Side One Hundred And Ninety-One – Barriers BreachedSide One Hundred And Ninety-One – Barriers Breached
First – Takatsukasa (Fukumoto) Hinata, The Tengokusentou, Tokyo
“You were supposed to be at school, Mayumi.” Hinata rolled her eyes, amused and a little sympathetic. They were outside the impressive Tengokusentou, and it wasn’t somewhere Hinata was often allowed to attend in the past, as despite her mother being from Takatsukasa house, until Akio came into her life and they managed the effective takeover of said house, Hinata was seen as barely noble at all. That reminds me… Sakura. We may have not seen eye-to-eye, but… when I find out who has been spreading those tales, I’ll make them pay. No… there’s more at play here, I’m no fool.
The Tengokusentou was a delightful old building, maintained impeccably, and was the favourite place for weddings, funerals and special events to be held for the upper nobility. It bordered the beautiful Senzoku-ike lake, and the spacious grounds were filled with cherry and plum trees. While Hinata had heard her mother remark wistfully that in modern times the view had become less special, due to the metropolitan build-up around it, it still was the most beautiful hotel and grounds in Tokyo. Indeed, the ten story pagoda-style building with its white and red tiling, chased with gold, was simply magnificent.
Only today, it was crawling with Fujiwara Security, as well as several Chosen who had been unearthed by Fujiwara-san and uncle Kira. The loss of the two Chosen in South Africa had damaged Ichijou house, but he still had a few left, though one, a woman who apparently was a capable healer, if not able to perform Chirurgery like Akio, wasn’t present. In addition, there were a number of inconspicuous (and some rather visible) guards about, one of which was very tall for a Japanese man, well over six feet, and he was nearly bursting out of his black suit, which was paired with a garish crimson shirt and skinny black tie. His black hair was cut short, and he had a small, out of place moustache.
“Yes, well, I thought… you’d be lonely without me, since Akio-kun isn’t here!” Mayumi declared boldly, though Hinata held in a smile, knowing she was simply still afraid after the kidnapping. “Besides, this is a big deal, isn’t it?” Mayumi cast her gaze over their companions, the nervous Shiraishi sisters. They were both impeccably made up and wearing kimonos, as were Hinata and Mayumi, of course, Miyu too, who was accompanied by Michiru, who looked like she wanted to go speak to the huge man, who resembled her facially. So that’s the fabled Koga-san, who supposedly heads a secret unit of agents and troubleshooters for Fujiwara-sama. Though his reputation as an oddball seems well deserved.
Buit most shocking of all was that Shiro, who Hinata had asked to accompany her, was also wearing a kimono. White, of course, though it had a splash of vivid red across one shoulder, a red spider lily. Shiro spoke up then, grinning in her usual insouciant manner. “Don’t mind her. She’s just clinging to you. It makes sense, you’re reliable, Hinata.”
Almost blushing at the praise, Hinata nodded happily. Yes, I get on well with Shiro. We’ve both got the same sort of plans for Akio. “True, and now I’m stronger than ever. Though…” It wasn’t done, bodyguards weren’t luggage carriers, but Kazumi and Michiru, both dressed in the Hanafubuki school uniforms, as that was acceptable anywhere, were carrying suitcases containing some emergency items. “…I still have concerns.”
Mayumi flinched at that, and Hinata knew her friend was still rather traumatised. I’ll get Haru-chan to see what she can do when she’s free. Mayumi was in a bold and flashy black and white kimono, in stark contrast to Hinata’s own purple one, and Miyu’s calm sakura pink.
“Hence why you came to me, huh? Wise!” Shiro boasted. “I can handle most problems, and if I can’t, Tan certainly can. Though there’s one dreadful problem we can’t solve…”
“Oh?” Mayumi took the bait. “Just what’s that then?” Mayumi, while she held nobility superior, was rather docile around Shiro, as her unnatural, unreal beauty crushed Mayumi’s prejudices.
“It’s that Aki doesn’t get to see us all in our kimonos. I’ll have to send him a video.”
“Oh.” Mayumi was relieved. “So, a simple matter to resolve then.”
Shiro glanced over, her black eyes meeting Hinata’s brown ones, and Hinata couldn’t help but chuckle. I think Mayumi’s missed the point, or else South Africa affected her more than she knows…
“Uh, why… why are we here?” Shiraishi Arisa-chan, the younger daughter of the family, in a white and pink kimono, asked. “No, that’s not what I meant. I mean… why us alone, and not father and mother?”
The older sister, the busty yet shy and soft Nozomi-san, nodded slowly. Her white kimono had golden detailing.
“Isn’t that obvious?” Mayumi spoke up, eager to show her customary knowledge and dominance. “Grandfather and Fujiwara-sama spent a great deal of money on regaining the precious ancestral inheritance of your family. It’s not yours anymore. Though… the fact that you two are here and not your useless family should be an indication of what the plan is.”
“That’s enough, Mayumi.” Hinata broke in. “This is a happy occasion. But…” Hinata nodded at the suitcase Kazumi carried. “…you know what’s in there, and what you promised.”
The two sisters nodded, Nozomi-san with little vigour, and Arisa-chan rather sullenly, but they did it. Hinata noticed the group of her grandfather, uncle Kira, grandfather Itsuki and Fujiwara-sama were passing through the entrance now, so they decided to pick up the pace, though it was amusing seeing Shiro walking in geta sandals, something she wasn’t used to. Of course with her stats she quickly adapted and it’s almost annoying how graceful she can be, although… Hinata couldn’t help but puff out her chest proudly, now that she had the same powers.
As they reached the entrance, Koga-san smiled at them all. “Ojou-chan’s… Michiru.” His tone of speech was archaic and formal, like an old-fashioned samurai, quite at odds with his appearance, though now that Hinata had experience with warriors, she noticed that his stance was casual yet ready to react to an attack from any direction. After calling them all young girls of high standing, he addressed his daughter with some pride, though seeing her carrying a case he frowned.
“Honoured father…” Michiru’s speech patterns changed, mimicking Koga-san. “…I understand your concerns. But these items cannot be handled by anyone else. Trust in me. I would never neglect Miyu-sama’s safety, nor the others.” She seemed prideful. “Indeed, I am likely your match now, father!”
“I see. Has my daughter grown up? That makes me sad.” He indeed smiled a touch sorrowfully. “But such boasting means you are still too green. Now…” He ushered the group aside to as not impede the flow of dignitaries. “…be alert.”
“Is there trouble, honoured father?” Michiru asked, and he shrugged, his expression serious, though it was spoiled a little by his loud suit and ridiculous tiny moustache.
“I always expect trouble. Let the frontmen of Fujiwara Security hold the line, we from the underground, we know hidden dangers. And… the nose knows.” He tapped his nose theatrically. “There’s something rotten here. Everyone knows it. But… I’ll get Shige-dono to safety, no matter what.”
So, Michiru’s father is on first name basis with Fujiwara-sama, huh? I knew he was no ordinary man. I know Kozue hates her father, but Michiru deeply loves him. But if he’s alert… well, it’s not like I’m not. Shiro’s here after all, and we have the suitcases…
“Miyu-sama will be safe too!” Michiru assured him. “As for the others…”
“Don’t sweat it.” Shiro smiled cheerfully. “I’m here as security today. This kimono is a bit of a pain to move in, but… I can always tear it off in an emergency. Now, don’t get the wrong idea…” She winked. “I’m wearing a bodysuit underneath. One of Ixitt’s new specials, made like the Brigandine, just better. I’m not flashing anyone, or else the hotel and every guy in it would face the wrath of Aki. You girls too, right?” He nodded at the Shiraishi sisters, who were given them as part of Adamant. I’m wearing one too, it’s actually very comfortable, and doesn’t displace the bodyline of the kimono, so one doesn’t have to go without underwear, or wear the very annoying special set.
“It would be a shame if you ruin it before Akio sees you in it.” Hinata teased, though she nodded at Koga-san. “Anyway, any particular areas of concern?”
“Yes, Hinata-ojou.” Koga-san leaned in conspiratorially. “A number. Though do not think that your elders are foolish. We are aware of the troubles. It is why we are here.” His expression was sly and animated, quite unlike the taciturn Michiru. Perhaps I can see why Kozue is so exasperated with him. At least a little…
Koga-san glance at the Shiraishi siblings with some sympathy. “Eldest Shiraishi-ojou’s ex-fiancé, Kuwahara Takehisa has declined to attend the event, instead sending his brother. This was unexpected, considering his discovered involvement in this mess.” Hinata noticed that Koga-san offered no honorifics for the unworthy ex-fiancé of Nozomi-san. She also noticed that Nozomi-san’s face had crumpled, tears threating to break free, but her sister held her hand discretely, trying to comfort her.
“You’d have to be pretty stupid to turn up at an event where you’d screwed the important bigwigs of Japan out of billions of yen, right?” Shiro remarked. “Although, you’d also have to be rather arrogant to do it in the first place, knowing you’d get found out. So yeah, I can see why he’d not be here.”
“More to the point, while the Ruby Group has sent delegates to oversee the handover now the money has been paid…” Koga-san interjected politely, agreeing with Shiro’s assessment. “…none of their top executives have been sent.”
“Just… how much did the recovery cost?” Nozomi-san asked timidly, her voice damp with sad emotion.
“More than I shall see in a lifetime, Shiraishi-ojou.” Koga-san waved one hand, imagining. As the two sisters went a ghastly shade of white, Nozomi-san sagging, though Arisa-chan was easily able to support her with Chirurgery-enhanced strength, Hinata advised them to be quiet, and that matter would be settled later. Yes, it’s already planned out, I know. Though we can benefit, uncle Kira and Fujiwara-sama have their own ideas too.
“Do go on.” Hinata continued. “I expect you are now going to say Honoka-san and Hidemasa-san aren’t in attendance either, instead, Fujiwara-sama had to bring Miyu.” Her level of honorifics was quite different for Fujiwara-sama’s son, as she had heard that he was a rather weak man, which made all this very strange. Koga-san noticed, giving her a wry smile.
“You have quite the perception, Hinata-ojou.” Koga-san agreed. “Normally, Hidemasa-dono would be eager to impress his father. Perhaps he has learned the wisdom of appearing humble, but…”
“Taken as a pattern, there’s no doubt something’s up.” Shiro nodded sharply.
“Yes, ojou.” Koga-san nodded. “Now, I have kept you long enough. Just… be wary. Though we are on high alert, do not fear. Anything you can notice, assume we have already. After all, we are professionals!”
“Understood.” Hinata agreed, and as they were ushered inside, she looked around appreciatively at the beautiful marble construction. The task to install modern conveniences had been a great work, and Hinata had been surprised the worthless Shiraishi family had been able to do it, but on asking, apparently Fujiwara-sama had supervised it. Adding electricity without damaging the artistry of the architecture must have been a struggle.
“The meeting is in the grand hall on the fourth floor, the Heavenly Blossom Chamber.” Hinata mentioned, amused by the name. “So, stay alert, everyone. Our own safety comes first, but then we need to protect those around us.”
“Already expecting something will happen, Hinata?” Mayumi was pale, perhaps wishing she had stayed at school after all, but Shiro slapped her on the back reassuringly.
“Relax, Mayumi. Aki might not be here, but we are.” She looked around, seeing some of the open rooms. “Hey, let’s shoot a video for Aki. Got to show off, right?”
Shiro ushered everyone inside, and Hinata held in a laugh. Trying to cheer our upset girls up, huh? From what I’ve been told of Shiro, she used to be rather selfish, now she’s trying to comfort others. Love changes a person, it seems? I’ve been changed too, in more ways than one. Shiro shot a video, just of the girls posing, with some amusing commentary, but when she tried to send the video to Akio, it wouldn’t go.
“Of course it won’t.” Hinata remembered. “There’s a phone suppressing system in the grounds of the Tengokusentou, too many important people do business here. You need a Fujiwara phone to make it work. Send it to me and I’ll do it.”
Shiro nodded, and as their phones connected wirelessly, the video was transferred. Hinata started sending it to Akio without issue, but halfway, the phone disconnected, losing signal.
“Looks like your phone’s gone too.” Shiro observed with a smirk, though Hinata noticed her worry. Mayumi agreed her phone was also not working, neither was Miyu’s, nor the Shiraishi’s.
“So, I’ll take Koga-san at his word and that they’ve noticed this. But… everyone… time to open the cases…” Hinata ordered, and with professional ease, Kazumi and Michiru opened their burdens…
Second- Judgement-Cardinal Luca Aloisio – Akio’s Territory, The Boundary, Tokyo
“Commence the assault!” Luca ordered. In the Earthly world of mortals, where the sinners and the foolish who stuck their heads in the sand like ostriches, awaiting their end, dwelt, multiple raids would be commencing. While Luca hated myths that were not of the Throne, one resonated with him, that of the Hydra of Lerna. Our foe has many heads. And unless we cut them all, he will recover in due time. That cannot be allowed to happen. The Revelation-Cardinal knows this. Those who have what they should not, those who are a danger to us, and those who shall suffer swift and righteous vengeance. For vengeance is mine, I will repay, sayeth the Throne.
There was a trace of unease within his heart. Old Maximillian could certainly hold his own, and when swinging the Crucis Purgationis, none were his equal in battle. Likewise, Ortiz could wield his whip firmly still, destroying flesh and spirit of a sinner alike. No, it was the newcomers, that brother and sister pair, who bothered him. Their tasks are important too. But while they are the successors to their Seats, they are untried, raw. I fear they may fail purposelessly, as Mary Stuart did.
As the Choir lined up outside the filthy Desecrated Ground of that bastard Akio who had killed Mary Stuart, Luca shook off his grim thoughts. Breaking wheel in one hand, and a short, gladius blade in the other, he swung that down, signalling for the start. The seven faithful that made up this one of Konstantina’s Choirs were few in number, compared to the Martyred Dead that were gathered in their many hundreds. Bringing them across the seas was a great challenge, but long had the preparations been made, so sowing them as the mythical Dragon’s Teeth circumvented that. Though the bitter irony was hardly lost on Luca, using the adherence from a false mythology to strengthen and transport good, pious faithful who gave over their sprits in death to the cause, knowing that their ascent unto the Ninth Heaven would be delayed many hundreds, maybe thousands of years.
Though of course, what is time to the dead, and any delay is worth waiting for paradise. “And on the seventh day, seven horns shall blow, and the walls of the wicked that defy those who serve the Throne shall be cast down. False Jericho, shatter. Let the Horns blow!” At his prayer, the seven members of the Choir raised trumpets chased with gold and bronze, and a loud, sonorous note resounded from them.
“Make ready.” Luca commanded the Judges and their squires, who were to guide the Martyred Dead. “They likely have reinforcements, but we can seal them, and the attack on Godless Kyoto should be mirroring ours, splitting their focus.
“By the Lord, we shall do his will!” The Judges intoned, kneeling, and Luca blessed them with a benediction, even as the noise of the horns grew and grew, a wave of oppressive sound pressing in on them. There was a shivering cry, a noise like breaking glass, and the wall preventing them from entering collapsed, as if it had never been.
Yes, faith is a powerful weapon. And it has been stolen from us most blasphemously. But it shall all be reclaimed, and that which has profited from tainted faith shall be hewn down. For the Tree of Knowledge belongs only to the Lord, not to impious, false men. “Let the Martyred Dead blossom. Deus vult! Os bene vult! Spiritus vult id! By the Lord, Bone and Spirit, the Martyred Dead walk again!”
No longer were they the shambling, imposing yet clumsy warriors Mary Stuart had commanded. While the greatest still lay within the crypts, tombs and ossuaries that held them, those unearthed now could be charged with suitable faith, adherence. That released a little of the spirit tied to the dusty bones, giving it animus and a certain measure of intelligence and skill they possessed when they were mortal. There are dangers to this course of action, many will call us butchers, monsters… but the Lord was unflinching when he hardened Pharoh’s heart and sent the Angel of Death… and so must we be. And in that growing sense of fear, awe and worship, strength is found…
The Linked Seraphim inside him burned as the skeletal forces marched in, their eyes glimmering with a faint indigo light, wisps of many colours shimmering on their bones. Almost immediately, the weight of the profane area oppressed them, but with his second Favour from the Lord, he was able to resist it, feeling it as no more annoying than raindrops in summer. “Pathetic!” Luca roared, the faith of the Ninth Heaven surging through him, counteracting the profane, desecrated effect.
The Martyred Dead advanced, and from a distance bolts of aether flew, crude Defences sparking, and that was followed by a rain of arrows, clattering off the bones, doing only minor damage. Luca sneered, laughing at the crude Fae creatures he could see in the distance, scurrying weasels. They weren’t worth his time, he could leave them to the Judges to purge. They are no danger, despite what they think.
Indeed, now that the only one who could threaten him, that accursed sinner Akio, was absent, it was only a matter of time to crush the Hydra that faced them, to rip the tree of false knowledge out by the roots. And even in the event that not every action achieved the desired effect… Luca shrugged, breaking wheel in hand, using it to block a few errant arrows that swept his way, as he continued to advance at breakneck speed. The Verum Lore will not steer us wrong. The Revelation-Cardinal cannot fail to profit, as only we know the true way to use the adherence of faith that will be generated, come what may…
A strange sound like a hive of angry wasps could be heard, and great booming roars, like an enraged dragon. Turning his head as he ran, he was amused and slightly troubled to see that some of the accursed weasels were hefting what looked like guns, and even rocket propelled grenades, though their design was strange, and glittered with silver and rainbow aether and elemental energies.
Several of the Martyred Dead stumbled, bones, even reinforced by aether and adherence, shattered, and more lost limbs. Several were even completely destroyed, grenades exploding, blowing them into splintered dust. Luca crossed himself with the hand holding his gladius, lamenting that the Martyred Dead had finally found their true rest. Though such is the fate they accepted when they left their mortal remains infused with their slumbering spirits. No, I shall not mourn. But celebrate. And… “Not until the mission is done!” With a loud roar, Luca charged onwards, knowing that while none remained who could stop him here, there were still a few sinners who could cause him trouble. But…
“The Wheel of Judgement turns for all, and no weeping, or wailing, or gnashing of teeth, shall delay my coming, nor halt my righteous anger!” Around him more gunfire was coming in, explosions sounding, and the horns continued to blow, a deafening clarion, turning this profane place into a battleground, the holy against the evil…
Third- Mori Eri – Their home, Tokyo
“It’s bad, so very bad!” The little Zashiki-Warashi Azuki declared, rushing into the living room of the mansion. Eri was there, drinking tea with her family and Tsukiko, as well as Yu-mi, Eui and mother-in-law, father-in-law and Tsukiko’s parents, and the strange and crippled kitsune Nebisuki.
“What is it?” Eri asked, while mother-in-law Emily made delighted noises, finding the little doll-woman incredibly cute. She waved a hand to quiet everyone down.
“It’s an attack!” Azuki cried out. “The Territory is under assault. Not just here. Kyoto too! Daiyu, that crude Violet woman…” Azuki had little liking for the brash and forthright Korean woman, although Eri actually found her rather cool. “Runners have been sent to fetch Shaeula and the mad maid, but…”
Communicating with Akio mentally, I filled him in on the situation. His reassuring yet utterly frustrated and fearful thoughts came back.
I wish you luck Eri, but fuck… why did it have to happen while I was away? Obviously, we’ve taken all the necessary precautions, but even so…
Tsukiko was texting Hinata and the others, including Shiro, who had accompanied them to the Tengokusentou, but there was no response on the group chat as of yet. Violet’s with Suk-ja, they were experimenting on her crystal element, as well as the trapped Tribulation energies Akio had stored… so that means there’s three Chosen there. If I pitch in as well…
“It will all be fine.” Tsukiko promised. She glanced at their parents solemnly. “Battle, they are well suited for. No, that is far from correct. Battle, they have realised they must be suited for.”
Eri nodded. The Beheading Axe Of Trials was seldom far from her, and she had been made a uniform for Adamant in the end, signifying she had finally accepted its necessity, even if she had a different purpose to the others. No, that’s not fair. They do want an army of warrior women, Valkyries, with utter loyalty to Akio, ones who would lay down their lives and their virtue to him if necessary. Though Akio would hate that.
Hurrying out of the room, Azuki following, telling her that the attack had breached the barrier around the Territory in a rather strange way, the barrier simply shivering out of existence, collapsing nigh-instantly, Eri stripped off her jeans and t-shirt, first pulling on the undersuit, a new design and a masterwork of the Mortal Engineers under Ixitt. He’s at the tunnel site, along with Grulgor and some others… and Aiko is doing her schoolwork in the other building. Eri also fired them rapid texts, having no time to admire her form in the skintight armoured suit. She then pulled on her uniform, which was a skirt-type, with some flattering detailing, signalling she was the equal to Shiro, Shaeula or Hinata.
Yes, Akio would hate that. He wants to be the one laying down his life, but he can’t, not anymore. Because it’s not just his life now, it’s ours. As for their virtue… I get why they went that route, and not just for their incessant need to push others onto Akio. But again, Akio doesn’t want anyone who doesn’t sincerely want him. But enough… Dwelling on her thoughts she grabbed her axe, and rushed back to the others, only to see a breathless Aiko rushing in. She was carrying a bow, and was also in a form-fitting undersuit, though with ordinary armour over the top. Yes, it’d be strange for Aiko to be an Adamant commander, though she’s certainly… an honorary… member.
“We ready to go, Eri?” Aiko was ready for action. “What’s my bro say?”
“He’s frustrated, but trusts we can handle things. After all…”
Suddenly their voices were drowned out by the intercom. The estate had top-of-the-line security, and it had only been improved and added on since Akio had moved them all in. Fujiwara Security manned the gatehouse, and they had access to an emergency broadcast system, which was now activated.
“This is the front gatehouse, a terrorist attack is ongoing. Please retreat to the emergency panic room. I repeat, a terrorist attack is ongoing, please report to the emergency panic room. The main headquarters and the military have been alerted for assistance. I repeat… I… multiple heavy weapons… …Chosen…”
Towards the end the message was drowned out by explosions and it crackled into static, leaving their parents rather scared. Eri decided to take charge, as she was the one who could, and had Akio in her heart and mind at all times. Give me strength, Akio. Please. No, you already have. By Nyx, I won’t fail here…
“All right. This is why we strengthened the basement.” Eri calmed everyone. “I’ll go out and handle things.” As they were ushered down into the secure room, reinforced by work from Ixitt and Kana, with enough supplies to last for weeks, Eri forced a smile.
“Shit, what about Asha?” Aiko spoke suddenly, fearful. “If they are attacking here, then the shrine’s a no-brainer of a target, yeah?”
“No, not Asha, not my grandchildren…” Emily, who had borne the fear of being attacked well, was pale-faced and horrified at the thought of harm coming to Asha, and the children she was carrying. Despite the danger and the terror pressing in on her, Eri couldn’t help but feel warm at mother-in-law’s demeanour.
“It’ll be fine.” Eri turned to Tsukiko. “You can stay here, you’re not a fighter. Azuki too. You may not be able to do much…” Eri advised the little doll. “But your Favour can maybe surprise someone in a pinch. As for Asha…” Eri reminded them of one detail. “I don’t know anyone that believes in prophecies more than you do, Tsukiko…”
“I do indeed. Though I am now wary of them, thanks to my survival here. But… they still hold truth.” Tsukiko responded, calm and poised.
“Great. This one wasn’t yours, but from a Yōkai, right? But… Tamamo-no-Mae is with them. And she will protect the seeds. That could surely mean his children, don’t you think?”
Nebisuki barked a laugh, as she was supported to descend on her one leg by Eri’s father and mother. “Grandmother is not exactly known for saving others, yet sometimes she has, on a whim, against all odds. But… I believe this time, her heart will be moved. After all… Akio has claimed her name, and more. And while she is far from her peak, I believe anyone who attempts to harass her will see just why she is the strongest, only matched by Great Nurarihyon, and also… that she never forgives those who seek to harm what she sees as hers!” The kitsune grinned, and Eri was annoyed to notice her father glancing at her large chest. Mother had noticed too, and though the timing was inappropriate, Eri was pleased to know he would be getting a stern lecture later. No, time for battle now, nothing else.
“I shall also offer my aid, such as it is, and meagre for now.” Nebisuki peered sadly at her two missing tails. “Like the Zashiki-Warashi, I may prove… surprising.”
“In that case, we should go.” I told Aiko, and my mother made to stop me, before father, having put down the kitsune on one seat, shook his head.
“Leave her, Hana. Our little Eri has decided to do this. And she must have the capability.”
“But…” mother began, only for Emily to join in opposing her.
“That’s right. It’s hard for a parent to see their children grow up, but… it’s also joyous. Eri, dear. My first daughter-in-law. No, you’ve always been a daughter to me, just like Aki is a son to Hana. Eri, daughter dear, you can do this, can’t you?”
“Wow, what about me? Am I invisible, mom?” Aiko pouted, and mother-in-law Emily shook her head.
“Don’t be silly dear. Your father and I, we never worried that way about you. You’ve always been one to act without thinking, but you’re a tactile thinker anyway.”
“Way to say I’m stupid… but… I get it. Yeah, I’m one to jump in. Eri isn’t, but…”
Eri nodded, and a brilliant blue-black shroud formed around her like a cloak. It’s so much harder here than in the Boundary where I practised a little, but…
“Yes, our Eri is selfish, Hana, but… she’s also grown up. She won’t throw away her life for others, not when she’s got her own, and Akio, to live for.”
Eri nodded, cloak of darkness swirling around her. “Yes, I’m selfish, so… I’ll crush those bastards who come here and try and wreck our happy home, hurt my family, hurt those we care about. And… you asked if I have the strength, mother-in-law Emily?”
At everyone’s nods, Eri’s grin turned wicked, wisps of blue light leaking from her obsidian eyes. “Alone? I’m stronger now, but… far from the strongest. I’m not one to overestimate myself. But… I have one advantage that others don’t.” And that’s the multiverse says I love Akio the most! I know we shouldn’t think like that, but… since I’m winning, I can! And I will! But that means…
Hefting the massive axe effortlessly one-handed, Eri beckoned to Aiko. “Come on. Be safe everyone. And we’ll be right back, once we’ve dealt with these scum who are trying to harm us. But they’ll fail, because…” Strength surged within her, the massive portion of Akio’s strength that the Rank 11 Lovers’ Link provided magnifying her power. “…Akio’s with me. And with his strength, I can’t lose. I won’t lose!”
As she and Aiko raced out of the house, seeing a number of explosions and hearing gunfire as the gatehouse was overwhelmed and white-clad attackers flooded through, she sent another thought to Akio, before the maelstrom of battle commenced. It’s not just in the Boundary. They’re here too. But… you scoured the world to find me a way to fight, and… I’ll use it. But… what I want more than power is your good wishes, so…
Yes, I believe in you Eri. I hate the thought of you getting hurt, but… you know, so long as everyone survives, that’s all that matters, as I can fix your hurts and pamper you until you feel better again. So… Eri, good luck, I believe in you. I love you! Win! And be safe for my return!
I love you too! So… yes, I’ll win, because to lose is unacceptable! Clutching her axe tight, she nodded at Aiko, who with a smile conjured up four Golden Sisters, the effort fatiguing her. Time to prove to myself, to Akio, to everyone else, that I’m fit to be someone standing by Akio’s side, not just his childhood friend!
Fourth – Zhao Daiyu, Akio’s Territory, The Boundary, Tokyo
“Fucking hell!” Violet let out a cry as she looked at the explosion a number of kilometres distant. A plume of white smoke was rising into the air, and lightning flickered within it. She was speaking in English, which Daiyu had continued to study, so she got the general gist of her words.
“Looks like it’s my time to shine. You ready, boys?” She turned to One, Two, Three, Four and Five, her summoned beings, which were also Enthroned, creating a rather strange combination, and one that Ixitt had been studying as one of his many projects. It fascinates me too. There are… possibilities there.
The Scorpion-like beings nodded. Beside Daiyu, Suk-ja was waiting nervously, as she had used a great deal of her strength calling on her Winged Diamonds. Seeing that, Daiyu gestured for Violet to translate.
“Your support, while appreciated, is not required. Your Guild’s services were not contracted as a combatant, but as a support in my Cultivation. Besides, soon Shaeula and Hyacinth shall return, likely with other allies, and this attack shall be dealt with. After all, a local snake can repel a foreign dragon, and we are far from mere snakes.”
As Violet translated, Suk-ja seemed relieved, but then she froze, before her gaze hardened, and she stood taller. Daiyu, seeing this, was pleased. I like those eyes. Violet seemed to agree, as after Suk-ja spoke rapidly in Korean, she responded, slapping her shoulder in an approving manner.
“She says she’ll fight, contract or no, as she’s a Hunter, and a member of Inevitable Victory. And… she sees our victory here as inevitable, the cheeky bitch. She’s not wrong though, yeah?”
Daiyu agreed. “Yes, we cannot falter here. Already the weaselkin are being deployed, with the many weapons the Mortal Engineers have created, as well as some brought over by Ginneka. But… we cannot let Akio’s Territory suffer damage here. I would be too ashamed to face him.”
“That’s the spirit!” Violet approved. “Anyway, let’s go sort these fuckers out!”
Daiyu nodded. “Yes, we shall indeed. Although…” She glanced over at the Rhyming Tree that towered behind them. “…no, Asha shall be fine. We shall prevent all foes reaching here, although…” She glanced at Violet. “…I have a troubling feeling. I am far from superstitious, but sometimes such are the warnings of the Heavens. Can you send some of your beings to the Material realm, to protect the shrine there?”
“Sure, no problem. We’re enough to handle shit here.” She cracked her knuckles, showing off her muscles and tanned skin, still replete with vivid purple tattoos around her arms. She exchanged some words with Suk-ja, who nodded, and moments later, she disappeared. “Fortunately, she entered from the shrine today, as she was at the construction site last night, so she can get there more quickly. And since my guys here…” She gestured at the scorpion people. “…are a little different to Shaeula, they can fiddle it to get there as well. So…” The five of them disappeared too. “Just you and me, Daiyu. Time to show that it’s not just the Japanese who can kick some fucking ass!”
Daiyu nodded once again, and the pair of them started rushing towards the site of the explosion. Qi surged within her, strengthening her body, and she could feel the Spirit Water, and the faint stirrings of crystal Qi within her. A small smile crossed her beautiful face, and while she felt a little conflicted, certainly not wishing harm to befall Akio’s Territory or any of the dwellers within it, as a Cultivator, no, not just a Cultivator, but a prodigy and a Sect Matriarch, she knew that battle was the greatest way to cement a breakthrough and gain enlightenment.
“Come on, Daiyu. No slacking!” Violet called back, and Daiyu picked up the pace, and her eyes narrowed as she saw a swarm of skeletons, eyes burning an eerie blue, attempting to engage the weaselkin defensive positions. They are numerous, but… they lack the ability to attack at distance. No… Another explosion shattered a defensive position, several weaselkin consumed by a bolt of fierce lightning, making Daiyu wince.
Shaeula will not be pleased, no, not pleased indeed. Her stoic glare turned to the true threat, the Chosen in gold and white, who wielded a sword that was channelling lightning and explosions. Yes, the threat is there. Exchanging one last glance with Violet, they raced in to engage, when suddenly, the air shivered, and the sound of horns resounded…
Fifth – Saionji Gin – His Territory, The Boundary, Kyoto
“Let your tortured spirits be offered the mercy of death, under the compassionate gaze of Avalokiteśvara, and return to the embrace of reincarnation!” Gin intoned piously, the power he had been given by his God, that he had been keeping leashed due to Akio-kun’s warnings about Boundary damage, surging out once more. Indeed, a vivid violet halo had formed in space above him, rippling like the pupil of a great eye.
The skeletons shivered, a dozen of them caught in the great gaze of the God. They then twisted, folding in on themselves, bones shattering, until all that was left were chips of bone and dust. Gin felt a surge of power rise within him, absorbing the strength, the aether, from the pitiful spirits.
I understand his reasons, and so I have followed his advice. But this is a matter of life or death. Though he also agrees in such cases, future disaster is not as terrible as loss now. In the distance, a great bird of flame was flying, and as she passed, skeletons burned, bones turning into ashes. The phoenix, Akai, slung back her head and let out an aggrieved cry, only for bolts of indigo light to flash upwards, piercing her. Akai tumbled from the sky, and a plume of flame blazed up, a veritable burning pillar a dozen metres tall.
“She’ll be sleeping again for a while. tonight” Yasaka-san mumbled, exhausted, great rings of exhaustion around his eyes, as he watched the battle. “She was angry when you woke her up.”
“That little chick only wants to sleep and eat, not fight.” The halo of purple light around him rotated, peering in another direction, and destruction followed, a streak of destruction tearing through a group of skeletons, and also the human behind them, white robes being scattered with red and silver blood. Gin swallowed, having killed a person, and he felt sick, but quickly used all his experience as a leader to suppress it. Later, that comes later.
“The only small mercy is, she doesn’t find the attackers near as frightening as Akio-kun and Shaeula. I still can’t work out why she fears them, the stupid little yakitori. Akio-kun’s almost too mild a man, though from his recent deeds, he is starting to act more like a leader.”
“Calling her a grilled bird is a bit much.” Yasaka-san managed a laugh. “She’s just simple-minded. I think it’s more she’s scared of strength. The young are impressionable, yes?”
“It seems so.” Other Chosen of the Amaterasu faction were engaged in battle, those of them that remained in Kyoto, at least. “But to think our little Phoenix, a creature from the line of mighty Suzaku, is such a little troublemaker.” As they watched, Akai flew out of the pillar on blazing wings, and breathed flame downwards, dodging more vivid bolts of light. Gin then winced as several of his Buildings were caught in the backlash and shattered, ether scattering.
“Maybe so, but you said yourself, she’s just a chick. But… that just makes me wonder how strong she’ll be when she’s an adult?” Yasaka-san mused.
“Perhaps stronger than Akio-kun. Then she’ll probably try and bully him.” Gin chuckled, trying to keep the mood light, though inside he was furious at the foreign fools who were attacking Kyoto yet again. Though these are foes of a different sort, it seems.
“What he is now, might not be what he is when little Akai grows up.” Yasaka-san, who knew his speed of growth well, sighed. “I’ve checked the Book, the situation here should be manageable, but are you sure you didn’t need to follow the emergency protocol?”
“Hardly.” Gin shook his head in denial. “Though I do understand the reasons. The other Amaterasu Chosen here in Kyoto have relinquished their grasp on their shrines. It is quite problematic, actually… now Suzuki-san has control of their lands. But she will return them later, and Akio-kun shall offer the compensation to rebuild. Though, as for us…” He glanced back at the magnificent edifice of Kinkaku-ji, which unlike the Material was a golden wonder to behold. “…there is no need to waste our hard work, although…” He winced as Akai bombed an area with searing flames, another of his Buildings destroyed in the collateral damage. “…if our Phoenix isn’t careful, we might as well have to start from scratch again.” His grin then twisted in satisfaction, knowing each surge of flame were enemies laid to waste.
“We are also Rank three, as Akio-kun terms matters. So our defences are as solid as Suzuki-san’s. Which is as to say, as strong as fragile glass. Those damn horns…”
“It seems to be a play on the legend of the fall of Jericho.” Yasaka-san explained, his Book having given him the answer. “Some sort of adherence-based attack, it seems.”
“I suppose one thing these scum have in plentiful supply is belief.” More skeletons were caught in Avalokiteśvara’s sight, rendered down to shattered dust. “It must be nice, having a near-monopoly on worship in the Western world, and enjoying that for millennia. Your Book explains it adequately, though many aspects still remain unclear. It is certainly an avenue the Ministry should investigate. The Eight Million Kami are from ancient times, Japan still has much belief, even if since the Emperor was forced to recant and we were occupied after the war, it has begun to dwindle, the population becoming far more secular. Of course, it should be under me, as the faith-based representative for the Ministry. Though I shall obviously allow the Diviner to take part.” he allowed graciously, making Yasaka-san bark a weak laugh.
“I believe if Matsumuro-sama wishes to head such a study, you would lose out, considering her backing. However, she is a gracious woman, who gave her life for the greater good. And Oshiro-san, slavedriver though he is, does share rewards fairly.”
More flames scattered, and Akai let out a cry as she was wounded again, flames blazing, making Gin click his tongue. Careful, Akai. I know you are practically unkillable, so long as your flames burn, but practically isn’t totally. These foreign invaders might be wretched and intolerant, but they are surely not suicidal fools… “I can’t argue with your reasoning. Regardless, Avalokiteśvara is always watching with compassion, so I shall send them to their afterlife. They would surely not complain at that. Especially since your knowledge has revealed their forces to me. I am now more than confident we can win. Although…”
Gin looked at Yasaka-san, who as usual seemed like he had seen better days. Though he certainly had benefitted from Akio-kun’s ruthless attempts to… how did he put it,ah, yes, power level him… as his thinning hair had stopped receding, and had even began to regrow, and his hunched posture had straightened out, making him look ten years younger. Of course, that came at a cost. Akio-kun was constantly sending him questions, many of them skirting the limits of what the Book Of Providence would answer, and while Yasaka-san had certainly grown spiritually stronger, more able to endure unearthing the many secrets he was asked, he was often abed for days at a time.
“You should return to mortal Kyoto.” Gin warned. “The other four are meant for battle, they are capable of handling themselves. Nobody can afford it if you suffer injury.”
Yasaka-san nodded, relief plain on his face. “Yes, and while I’ve certainly grown physically stronger, and have learned how to use light element to protect myself, I’ve no wish to face those madmen or their skeleton warriors in battle. If you need any more information, I hope it can wait, I’m feeling rather exhausted. But if it’s an emergency…”
Gin nodded. “I’ll send one of the others to ask. Just hunker down and get some rest.”
“I’m glad my shrine isn’t here in Kyoto.” Yasaka-san grumbled, moments before he vanished. “I couldn’t handle all this stress…”
“True.” Gin replied to the now vacated space, while flames whirled in the background, Akai still fighting. It wasn’t just her, but the four Chosen of Kyoto were fighting too, as well as a number of spiritual beings, and the forces of Kinkaku-ji. “But it seems that this attack is doomed to fail. From what I understand…” Gin tapped an earbud in his ear, the modern technology rather incongruous here, but still exceedingly useful. “…they are being beaten back in Suzuki-san’s Territory as well, though once more the horns carried them past the initial defences. Splitting their forces seems foolish, although…” Gin scratched his chin, irritated. It was lucky I spend half my time in Kyoto. If I wasn’t here, well, the others would handle it, but it would certainly be more fraught with peril.
“…I suppose attacking Kyoto in the first place is foolish. Even if they focussed on Kinkaku-ji, then forces from Suzuki-san, including the powerful Tengu from Mount Atago, would come, but if they focus on that, then I can direct my forces to take them from behind, and Akio-kun can send endless reinforcements from Tokyo. It’s quite possible they are unaware of that, but…” Gin listened to Akai’s cry as she swept up out of another pillar of flame. One of her crimson eyes met his, even from this distance, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sleepy air it still gave off, even now.
“…I’ve never assumed my enemy is a fool. Even less so because that wretched idiot Uchida has thrown aside everything he believed in due to grief. What a pitiful man in the end.” Gin had a little sympathy for his old and bitter rival, and knew grief could drive one to madness, but even so, betraying his very faith and consorting with enemies was too far. Especially since everyone at Conclave knows it was his son who caused the tragedy, Akio-kun saved who could be, at great personal cost, his fiancée gravely injured. No… “Our enemy isn’t a fool. There’s too much going on at once for that to be the case. So…” It would be simple to try and ask Yasaka-san’s Book, but without knowing enough, it would potentially be misleading, or further exhaust him to no effect.
“…I shall just have to keep my eyes open, and if there’s a trap here… then with Avalokiteśvara watching over us, we shall evade it, with infinite grace and mercy…”
Sixth – Irena Alexandrovna Kuznetsova – Fyodor Technological Institute, Moscow, Russia
“You should be sleeping, little one.” The big bear of a man, his blonde hair short and shaggy, a matching beard and moustache covering his pale face, grumbled, taking a swig directly out of the glass bottle he was holding, letting out a sigh of contentment. “It is far too early for such hard work.”
He took another swig, grimacing, his blue eyes bleary and sleep fogged. “It is the crack of dawn. You will never grow into a big, strong woman, with bounteous breasts and a beautiful ass, if all you do is work. Sleep, drink milk and grow taller!”
“I do drink milk. A lot of it!” Irena pouted, puffing out her cheeks, pink eyes flashing in annoyance. Idly, she wound strands of her pale white hair around her fingers, frustrated. “And I hate it when you call me ‘little one’, I am not a child. I’m a university graduate, whereas you barely went to school, Alexei! And why are you drinking so early in the morning, if you are here to help me?”
This is so frustrating. In the end, despite all my pleading, the only one with mysterious powers they could find to aid me was this buffoon. He doesn’t have an ability to help with the spark I need, though I do suppose with his ability, I have made some progress on a different angle. No… I know why Alexei is the one.
“A drink? This?” Alexei Zakharov chuckled, waving the half-empty bottle. “This is the water of life, little girl. Without water, how can a man think? And as for you being a graduate… I have a daughter your age, she is still at school. And already far bigger than you. Taller too!” He gestured crudely, with a laugh, though having worked with him these past few weeks, she knew he genuinely meant no real insult, he was just a tactless fool.
“Pizdets!” Irena swore. “Just shut up, I’m as big as I’m going to get. No matter how many cookies I eat or milk I drink, unless… no.” I’ll not speak of it again. I asked to visit Japan, or at least bring Akio here, to see if he could fix my albinism, but I also want to try and spark true intelligence in my designs. But… After expressing that a few too many times, and similar sentiments, Irena had discovered they were tapping her data access. Of course, Irena hadn’t allowed them to see her more irregular contacts, but nonetheless, nobody here at Fyodor Technical Institute, nor the people from the government overseeing the research, were fools. Absence of suspicious material was suspicious enough to a certain sort of person. I hate dealing with illogical people.
“Little girls should not swear, they should be in bed and sleeping at this hour!” he repeated after a dry chuckle. “But I know you are big in mind, if small in body. So, what do you wish me to do today? More of those wires, yes?”
He’s here to guard me, prevent any problems. He’s very strong. Hiding her thoughts with a blank face, Irena nodded. Pressing a few keys, the wall slid aside, revealing a mechanical arm and a leg, one side open, exposing the innards. “Yes, please. The specimens certainly exceed the potential of all my prior efforts. Being able to move more naturally, like ordinary muscle fibres, expanding and contracting without wear and tear… if I cannot make the brain function effectively enough, if I ease the computational requirements, I can still make progress.”
“Yap, yap, yap. Little girls should talk less and eat more.” Alexei drained his bottle, burping, before letting out a sigh. “To think, mighty Svarog gave me the power to move metal, forge it from will, yes, and all I do is make silly wires. Such a waste. But…” He grinned, taking up a new, full bottle, and with a flash of rusty light, the top was sliced off.
Irena rolled her eyes at his theatrics. “You’ll cut your lips on that glass.”
“I am a strong man. I do not fear a little blood.” He grinned, swigging from the now open bottle. “As I was saying, little one. I get paid well, at least. And the work is easy. Only blood I shed is from this…” He grinned, though the faint cut on his lip sealed up at a nearly visible pace. “…or your tongue. Girls should be kind, not so sour.”
“Oh please shut up.” Irena grimaced. He was tiring to deal with, but for successes, no matter how small, Irena could put up with a lot. “Here’s today’s specifications.” She passed him a tablet. “And yes…” she rolled her eyes, sighing bitterly. “…I have dumbed it down into simple language. So get to it.”
“Yes, yes. Little slavedriver you are.” He miraculously began to pull gleaming metal out of the air, and shaped it into fine threads, smooth and cold to the touch. Irena watched eagerly, and around her the cameras of the lab recorded every detail, as they always did, in various spectrums, such as visual, IR, UV and other wavelengths. In fact, while Irena had little understanding of how it worked, she had shared the video with her correspondent from Japan, and he had provided some excellent insights, which Irena had appreciated.
“It still bothers me. Mass from nothing violates the most sacred tenets of science, the Laws of Thermodynamics. But then, it’s not from nothing, is it? Just… an alternate energy source. So the laws might only seem to be broken.” Irena still found it hard to grasp. Anyway, Alexei could conjure a great deal of metal, but it didn’t persist. If he wanted to make metal that remained, it drained him heavily, though apparently in the other, mysterious mirror to the world, that restriction was far looser. That was enough to frustrate her to no end.
Kakogo chyorta! Where the hell have the Laws of Physics gone? On strike? On holiday? The Laws of the universe had to be the same everywhere, but it was clear that no longer seemed to be the case. It was a puzzle Irena, with all her genius intellect, couldn’t solve. No, that’s just for now. I will solve it, just as I shall solve the puzzle here.
The next few hours passed in a steady state of complaints from Alexei as Irena continued to ask him to refine the wires. Working her robotic arms and tools, soon the leg was retooled with the next stage of the artificial muscles and nerve clusters, or rather, signal input wires. As she reached out to stimulate it, seeing if the neural network could work it with the drastically simplified need for calculations and balancing, the power suddenly went out, plunging the lab into darkness, the sudden red glow of the emergency lighting kicking in shading her surprised face a bright crimson.
“Blyat’! What now? If this has damaged any of the circuitry, I swear, I shall complain to the Chancellor of Fyodor Institute, government stooge or not… useless clowns…”
“Little girls should not be so potty-mouthed.” Alexei chuckled again. “Power cuts happen, yes? Back home, our power goes out all the damn time…” He trailed off, as suddenly the lights came back on, accompanied by sirens, and the sound of a great explosion, the thick walls shaking, dust, which Irena was so careful to keep out of her clean workspace, falling from the ceiling.
“…though maybe this is not such.” Alexei tactfully agreed, putting down his bottle, and readying himself, as the Institute broadcast an alert.
“Warning, warning! All personnel remain calm and at your stations. Evacuations will be established once the threat is dealt with. Should you see the intruders, do not engage, I repeat, do not…” The warnings were cut off with a scream and then the squealing of static, and the sirens were also silent then.
“I see. Little girl, best leave this to Alexei, yes?” He grinned, thumping his big, muscular chest proudly. “I may not be smart like you, but when it comes to a fight, I have crushed many skulls. And that was before… now Svarog is with me… do not worry, little girl, I am here.”
Irena nodded slowly. The silence was worrisome, but what was worse was the occasional cry that could be faintly heard, or gunfire, explosions, more dust trailing down from the ceiling. Is it the foreigners, back to kidnap me? No, this seems bigger…
Gnawing on her lip, tormented, she worried for the safety of her Babulya, and mama and papa. As she considered uttering a silent prayer, something she would normally never countenance, but was so rattled it crossed her mind, the room shook again, more violently, and a noise like a whining buzzsaw echoed, and with a flash of brilliant light, the door collapsed, heavy, thick metal turning into chunks.
Irena screamed, leaping behind Alexei, who cracked his knuckles, head bobbing from side to side as he loosened up. The door fragments began to melt, and the hardened durable steel flowed towards him forming a crude armour and a heavy iron pole. “Who do we have here then?”
Two figures stepped into the room, and Irena blinked, as they looked exceptionally unthreatening, except that one of the pair was carrying a long spear, with a strange, almost glittering blade at the head, gleaming like iron pyrite, the metal pitted with flecks of red and gold.
“Oh, where are my manners?” one of the pair said in melodious tones. Looking closer, they seemed like twins, though this speaker had very long hair and held a golden cup, which was filled with a liquid Irena surely hoped wasn’t blood. As she swallowed nervously, the woman, at least Irena assumed she was, spoke. I think it’s a woman? Both were beautiful, but their body shapes were androgynous, and their facial features pretty enough to be a girl’s, and likewise could also be called handsome, like a boy. They wore white robes, chased with gold, though now they were sprinkled with a rusty red. As were their eyes, as Irena noticed, so very red, and utterly gorgeous.
“I am Anastasia Solovyova. And this is my brother, Konstantin. Do forgive him, he does not speak, for he has no tongue. Life can be so cruel at times.” Her smile was warm, yet somehow oddly wrong, Irena wasn’t sure why.
“Back up, bastards!” Alexei flexed, swinging his heavy staff. Irena knew it was a feint, as during his time working with her his control had improved, and he had no need for such crude methods now. “I shall not let you harm her. Good Russian girls grow up big and strong, and make many fine Russian children. Big men, beautiful women!”
“How… touching.” Anastasia applauded, careful not to spill from her chalice. “I do approve. But, I fear you are mistaken. We are here for you, and your dangerous gifts.” At her words, Alexei tensed, eyes going between his two opponents, who were clearly like him, if they had broken the security at the Institute which had repelled foreign invaders before.
The short haired man, Konstantin, made to move, but Anastasia raised a hand. “No, we should offer him a chance to join us first. That would be the proper order of things.” Her smile was gracious. “So, how about it? Abandon your false power, and follow a different path. I am sure God would wish for that.”
“Oh? And how much?” Alexei made a gesture with his hands, signalling money. Irena, who was watching, didn’t miss the flash of what seemed to be contempt in Konstantin’s ruby eyes. “After all, a job is a job, yes?”
“A job is a job? Oh, how true you are. But there are jobs… and there are callings. And our calling is nobler than mere… bodyguard duty.” Anastasia disagreed. “But…”
Before she could speak, Alexei moved, faster than was humanly possible. His crude iron bar separated into a multitude of thin wires, each sharper than knives, and they whipped out at the intruders.
“I took the money. I am a man of…” Alexei began proudly, and while Irena hated blood almost as much as she hated little creepy crawlies like spiders, she couldn’t tear her eyes away. She had been goaded into testing Alexei’s metallic armour before, and it could endure forces similar to high-calibre anti-material rounds, but she was still concerned. After all, the door, it didn’t seem to be explosives that breached it…
The sound of cutting flesh echoed, and blood splattered, droplets spraying across Irena’s cheek. She held in a scream, her already ghostly albino skin now bleached white as bone.
“…pride…” Alexei gasped, strands of metal fluttering down around him. His armour shattered, sheared apart, just like the door was, and Konstantin shook his spear, more droplets of crimson staining Irena’s meticulously clean room.
Pizdets! Babulya, she will scold me… a scientist needs a pristine environment, and the floor… the floor is dirty…
Frozen, she watched as Alexei looked down. “That hurt…” he grumbled, surprised. The wound was deep, only his inhuman, God-given strength keeping him alive. “How… Svarog’s metal is… the work of a God.”
“God? How… blasphemous!” Anastasia held up a hand, holding back her brother, who raised his spear again. “Borrowed power is unfit for good men and women to use. But power has no sin, if you ask me. With a little… adjustment…” She lifted her golden cup, catching the drops of falling blood. “…careful…”
Thin lines of blood were on Anastasia’s face now, marring her cheek with some faint scratches. She raised one finger, wiping them off. “Using your blood as a weapon… clever. Iron, yes. We know iron and blood well. It is a good thing I have… fast… reactions.”
“Little girl… listen well. If you wish to curse… try this. Go to Hell, you sister-fucking dipshit, and you, you raddled…” He coughed, the spear buried in his chest, piercing his heart, blood gushing free, a carmine flow. “…two rouble cunt, which has likely…” More coughs. “…had more dicks than a Russian battalion… go fuck yourselves!”
He then slid down, and the metal around him rusted, turning to brown dust.
“An unpleasant man.” Anastasia observed, not caring that her beautiful robes were now soaking up his gore, the hem crimson. “But a brave one. And skilled… another may not have dodged that. He went for my eyes. Always go for the eyes or the throat.”
Irena was unable to think, her mind blank for the first time in her life. A frozen scream held in her throat, she merely blinked, as the two continued their conversation, well, the woman talked, while the man listened.
“It would have been difficult… to make use of him. He was not as personable as the one Mary Stuart brought in. A sorrowful situation, that one. But… she is with God now, no, my brother?” She bent down, closing Alexei’s eyes. “Now, to bring it back.” Her golden chalice shimmered. “Such thick adherence.”
What seemed an eternity later, the woman rose. “So, one. I hope the others do as well. Though we have advantages they do not, brother. Least of all, we work together. Oh…” She saw where he was looking, raising his spear.
Am… am I going to die here? Babulya, I promise to eat my vegetables, even the disgusting ones, like peas… if only you save me. No… if you come, you can only die. Stay away… She squeezed shut her eyes, only hoping it wouldn’t hurt, only to feel nothing, and hear a warm voice.
“No, brother. Stay your spear. She is a lost child, yes? As the Lord says, suffer the little children come to me. I have always liked that one, and are you not the same, brother? Children are our treasures, and the future. Our task here is done. Onto the next. The task shall go ahead, as always.”
Konstantin gave Irena a cold look, before turning away. Her shocked mind rebooting, she looked down at Alexei, who had been annoying and boorish, but had cared for her in his own way, and had also been part of her research, even if in a small way. Swallowing down her fear, she managed a few words.
“Why…? What did Alexei…”
“He had a treasure even he did not know. There is Truth in Knowledge…” Anastasia replied softly. At that her brother made a faint, mocking noise that might have been laughter. “…and only in the right hands shall power be made pure. Now, child… be well.”
“Wait, wait…” Irena reached out a hand. “Mama… Papa… did… did you kill them?”
At that, the two of them paused, but only the woman spoke. “We wield the spear only to kill who we must, or those that had the ill-fortune to be in our way. Many are dead, yes, but… perhaps your parents are not among then. Best pray, child. But if not, then, merely consider it…”
Her remaining words entered Irena’s ears, but she didn’t process them, her mind lost. Falling to her knees, her jeans soaking up the spilled blood, material soaked, a hoarse yell, the scream the shock had frozen, ripped out of her, and she wailed, crying, hoping beyond hope that her mama, papa, Babulya and those she knew here were still alive. Her small fists beat at the slowly-cooling corpse of Alexei until some of the survivors, many of them injured and shellshocked themselves, came to drag her away from the scene…
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