Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 1002: Strong Background

Chapter 1002: Strong Background

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

“Well... Urh... I am so sorry.” Song Jue produced a smile out of embarrassment, “I was being too emotional so I mistook you for someone else... Please forgive me, lady...”

Although he got an ill temper, he was a reasonable man. Well, at least he was reasonable to his friends and families!

He knew that even though the woman in black was not Bing’er, she must be a friend, so he figured he should apologize!

Xuan Bing took a sigh of relief and humphed. And then she said, “It’s alright.”

For Xuan Bing, this might be the best situation. No matter what Song Jue had said, no matter how nervous and anxious Ye Xiao and Han Bingxue were, no matter how much they realized the situation was serious, no matter how stunned the Song Clan people were, no matter how mad she was, she could have done nothing!

Could she really do anything to Song Jue?

No. No matter what, despite of Ye Xiao’s existence, she would never hurt Song Jue!

She would never hurt Song Jue, not to mention the latter had apologized already, so she figured she should accept it!

Ye Xiao and Han Bingxue were so shocked. They could hardly believe it. Ye Xiao felt better. He thought Xuan Bing forgave him because of his ability to give her Regeneration Ink Lotus.

Han Bingxue was totally astonished. His eyeballs nearly dropped out of the eye frames. [What did Song Jue just say? He said she was Ye Xiao’s concubine again and again. That should be a huge humiliation to Xuan Bing considering the high position she had in the martial world.]

[Even if what he said was true, which was definitely not... he shouldn’t have said that!]

[Xuan Bing doesn’t have a good temper. Even if Song Jue had the protection from gods, even if he had Wu Fa, the most powerful cultivator in the world to be his guard, Xuan Bing should have slapped him into a pile of meat!]

[Yet... Xuan Bing just said ‘that’s alright’!]

[That’s it?]

Han Bingxue was almost about to pass out.

He wanted to shout out loudly. ‘What is going on, sister? He has frankly humiliated you yet you said that’s alright? I don’t know you anymore!’

When he saw Ye Xiao, Song Jue, and Xuan Bing were having a good and friendly conversation, he was stunned. He felt that the world had become so terrible, that the ants could talk freely to a dinosaur.

Suddenly, he had something in mind. It was a special idea that scared himself to sweat.

[Wait. This isn’t right. It doesn’t make sense. I am not an ignorant man. I know what bad temper she’s got...]

[After being humiliated like that, she actually didn’t rage up? She just accepted the apology like that? Isn’t it weird?]

[There... There must be a story hidden behind all this... Is there?] He was confused. He then had that terrifying idea in mind again. [Could it... Could it be true... that Xuan Bing is exactly boss’s concubine?]

He nearly passed out again when he thought of it.

Then he slapped on his own face hard trying to refresh his mind.

[What am I thinking? Elder Xuan Bing, such a great figure, how would she become a concubine to somebody?]

[That’s stupid.]

[Besides, boss doesn’t say anything about it. He doesn’t see her as his concubine or something. There are only Song Jue’s words.]

He never knew that the truth was always in the hand of the minority. The truth was exactly what Song Jue said!

The truth was too indescribable!

Xuan Bing heard the slapping sound, so she turned around and stared at Han Bingxue with her cold eyes.

She was calm, at least peaceful to Song Jue, because she used to be Bing’er for a long time. Deep in her heart, she was still the super powerful cultivator in the world who had been traveling the realm for countless days. She was so experienced. When she realized Han Bingxue was slapping himself, she had a good guess on the mental state of Han Bingxue, so she was pissed.

Under the cold gaze of Xuan Bing, Han Bingxue ran out hurriedly in an awkward way.

She was full of anger, yet she got nowhere to vent it out She made up her mind, [After this, I am going to beat him up eight times a day!]

[It has to be at least eight times a day!]

[At least!]

“Ahem, please accept my apology, lady. I am old and I guess my eyes are not working so well. I did mistake you for somebody else.” Song Jue simile awkwardly. “It’s just... I haven’t met Xiao Xiao for too long. Suddenly, I saw him, and I was too surprised to find anything to start the conversation... haha...”

“It’s fine.” Xuan Bing was being polite.

She didn’t know how to talk to Uncle Song, so she just said some simple words.

Song Clan people finally said something, “Little Jue, are they your friends?”

Compared to Han Bingxue and Ye Xiao, Song Clan people didn’t have any special reaction to what just happened.

After all, in their eyes, although Ye Xiao was the weakest in cultivation, he held the lead. Song Jue might have said something wrong, but he was an old friend to Ye Xiao. Even though he had said something wrong that might humiliate Xuan Bing, but it wasn’t a big deal. Besides, what they saw was that Xuan Bing didn’t care about it at all!

Song Jue wanted to just ignore his own people. He figured Xuan Bing was quite generous. He liked her. When he wanted to talk to her and ignored his own people, Ye Xiao looked into his eyes with a hint. So he said, “Hmm. He is my sworn brother’s son. We haven’t met for a long time... Heh, heh.”

Xuan Bing heard it and felt annoyed. [A dishonest nephew has a lying uncle. A long time? It’s merely about one year!]

Song Clan people were stunned.

[Son of your sworn brother?]

[Holy heavens. Song Jue, you have an incredibly powerful sworn brother. Han Bingxue has been following his son and calling him boss all along!]

[What level is your sworn brother? It must be really high!]

[Why don’t you tell us that you have such a powerful brother?]

[You have been leading us to the sh*t hall...]

[That young man could have told us the truth...]

Song Clan people were sweating because of nervousness.

[Holy heavens. Was Song Jue going to wipe us all out? Otherwise, why did he keep enduring and didn’t tell us anything?]

Meanwhile, when they looked at Song Jue, they had different expression in the eyes. It was fear.


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