Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 1147: I Was Wrong…

Chapter 1147: I Was Wrong...

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

Ye Xiao got hit several times. His pretty little face became little pig face. No, it was a big head.

“Lian Lian, don’t you just want to see my moves...” Ye Xiao hurriedly asked with a swollen mouth, “Why do you punch me so hard...”

“I decide how to verify your identity, and you just keep making your moves!” Jun Yinglian looked cold and kept attacking.

– Bang, bang, bang, bang, puff, puff, puff... – The next period of time, Ye Xiao suffered continuous attacks. Other than his head, which had already become a pig head, every other part of his body got crazily beaten as well...

After the time of a pot of tea, his butt already got kicked nearly a thousand times. He was having a really swollen butt at the moment...

Jun Yinglian cursed in her mind while she was making the attacks.

[Pure-Yang Martial Art, huh?]

[You should come to me first!]

[You disgraced me!]

[You actually have concubines...]

[First! Second!]


[Concubine, concubine, concubine...]

As she repeated the words in her mind, she kept attacking Ye Xiao with continuous storm-like kicks and punches to vent the grudge...

Ye Xiao’s body was swelling at a visible speed.

As he was getting hit, he shouted with pain, “Lian Lian, have you recognized me yet... This should be enough... Puff! Ah!”

Maybe he was having a knotty head at the moment, or he was punched too hard in the head.

He actually still asked such a stupid question.

She wouldn’t attack him only with kicks and punches if she didn’t recognize him, would she? She would directly use her sword to cut him apart!

One sword, cut off his head... and make it fly... – Shoot! –

That must be a pleasant scene to her!

Wasn’t it much easier than what she was doing at the moment?

She wouldn’t need to waste time on this if she used a sword! And it would be much easier to vent her hate!

The torturous fight had lasted for fifteen minutes.

Ye Xiao did the counting and realized he had at least been hit ten thousand times by Jun Yinglian...

Luckily, Jun Yinglian didn’t hit him with her actual power. She just made physical injuries. Otherwise, he would have become a pile of meat and flesh...

Jun Yinglian was indeed at the peak of level nine of Dao Origin Stage. She had perfect control over every hit she made. It wouldn’t hurt his Jing and Mai, or his bones, or his inner organs...

Every inch of his skin and muscle was beaten up to the utmost limit. That was exactly pain in the skin and muscles.

After that fifteen minutes...

– Bang! –

Jun Yinglian kicked on his belly, and he flew out like he was riding cloud and mist... He flew out hundreds of meters away but still didn’t touch the floor... He was really suffering a muddle in the head...

He just kept flying out with his butt in the front... Such an elegant posture...

Suddenly, he was enlightened!

The lady said she wanted to prove his identity, but in fact, she just wanted to torture him!

Xiao Monarch got pissed!

[Holy hell! She actually did this to me?]

[She has recognized me already!]

[She just takes excuses to beat me up hard... That’s all!]

[Otherwise, I should have been punched to death!]

“Wait!” Ye Xiao angrily shouted.

Jun Yinglian had moved to his sight. She blandly said, “Wait for what? Are you giving up?”

Ye Xiao sadly said, “You... You are not testing me! You know who I really am already! You know I am Xiao Monarch... Yet you still beat me... You just want to beat me up! Don’t you?”

Jun Yinglian humphed. “Yes, I do. So what?”

So what?

That was frank and aggressive! Ye Xiao was stunned!

[Holy hell! The woman’s reaction... is utterly opposed to my expectation!]

[This is entirely a different story...]

[Shouldn’t she burst into tears at the moment when I show her my true identity? And then she started to quiver because of happiness... and she grumbled because she was too excited... Then she rushed into my arms... Warmth and softness... after such a long time... finally...]

[It should be like this...]

[This should be the right version, isn’t it?]

[But now...]

[Why is everything happening the opposite way?]

Ye Xiao looked at himself. He had a ‘big’ body at the moment. Every part of it was swollen twice bigger than usual. He was like a fat bear... He wanted to cry but had no tears. [What the hell is happening to me?]

“You recognized me! Why do you still beat me?” Ye Xiao was so sad. He just couldn’t understand.

“I recognized you. Why can’t I still beat you?” Jun Yinglian’s eyes turned red due to grievances in her heart. She was trying so hard to control her emotions. “You failed me... Why can’t I beat you?”

“I regret that I let you be solitary; If there is a next life, I promise I will accompany you to travel the world... Didn’t you write this to me?

“Then what?

“You are still alive! Even though you can’t fulfill your promise right away, couldn’t you just come to talk to me? What did you do instead? You kept finding concubines for yourself... Why can’t I beat you? I would love to beat you more!

“You only came to me when you are already in Dao Origin Stage. No. You didn’t. I coincidentally came to you! I wonder how much longer would it take for you to remember that you should come to find me by yourself! Fine. Forget about this. But what did you do just now?

“We just finally met each other again after all the sufferings, yet you actually talked about getting yourself some concubines... Several concubines!”

“Concubine!” Jun Yinglian felt even angrier. Suddenly, she rushed forward again and started to attack. “Concubines, huh?”

Ye Xiao was holding his head, squatting down, not knowing what to do. Yet he didn’t get hit. He slowly removed his hand and glanced at Jun Yinglian with his swollen eyes...

She was standing right beside him. Her clothes were shaking. It seemed she was shaking...

Ye Xiao felt his heart being ripped apart

After a while, she finally burst into sobbing. She finally couldn’t hold it. Her tears kept dropping down on Ye Xiao’s head.

“Ye Xiao...” Her voice was shaking, “Are... Are you truly... still alive?”

Ye Xiao was touched. He said, “I am! I made a promise... that I would accompany you to travel the world!”

“Travel the world...” Jun Yinglian was shaking badly. She bit her lips, trying to stop sobbing, and stop all the grievances and excitement... but she couldn’t.

Her dominant power and strong mindset of a level nine Dao Origin Stage cultivator were completely useless at the moment!

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