Everyone gulped their saliva as they withstood the pressure emanating from Irina. The pressure was almost similar to the Martial Emperor one.

Milano shivered for a moment as those eyes were telling him that she might do what she said. He provoked her into thinking that he wouldn't dare to harm but it didn't look like that.

At that time, a distant memory flashed in his eyes of 10 years ago when a criminal syndicate tried to harm her son.

Not only did the entire syndicate and forces linked disappear, but three families who handed in indirectly were wiped out from the circle.

For the sole reason of Irina's backing, her son Leon who can't even cultivate properly was addressed as Crown Prince of Aurorica.

That was also the reason why Leon was most hated and was banged from all around when he fell from her grace and left the woods.

"Enough now! Miliana, we are discussing something important and you talked about unnecessary things. If this happens next time, not only you are going to be demoted but you will be getting punishment."Mac spoke with a glare trying to stop things from getting worse.

"Now, can we come to the main thing," Mac addressed.

Soon the debate continued, tensions rose and voices grew louder, each commander advocating for their chosen nominee.

Commander Elena's eyes narrowed as she defended Lieutenant Colonel Rodriguez. "He's led us through hell previously. We can trust him and he's never let us down."

Commander Patel folded his arms across his chest, his gaze unwavering. "But Commander Nguyen brings fresh ideas to the table. We need someone who can adapt to new challenges and outmaneuver our enemies."

Commander Harrington leaned back in his chair, stroking his mustache. "What about Commander Cameron? He's a born leader, and his presence inspires confidence in our ranks."

"But he is a bit young,"

Few voiced their thoughts against Cameron.

"Why not Commander Mac, "Commander Schmidt asked.

"Sorry, I don't think I am good enough. I may be an experienced veteran but I am nothing extraordinary."

Commander Schmidt shook his head, his expression grave. "We can't afford to underestimate the importance of Mac. He has a way of lifting spirits even in the darkest of times. We need someone who can keep our troops fighting, no matter the odds."

As the debate raged on, Irina listened intently, taking in each argument and weighing the merits of each nominee. Finally, she stood, her voice cutting through the din. "Enough. We could debate this all day, but in the end, a decision must be made. So, I think we should just vote for the name."

"And don't vote your name please, "Commander Elena added with a smile.

And soon voting started as each one of them voted for one another.

At the end, when voting ended many clicked their tongues in annoyance.

Out of the 33 remaining Commanders, Cameron got 12, Irina got 9 and the rest were dispersed.

"So by voting results, Commander Cameron would take the charge," Mac announced and clapped to support Cameron.

"Now Cameron, would you like to speak something?"

Cameron gave a bitter smile and coughed.

"I am very thankful for providing this opportunity. Even if I act as head, we need the opinions and wisdom of each one of you to conquer this land."

"Let's first gather the intel of the enemy before we act.

At that time, a huge commotion echoed outside the tent.

"Pardon the intrusion but sir we have a situation."A messenger appeared.

Cameron frowned and asked him to continue.

"The frontlines were holding well but many flying beasts appeared and they are now throwing stones at us."

For a moment except for the sound of breathing, every noise ceased to exist that was broken by the bewildered screams of many.


On the battlefield.

The enemies charged over like flood water on them. The monster fought almost like humans.

With one hand they held the sword to defend themselves and swung a bony sword at the other.

The Orcs swung their sword and clashed creating loud reverberation and pushing the humans.

Ogres with their humongous went wild trampling others.

It was a perilous situation and the human side had hardly managed to overcome this when a chilling piercing shriek tore the sky.

As the human army clashed with the monstrous horde, swords clashed and screams filled the air. The ground trembled under the weight of the battle, and the sky darkened with impending doom.

Few were perturbed by the loud howls that looked up and caught the side of shadow flashing in the sky


Suddenly, from above, a flock of flying monsters descended, their massive wings casted ominous shadows over the battlefield.

Carrying enormous stones in their talons, they unleashed a barrage of bulky stones upon the unsuspecting humans below.

Amidst the chaos, cries of terror echoed across the battlefield as soldiers scrambled for cover. "They're above us!" someone screamed, their voice drowned out by the deafening roar of the flying monsters.

"Monster....Monster above...."

Another voice cried out, "Gods help us! We're doomed!"

Shadow started to fall as the creatures rising up started releasing the stones.

Despair gripped the hearts of the soldiers as they realized the overwhelming power of their air foes. "There's no escape!" someone wailed, their words choked with fear. "We're outmatched," another muttered, their voice filled with resignation.

In the face of such overwhelming odds, the once stable human army now stood paralyzed by fear and despair, their valiant efforts overshadowed by the merciless onslaught from above.

"Maintain the formation."

"Hold the defense line dammit," Peter shouted helplessly in a voice filled with despair.

He knew his orders were in vain. If it was the outside world they could jump high but all of them were three times weaker so all of them were quite weaker. Except for those above Martial Grandmaster, all of the lower ones were helpless, and due to 3X gravity, the speed of stone descent was faster.

Sander who saw this stared at Leon and screamed.

"Fuck you, Leon. All of this is because of your tongue."

"What the hell? This isn't a meteorite."Leon shouted trying to defend himself.

"But this shit isn't worse than a meteorite…"


Sander's voice stopped as a loud blast started ringing.

A great stone slammed into the ground, sending shockwaves rippling through the ground as it obliterated everything in its path. Men and women were crushed beneath its weight, bodies broken and lifeless as the merciless onslaught continued.

The once-organized formations of the human army disintegrated into chaos as soldiers desperately tried to dodge the falling stones, their efforts in vain against the relentless bombardment.

"Incoming!" someone yelled, their warning lost amidst the chaos and cacophony of battle.

Ian, who managed to jump around to protect himself, looked around and screamed.


Sander dashed towards the fallen Ian and grabbing by collar flung him up and shook Vikram who was frozen by pieces of stones falling over.

"Stop gawking shit head."

Vikram, realizing the situation, started running.

Ian who managed to get hold of himself noting something amiss screamed aloud.

"LEON!Now where the fuck did he go?"

Ian's scream interrupted Vikaram and Sander's thought process which halted suddenly.

Vikram spoke in a quivering voice looking around"Don't tell me, he die..."


Sander hit him in the head.

"Stop your bullshit. He was the last one to die by getting fucked by stones."


Suddenly a scream of bewilderment shook the place.

The scream was so loud that it drew the attention of many who also started to scream.

Then everyone's eyes fell on the back of the person who walked against the flow of the battlefield.

While everything descended into madness, formation collapsed and everyone ran away in fear a single person advanced as if trying to create a miracle on his own.

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