
Xie Xuanyi pointedly said, "Then there is a Taoist protector for Fellow Taoist..."

This statement came out.

Suddenly it was like a thunderbolt in the blue sky blasting in Yangli's ears, making him tremble all over, like an electric shock!

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning and all the elders' guardians were also shocked!


"Master Su Lang does not have a protector, Gu Jun can hope that he can hone his fighting talents to the greatest extent and become a real strong man."

"Gu Jun Da Neng never thought of cultivating a'pseudo strong man' who can only inherit the Taoism. His direct disciples must be top eternal talents with cultivation and fighting talents!"

"The Daoist Yu Yangli has a Taoist protector, and his growth process is safer and his practice speed is faster. This is to cultivate a quick master!"

"The role of Daoist Yu Yangli is to tell Master Su Lang who has finished his training with Gujun's great power, and by the way, become Master Su Lang's protector and helper!"

"Yes, Master Su Lang has to work hard before he can finish his training. The cultivation level will be a little behind. After the training, safety becomes more important. This requires Daoist Yu Yang to protect him for some time. "

"It can make Gu Jun know that there are tigers in the mountains and go to Hushan. That battle absolutely conceals the secrets of Tianda. He hopes that Su Lang can face the danger and go to him!"


The guards of the elders sighed with emotion, and you said all the thoughts of their brains.

This sentence.

It was like a burst of thunder in Yang Li's brain, making his eyes burst, and his heart was full of grief and anger.

It turned out that he was not Xianzi, but he was just a tool man prepared by Master for Su Lang.

He is worse than being an idler! !

"Master, why, why are you doing this to me!!!"

"I am also your disciple, why do you want me to be Su Lang's protector!!"

"I am not reconciled, I am your disciple, I am not a quick master, not a tool for Su Lang!!"


Yu Yangli trembled constantly, screamed hysterically, and almost collapsed on the spot, losing control.

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning, all the elders sighed after seeing this scene.

Xie Xuan shook his head.

He didn't want to say it, but Yu Yangli wanted to listen.

Now it's all right, and it's heartbreaking again!

at this time.

"Junior Brother."

"In my opinion, this is not a fact, but a rather biased guess."

Seeing that Yu Yangli was about to split, Su Lang was about to blacken, and he immediately offered relief.

This statement came out.

Everyone suddenly changed their expressions and looked at Su Lang.

"you you......"

Yu Yangli was already jealous of Su Lang, and he almost blurted out "You are so fake."

But he still held back.

Finally changed to

——"Brother, do you really think so? How do you explain Master's arrangement?"

Yu Yangli stared at Su Lang with bloodshot eyes.

This personal disciple, who made him jealous, turned out to be someone who wanted to comfort him?

He wanted to see what Su Lang said.

"in fact."

"Master did not expect so many twists and turns."

"He just wants us to protect each other."

"You have a high level of cultivation, and my fighting ability is perfect. After I recognize each other, I can make up for and help each other, so that I can reach a higher realm faster!"

Su Lang looked at Yu Yangli friendly and smiled faintly.

Hear this.

His Royal Highness Xiu Ning and Xie Xuan and other elder guardians all had a meal, and then nodded slightly to show that these words make sense.

"This, this, really?"

"Master really didn't think about nurturing me to be you, brother, your protector?"

Yu Yangli stared at Su Lang with wide eyes, and asked in disbelief.

"Of course."

"You think, if you are really the protector arranged for me by the master, why didn't he tell you from the beginning that you are the protector for me? Instead, he wants to give you the status of a disciple?"

"Don't he know that after you know that you are a protector, you will have a huge psychological gap, which will easily make me wait?"

With a faint smile on his face, Su Lang shook his head and said helplessly.

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