Thirty-Nine – End of Arc 2Thirty-Nine – End of Arc 2
After grabbing a couple of hours of sleep to clear my racing mind I woke up and got dressed. It was still early morning, but already some of the more industrious of my neighbours were heading off to work.
I’ve done my hard work for the day last night. The Throne of Heroes was finally in the queue. Now all that remained was to wait for it to be built and then ride out the Etheric tides until things went back to normal. Until then the best course of action would be to keep up with my training. Going out for a jog I waved at Karen-chan as she headed off to work, looking ashen-faced and hungover. She returned my wave wearily, greeting me as I rushed past her, picking up the pace.
I headed down to the troll bridge and then along the river, running up the hill towards the local shrine. As I took it at pace (though still remembering to keep it merely to the boundaries of what a normal person could do) I passed a group of girls dressed as shrine maidens, who were sweeping up and setting out charms and trinkets on several stalls that had been laid out. That’s kind of a nice sight for a summer morning. Of course they were all a bit young for me, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t admire them, since they were certainly pretty enough, and their youthful vibes brightened up the drab, old-fashioned shrine.
Passing by the torii gates I began my descent, picking up speed. This training is good, and I’m definitely improving, I barely feel winded at this pace now. But I really need somewhere private to practice where I can really stretch myself. My body had gone from thin and weak to lean and muscular due to a combination of the exercise and my raised Statistics, but I couldn’t help but wonder just how far I could improve were I able to use my full potential…
Oh well, no point worrying about that. If I draw too much attention to myself that would be bad… Reaching my apartment block I barely paused for breath before bounding up the steps to my room. Since I wasn’t tired I spent a few hours working my body and practicing with the spear. My form was improving. Comparing my thrusts and strikes to the videos online I was getting pretty close to them. The more advanced videos were still beyond me though, as stringing together moves into combos or more complex attacks was proving too much. I could do them, but not at a speed that would be useful in combat.
Still, practice makes perfect. I’ll get them eventually. Checking my messages while enjoying a cold iced tea I clicked through the usual ones from my sister. There were also a couple of small job offers for me, which I accepted. They would hardly make me much money, but I could bash them out over the next couple of days without too much trouble now. Keeping my regular clients sweet made sense, even though now my bank account was fairly full from the gambling. Once that was done I still had a bit of time, so I went back to practising with my elemental wind, trying to draw it in, increase it, and use it in the Material. Using a set of dice of varying weights and several types of coins I tested manipulating them while trying to show as little of the green energy as possible. By the time I was done with this it was getting dark, and my brow was covered with sweat, my mind exhausted.
Man, I’m tired. It really takes it out of me manipulating aether and elemental essence down here on the Material plane. I think it is doing me some good though, like lifting heavy weights is more of a workout than dumbbells…
Most of my energy was now drained, used in my experiments, and while my gathering speed was now significantly faster than in the past, it would still be tough to work up enough aether to return to the Boundary tonight… I guess I’ll just relax, drink a few beers and rest up. Then tomorrow I will return, hopefully around the time the Throne finishes construction…
Mind made up I reached for a beer and opened up an old browser game on my computer. May as well have some fun. I’ve been so busy lately. Strangely, as I enjoyed myself I couldn’t help but think I’d been forgetting something recently, a thought niggling at the back of my mind…
The next morning I was feeling full of energy, no doubt gathered from my Territory. I went through my usual routine and quickly cleared the work I had been sent by my contacts. There was easily a few days worth of effort there, but I squared it away in only four hours. Most of it required redraws and touch-ups, which normally took quite some time, but I was limited only by as fast as the computer could process my changes, making it incredibly swift. Of course it is too soon to send them back, I’ve learnt from my mistakes with Hayato-san. I’ll stockpile for a few days and return them when I send back his…
I passed the rest of the day with some light aether and wind manipulation, focussing on the stealthy aspect of using it near-invisibly. It wasn’t there yet, but some small progress was being made. Still, I didn’t want to deplete my stores, as it was getting close to the time…
Returning to the Boundary that evening I was greeted once more as usual by Shaeula. “Welcome back-back Akio. Your timing is excellent.”
Checking the building queue I couldn’t help but agree. The Throne of Heroes had less than twelve Astral hours remaining. God damn I love this tide. Without the speed boosts and extra ether this would not have been possible. I pity any Astral Emperor-candidate who hasn’t been able to take advantage of this…
In addition my stockpile of ether was once more over-spilling. I quickly used the empty queue to lock in the upgrade of the Silo to Rank 3. The cost was twenty thousand ether and it would take forty days, so it was no short commitment, but when completed it would boost its protection and hold one hundred and fifty thousand ether safely. That way we won’t have to worry regarding attracting attackers for a while, though of course the Etheric tide will be on the way out long before it gets done…
“So, by my-my calculations, this fitting Throne for me is almost-almost complete. I can expect great things, yes-yes?”
“That you can.” I laughed. “Can you send one of your weaselkin to fetch me the kobold miners, I want to check if they managed their task?”
Shaeula grumbled about them being pests but one of her black weaselkin ran off and returned a few minutes later with one of the kobolds. Seeing Shaeula it shivered in fear, but at her glare it bowed nervously, bobbing its dog head. “I greet the lord, the master.” It barked. “Your request has been done, task completed. The chamber is prepared.”
“Great work.” I approved, causing the kobold to brighten. “You can go back to your other tasks now. I’ll send for you if I need you again.”
The kobold exclaimed in joy before retreating, pointedly not looking at the scowling Shaeula. She turned to me and asked what was on her mind. “So-so, just what task have you set those dirt grubbers to this-this time?”
“You’ll see… in about… hmm… eleven hours or so. Until then we might as well practice our skills. I’ve made a little headway while on the Material. You?”
“Of course-course I have improved. I am a princess of the Seelie Court!” she gloated. “I feel I soon-soon will have mastered the four arts of the winds.”
Four arts, to match the four winds of earth? Poetic. “Four arts?”
“Yes-yes. The first art, Compression, folding the strength of many-many winds into one, like the spring gusts. The second art, Vibration, cutting-cutting through all like the winds of winter. The third art-art, Rotation, piercing all like-like a summer storm. And finally, the fourth art, Invisible, as undetected as-as the onset of autumn.” Finishing the long speech she struck an adorable pose.
“Nice.” I had to laugh. “Well, so long as you understand it, you will surely master them all. But not before I have a wellspring of wind energy within me that makes you think I’m the king of all the Fae.”
“Bah. You would have-have to shine far more brightly than you do now-now for that. Still, my master should strive for no-no less.” she snorted sourly and laughed off my boasts.
After those words we began training, and she had improved. Her rotation was still the best, and she was starting to get vibration a bit more. Her compression was still weak, but even so was quite the power boost for her, but her weakest point was ‘invisible’, as she called it. She hadn’t had much success with it, though maybe the glow of jade was a shade less noticeable.
In terms of my progress, when she eyed me with her amber eyes she was quite approving, saying that the wind energy building from my heart Chakra was growing nicely, and that my lunar Chakra was also starting to attract wind properly. In addition my Chakra network was looking stable, aether flowing smoothly. Of course, she had to add an epilogue that of course I was nowhere near as good as she was. In her classic tsun fashion of course.
As we settled into another bout of training we continued to practice, until the words I had been waiting for scrolled across my vision. The Throne of Heroes was complete! Finally. It all begins now. This is where I can make everything happen!
There was of course a part of me who worried about my safety and thought that now might be a good time to call a halt to this Astral Emperor lark, leaving saving the Earth to other people, if it was even necessary, but despite the wyrm attack being fresh in my mind, to say nothing of the other risky battles I had endured, I had to admit that I was addicted to this life, as if it was some sort of role-playing game. Which I guess it kind of is. Besides, Shaeula… I don’t want to disappoint her. Plus… if I didn’t have the strength, and those I cared about, like my sis or Eri-chan came to harm… could I ever forgive myself, knowing I had the chance here to gain the power to protect them, despite the risks?
“All right, it’s time.” I said grandly. Using some of my remaining ether I dropped an upgrade to the Armoury and a couple of Defensive Emplacements, to go on our border with Grulgor’s Territory, into the now vacated queue, with an ETA of nine more Astral days for completion.
“Lead on, then.” she said, sounding excited. It didn’t take us long to reach her old Territory, the park. Entering her cave she gasped in shock. The once-drab underground dungeon had been transformed with the walls having been quarried and carved by the kobolds into arching vaulted pillars. Sitting in the centre was a wood and iron throne, imposing yet tasteful.
“It is-is… impressive.” Shaeula admitted, eyes shining.
If you think that’s impressive… reading the silvery words in my vision I grinned.
Do you wish to confirm Shaeula, Princess of the Fae as a Chosen Hero?
Without hesitation I selected yes, causing both her and the Throne to glow brightly, the light outshining even the Etheric tides.
“Just what-what is happening?” she asked, sounding panicked.
That was simple. Based on the description of the Throne of Heroes which was Throne of Heroes Rank 1 – This Building empowers the Chosen Heroes of the Territory Ruler, granting them multiple benefits. They can exert greater control over the Territory, allowing access to the Territory build queues and other features. They will gain a small boost to all of their Statistics, which is greater within the Territory proper, and have a maximum Level of Five. They also have a slight chance to develop new special abilities and Skills. They can also manifest a Material body, or an Astral body, if they do not possess the ability to do this. Cost 50,000. It was easy to see that she was being empowered, and more importantly, gaining the ability to exist on the Material plane!
After several seconds the light died down, and Shaeula was standing there, the energy within her greater than before. Even I could sense it.
Your Class, Fae-Bonded, has increased from Level Five to Level Seven. As her glow dimmed this welcome message scrolled across my vision. Two Levels at once, that’s massive. Maybe I’ll max out this Class yet…
“I feel-feel… power brimming through me, and knowledge as well. I can-can see the whole Territory and the build queues you talked-talked about. So that is how-how it works. I want-want the Barracks, but…”
As she rambled on I smiled like a proud parent. After a few minutes she quieted down, her excitement spent. “Feel calmer?” I asked.
“No, not-not really. I feel so much stronger, and my blessing of wind has multiplied. Now that I can see what your Buildings do-do I can see why… but more importantly…”
I cut her off, patting her head. “I know what you want to say. But why don’t we just test it instead?” I can hardly wait to see her in the Material plane. It’s a shame she’ll have to keep hidden, since we don’t have any talking humanoid weasels in Japan, but even so she can enjoy eating and drinking mortal food, as well as enjoy all the technological delights modern Japan can offer…
“So shall we go?” I offered her my hand, which she took gingerly. And with that, we returned to the Material… together…
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