“So, how was your girl talk?” I asked as we headed to my room. “I hope you had fun.”
“I found it rather amusing indeed-indeed. I learned many things about you, my master. You are surely well loved-loved.”
Well loved? “I… see…? So, how did you find Aiko and Eri-chan? I hope you three can get along.”
“There are no issues.” Shaeula sat down on the edge of my bed. “Your sister was just as you described-described. And Eri… I perhaps understand her better than she understands herself.”
“That’s good then. In any case, sorry I’m back so late, I ended up finding out quite a bit of information from the priest at the shrine.”
“It matters not-not.” Shaeula smirked. “Though Aiko was sure you were only flirting with a young shrine maiden while you were there-there. I believe you will have much explaining to do-do.”
“Yeah, enough of that. Anyway, when we enter the Boundary we’ll be heading up the mountain. We need to make contact with the kami of the shrine.”
Calming my mind I channelled aether though my chakras, and with that I entered the Boundary away from my Territory for the first time. Seeing Shaeula waiting for me, still wearing her wyrmscale mail, I realised I was wearing mine too, the spear beside me.
“Hmm, so why does our gear come with us? Do you know?” I asked.
“I have never really considered it-it.” She answered. “Perhaps it is our belief that we should have such things with us that makes them remain-remain?”
Oh I see. Like why the kitchen knife I used for a while, or items I have made myself don’t fade away, but if I conjure a weapon out of aether to fight with, it disappears when I stop concentrating on it… “Oh well, unless we find someone more knowledgeable, I doubt we’ll find out for sure.” Outside our house the mountains stretched out into the distance. Lesser spirits were drifting about, glowing orbs of light and half-shapes swirling lazily on the breeze. There were significantly less than my first forays into the Boundary in Tokyo though. Seeing us, the spirits began floating our way, but it was trivial to drain them, converting them to ether.
“Well, shall we go?” I asked, and we set off for the shrine on the mountain under the dark-lit Boundary skies. As we went we continued to talk about our day. I explained meeting Marika-chan and her grandfather, and how she would be coming to Tokyo to study under us, which brought a knowing smirk from Shaeula, while she talked about Eri-chan and my sister.
“Eri does not believe in herself. A shame-shame.” Shaeula was saying, surprising me.
“Eh, really? I know she is shy, but she’s model-pretty, and smart too. That doesn’t make much sense…”
“You still struggle to understand the heart of a maiden, my master.” Shaeula sighed. “What one feels has nothing to do with what one is-is. After all…” after a meaningful pause she spoke, her amber eyes gazing deeply into mine from only a few inches away, causing me to flush despite myself. “… was I not too consumed by the status of my own birth-birth, wallowing in thoughts I was somehow unworthy, fighting back only with misplaced pride-pride? Eri is similar. She sees you as someone great, shining, someone forever out of her reach-reach… yet she longs to grasp hold of you. I cannot speak for her taste…” Shaeula grinned, stepping back from me. “… but she believes in her heart she is not worthy of you, the poor girl-girl. Still, just like you told the foolish me you would sweep away my doubts and stand beside me as I rose to rule the Seelie, all she requires is for you to say those words that her heart needs to hear-hear. Give her a reason to believe she can be of use to you and her heart will heal-heal. There is an obvious answer. Surely no master of mine would allow his precious friend to suffer so?”
Yeah, okay, I can’t pretend I haven’t noticed any more. If what my sister and Shaeula both say is true… Steeling myself, I nodded. “Soon. Either while I’m here, or in Las Vegas. I’ll make things clear.”
“See that you do.” Shaeula gestured and wind swept from her hands, vaporising a swarm of monstrous birds that had swooped down on us from the sky. As they shattered to ether I sent the stock back to our upgrading Territory, only to discover something interesting. The Silo could still receive, but I could not withdraw. That means prolonged activity in the Boundary would be heavily dependent on what aether we can create as we go, no relying on restocking from our reserves…
There was still 98 astral days left before construction completed. Checking the rush-build costs of the Anchor upgrade I got a nasty surprise. Ugh, the efficiency of upgrading the Anchor is WAY worse than ordinary buildings. It’d just be burning ether for little gain. As I examined the Territory I received an announcement, silvery letters scrolling across my sight, advising me my Self-Examination, Territory skill had now levelled up. There was now more information, such as it now displayed the maximum number of buildings a Territory of each level could support, as well as the upkeep cost in ether of various buildings (Though all the costs showed up as ??????, so I guessed that I needed a higher level to see the actual figures).
It does make sense though, as otherwise spamming tons of low-level Barracks and Spawning Spires would be far more efficient than upgrading. Still, the limit is quite generous and only grows rapidly with each level, so I’ll still need to build a few more lower level Barracks as well… damn, I need more ether and build queues…
“Your sister is very interesting as well, though I would expect no less from your kin-kin.” Shaeula was continuing, sweeping aside more animalistic enemies that were drawn to us. “She has the heart of a warrior. Talent too-too. And while talent can be trained, a heart that lacks will is not often mended-mended.”
“Yeah, she’s a brave, sporty girl. I’m pretty damn proud of her.”
“That is why you should tell her the truth-truth.” Shaeula persisted. “If she was to find out that you are even training this Marika, yet have left her in the dark-dark… I fear it would damage her trust in you.”
I don’t want to get her involved, but Shaeula does make a good point…
“I’ll… think about it, okay? I have misgivings, I don’t think there are any good answers…”
“Bah, you should be more decisive, master, but for now I shall hold my peace-peace. I sense a powerful presence approaching.”
We had reached the outer edge of the temple grounds, the Torii gate here looking beautiful in shining red and gold, the ropes crisp and silky, the two dog statues now restored to their former glory, gleaming in brown and bronze. Standing there waiting for us, on the steps of white and brown marble, was a pair of giant dogs, each the size of ponies.
Oh god, I really hate dogs so much… I felt a phantom twinge of pain across my abdomen where I had been mauled before. In Tokyo I could ignore the few dogs I saw, but coming back here… ugh, it brings back bad memories. Even so, I was here for a reason, so I swallowed nervously and steeled myself.
“Good evening, guardians of the Chairoakitara shrine. I have business with the kami here. May I speak with them?”
One of the giant dogs spoke, opening a mouth full of massive teeth, drool spilling to the ground, only to vanish in a cloud of silver mist. “Grr, welcome, child of this shrine. The Brown Dog of the Mountain awaits above.”
The second also opened its massive maw, growling. “Follow us, mortal worshipper, and being from a faraway land.”
I am hardly a worshipper. I’m not that pious, and ever since the incident, I’ve never wanted to come here. Still, business comes before sentiment… Keeping my face neutral, I bowed. “Lead on, please.”
The dogs led Shaeula and I to the courtyard of the shrine, where the festival would take place in the Material on Saturday. Yet here in the Boundary… dozens of dog-spirits of various sizes were lying sprawled everywhere, ranging in size from normal all the way up to as big as horses. Oh god, this is my hell. Even the spiders and scorpions didn’t scare me like this… if I hadn’t recently been through those life and death battles toughening me up I think I’d be curled up into a ball right now. This is triggering my traumas for sure…
Sitting at the centre, on an ornate brown cushion, tooled with silver and gold kanji, was sitting a brown dog, with golden eyes, wearing a strange cloth hat that dangled down with silver tassels on either side. “Grr, greetings to you, one who will retore the shrine to its former majesty.” The dog spoke with a strangely melodious voice mixed with guttural growls and barks. “I have watched you ever since you were a child, when you fended off a yokai-possessed kin of mine, preventing a tragedy that would have soiled the name of the Brown Dog of the Mountain, grr. My gratitude to you, child of this shrine.”
“I see-see.” Behind me, Shaeula spoke. “Destiny was calling you even then, it seems, master. To fend off a possessed beast as a mere child… most impressive.”
Damn, I knew that attack made no sense… if I wasn’t there, my sister, Eri-chan… I shuddered at what could have happened. And now that the Boundary is closer to the Material… will Yokai and other myths return? If so, then the danger to the world is real…
“Grr, indeed. For many years we kami have been drifting in and out of slumber, watching over only our most faithful worshippers. Yet the tides of the spiritual world have strengthened this past decade, and they only continue to deepen. The time for renewal is coming.”
The kami squeezed shut its eyes. “Grr, when I watched you stand firm against the jaws of the beast, I felt pride, that a child of this mountain I have watched over for so long had the tenacity that I am worshipped for. So I bestowed my blessings upon you, in the scars you proudly obtained. Now you have come to me, I can unlock the power your honourable scars held, grrrrrrrrrrrr!”
At that, before I could speak his eyes snapped open, this time glowing like rainbow metal. I felt a searing pain where the faint scars were on my Material body, and I slumped to one knee. Beside me Shaeula was watching with her own glowing eyes of amber, and she was doing something with her wind, small knives of green cutting into my Astral form.
“Grr, your help is appreciated, foreign spirit, you understand his form very well indeed.”
The pain was fading as a wave of energy spread from my mental wounds, sucked into my chakra network and cycling, energy collecting in my lunar chakra.
Your Determination has significantly increased.
Your Class, Fae-Bonded, has increased from level 11 to level 12.
“Now take the favour of the kami, champion we have chosen. May our favour bring you to new heights and restore the balance that has long been lost to the world, grrrrrrrrrrrr!”
You have gained a class. You are now a Kami-Blessed.
Your Class, Kami-Blessed, has increased from level 0 to level 4.
Your Fortune, Majesty, Charm and ?????? have increased.
Your Aether has dramatically increased.
As energy surged through me I listened to the pleased howls of the many dog spirits that attended the Brown Dog kami. Surprisingly I did not feel as dreadfully uncomfortable with them as I would have just moments ago. Behind me Shaeula patted my back, directing wind to soften the remaining pain.
“Well done, Akio. Though I am loathe to share you with the Snake and the Dog, I am a woman who knows well how to swallow her feelings and support her master-master. This power… surely it will help us achieve our dreams.” Her smile was radiant, causing my heart to skip a beat.
Damn, so cute…
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