Those who propose to withdraw and those who are suggested to attack ridicule cowardice.

To be honest, although Youda is called the God of war by their people, Youda is not very good to his subordinates.

And Youda's military achievements are so outstanding, beautiful women, beautiful houses, rare treasures, everything.

It's so outstanding that it makes them useless.

After stealing the limelight of too many people, he died. After careful consideration, he had a feeling that it was hard to say.

It's not a bad feeling anyway.

He felt that Youda was too arrogant to lead thousands of troops. He molested other generals under the city wall and did not order to attack the city.

As a result, he was shot dead. It's just

They also want to try again. If they can command the soldiers to attack the city, even if they can't, they will be severely hit and their vitality will be greatly damaged, so as to show that they are not inferior to the God of war.

Those who suggested withdrawing said that those who suggested attacking were too reckless and had no brains.

It's called mutual repugnance.

I've been arguing.

I went to fight for this. I gave a random command of the battle and made it disorganized.

This made them fall into a passive position, and gradually they could not resist.

Finally, it is suggested that the situation will be more and more unfavorable to them when they continue to attack the city.

Once again, the evacuation was ordered.

I ran away in ashes.

Meng Li didn't go after him.

After that, the other side came again, but still couldn't attack. Their food supplies were hijacked several times by Mengli.

Angry, the people over there wrote directly to the emperor, denouncing Daqi for being unreasonable, which was banditry.

They also killed their famous general Youda. We must have a statement from Daqi.

Emperor Daqi sent several secret letters to Meng Li, asking him not to be so tough and to make peace if he could.

It's a waste of money to fight.

How long has this battle been fought? Most of the barbarian areas are barren land. What they want is only food and cloth. Let's send them away.

Meng Li

Was the emperor frightened by a threatening letter from the other party?

Meng Li learned that taxes in some rich counties had increased.

Anyway, those people in the imperial court were shouting that the Treasury was going to be empty on the ground of border war.

The uprising was widespread, but it was suppressed by state violence.

Meng Li sneers, can war be finished in one day?

If the other party doesn't give up, she has to fight with them. What can she do?

Can we send someone to make peace now?

The other party will probably wait here to give them a step down, and then attribute the fault to the relatives and take the opportunity to put forward conditions.

It is said that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Meng Li sent people to sneak into the territory of the enemy co Lin and found out that the news of Youda's death had not spread in their country.

Meng Li had people preach that Youda, the God of war, was dead.

I'd like to go to the countries around cobollin country to publicize it.

Youdanone frightens a lot of people. Many countries or tribes around them fear youdanone's reputation.

Because he led almost everything.

Now Youda is dead, and some of the other party's troops are sent out to attack Daqi. Will someone take this opportunity to attack the state of coblin?

Or the large number of prisoners who were brought back to the kingdom of cobollin by Youda and used to be slaves. When Youda died, they probably wanted to rise up against him, right?

Some countries are suspicious and send people to the border to make secret inquiries.

Meng Li hangs Youda's body at the gate of the city to let people see it generously.

Fortunately, Youda's body was treated by Meng Li. In addition to the cold of the border, we can make sure that you can tell this is Youda.

It's also guarded so that Youda's body won't be stolen.

By the way, they are not easy to bully. They have to consider their own abilities. They have come and go.

One day, if you want to offend your relatives, it depends on whether you have someone more powerful than Youda.

Not surprisingly, the border of cobollin was also attacked by other countries, and those lands that had been attacked suddenly rebelled again.

The state of cobollin was very busy, and the war consumed materials, which made it difficult to supply the troops stationed outside the border of Daqi.

It hurts their brains.

It's meaningless to stay any longer. Of course, we should keep our country and fight others again.

Now it's hard to protect yourself. I'd better go back and concentrate my firepower to resist the attack of others.

He left the border area overnight.

Meng Li counted the so-called 100000 troops. Originally, there were less than 100000 people, but now there are still 20000 or 30000.

How to deal with these twenty or thirty thousand people, Meng Li wrote to the emperor, the emperor said casually.

I don't care about these 20000 or 30000 people at all.

Meng Li thinks about it, then take these people back.It's wrong to do too much. For the time being, CO Lin can't come to them.

She can go back and deal with things.

But Qi's country is not preserved.

Although the foreigners have withdrawn from the border, as long as they do not enter the border, they will not threaten the Daqi River and mountains, and Youda will also die, but the emperor is extravagant, licentious, fatuous and incompetent. Under such rule, the country is bound to be weak.

In the future, there will be foreigners attacking the relatives.

There's no this and that.

Moreover, there are more and more civil uprisings. Who knows which pair of uprisings will win the world one day.

It is impossible to expect the emperor to reduce taxes and pacify the people.

The gold in the Treasury seemed to be his life.

In fact, the change of dynasties is a very normal thing, no one can guarantee the eternal generations, but she can also understand the patriotism of the client.

Before the day of returning to Beijing was decided, Meng Li and Xinde went to the city. The border city was no more prosperous than the capital city, walking in twos and threes on the street.

There is still snow on the ground. Last night, a heavy snow covered the earth with silver makeup.

The food is no more exquisite than the capital. Seeing that there are mutton soup sellers in roadside shops, Meng Li said to Xinde:

"let's have a bowl of mutton soup to warm up."

Meng Li was dressed in thick clothes, women's clothes and a hat. It seemed that he was a rich lady.

The curtain cap covers the face with white gauze, hazy, and the woman is not allowed to let others spy on her face.

When people take a glance, they dare not stop and look at Meng Lang more, so as not to be criticized.

It's not that Meng Li wants to dress like this, but her reputation and portrait have been spread in the border cities. Those people respect her as a national teacher and thank her for guarding the border and protecting their safety.

Once she came out and caused a sensation. Many people gathered around her, and some people knelt down to thank her.

Meng likes to wear some curtains, so she is embarrassed to keep a low profile.

Xinde looked at the busy figure of the shop owner at the door, and she said:


Meng Li nodded. She entered the shop and sat down. There was a stove beside the seat. The decoration of the shop was simple. There were several tables and several stools.

The shop owner came to him and asked Meng Li how many bowls he had.

Meng Li said, "one person, one bowl, big bowl." the shopkeeper said, "good luck!"

Then he walked with light steps.

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