Side Twelve – Zhao Heng, Master Of The Incorruptible Jade Sect

Side Twelve – Zhao Heng, Master Of The Incorruptible Jade Sect

“Patriarch Zhao, the Party is once more demanding that you send your daughter to attend the meeting. They are warning of dire consequences should you choose to be reluctant about this matter.”

Zhao Hang, Patriarch and Sect Master of the famed Incorruptible Jade Sect, looked down at the sect elder grovelling in front of him and held in a sneer. Turning away he gathered his thoughts, admiring his reflection in the priceless mirror that stood in one corner of the lavishly decorated villa, hidden away in the mountains of Shaanxi Province. The priceless carvings of jade dragons, qilin, phoenix, and other mystical beasts wound around the golden frame, reminding one of the true power their Sect was meant to possess.

Indeed yes, our Sect has remained uncorrupted by the passage of time, just as the finest imperial jade never loses its lustre. Looking at his flawless pale skin and night-dark hair, muscles strong under the sleeves of his ceremonial robes, he grinned. Lesser men for lesser times. But we were meant for the greatest of ages.

Turning back to his cowering subordinate, Zhao met his gaze, channelling a little Qi through his gaze, causing the elder to shudder uncontrollably, his spirit overpowered. “Consequences? Consequences? Those upstarts who only care about money and comforts? Bah, they forget who built this country, who has kept it safe for over two thousand years…”

“Yes but…” the elder choked out. “… Our arts… they are nothing in the face of modern weapons. A single attack helicopter could destroy everything here… we cannot refuse…”

Zhao put more Qi into his gaze, causing the elder to start choking, writhing in pain. “Our arts? Nothing? You are a disgrace to the sect, such a fool. My father was blind to tolerate your insolence all these years. But father is gone now, and I am the Master of this Sect.” Zhao Heng stroked his well-groomed beard with one hand idly as he thought, heedless of the fact the elder had started to vomit, a sodden mess spilling out across the tiled floor.

It is certainly true that we are unable to oppose the military that now rules this sacred land. Not until the holy land of Kunlun once more returns. For two thousand years our Sect has kept the sacred knowledge alive, cultivating as best we could in a world nigh-devoid of the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth. Even managing to reach peak Qi Refining is a sign of a genius, and to break through to the Foundation stage… other than Heaven-blessed prodigies like my daughter, it is but a distant dream…

“Much as it pains me, you are right.” Zhao withdrew his Qi, and the elder let out a relieved wheeze as the pressure within him faded. Tch, pathetic. All we can do with Qi is strengthen our bodies or inflict injuries to the internal meridians of another. Long gone are the days when we could soar through the skies and call down lightning to face off against those who would oppose us. The days of Saints and Immortals have long passed. They ended when the cowards who ran the former Great Sects sealed off Kunlun from the outside world, in an effort to keep as much energy as possible from fading into the void.

“However… we cannot simply bow to their demands without question. They give us no face whatsoever. How I hate these… civil servants that know nothing of tradition or honour. Money-grubbing merchants, the lot of them.” Just thinking about the state of modern China was enough to make his blood boil. Luckily, despite being one of the lesser Sects the powers of Kunlun had abandoned, fortune had still favoured them. A sacred scroll had detailed a Dao-prophecy, stating that in the distant future the energy of the Heavens and the Earth would rise again, far more pure and potent than before, and the way to new worlds with new resources would open, heralding in an era of glory for the strong who followed the Path of Cultivation.

And that time is surely now. But only those who have the wisdom and knowledge of the past should have the right to seize it…

“Call in my daughter. I would speak with her.” He ordered the grovelling idiot, who promptly bowed and scuttled away, leaving soiled footprints on the floor as he went.

Unfortunately, the Heavens have chosen poorly in their choices of new champions. Although of course, one was chosen correctly…

There was a gentle knocking on his door, and he bade them enter. As the ornate doors slid open, he was once more greeted with the sight of his daughter, looking so much like his late wife that his heart ached.

“Honourable Patriarch, I have come as requested.” His daughter bowed gracefully, the long cascade of her midnight hair a contrast against her skin as beautiful as the purest white jade. My daughter truly is outstanding. Surely only the highest families in Kunlun would be able to produce such talented beauties. I know none of the other modern Sects can…

As his daughter stepped forwards, careful not to stand in the… mess the elder had left behind, her hands crossed over her ample chest, which was straining against her creamy ceremonial robes, he looked her in her dark eyes, expression serious. “Disciple Daiyu’er, I have called you to discuss a matter of great importance, not only to the Sect, but to all of China, nay, all the world.”

“I understand, Honourable Patriarch, I have expected this day since the Dao revealed the path I must follow. My skills will be up to the task ahead, and your teachings shall guide me. What is it you require of me?”

“I fear that before Kunlun returns to the world, we must make sure that the modern fools do not destroy all we have tried to preserve. Power belongs to those who will wield it properly. The Party has demanded your presence, along with those others who the Heavens have chosen. I suspect they would try to force us to work for them… for the glory of the Party and China. They give us no face, it is disgraceful. We are who carry the true legacy of China forwards through time. Still…” his daughter remained impassive, listening intently. “… since my useless elder correctly pointed out that Qi cannot stop bullets and missiles, at least not yet… we have no choice but to show these officials some face ourselves, much as it pains this old man’s heart.”

“So, what would you have me do, Honoured Patriarch?” his daughter asked in her smooth, melodious voice.

“I will send you to this gathering, though you will not go unescorted. You can agree to aid them in small ways, but nothing that would compromise the interests of the Sects. But most importantly, I need you to discover how they know who has been chosen by the Heavens. It is surely no coincidence they have asked for you by name, Daiyu’er. I doubt they want you merely for your beauty, great as it is.”

“That too puzzled me.” She agreed. “We only know of those from the Sects that were chosen, and I believe some will be hiding their blessing, to better hoard its power for themselves. How did those who have no true grasp on Qi or the Dao discover us?”

“If they did not use some strange technology, such as their satellites and listening devices, then… my suspicions are that one of the chosen in the Party was gifted with a way to sense others. I would like you to confirm this if possible and…” he produced a ceremonial set of jade bells, ringing them noisily as he mouthed the final few words at his daughter. Her face hardened for a moment, before she bowed in acquiescence.

“Indeed, Honoured Patriarch. It shall be done.” She agreed. “Is there any other way I can serve you today?”

“No, Daiyu’er. You have done well as always. I shall allow you to continue your work. It goes smoothly, I assume?”

She bowed again. “Of course, Honoured Patriarch. In the Spirit Realm the Qi is rich and full of elemental energies. My Foundation had stagnated, but I can feel it strengthening again, and I soon expect to clear the next stage. Some of the techniques in our scrolls and talismans may also soon prove usable, though if possible, I would ask a boon…” she paused.

“Of course, for you, my Disciple, I will do all I can.”

“We seem to be missing some key parts of the older scrolls. Perhaps if we could arrange a trade with some of the smaller Sects who have not been chosen, to acquire the missing pieces?”

Hmm, a troubling request indeed, and my daughter knows it well, based on her hesitation. Ordinarily I would have to refuse, but right now…

“It would cost us dearly in resources, that ordinarily we would hoard jealously for our own benefit… but… I judge their loss worth the price, if it can guide you past the Foundation realm, and bring back the lost techniques.” Sёarch* The nôvelFire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I thank you again, Honoured patriarch. I shall now take my leave.”

“You are dismissed, Daiyu’er.” As he waved her off he considered his daughter, his pride and the hope of the Cultivators, whose place was ever shrinking, driven into the fringes of society by the ever-growing beast of science. The Heavens love the beautiful, and my Daiyu’er is as precious as the black jade she is named after. She will restore our Sect to glory, and when Kunlun returns, she will stand amongst the greatest of Cultivators. Nothing will be off limits to her. Not the Saint Realm, nor Immortality. However…

His thoughts turned to the gathering of the chosen, Heaven scatters its blessings but scarcely, and the Dao does not seek but is sought. Even so, China is a country of teeming masses, there will be many with new gifts. Some will have to be… pruned, others brought into our fold. It is like walking along the edge of a blade, one misstep and all is lost. Still, if anyone can achieve it, she can.

Putting down the bell he had used to shield his… treasonous… order, Zhao took to his seat. A breakthrough in the Foundation realm… he licked his lips greedily. His daughter was a prodigy indeed, Low-stage Foundation at just sixteen years of age. Still, he himself was Peak-stage Qi Refining, just bottlenecked before reaching the Foundation realm, and thus no weakling. If I was chosen by Heaven… If it was not to be, it was not to be. But if the ancient scrolls were to be believed, as the energy of Heaven and Earth returned, then Cultivation would be once more rejuvenated.

Perhaps it is not too late for me yet. The higher realms extend life, so…

As leader of one of the new Five Great Sects that were the strongest Kunlun had excluded, he was naturally aware of the chosen in the other Sects. Three had declared their own chosen to match Daiyu’er, while one had remained adamant they were not so blessed. But do I believe it? I fear they may be trying to steal a march on us…

Yes, playing the pig to eat the tiger. That was likely their aim. Still, when one realised the pig had fangs, such a stratagem could only lead to the pig being roasted over the flames…

Our Sect will be the true power in China, no, the world. And those who would stop us from leading the rebirth of Cultivation, they… they will realise their eyes could not see Mount Tai…

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