Side One Hundred And Seventy – The Challengers

Tsumura Motoko

“Should you really be out here then, Motoko-chan?” the older girl, one of Akio’s close friends, Aimi-san, asked her. She was a rather bright, bubbly person, and Motoko understood why Akio and the others liked her. Men seem to enjoy a more outgoing personality. It is difficult for me, I am rather reserved due to my upbringing, but… her face reddened slightly, as she remembered Akio telling her she had become more aggressive recently. Seeing that, Aimi-san giggled. “Thinking of something fun?”

“No, no.” Motoko shook her head. There is no time for dwelling on that. This is a time for action and cunning. “I was simply admiring you, Aimi-san. I have always thought you to be rather straightforward and honest.”

The two men she was with, more of Akio’s friends, Yasu-san and Shugo-san, laughed at that, and started teasing Aimi-san, saying that Motoko was calling her rude and blunt, but Motoko waved one hand, belying that. “I know you are good friends, who do like to tease one another, but I still feel compelled to defend her honour. Being honest is a good thing. For too long, I was not. No-one can be happy, suppressing their true self.” She paused, taking a deep breath. “Much as I enjoy this conversation, I am in somewhat of a hurry.” She had briefly explained to them when she had left the Boundary, and Shugo-san, the less boisterous of the two male friends of Akio here, nodded, gesturing to his laptop.

“Don’t worry about it, Motoko-chan. I’m already pulling up all the data you wanted about Jumong. Though there’s a lot of different variants. Do you want them all?”

Motoko agreed. “Yes, please, I would be most grateful for your assistance in this matter. Akio gave us some information, but I think I know him well enough now to know he was trying to make us think for ourselves.”

“I’m often jealous of Akio-kun, you know.” His other friend, the loud yet good-natured Yasu-san said, his tone filled with mock-anger. “Having a demure, refined cutie like you as his fiancée… sometimes I think I should punch him hard on behalf of all us single guys!”

“Single? Speak for yourself.” Shugo-san snorted and Aimi-san agreed.

“Yeah, you can’t rag on everyone just because you’re batting a zero average. Although maybe that’ll change in the future, if you keep playing your cards right…” her grin made Yasu-san flush. “But I do agree.” Aimi-san looked Motoko up and down, admiring her figure in the training hakama she wore. It is a little disconcerting to be scrutinised so, but then, these are Akio’s close friends, so I should expect them to evaluate me, to see if I am worth his time and love. Standing tall, she faced it, and after a while Aimi-san nodded. “Every time I meet you girls, it still surprises me. But you’re all good girls in your own way. And if I’m not mistaken…” she smiled, her examination of Motoko having been for another purpose. “…you seem more animated than usual. Did something good happen?”

“Of course something did!” Yasu-san rolled his eyes. “She’s fighting for a Divine Favour, Aimi-chan, it’s only natural she’s pumped up!”

“And this is why you’ll strike out again if you aren’t careful, Yasu-kun.” Aimi-san sighed theatrically. “You need to learn to understand us women. We aren’t a different species. Hayato-kun and Akio-kun are doing just fine as expected, and even Shugo-kun here is learning!”

“Why do I feel like I’m taking friendly fire?” Shugo-san complained, still typing away. “Leave me out of Yasu-kun’s mess.”

As Yasu-san protested, Motoko found herself laughing, giggles bursting out of her, and she covered her mouth with one hand, trying to keep her composure. When she was done with her merriment, she apologised, but the others merely smiled at her warmly, and Motoko found the experience pleasing. Friends… not something us daughters of nobility have many of, or often even at all. Our own isolated little islands. But we can change that. Akio, Hinata, Miyu, Mayumi-sama, Sakura-sama… us. “Yes, you were correct. Something good did happen. At first I was angered.” Motoko admitted. “Natsumi… she yielded this opportunity to me. Not because she did not want it, but because of old habits, old realities. After all, how can she steal from her teacher and mistress?” Those words were tinged with bitterness, but she soon brightened. “But when pressed, she revealed her true feelings. She did want this chance, and she also wanted to stand equal to me. We fought, but we are stronger for it. Though I do wish we could move past the old relationship…” she said wistfully.

“Really?” Aimi-san shrugged, and Motoko’s gaze went down to her ample chest. For a moment she considered her own form. Her bust was on the modest side for Akio’s women, though it exceeded Shaeula’s, of course. Natsumi is larger there. I wonder… no, Akio has never shown any dislike for my figure, and I am toned and lithe, flexible too…

“Stop thinking about Akio.” Aimi-san snickered, interpreting her sudden flush and vacant stare correctly. “I get that when you’re in love, to start with, all you can think about is the other person, and wonder if they are thinking of you. In time you’ll settle down…” she seemed a little emotional, wistful, perhaps. “But… you and Natsumi-chan have known each other a long time, right?”

Motoko nodded. “Yes, approaching a full decade, since I was introduced to Natsumi as a potential bodyguard and student. And we have been together forever since. And will be forever in future.” That was satisfying. As they came closer to graduating Hanafubuki, the spectre of being separated, of marriage and having adult, male bodyguards was looming. Now that spectre was banished, and instead they would marry the same man, stand equal as true friends.

“And how long have you tried to shape a new relationship?” Aimi-san queried, and Motoko understood.

“A little over two months now, though it seems longer as we have spent time together in the Boundary.”

“There’s your answer then, Motoko-chan.” Shugo-san said, placing the laptop in front of her. “You can’t expect to change how you feel in a hurry. A decade versus a couple of months, the weight of time is different. Even our princess, Shiro, she’s had to adapt, and her prior mindset with Akio-kun only lasted a few years.”

“Yes, you are quite correct.” Motoko agreed, feeling better about it. “Even so, I am impatient. I am now greedy to grasp what happiness I had denied myself, denied Natsumi. I learned that from the others. And there are other opportunities to grasp.”

“Like this.” Yasu-san agreed. “Though don’t you feel a bit annoyed that Akio-kun isn’t just letting you and Natsumi-chan decide between yourselves? If I had a girlfriend, I’d be sure to shower her with gifts, you know?”

“Take it from a girl, don’t go over the top. It’s creepy.” Aimi-san pointed out. “Though I don’t entirely disagree with you this time. With such precious treasures, throwing it open like this seems odd.”

“It’s a matter of trust. Oh, thank you for your assistance.” Motoko said politely as she started reading the information displayed on the laptop. Looking at the myths, there seems to be a number of similarities. Often born from an egg, but the mother was pregnant by sunlight… hmm, so maybe normal light element would not suffice… skilled with a bow, can even strike a fly in flight. The most prominent myth is striking a river with an arrow, which compelled the wildlife within to make a bridge to cross… “Yes, this is very helpful. To be honest, I do most certainly wish for a Favour. But my situation is somewhat different from Aiko-san’s… Akio worried that she was out of his sight, back in her hometown, where he could not protect her. Me, I am close at hand, and when I am not, Fujiwara Security personnel and my family bodyguards are there to shield me. So… there is time to wait, to choose the perfect Favour. This one… Akio-san said it best. It is a crutch. She believes in her own skill with the bow, and her potential for growth. I respect that greatly, and her too.” Motoko was warming to the subject, ordering her thoughts she continued. “Tsumura Arts is more than just archery. Spear arts, swordsmanship, physical combat and martial arts… it is all part of the whole. No part more valuable than any other. That said, I would certainly not turn down this opportunity were I to win.” She said dryly, making the others laugh. “But I trust were a Favour perfect for Natsumi and I to be located, Akio would not stint us. There are certainly benefits to showing he is prepared to share with all who serve him, even if Shaeula likely is somewhat annoyed.”

“Yeah, well we heard Akio-kun banging on about his childhood friend and sister for years, almost every time we were out drinking. Now I finally meet the fabled sister and lo and behold, she is damn cute. It’s sickening!”

“If Karen-chan hears you say that you’ll be in trouble…” Aimi-san warned him, and Yasu-san paused.

“I didn’t mean anything by it. I couldn’t hit on Aiko-chan even if I wanted to, right? Akio-kun would castrate me. He’s way too overprotective. She’ll die a virgin if he insists she has to have a perfect man.”

“A bit crude, but not untrue.” Shugo-san agreed. “But I don’t think she minds right now. Maybe when she’s older? But yeah, being a brother-in-law to Akio-kun is going to be hard work…”

Motoko smiled at that. “Yes, he already has a number of brothers-in-law. We have quite the tangled extended family. Now, this has been fun, but time is passing, and faster in the Boundary. I have to make haste…” Leaving Akio’s friends to banter, Motoko started planning her next moves. Light element alone… perhaps I should have been more thorough in learning other elements, but Natsumi and I were focussed on honing our physical attributes, and Tsumura Arts. And it is not in vain, in sparring with many powerful foes and having skilled instruction from master Ulfuric, I can feel I am on the cusp of taking Tsumura Arts to the next level. But they do require elemental integration…

“Look at her concentrating. It’s heart-warming to see.” Aimi-san was saying, but Motoko wasn’t listening, her thoughts purely on what she had to do next to realise her full potential.

Yes, I shall seek out Aiko-san and also Hikawa Ren-san. While it might be unfair to ask for their aid for myself, all is fair in love and war after all… her smile was one few had seen on her usually composed and impassive face. …and whether or not this is the best Favour for me, I want Akio, and Natsumi, and the others, to see that I am up to the challenge, to be proud of me!


Hori Natsumi

“Thanks a lot for agreeing to help.” Natsumi said cheerfully. She had been a bit surprised when Motoko had retreated to the Material instead of following her to the obvious conclusion, but after giving it a little thought, she understood. Trust Motoko to see an elegant solution. I need to try harder if I’m going to catch up to her. I’ve always loved, respected and even envied her, but… that’s no basis for true friendship. I see that now. Old habits die hard, I suppose…

“There’s no problem.” Haru-chan said, shrugging. “Though I can only spare some time today, as I have to go back to Seoul later.” She shook her head mournfully. “Poor souls. I understand how they feel. To have such a traumatic, destructive experience forced on them out of nowhere… it’s enough to make one wish for the release of death. Not that death is much of a release. And I would know.”

I’m never quite sure what to say when she makes those sorts of jokes. I understand it’s a coping mechanism, and Haru-chan certainly looks and feels a lot happier and more stable recently… I guess I’ll just ignore it for now. I know Akio is concerned about her, so he’ll make sure she doesn’t relapse into depression and despair again. He’s good at that. I always feel safe and protected when I’m with him. Excited too.

“We are only too happy to help, and to be of assistance.” “Yes, we have been practising something ourselves, so we are very confident of being able to support you.” The two twins, Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan said in sequence. They were both in their usual red and white hakama, in contrast to the blue and white Natsumi was wearing, but together they looked like a bunch of sisters, perhaps Haru-chan being the oldest sister, chaperoning her younger siblings. Haru couldn’t help but laugh at the image in her mind.

“Did we say something strange?” “Was what we said odd?” the twins worried, but Natsumi shook her head, curly hair bouncing.

“No, just thinking that we look great in hakama.” she teased them. “Maybe you should wear some too one time, Haru-chan. Not that you look bad in suits. But enough about that. I’d like to learn light element, since it’s clearly a factor in mastering this Favour from Akio’s description. I really should have put in the time to learn more elements, but Tsumura Arts and physical strengthening have been our focus.”

“Don’t think you can leave us out.” Bellaera, the vibrant, blue-haired Elf said cheerfully, her own large bow slung over one shoulder.

“Me too!” Soliteare joined in, also carrying a beautifully decorated bow, her brilliant green hair always catching the attention of others. Her chest too. I’m hardly small, though that’s not always a good thing for combat. Sometimes I envy Motoko’s slender figure, especially when drawing back on the bowstring. But then, Akio does seem to enjoy my chest, so… I don’t want to change. No, there’s no time to get distracted.

“I’m the one who should be shedding tears.” Soliteare’s blue eyes sparkled. “I didn’t even get to go on an adventure with Akio yet. Sometimes I worry he’ll forget who I am!”

“I doubt that could happen.” Haru-chan said dryly. “The pair of you are very memorable. The trio I should say. Though it seems Moira has declined to participate.” seaʀᴄh thё* website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“She’s always like that.” Bellaera shrugged. “Sour, bad-tempered, taciturn… unlucky. It’s ill-omened for an elf to be born with black hair and eyes. Cursed by the Queen of Crows, they say.” She paused, looking embarrassed. “Though I don’t claim to believe it, not now. I’ve seen too much. And even if she was born unlucky, she’s got the chance to turn it around. Though all she wants to do is plot, scheme and work. She’ll always be alone like that. She needs to go on more adventures, like I did! It gets the heart burning with passion!”

“Are you trying to pick a fight, Bell?” Soliteare grimaced. “You know I’m jealous you were chosen!”

As they bickered, the group headed towards the Ring Gate. The celebrations were still in full swing for the Adamant members, and Natsumi saw the Shiraishi sisters looking at her with some bemusement. There are several other noble daughters there too. Hinata really is fierce about expanding our influence. I hope she doesn’t try and push it too far… Seeing Natsumi looking, Hinata winked and mouthed ‘Good luck!’ at her. I’ll worry about that another time. Focus. In Tsumura Arts, stray, extraneous, distracting thoughts should be avoided. Live in the moment, just myself and my opponents. So now… light element. My opponents will be seeking it too, but I can be better…

As they transferred to Boundary Kyoto, Natsumi questioned the twins. “Just what are you working on then? If it’s a secret, you don’t have to say.”

“We would keep no secrets from one of Akio-sama’s fiancées.” “You are a trusted companion of Akio-sama, we can say.” The twins had no problem revealing their efforts, which touched Natsumi. They really are good kids. Very mature with a good work ethic. Honestly, they might be suited for learning Tsumura Arts. Though they’ve started late, as the foundations are best built before one reaches ten years old, such disadvantages can be mitigated by Levelling up and having Akio instruct in Skill gains. Maybe I’ll mention it. They joined Adamant, right? Though they weren’t wearing the uniform at the moment, they did have some rather pretty diamond-shaped badges pinned to their shoulders.

“We are proud that we can aid others in gaining elemental affinities.” “Our greatest delight it to help others master strengths that the Kami possess.” “So we worry that learning other elements might interfere.” “It probably will not, but we do not want to make mistakes.” “To support Akio-sama, Ren-sama and the Kami…” “For our family, Hikawa-Kawagoe Shrine and the Kami…” They spoke one after the other, only to finish together, expressions both fearful and proud. “We have been studying the Klein Bottle and trying to learn the Spatial element. It is hard, so terribly hard, but we have been learning what we need to know!”

“Really?” Natsumi was impressed. “What have you been learning?” They were headed towards Kiyomizu-dera, where the density of light element was highest, attracting some curiosity from the dwellers of Kyoto and visiting Yōkai.

“We have been studying geometry and multi-dimensional spaces and transformations.” “As well as gravity, relativity and particle physics.” They said proudly, and Natsumi covered her mouth with one hand to hide her surprise.

“Really? That’s very advanced. We touch on some of that in high school, but generally it’s university level subjects. Are you managing to keep up?”

“It is quite the struggle, but we persevere.” We do not understand too much, but what little we do is helping, we are sure.” The twins answered. The conversation continued, and after a while they reached their destination. Beautiful indigo sparks of energy, tinged with faint gold, were rising above the impressive temple, and Natsumi could feel it in the air.

”I’m a little envious. I missed out when you all learned. I wanted to go to that Conclave you were having. I know Motoko and Hinata did too. But rules are rules. I’ve lived my whole life bound by doing what the rules dictated.” Her eyes narrowed. “This Favour… I was going to concede it to Motoko, but I was wrong. That’s not being a friend, it’s being trapped in old ways of thinking, old habits. Yes, we should help and support each other… but we also all agreed to polish ourselves so we all shine brighter. If I treat Motoko as above me still, then it’ll just cause trouble for her and everyone else.”

“Well said.” Bellaera commented, sitting down and crossing her long legs, her ears flapping gently as she spoke. “I have a better understanding of you both since mount Atago. You are as sisters, but even sisters have a dominant and a submissive one.”

“I know.” Natsumi sighed. “But I want to change. I have changed, but it’s hard to undo years of our relationship. But we must. To be true friends and sisters.”

“Just make an effort. We Elves know patience. All good hunters have to be patient, as prey is not claimed by hasty arrows.” Soliteare advised seriously. “Honestly… this Favour is better suited for Bell or me than you, though I certainly mean no disrespect.”

“It’s true.” Natsumi conceded. “But we aren’t long lived like you. Not yet. So we like to grab chances when we see them, even if they aren’t perfect. I just want to do more, be a part of things. Sometimes I feel on the outside a little.” She paused, suddenly thinking of something. “But that reminds me. You said you Elves are patient? So why are you both pursuing Akio with all the subtlety of a starving dog seeing fresh meat? I understand you might be under pressure from Prince Aethelathrion due to him wishing for your arranged marriage… I sympathise. It was an ever-present fear to Motoko and me in the past. But Akio doesn’t need to bind you that way to work together. If you actually like him then there’s no rush, is there? After all, he’s just like you now, and can live centuries or more.” I feel conflicted. I’m sad that if I don’t reach the same level, I’ll end up being just a memory to him in the future. But I’m also fired up. I don’t want to back down from this challenge. Perhaps that’s why I’m eager for this Favour, to propel me forwards, even though I feel it might not be the best fit for me. But Akio promised he wouldn’t leave any of us behind. Even so, Motoko and I… we don’t want to simply receive help, we want to claim our eternity with our own strength and determination. As the heirs to Tsumura Arts, we can demand no less from ourselves.

Bellaera and Soliteare exchanged knowing glances, while Haru-chan laughed, amused by her point. In the end, Bellaera spoke for them. “You’re right. There’s no rush, not really. However…” She narrowed her eyes, a little troubled. “Honestly, I rather like Akio. He’s interesting, exotic to us, and brave and strong. There’s no way Way-Wardens who pride themselves in strength and bravery such as Teare and I could marry a weak or cowardly man. And Elven courtship can indeed be leisurely, years, decades or more in the making, but…” She exchanged a knowing glance with Soliteare. “…if we don’t make a good impression, win his approval now, then it may be too late. We watch and we see others getting ahead of us… our prey is wily and surrounds himself with impenetrable shields such as you.”

Me? A shield?

“So that’s why we want to win. If one of us wins, our value will rise.” Bellaera finished. “Honestly, we’re confident few can resist us. Elves are among the most beautiful of the Fae, and we are strong, brave and loyal. Also, we have never found anyone we wished to bond with or share our lunar Chakras with. It frustrates us a bit that we are discounted so. So…” she turned to Haru-chan eagerly. “…we should make haste. Motoko and that little woman, Aditi, was it… may be ahead of us while we chatter.”

Natsumi agreed with that. Yes, Motoko won’t hold back. I was wrong to concede, it wasn’t an act of kindness, but an act of pride, saying that Motoko wasn’t good enough to defeat me without me giving up. I was wrong, and hurtful, but now… I know what I need to do. “Let’s get cracking!” She rubbed her hands together, waiting for Haru-chan to start…



“Let’s get cracking!” After Natsumi said those words, Soliteare exchanged a meaningful glance with her relative Bell. They were both great-granddaughters of Prince Aethelathrion, and close cousins. Moira was as well, of course, but considering her ill-omened appearance and the superstitious nature of the Fae in general, she was hardly well-liked, despite her obvious talents. Though she is most definitely no fun to be around, she needs to smile more often, else she will definitely live a lonely life. But there’s no time to worry about our grim relative now…

“We’ve studied the theory closely. In the past, while it wasn’t entirely uncommon to transcend our elements, beings such as Princess Estalian even managing it twice, it was still the act of the lucky or a genius.” Bell said, and Soliteare voiced her agreement.

“Not everyone can be like the little princess. How many times is it now? Five? That’s insane. Not losing herself defies everything we knew. But she’s not alone in it. Ixitt, Selensha… others as well. It seems we are living in a time of miracles.”

“Miraculous or not, it’s nothing special.” Haru disagreed. The ghost woman made Soliteare a little uncomfortable, as her dead, spectral state reminded her of the dreadful Banshees of the unseelie court. Although she is nothing like those evil women. But the dead, ghosts… are traditionally ill-omened. Realising she was falling into the same trap as she had with Moira all these long years, she shook her head bitterly. I am too superstitious. Maybe I should make more of an effort to involve Moira in things. She just makes it so difficult. I know great-grandfather picked her for a marriage candidate because Akio is soft on those who have suffered or are miserable, but… why he would want her when he has such bright and pleasant women around him… even great-grandfather can be wrong, it seems.

“Anyway, Chiaki-chan, Chiasa-chan, I’ll link them into your connection and keep them tuned. It will be far easier than soothing the broken minds of the poor souls in Korea.” Haru began her task with eyes narrowed in concentration.

As the link was formed, Soliteare marvelled at the sharing of thoughts and emotions, somewhat similar to sharing of lunar Chakras, so she imagined. On seeing the knowing look on everyone’s faces, other than the two twins, of course, she reddened, her ears hot and scarlet. “I’m just guessing! I’ve never shared that closeness with anyone before!”

“You’re not entirely wrong.” Natsumi said, her own cheeks and ears tinged pink. “It’s a unique sensation, more intellectual, emotional pleasure than physical. But I am hardly experienced. I have only shared with Akio and have no intentions of ever doing it with another man.” she insisted, and as Bell cackled, amused, Soliteare found her cute.

“Yes, I wouldn’t dare question your integrity and loyalty.” she promised earnestly. “But we should concentrate now, shouldn’t we?”

Yes, you should. Light element is challenging, but I already know it well, and the twins learned it too. It does not conflict with the four more primal elements, earth, water, flame and wind. But grasping the intricacies of it is harder. Fortunately… Haru’s voice resounded in their minds, followed by a flood of knowledge. I have been studying, of course. Not just the mortal realm, which I will need to know if I am to truly take a once-mortal as my husband, but also their insights into the world. There are more Mortal Engineers here now than in the Court itself, many of them drawn to the vast body of knowledge and resources that are available if they work for it. It is impossible for us not to soak it in.

Though you’re not the smartest of us, Teare. Just do your best, but don’t complain when I surge ahead of you and triumph. After all, it was I who was allowed to go with them to mount Atago. I guess I’m in the lead! Bell thought at her gleefully, puffing out her chest with a wink. Soliteare touched her own, far more ample bosom, and scowled. Just you wait! It isn’t who launches the first arrow, but who takes home the prey that wins!

We can hear you, you know?

At Haru’s amused thoughts, they both blushed and silently apologised. “We’ll focus.” Soliteare promised, and soon light element was being drawn in. The twins handled it with practised skill, demonstrating the correct absorption, and through Haru’s Telepathy, they could even direct some of the thoughts of the Elves and Natsumi, correcting minor mistakes.

This is still very difficult… Soliteare was moving light element to her third eye Chakra, though it constantly wanted to escape, trying to scatter and damage her subtle body. I feel sorry for Moira now, that she was challenged to master darkness by that irritating fox.

She’ll manage. Moira is nothing if not stubborn. And it suits her gloomy personality.

We should be nicer to her. I’ve been thinking that a lot recently. Soliteare thought back to her cousin. Though it would help if she wasn’t so cold. She’s seldom grateful for any kindness.

You’re right. And if we aren’t careful, the other candidates who great-grandfather doesn’t favour as highly as us might come in and steal a march. Speaking of stealing a march… Bell eyed Natsumi, who was making very rapid progress on absorbing light element, under the twins’ guidance. …I don’t want to be left behind. Do you?

“No!” Soliteare declared. “I want this Favour. I am a sword and a shield that defends the Seelie Court, a bow that sends arrows to slay the Unseelie and Wild Hunt that threatens it. If I had greater power, these arrows that fly faster than an eagle, just think of what I could accomplish.”

“Maybe it’s because you are thinking of the Court that Akio left you behind.” Bell teased, grinning maliciously. Oh, I see I’ve ignited her competitive spirit, claiming I would win. “I am a sword and shield for not just the Court, but for Akio’s realm, and a bow to send arrows to slay his enemies and protect his wives. If you want to beat me, try harder!” Bell finished, teasing Soliteare.

As the twins smiled shyly, a little amused by the banter, and Haru shook her head, holding in giggles, the two Elves argued in both words and thought, playfully but with genuine competitiveness, while Natsumi silently worked, desperate to improve herself…



“Brother Ren-sama!” “Sister Asami-sama!” the twins declared in surprise as their brother arrived, accompanied by the mortal girl he was close to, as well as Motoko and Akio’s sister, Aiko. She’s an archer that even Shaeraggo respects the future potential of. Even if she wasn’t the sister of the man I intend to court, I would wish to be close to her. Perhaps we should test each other’s skills some time soon. Only through competition and rigorous practise can we better ourselves. Like now. Sweat was beading all over her body as she struggled to tame the vivid indigo light.

 On seeing Motoko, Natsumi smiled brightly.

“Did you achieve your aims? I had thought you would be coming for the light element immediately. If you are too slow, I’ll beat you” Declaring that pridefully, she put her hands on her hips. “I think I’m close. But then, the twins are geniuses at this. They make it so easy!”

As they blushed at the praise, looking down, Asami spoke up, also embarrassed. “Please don’t be so formal… and yet somehow so very informal… with me at once. If Kana-chan could hear you, she’d laugh herself to death. At least lay off the -sama. -Chan is fine, I’m a cute girl, and since I’m going steady with your brother, that seems fitting.”

“Do not worry, we call Kana-sama in the same manner.” “We address all of the women of Akio-sama respectfully, just as we do Motoko-sama and Natsumi-sama.” The twins rejoindered, making their brother a bit perturbed, and Asami further embarrassed.

“Fine, do whatever you want! But you two are definitely Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan to me, all right? Gee, I came here figuring I might be able to get into something interesting. Kana-chan’s always got things going on.”

“Much as I love this romantic comedy, that for once doesn’t feature my bro, so I can appreciate it without worry…” Aiko cut in, smiling. “I’m here to help. Here.” She flourished an ornate hand mirror, with a pretty carved wooden frame. Even looking at it, Bellaera could see the shimmering indigo sparks within the glass, yet they had a much different feel to the light around them. She exchanged a look with her cousin, who nodded.

Yes, I can sense it too. Do you think we are geniuses, meant to shine with the element of light?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but wow, you’re funny. Aiko replied to Teare’s thought wryly, Haru having brought her, Ren and Asami into the link. The strain was heavier, especially on the twins, but their gruelling practice and efforts to strengthen themselves had paid off. Ren and I have been filling the mirror in our spare time. The light side, anyway. There’s no shortage of light element anymore thanks to Haru-chan and her Territory, but our sunlight is the best, right Ren-kun? She winked at the boy, who nodded stiffly, a little sour.

It was my gift of sunlight…

“We can hear you Ren-sama!” “Mind your manners, Ren-sama!” “Don’t disrespect Aiko-sama!” “Aiko-sama is worthy of the sun of Hikawa shrine!”

The twins piled into him, and he had the grace to apologise, and Asami laughed, pinching his cheek, which made him look simultaneously irritated and slightly happy. Bellaera exchanged a knowing, and slightly envious glance with Teare, but kept her thoughts to herself. I never much considered romance, I was too busy defending our borders. But now I find myself jealous of others. Which is why I need to stand out. Winning here is the way to do that!

“I thought that light was the obvious way to strengthen our affinity.” Motoko explained, as light began to rain out from the mirror in Aiko’s hands. “But then, why settle for less than perfection? We do not accept good enough when we train in Tsumura Arts, do we? If we drill a form and it is not perfect after a hundred repetitions, then we do two hundred. Or five hundred. Or…”

“A thousand. Yes, I get it.” Natsumi chuckled. “I’m glad you came back, but I don’t need your charity either, Motoko. We’ll fight fair and square, just as we do in our training duels.”

“Oh, I am well aware of that. I would not turn around and make the mistake you made, mere moments later. It is simply that you monopolised Haru-san and the twins first. But the myth of Jumong involves him being born from light, sunlight!”

“I told you I’d be perfect for it. But I’m a good sharer.” Aiko grinned, pouring out her own sunlight into the mirror, then releasing it in motes of golden energies, easier to absorb. “If I want an arrow faster than light, I’ll practice until my hands bleed, and my muscles ache. That’ll be more satisfying.”

Bellaera agreed. “Yes, nothing comes without effort. And if it does, it’s not valued.”

“Yes, I think that’s another reason that Akio is so keen on this competition. I think in future he wants us to truly appreciate what we gain.” Natsumi said, and Motoko voiced her agreement.

“Kana-chan does. She’s over the moon.” Asami giggled, delighted. “She was so upset all the time when Akio-kun ignored her. She tried to pretend it didn’t bother her, but Mio-chan and I could see right through her. Poor Mio-chan. She’s all alone. Do we know any good guys that could be interested? She’s cute.”

“If Shaeula was here, she’d say my bro could take her. But I think he’s already got his hands full.” Aiko laughed, before eyeing Ren. “How about you, Ren-kun? Fancy starting your own harem?”

“He wouldn’t dare!” Asami insisted. “Right Ren-kun? I’m woman enough for you to handle!”

“That’s right. And I’m lucky.” He mumbled, casting an irritated look at Aiko for her starting the argument, but she merely looked away, whistling cheerfully.

“I’m only teasing. But Natsumi-chan is right.” Aiko continued. “Motoko-chan, Natsumi-chan, you’ve seen battle on mount Atago… but compared to something like Kyoto, or South Korea, or London… getting a Favour isn’t just about growing stronger, or Akio showing he respects you… it’s a commitment. I didn’t take mine lightly. Neither did Kana-chan. The same goes for you two. You may be warriors, but there’s no going back after this.”

“I know.” Teare agreed. “But we are Way-wardens, we don’t take backwards steps. And more to the point, we’re women who have pride in ourselves. Your brother is a strange man. Why he believes that we don’t appreciate him just because our great-grandfather sees political gain in our union escapes me. It knocks my confidence. But… I’m not one for defeat!”

I felt the same, but the way he looks at us has changed recently. I’ve noticed it. I don’t see love or lust in his gaze, much to my disappointment, but I don’t see the sadness and worry I used to…

“It’s really bothering you, isn’t it?” Natsumi commiserated, and Motoko even went to far as to put a hand on Bellaera’s shoulder. Mortified and red-faced, Bell realised she had leaked that thought over the linked Telepathy. Haru made a quip that she would wish herself dead if she made such an embarrassing blunder, but that she couldn’t as she was already dead, and Aiko laughed until she was teary-eyed. In the end though, she too consoled not only Bellaera, but Teare too.

“My bro knows. He’s stubborn though. As you can expect, the way that he ran away from Eri for years. And before you two say anything…” she glowered at Motoko and Natsumi. “It’s not your faults either, nor is it Hinata-chan’s. My bro’s just got funny ideas. But now he realises it’s not the arrangements or the benefits that count, but feelings. So… sorry Motoko-chan, Natsumi-chan, but as a bad sister-in-law, I’m encouraging my bro to snatch up all the good women. Though he needs to work hard too. Finding time and energy to make sure everyone is happy is going to be murder. So…” She narrowed her brilliant blue eyes. “…everyone has to show results too. If everyone breaks their limits, bro will be too ashamed to fail himself. So, let spartan Aiko-chan and whipped Ren-kun…” she thumped her own chest and pointed at the teased Ren with her other hand, holding the mirror. “…run you through the crash course in sunlight element!”

“I won’t lose!” Bellaera dipped her head in gratitude. “And I won’t forget. Having your approval means much to me. In exchange…” she tapped her bow. “…Shaeraggo is one of the greatest hunters of the Court, but not renowned for his pleasant personality or grace in teaching. I would be happy to impart some Fae techniques to you.” I would be glad to do it. I have experienced more in these past few moons than I have in dozens of years before this. The pace of mortal life is far quicker than our endless nights, and the times are changing at a pace that even shocks mortals. Besides…whatever great-grandfather wishes, Akio is right about one thing. Choosing for ourselves is best. And I choose to fight here and try and win! Though should I lose, I will congratulate my opponent and simply seek another chance. For as Teare said earlier, it seems that just as in hunting and battle, in romance, patience is key. But not too much patience, lest the prey lose interest, or be taken by swifter, bolder hunters.

“I shall offer it too!” Teare jumped in, and Bellaera’s lips curled into a smile. And here is one such hunter. But I’ll not back down. Casting her mind back to mount Atago, her eyes met Motoko’s and Natsumi’s, and while they were clearly determined, they also offered a supportive smile. Yes, having good rivals is motivating indeed. And goals… the Fae often lack such things, content to drift through life, fulfilling the whims of the moment… But Teare and I, and perhaps Moira too, have drifted to a place where we can change…


Aditi Mistry

“I am most grateful for your assistance. With Raidre away, you did not have to come.” Aditi said politely to the Selkie who had come through the fantastical portal made from mushrooms, travelling between the Avalon of London and the Avalon of Tokyo in the blink of an eye. No, I should properly refer to them as Territories now. The Princess has adopted Mr Oshiro’s terminology. And much more besides. Her lips quirked into a gentle smile, as she remembered the many looks the Princess showed in front of the man who had saved her life, as well as the lives of all her comrades. From disgust and loathing, to worry, fear, anger, now to warmth, joy, envy, sadness, playfulness and many more emotions. She shows her true face without reserve, a privilege few can see.

“It is fine. Lord Raidre would wish us to aid you. But these are…” The seal-like Selkie were eyeing Aditi’s other helpers, strange fish-like humanoids with human faces. She had asked many questions of Mr Oshiro, and he had answered her graciously, further winning her respect, for it took a man of principle to be fair when those he clearly cherished were her competition. He had also sent for these Renyu, as he called them, saying they could aid her if she chose this method to succeed.

“We are the last of the Renyu of our clan, as far as we know.” The green-haired, most human one said, though his neck, arms and cheeks were dusted with fine silver scales. At those words the others keened sadly, their eyes red, though they had no tears left to shed. “At least here, we can live, and have been promised vengeance, though it will not bring back our children, our parents…”

The Selkie seemed a bit taken aback, and their confrontational attitude softened. The Selkie are much like Raidre, quick to anger, but loyal. It grieves me so many perished due to the treachery of our friends. Even now… Princess, I hope whatever choice you make does not wound your conscience. Lean on Mr Reckless, Mrs Mary-Jane and even Mr Oshiro. A burden shared is a burden divided. Feeling great sympathy for the desolate Renyu, Aditi comforted them as best she could. “Perhaps some escaped whatever dreadful fate they were facing. You never know the end of things until you see it for yourself.”

“Maybe so. We can but dream of better days, before the great golden-eyed fiend came and enslaved and tormented us.” the green-haired Renyu declared sadly. “Now, you wish us to control the creatures of the deeps in this river?”

Aditi agreed. “Yes, if you could I would be most grateful. Though control is perhaps the wrong word.” The Sagami river ran near Nishimorioka shrine, and that was true in the Boundary as well. Gazing at the rather wide body of water, Aditi remembered what she had asked, about the greatest mythical feat Jumong had perpetrated, at least as far as was known. “I wish to cast forth my mightiest arrow into the river, and then the fish and turtles within should rise to the surface, making a bridge for me to cross.” Adherence is a subject beyond me. We were woefully ignorant and unprepared, compared to the likes of Miss Mary Stuart. But ignorance does not mean foolishness, as my mother often says. Foolishness cannot be cured, but the antidote to ignorance is knowledge, and fortunately we now have allies who share freely. Princess, I am so happy you do not have to lead alone anymore, cutting a path for us.

“Light element to match the arrows of Jumong. I fear I am not what I was…” she said, her tone softly mocking. “…but even though I failed Arjuna, I yet live, and the bow the Princess bequeathed me still functions.” Drawing on all of the aether she could, she channelled it into the bow. Her skills in handling the substance, the source of energy, had come on leaps and bounds since she started training here with Mrs Mary-Jane. I am not useless. I have a second chance. And I want to seize it. I do feel rather sorry that of the five of us, only one can succeed, but… please forgive me. I want to stand by the Princess, by Sir Arthur, by Mr Reckless, and Mrs Mary-Jane. And by our new friends and allies too, such as Mr Oshiro. I am a woman that knows manners and gratitude. Should I succeed and my aid be needed, I will never hesitate.

The Selkie and Renyu entered the water, sinking beneath the surface, and as Aditi squeezed out every drop of power she could, a string of faint light formed. It was far weaker than before, the lack of Arjuna’s Favour leaving her pitifully bereft of brilliance, but a faint candle could still illuminate the darkness enough to see, though a bonfire was often better. Adherence is simply the fervent, pure belief in a being, or an event, or an outcome. I learned that from looking at the great Tree that stands at the heart of this shrine. Asha, the Dryad, she said it was nourished by what came from beneath the Tower of London. In that case, Jumong is represented by the strongest, single event…

Her arrow formed, white and glowing, and with a cry she released it. The arrow plunged into the river with a sizzling hiss, before exploding, cascading up a fountain of water. As the droplets rained down, Aditi held in a sigh, thinking it wasn’t ladylike. “If I was Mr Reckless, I surely would have cursed. That was barely any strength. The creatures will not respond to me like that. Even if they do, it would merely be at the urgings of my helpers. That will not do. No…” She sat down, cross-legged in a pose of meditation, bow on her legs. “…I can do better. I must do better. My only solace is, the others, they will likely not be swift at their own preparations.” Draw in the ether and convert it. Allow the strange, Fae lunar Chakra to do its work. The density of ether here is rather high. She glanced over at the great Tree and the brilliant prismatic light above, before shutting her eyes, blotting out distractions. Princess, this time I will protect you. I will not be fooled again. All those who you trust, I will be sure to watch carefully. Only those who I deem to have your best interests at heart will I allow near you. But to enforce that, I once more need strength. Which is why… I cannot lose this trial!

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