Re: Blood and Iron

Chapter 357: The Prodigal Son Returns

Bruno’s warm welcome by his eight older brothers was met with the attitude you would not expect from a man nicknamed the Butcher of Belgrade and the Red Scourge. In fact, as he shoved his older brothers away, preventing them from lifting him into the air, as if this was some kind of concert there was almost a hint of playfulness in his tone.

As well as something else entirely. In his youth, Bruno was isolated from his siblings. Having been born with exceptional intelligence and wisdom beyond his years, his early displays of intellect had garnered jealous behavior from his older siblings.

In addition to this, he was the youngest of nine brothers, making him a natural target to be picked upon. His mother’s overly affectionate nature towards him, which far exceeded what she showed her other siblings most certainly did not help in this regard.

But adolescent feelings of petty jealousy and the foolishness of youth did not last forever. And as the years passed Bruno found himself growing closer to his brothers. However, of his eight brothers, one of them was not partaking in the festivities.

In fact, in an unusual display of character, the man was acting rather timidly while standing in the corner with his own family. This was the first year that he was welcomed back with open arms by those who had cast him aside.

And when Bruno noticed this, he was quick to cease his brother’s celebration of the accomplishments he had made that had elevated their family to the highest of heights within the German Reich. And instead point out that someone was missing among their ranks as he cast a gaze over to the man in question.

"Alright you fuckers, calm down… It’s not like I’m the only one who has aided this family these past few years… As a matter of fact…"

Bruno went silent and emphasized with his expression who he was staring at. Maximilian and his children seemed as if they were wild hares surrounded by a pack of ravenous wolves. And as the Alpha of the pack approached them, they damn near lost the strength in their legs.

For Maximilian who had wronged Bruno personally in more ways than he could ever forgive himself for, this was the moment he dreaded most. Only through sheer strength of will did he resist the urge to shamefully collapse.

The man closed his eyes, expecting Bruno would slap him across the face for the foolishness he had done to get himself so thoroughly expunged from the family to begin with… But Maximilian was surprised to find that Bruno did not strike him, but rather instead embraced him with a brotherly hug before releasing the man and letting him know that he had more than redeemed himself with a simple phrase.

"Welcome, home Brother…"

Maximilian had to fight the urge to break out into tears as he gazed upon Bruno’s approving smile, and those of his brothers. They didn’t chastise him for his errant ways, nor did they bring up the sins of the past.

No… It was a look of pride in their eyes. The prodigal son had finally come home, and he was welcomed by his brothers as if he had never left. It was such a touching moment for Maximilian, who had truly had a change of heart and character as a result of the natural consequences he had faced for his bratty behavior, that he could not help but ask why?

"I don’t understand… I have been exiled for years… I have wronged you in so many ways, and acted as an entitled sponge, soiling the reputation of our family and everyone in it… I was certain that even though father had invited me home this year, you would all let me have it! Why haven’t you?"

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Bruno shook his head towards his older brother and patted him on his shoulder. Assuring him that all was well between them.

"I was never all that angry with you Max, in fact, I am certain father would say the same… We were just incredibly upset that you had failed to live up to your potential, and became an entitled wastrel…

You have faced the consequences of your actions, admitted you were wrong, and in doing so worked hard to you redeem yourself. That is more than most people would ever have aspired to do. What further could we possibly ask of you?"

There were no words for Maximilian to say as he was surrounded by his brothers, and his own children were approached by their cousins and aunts. The errant son, the black sheep of the family, had come home at last, and he was welcomed warmly by those who were waiting for his return.

In the past, perhaps because he had felt out of place within the family, Bruno had dreaded these gatherings. But today he could successfully say that this was a joyous occasion. To break bread with his father, mother, and brothers.

To celebrate their continued health and longevity as a family, and to exchange tales of what they had been up to the past year, whether on the front of business, politics, or military matters. For the first time, Bruno finally begin to understand that it wasn’t just him and Heidi against the world. But he had an entire clan to rely upon.

In a way, it was perhaps Bruno who had changed the most over these past few years, if not in far more subtle ways than his brother Maximilian. As the idea of family had expanded well beyond its initial scope.

An understanding that the concept of the nuclear family was a failed product of the post-war era. Rather, the extended family, as had been practiced by the majority of human cultures and civilizations prior to the end of the Great War, that was the true meaning of family.

And from now on, Bruno intended to incorporate the talents, needs, and desires of his house as a whole into his future plans.

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