Side One Hundred And Sixty-Seven – David Reckless

Side One Hundred And Sixty-Seven – David Reckless

The door to the small, local church creaked open, and David couldn’t help but snarl out a warning to his captive. “If you try and make a break for it, I’ll break your damn legs, got it?”

The person he was addressing, his erstwhile friend, colleague and ultimate betrayer, Sarah, snorted bitterly, her blue eyes meeting his stoically. She raised one arm, revealing her thick and heavy chains, which an ordinary person wouldn’t have been able to bear the weight of, as well as the blinking bracelet, which had several red lights flashing steadily. “Where d’ye think I can run, ye damn fool?” Her words were heavy with irony and her thick Scottish brogue made her words sound angrier than they were. “I have nae place tae go now, ye ken? It’s over. If ye need a reason tae batter me, if it’d help your mood, then go ahead, ye can be my guest.” S~eaʀᴄh the nôvelFire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Stupid bitch. Why must you be like this all the time? Before David could voice his concerns, their other companion, the petite and polite Aditi, spoke up softly, her tone mollifying. “Now, now, Mr Reckless. It serves no purpose to be so angry with Miss McLaughlin. After all, we spent a great deal of time together, or so it seems. Actually, it was rather brief…” Her gentle tone was now sad, and David snorted angrily.

“You and the teacher are both too forgiving. Have you forgotten that she tried her best to kill us all, and was going to let that fucking crazy nugget Donovan have his way with the Princess? She betrayed us and everything she promised to protect!”

“I know. I know.” Aditi squeezed shut her eyes as the door swung shut behind them, revealing a quiet, empty church, except for a specially vetted priest, who was in the confessional box, waiting for Sarah. “I grieve for that, but fortunately we did not die, even if…” Her hand clenched, and David snorted, while Sarah remained silent.

“You still lost your powers. You can’t tell me it doesn’t hurt you.” He retorted, and Aditi nodded.

“Yes. I miss the power of Arjuna greatly. But… before I had no power, I was a humble girl. Now at least I can regain my strength slowly, and still be of use. I still carry the bow.” she said to Sarah, who finally answered.

“That’s… I know what I did cannae be forgiven. I would nae forgive me, nae way. But can ye believe I be happy for ye, Aditi. That ye lived and still have hope. Although…” She spoke as though the words were dragged out of her. “…ye simply be buying time. Without tae support of the Ninth Heaven, we be finished. London, Britain, Europe, tae Earth itself.”

I hate it when you talk like that, stupid redhead! David sawed on the chains, pulling her, and couldn’t resist a bitter dig at her words. “Well we sure are fucked either way then. Considering your vaunted Mary Stuart was tricked by that bastard Max Power, then her and her Angels got her asses handed to her. Even now she’s basically a vegetable, only useful as bait.”

Sarah clasped her hands together in a brief prayer. “I get why ye hate her, David. She… was nae a kind woman, she believed in fire and brimstone for enemies of t’faith. But… she also knew that we have nae chance against what’s out there. Our world be so terribly small, ye ken?”

“Fighting and killing enemies is fine. Humanity has done that since day one.” David snarled. “But betrayal of your friends is another thing. And Donovan was going to rape her, you stupid redhaired bitch! The worst thing a woman can have happen. She was your dear friend, and gave you fucking everything!”

“It was a sacrifice, for tae good of all.” Sarah said, rehashing a conversation they had repeated a number of times, though in the church, the conversation took up a different air. “Didn’t Abraham listen tae God and offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice?”

“I’m not a religious man, but even I know that was just a test.” He shot back.

“Well, the Son of God, did he nae get scourged, stuck with a crown of thorns and nailed tae a cross, all for others? Tae save us from our sins.”

“Maybe? Before I’d have called it credulous religious bullshit, but with all the shit I’ve seen… if Caturix, Arjuna and other Gods exist, then who am I to say what’s real? But you’re missing the point. Two points.” His harsh tone made Aditi flinch, but he shot her a glare, needing to get this off his chest again. “Firstly, Jesus went to his end, if not willingly, with knowledge of what he was doing. The Princess, the teacher and little miss Asian here had no choice. Secondly, fuck any God that demands the Princess suffers like that.” At his words, Sarah gasped.

“This be a house of God, ye heathen. Mind your blasphemous tongue!”

“I don’t listen to the words of traitors who force others to sacrifice. You want to be a martyr yourself and I’d have tried to stop you. But force others to…” Words failed him as Sarah frowned, twisting her body, pushing out her chest in her prison clothes.

“That be it, then? Ye want tae ravage me, David? Make me suffer what t’Princess would have? Honestly, aye, I knew Donovan was going off tae deep end, though I never thought he’d get so bad, ye ken? Even so, I put my friendships, conscience and heart on tae scales, and… the needs of the many outweigh t’needs of the few.” David could see she regretted it, but she was also resolute. “I know ye carried a torch for me, David, I nae be blind. Go on, why not indulge? Ye’ll feel better hurting me like the Princess nearly was. I’m a sinner, I deserve punishment, nae?”

You bitch, you… As Aditi looked on, troubled, David took several deep breaths, the red in his face diminishing. Calmed down, he admitted something he hadn’t wanted to, not even to himself. “I like strong women. Women who can stand up for themselves, and have the guts to help others. Yeah, maybe I did think you were pretty great. Guess I’m not as good a judge of character as I am a fighter. Fuck it.” He spat, and Aditi bent down, wiping it up.

“This be a house of God, nae matter how ye might hate the Church now.” Sarah frowned. “I nae be afraid. If ye think it just, and nae want tae dirty your own hands, then throw me tae the wolves. I’ll beg and cry and wail, t’be sure, but I’ve already been long prepared tae sacrifice too. Even under the aegis of the Ninth Heaven, many of us, we still be having tae lay our lives on t’line, David.”

As he met her serious gaze, he was the first to look away. Stupid bitch means it. I hate this. Why did things have to change? That fucker Mary Stuart and bastard Max Power… they ruined everything. “Oh you’d love that, wouldn’t you? Suffering would ease your conscience, but there’s no easy way out for you. Besides…” he jerked a thumb at Aditi. “She’d never stand for it. Like the Princess, she and the teacher are soft-hearted. Old man Arthur wouldn’t like it either. No, carry your own damn guilt, and know it was all fucking wasted effort. That’s what I hate the most.”

“Not wasted.” Sarah disagreed. “Ye may not believe me, but t’Ninth Heaven and God be the only way we can survive. T’other paths are false, and lead tae ruin. The Church of True Revelation, it be planning for these days for fifteen hundred years. The End Times, David, Aditi. The damn End Times. Even now, it be not too late tae join hands with them.” It was annoying her tone was so earnest, almost pleading. Fuck, I really, really hate this!

“Well, they planned fucking badly.” He snarled. “All that effort and all it got them was Mary Stuart comatose, a lot of their other idiots dead, and now Britain hates them. Even the Pope denounced them, although…” he paused, irritated. “…mealy mouthed shit. I hate the violence, but I understand why they do it… we had enough of that bollocks with the Irish troubles, on both sides, right? Honestly, we need to work together! There’s no point fighting amongst ourselves. If things out there are as damn dangerous as you claim, then we need every advantage!”

“It is true.” Aditi agreed solemnly. “We are lacking hands, we lost too many, and those that remain, they are in hiding, or refusing the offers of the Queen and Princess Eleanor. Fortunately we have other allies now, but… my strength is still lacking.”

Sarah had the grace to look guilty. “Aye, allies. But can ye trust them? Without the ties of faith, each looks out for their own, ye ken?”

“Don’t start being a hypocrite now. Who betrayed us? It wasn’t our allies, but you.” He shot back, and Sarah nodded, having no answer. “Look, I’ve crossed fists with the guy, and a man knows another when they fight. Besides… actions speak louder than words.”

“Indeed.” Aditi said politely, taking the hint to speak. “Miss Mary-Jane and I, we are welcomed warmly, and provided support and knowledge to hone our skills. Perhaps we may never be strong enough to stand beside the Princess again, but… we have use, purpose.”

“The defensive pact is rock solid too. Your so-called Church can’t do shit. If they attack London or Tokyo, we’ll pincer them and fuck them up harder than we fucked Mary Stuart.” David said with satisfaction. “Funniest thing is Raidre, for sure. He’s shitting himself every time he sees the little Princess, the Fae. It’s funny to see. Seems like when he left the Court she was a joke, a laughingstock, and so he treated her rudely when we first met, but seems like she’s a big deal now. Not a weakling, for sure. I wish I’d been there to see her bisect that fucking little prick Donovan, the scumbag.”

“I’d have thought that ye’d have dealt with us by now.” Sarah admitted. “Eleanor is soft-hearted, so she might have some lingering attachments, but…t’Queen is a pragmatist, aye. And ye…” she looked at David sadly. “…ye be right. Either right or wrong, I lost my gamble, and I ken nae excuses.”

As they sat down, Sarah ready to begin her prayers, it was Aditi who answered. “Nor should you have. But… does not your God speak of repentance, the Prodigal Son returning home?”

“Yeah, well the Prodigal Son didn’t try and murder his relatives then toss her best friend into the hands of a rapist prick.” David muttered, only to be silent as Aditi glared at him. All right, all right, I get it. Unusual for you to be so fiery,, little miss Asian.

“I know that. Your sins are heavy, Miss McLaughlan. I myself… find I cannot like you, not now, perhaps not ever again. But… while Mr Patterson has lost his mind… you have some use. As does the erstwhile Mary Stuart.”

“What use can she have? She’ll nae ever relent.” Sarah warned.

“Rat catching.” David snorted. “Two came sniffing around her Territory, her Avalon. We caught them, but the dumb bastards suicided. I thought that was a mortal sin, worthy of Hell? Not very religious of them.”

“Show some respect, ye heathen.” Sarah chided. “It shows that they indeed be willing tae sacrifice for what we must. But…” she paused, troubled. “I nae be much use. I was brought in, aye, but I nae made the true inner circles of the Church.”

“Maybe not. But you know some things.” And you better damn well talk. You owe us that! “Your new friends are a proscribed organisation here in Britan. While the rest of the world has condemned them, they haven’t gone as far as to out them as a Terrorist group, but it’s not like they can act openly. They seem to have vanished, but… they haven’t, have they?” he pressed. “So, what would be their next move? Revenge?” That worries me. I’m strong, and getting stronger every day, but compared to what Akio brings, our armies are weak. No matter, if they get in the shit in Japan, I’m worth a thousand men or Fae!

“Please, we implore you to speak. We can still work together, to save all who can be saved.” Aditi said sadly. “Mary Stuart was responsible for this heinous set of crimes, but we can no more hold the whole group responsible, as we could for a Terrorist in another group.”

“It’s nae that simple.” Sarah shook her head. “Just… let me think, aye?” She glanced towards the confessional booth, and David sighed.

“Knock yourself out. But don’t forget, God might forgive, but I don’t. Not for this. Spit in my face, sure, but… what you did…”

“Aye, I know.” She paused. “For what it be worth, I be sorry, David. I did nae mean t’break your heart.”

“Oh shut up. Go spill your guts, and consider your options carefully!” He had heard her apologies too many times, and had become immune to them, but… I can’t believe I fell for such a foolish woman. Fuck. Repressing the urge to smash something, but unwilling to do so in a Church, he released the chains, watching as Sarah disappeared into the confessional booth, the velvet curtain pulled behind her.

“Come on.” He turned to Aditi. “Her stupidity is between her and God, it wouldn’t do for us to hear.”

Shooting him a warm, amused look, Aditi nodded. “Indeed. It is hard, no? Feelings?”

“No shit.” David snorted. “But I’m a man who doesn’t know how to quit. Caturix chose me as the battle lord of the British Isles. I’ll protect the Princess and Britain, until my last breath. And nobody can stop me. Not even the dumb redhead or that shit Donovan. They made their choice…” And I made mine. As did the Princess. Though… His lips curled into the first smile he had shown since they had collected Sarah from prison. …the Princess has a lot on her mind as well. But she won’t be beaten either. That’s why the Green Man chose her. No matter the injury, she’ll push forwards, even if she hates the pain…


Sarah strode back over, chains rattling. Sitting down beside David, she managed a bitter grin. “Not eavesdropping, David? Colour me surprised. I’d have thought ye would have nae been able to resist.”

“I have some manners.” He complained, while Aditi softly chuckled. “So, made your peace?”

“Aye, I thank ye and Eleanor for letting me out for this.” Sarah agreed. “I have a weight on my soul, ye ken?”

“Well, I think it’s more than you deserve, but… fuck it. You were our shield during a ton of battles before you went crazy and shit on us.”

“Ye be as foul-mouthed as ever. Girls nae be liking that, David. Ye’ll be single for life if ye keep that up.”

“Piss off, I may have terrible taste in women, but I’ve always been popular. I’m.. I was King of the Octagon…” he remembered his promise. “…so of course a strong man attracts women. And no matter how the world changes, that isn’t going to.” Just look at Akio, the cheeky bastard. How many is it now? I didn’t watch the broadcast he was on, but the Princess did. Eleven, I think she said, pouting, irritated. Her face was funny.

“Aye, whatever ye say. Anyway…” Sarah frowned. “The Priest, he gave me penance.”

“What, a few dozen Hail Mary’s? Get on with it then.” David snorted., and Sarah’s eyes flashed, irritated.

“Shut up a moment, ye damn fool. I be serious.” She snapped.

“Are you in a position to take that tone…” he began, only for her to punch him with her manacled hands. It didn’t hurt much, but he was surprised.

“Mouth. Shut. It. I be serious.” She said for emphasis. “The good Father, he told me that even if God forgives my sins, unless I am sorry, it nae be good. And I ken that, aye.” She squeezed shut her eyes for a moment. “Maybe there was another way, aye, but…”

“But tears don’t wash out blood.” David agreed. “Look, any God that demands such sacrifices and acts of evil isn’t a God I give two shits about. Give me all the bullshit you like about what’s to come… what use is a world saved by acts of treachery and betrayal? I don’t want to live in that. Life needs to be like the Octagon. Winner takes all, fighting fairly.”

“Aye. Aye.” Sarah sighed. “Perhaps ye be right. But… the Church has more knowledge that we do. Far more. But… as tae what they plan, I cannae be sure. But I did listen tae Mary Stuart often. Ye should have taken my Anchor, Donovan’s too. It be strengthening. Though now I sacrificed my heathen power… ye would gain less. But… the Angels. They be the trump card.”

“A pretty shitty trump card, since the last one got wrecked.” David began, only for Aditi to shush him.

“I will listen, Miss McLaughlin.” She insisted, and Sarah sighed.

“Can’t ye go back tae calling me Sarah? Nae, I guess not. Tae much bad blood tae wash away. But… listen well. Collecting the Favours of t’other false Gods… that be the aim at first. One aim.”

“We have heard theories.” Aditi said. “I go to train in Japan, and they mention that Earth is subjected to a terrible game, to winnow us down to one victor, an Astral Emperor.”

“Aye, that be right. One of the Cardinals will take t’role.” Sarah agreed. “Then the Earth can join the Ninth Heaven. I nae be lying when I say it be safest. And those who follow the Church will be soldiers, fighting for God and Earth.”

“Again, that’s all very well, but I don’t fight for those who would toss aside friendship and honour. Death is better than being that kind of scum.” David asserted.

“Maybe so, but I be serious here. Ye asked.” Sarah pouted. “The followers of the Church of True Revelation are blessed, and we can convert heathen powers into Linked Angels. And anyone be compatible with them, a big difference, ye ken? And t’more Linked Angels, t’stronger they be. Do you ken what this means?”

Shit. Yeah, I do. “No wonder they don’t want to work with others. If one plus one equals two, and two plus two equals four…” he said sourly, and Sarah nodded.

“Aye, one plus one might be three, and two plus two might be six or seven.”

“In that case, how can anyone else compete?” he gritted his teeth, troubled. “No, it’s clearly not that simple, otherwise there’s no way that bitch Mary Stuart would have been defeated.”

“Aye. Perhaps one plus one is two and a little bit.” She sighed. “Even so, were the followers of the Church able to grow our numbers, then there be nae limits, other than the maximum strength a person can wield. We nae be Angels ourselves, we can nae scale infinitely. But defeating our enemies…”

“This sounds like information you should have shared earlier…” David growled, and Sarah shrugged.

“You said betrayal be unforgivable, David. Now my words, they be a betrayal of my faith. Make up your damn mind.”

“You know what I meant.” He complained, but Aditi once more interjected.

“These Angels… do they grow stronger too?”

“Aye. Mary said that while they could nae bring down a true Angel, not yet, nae until the Boundary that surrounds the Earth is shattered, the mere shadows they summon grow in power and type. And there be many flavours… honestly, it be a miracle Mary was defeated. But while I did never meet t’other Cardinals, Mary, she nae be the strongest in battle…”

“No shit. She was a crazy woman, relying on her Angel. A real warrior would be more terrible. But…” he exchanged a long glance with Aditi. “…perhaps we were lucky. So, anything else to get off your chest?”

“Watch where ye be looking, pervert.” Sarah chided him, as with his words he involuntarily glanced down at her. “I nae know much, but…” She explained that Mary Stuart had talked about the new Crusade they planned, and how winning the public over and turning them against the heathens was their ultimate goal. “…so watch out. They nae care about revenge, but only victory. Ye be thorns in their side, and precious treasures tae exploit.”

“No shit.” David frowned. “Sadly, your time is up Back to the cells with you.”

“Aye.” Saraj stood, ready to go. “For what it’s worth, I be sorry. I really am.”

“Yes, so you’ve said a number of times, but some things you can’t apologise out of. Next time you demand sacrifices, make it yourself, like the Princess does, or Akio does. But I don’t think you’ll get a chance. Though for what it’s worth… I’m glad you came around and tried to make amends, useless as it is.”

Aditi had tears in her eyes as she nodded, and Sarah smiled bitterly. “Wrong again, David. It be a habit of ye to nae be right, aye? Sorry… sorry I was nae a woman ye should have fallen for. It would nae have worked.”

“Don’t flatter yourself… stupid redhead bitch.” He muttered, though his own eyes felt hot, his nose stinging. Stupid, stupid… why the fuck did it have to come to this?

“Aditi, you and Mary-Jane… I’m glad ye both lived, even if we stole from ye. Live well. David…” Her expression was serious. “…go break my Anchor, take the power from me. Ye can nae use it, ye have nae faith, but… use my mistake tae grow stronger. Sir Arthur… he can have Donovan’s, pitiful fool that he be. And the Princess, Eleanor… Mary Stuart may be a devil tae ye, a wicked woman… but she loves the Lord and sincerely wanted tae save those that could be. But faith… if taken tae far, it cannae be disregarded. She nae knows how tae compromise. Let Eleanor put her out of her misery and grow stronger. Ye will nae win, defeat the Church of True Revelation, but… aye, sacrifice should be made by t’ones who propose it. Let it be my last gift to ye, David.”

Pinching his nose, David looked away for a moment. “You think I won’t do it? The Princess wants a trial for you, but… if you willingly offer yourself…”

“Aye.” David saw her move and reflexively raised his fists, only to be surprised as her lips touched his, only for a moment, before she pulled away eyes resolute. “Something tae remember me by. Now, I am sinless before God, but whether Heaven or Hell awaits, I cannae say. Just… take your time, David, Aditi… nae follow me so soon, ye ken?”

As Aditi wept, despite the betrayal her heart still considering Sarah as someone she cared about, despite her earlier words, David ground his teeth, thoughts racing. Fuck, shit, damn it! I can’t forgive you, I won’t forgive you. Considering what you did, what nearly happened, you deserve to die, but… I don’t want that. Punishment, yes, but… death… Not realising his hands were clenched so tightly his nails had gouged bleeding furrows in his palms, David considered all they had learned. Fucking Church. Come after us again and I’ll knock you on your ass! Buit to do that, we have to be stronger. And resolute. Mind made up, he bid Sarah farewell in his mind, remembering the times they had spent on the battlefield together, his swinging his mace, her wielding her shield stalwartly, while Aditi and her bow, old man Arthur and his sword, Mary-Jane with her staff and strange magics, even that wretch Donovan and his spear, and of course the Princess leading them in gleaming green and copper armour, and he felt a pang of bitter regret. Was it worth it? Throwing it all away for something as stupid as a God? If Caturix told me to betray to save Britain, I’d tell him to fuck off, and I’d say it right to his face if he was here, and I’d take him on, man to man. But…

“No, we won’t follow where you lead.” David promised. “But…” She has to make amends. But unless she lives to see that she was truly wrong, there’s no point., Dying only serves to make her feel better, relieve her guilt. Besides… I don’t… want her to die. I’ll do what I need to, but… he glanced at Aditi, who was holding Sarah’s hand, upset. I suppose I can call in a favour. I hate owing people, but as a man, I expect he can understand my feelings…

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