiko-chan who answered, nodding slowly. “I fear so, yes. While we, as the epicentre of the changing times, will attract conflict as a lightning rod, even those who mind their own business will find trouble coming unbidden. The world has changed.”

“It’s terrifying…” her mother said, and Tsukiko-chan comforted her, appearing mature and confident.

“It is. Yet… we have hope. Even above us now, no?” Tsukiko-chan shook her head. “I too have a decision to make. I still retain greater potential than others. I should be one who can join the fight.”

Her parents protested, but Emily, totally proud of her, stepped in. “If you’re sure, I think you should follow your heart. I don’t really want Ai fighting. Aki neither, obviously, but… I’ll support you. As will everyone else, Eri included, I’m sure.”

Tsukiko-chan nodded, and Emily continued, looking around at those trapped in the panic room of their luxurious new mansion. I remember when we had nothing. Now we have a luxury mansion, outdoor hot springs, fancy cars… but what hasn’t changed is, we have each other. No, now there’s just more of us. “We’ve all come together for one reason. Aki’s gathered us all. But that doesn’t matter. We’re a family. And we have to help each other, especially when things are tough. There’s no point worrying about what can’t be changed. If Tsukiko-chan says the world is going to be dangerous… well, just above our heads we can see that. But it’s not just us. It’s happening worldwide. So… we may not be able to fight, but we can’t be a burden. Instead… we have to support our children, make sure they always have good advice, support and love.”

“Well said.” Taichi approved. “I do feel a little ashamed that the younger generation is bearing all these burdens, while we can only provide a little support doing odd jobs and secretarial work. No, it is time we showed our adult calibre. After all, it is rather hypocritical for us to complain that our children are doing dangerous tasks, if we do not step up ourselves?”

As Junpei threw in his support, Emily couldn’t help but smile. She was still frightened, not for herself, but for Ai and Eri, and all those in danger. But… As she exchanged a knowing glance with Hana, she made a decision herself. …I know Taichi doesn’t mean to fight, just that instead of cowering here in a safe room, it would be nice if we were more than just liabilities. I wonder… maybe we should learn Cultivation? That sounds interesting, and I’m sure Daiyu would teach us… or maybe we should work on elements?

Shaking her head, Emily knew it was a big decision to make, so… When Eri and Ai return safely, and Suzu-chan as well… we’ll talk…

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