Trying to ignore the slight sense of hurt I felt at her reaction, I gathered up her scattered belongings. Her purse was small, and opening it up I could see her identification. I’m really trying not to think about how much of a creeper this makes me look. Her health insurance card and student ID were both in her purse. She definitely shouldn’t have run off without these.
Looking at her student card I was surprised to have got her age roughly right, as she was nineteen. Her name was Konoe Ichika, and she didn’t live too far away. I could drop them back to her, but the way she ran off… she’s either not that good with men in general, or she’s traumatised by this whole incident… which isn’t that surprising.
I supposed I could drop it into the police, but then they’d probably want to know what happened, and they might have to talk to her… thinking about it I had a good idea. The safest thing would probably be to give it to a woman I knew to return it. That would be easy for her and she wouldn’t have to worry about reporting the incident or anything else like that.
Having resolved to get Watanabe-chan to help me out I headed back to the metro, picking up a case of beer and some snacks along the way…
I spent the afternoon finishing off the last of the work I had for Hayato-san, which left just a little time to work out and do some spear training. Once that was done it was late evening, so I grabbed my case of beer and snacks and headed outside.
Pausing outside Watanabe-chan’s door I felt a touch nervous. Steeling myself I reached out and rapped on the door with my knuckles a couple of times and then stepped back, waiting. After a few moments I could hear the lock turning and the door popped open a few inches, Watanabe-chan peering through the gap. On seeing me her face twisted in curiosity, and she opened the door fully.
“Oshiro-kun? Isn’t this a surprise?” she said. “What brings you here?” Her gaze went to the supplies I was carrying.
I struggled not to stare at her, not sure where to look. She was wearing casual clothes, not her business attire I usually saw her in. She was wearing a loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts, showing off her pretty admirable legs and decent chest. As I floundered she let out a laugh.
“So, what can I do for you? Or were you here to ask me out?” she grinned.
“Oh sorry.” Her joke snapped me out of my daze. “I was hoping to ask you for a favour, and I figured the least I could do when asking for one was to reward you suitably. Besides, I owe you a drink or two.”
“Oh that’s a shame.” She pouted, but I was pretty certain she was just messing with me. “Still, a favour you say? Do tell.” She joined me out on the balcony by her door and pulled out a cigarette. Lighting it she took a deep drag, dirty grey smoke drifting out into the evening air.
Steeling myself I began to explain, hoping she would be able to help…
“… so I was thinking she wouldn’t want the police bringing up what happened, but there was no way I was going to take it to her myself after the way she ran off, so I figured I’d need a girl to take her purse back, and you fit the bill.” I finished telling her my story (a slightly amended and less boastful version, anyway), waiting for a response.
Finishing her can of beer Watanabe-chan sighed. “You do know you could have handed it into the police and said you found it on the street. You didn’t have to mention about the incident.”
“I… didn’t think of that.” I admitted, bringing a snort of laughter from her.
“Well don’t worry, girls like dumb boys. It’s kind of endearing. Still…” she continued. “I can’t really see you fighting off a couple of thugs. It doesn’t fit the image I have of you.”
“Me neither.” I had to agree. “Still, my sister is pretty athletic, so maybe it’s in the blood.”
“Oh well…” Watanabe-chan examined the ID card. “She doesn’t live so far away, so I can help you out. But I think we’ll need more beer for when I get back. Doing favours is thirsty work after all.” She winked at me, insinuating the reward she wanted.
“I can certainly handle that.” I agreed, and with that Watanabe-chan went back into her apartment to change into something more suitable for going out. I left her to go to the local store to pick up more beer, and we would meet back at her place when she was done…
“Now wasn’t she a cutie?” Watanabe-chan said after she returned. Cracking open another beer she sat down beside me on a folding chair she had dragged out of her house. The neighbourhood was quiet, faint traffic sounds drifting through the still, muggy night. “I guess seeing a pretty young girl like that in trouble was enough for you to leap to her defence, eh? I guess guys do like younger women.”
“It wasn’t like that.” I protested, drinking my own beer, in between handfuls of snacks. “I couldn’t walk on by and pretend I didn’t see it. I have a sister, and I’d hate for her to be in the same situation, with nobody helping her. I also have a childhood friend who is super shy, and she always used to get harassed by other neighbourhood boys due to her looks. I guess it reminded me of that.”
“I’m only messing with you, don’t be so touchy, Oshiro-kun.” She grinned, crossing her arms under her ample chest. She was wearing a long sweater over her t-shirt and shorts, but it didn’t do much to hide her curves. I looked away reflexively and her grin intensified. “You know what she asked me when I showed up? She asked if I was your girlfriend.”
“Sorry about that…” I muttered, face feeling hot. Damn, I hope I’m not blushing or she’ll keep teasing me forever.
“Don’t be sorry. Who wouldn’t be flattered to be asked if she was the girlfriend of such a heroic guy, who fends off four thugs, one armed with a knife, beating the hell out of them and sending them packing like some TV superhero?” Her tone was amused and gently mocking, but I’m sure I heard some respect in it too.
“I got lucky is all. I have been working out a bit, but they were all talk. The only scary bit was the knife…” I trailed off at the expression on her face.
“Don’t be so modest. I have no idea why your version of events was so… boring… in comparison.” She opened another beer after finishing the last one off, her face hot and flushed under the building lights. “Still, maybe you did make the right decision after all, she hadn’t even noticed her purse was missing by the time I had arrived, she was still so shaken up. She passes on her thanks, anyway, and apologised for running off.”
“I can understand it.” I allowed. “All’s well that ends well I guess. Still, I was surprised to see such a stereotypical gang of delinquents harassing a woman. I thought that kind of thing only happened in manga.”
“Yeah it’s crazy. To think that happened only a few miles from here.”
“It’s probably a one-off, I doubt they’ll try that again, but you should be careful nonetheless. I’d hate for something to happen to you.” I said.
“Oh you would, would you?” Watanabe-chan replied quietly. Downing the rest of her can she let out an unladylike belch. “We are running low on booze. You want to hit up a pub and get a few more?”
“Don’t you have to work tomorrow?” I couldn’t help but smile myself. “If we drink all night you’ll get in trouble.”
“Who cares about that? I hate my job anyway…” she said, opening one of the last beers and taking a big chug, foam splattering the front of her pullover. “Besides, it’s still early yet.”
“Fine.” I sighed. “Just a couple though. I’d hate to be the cause of you getting fired.” After all, she did help me out, and it isn’t like I have to work tomorrow…
“That’s the spirit. Are you sure you don’t want to go out with me?”
When my mouth gaped open, unsure of a response she burst out laughing.
“Only kidding! Now come on, let’s go!” She downed her last beer noisily and pulled on my arm, leading me away. I hope she doesn’t eat me alive…
The next morning I opened my eyes to the sun streaming through the window, feeling fresh and rested. Which is a miracle considering how much we drank. I guess my increased stats are good for that too.
The night had gone on much longer than I had planned, so much so that I was concerned Watanabe-chan would… wait, that’s right, she asked me to call her by her first name… Karen-chan would not make work. Happily she had seemed to enjoy herself, becoming more relaxed as the drinks flowed, talking non-stop, a stream of complaints, questions and general banter.
Of course I’d rather forget when she asked me if I’d fallen asleep under a sunbed with the way my skin looked… Still, she had also complimented my haircut and improving physique, so I couldn’t say I was too displeased. Getting out of bed I splashed some water on my face and looked in the mirror. My skin was all healed up, and the greater wounds I had suffered were well on the mend, scabs fallen to reveal new pink skin underneath, merely a little sensitive to the touch. Stats again, no doubt…
Since time generally flowed at roughly twice the pace in the Boundary, I figured by evening it wouldn’t be too far off the time for my Territory Anchor to upgrade to Rank 2, giving me more options and pushing me a step closer to the next stage of my plan, as well as calming my nerves, as it was hell to know that my Territory was in such a vulnerable state. To that end I decided to concentrate on my Chakra network and wind energy once I had done my morning workout. That way I would have enough to enter the Boundary later.
That evening I did so, and on checking it was just under five Astral hours until completion. Shaeula was waiting for me of course, looking quite excited at the thought of an upgraded Barracks that I had promised her after the Territory upgrade concluded. We spent some time practicing our respective wind elements, and while she still didn’t fully grasp the concepts I was trying to teach her, the sharpness of her wind had increased a little. As for me, I could feel a modest difference in the flow of wind around my heart Chakra. It was small but noticeable, and if I kept it up… if I could use wind like Shaeula, I would be a lot safer…
Suddenly I felt a strange sensation, as if my consciousness was expanding, spreading out over my Territory, and silvery words spread across my vision.
Your Territory Anchor has been upgraded to Rank 2. This increases the control you have over your Territory and weakens intruders. This effect is limited in the Material by the lack of control you have of your Territory there. The area covered by your Territory has expanded to 1,000 metres and its defensive strength has increased. Defensive Emplacements will exert greater offensive power. You will draw more Ether from your Territory, and may now construct an additional four Ether Spires. Your Buildings can be upgraded further. You can now construct or upgrade two Buildings at once.
You have gained in strength. Your Level has increased from Nine to Ten.
Perusing the text I was elated. Not only had I levelled up (though with all the monsters I had killed in the metro station that wasn’t so surprising) but my Territory had a multitude of new benefits. I could feel many areas and buildings we had conquered previously now coming under our control. Looking at the ether I had stored up it was time to get started. Trying to ignore the expectant gaze of Shaeula from beside me I began to queue in new Buildings and upgrades…
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