Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 375: [Sponsored] Chapter 372: Quanxi is coming

Chapter 375: [Sponsored] Chapter 372: Quanxi is coming

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Saito Ito! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

"F*ck, Obama!"

Upon witnessing the scene, Fang Mo was immediately shocked: "He's even wearing a suit and tie, isn't this level of accuracy a bit too high?"

Indeed, the appearance of the other party was incredibly lifelike.

He was a tall man with dark skin, sporting a bright smile. The man had short hair and was dressed in a clean and neat black suit, with a white shirt underneath and a red tie. No matter how you looked at it, the man had a very strong presence.

And just like how Fang Mo observed him.

The man was also sizing up Fang Mo, but his eyes revealed a bit of confusion.


Obama seemed a bit hesitant. He looked Fang Mo up and down and then glanced at Steve beside him. After thinking for a while, he finally asked: "Whose incarnation are you?"

"A loyal anthem."

Fang Mo said softly.


Obama... or rather, Nyarlathotep, was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to the side and asked, "Yog, do you recognize Him?"

With those words, a dazzling light suddenly illuminated the entire office.

Without any warning, a multitude of spheres twinkling with countless stars appeared out of nowhere. Then, as the light flickered, though no sound was made, Fang Mo still somehow 'heard' that calm and indifferent voice.

"I don't recognize Him."

After these words were spoken, the series of glowing spheres disappeared.


Hearing this, Nyarlathotep seemed a bit puzzled, and he looked at Fang Mo again: "Strange... How come even Yog doesn't recognize you?"

"Maybe because I like going to Yog?"

Fang Mo said subconsciously: "By the way, besides going to Yog, I also particularly like making friends with Black people."

"It seems you're quite interesting."

Upon hearing this, Nyarlathotep thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "Well, it doesn't matter whether you are a newcomer or an outsider, you seem to suit my taste quite well."


Fang Mo looked at Nyarlathotep in front of him and tentatively made an invitation: "Shall we cause some mischief together?"

"Let's cause some mischief together!"

Nyarlathotep revealed a bright and pleasant smile at that moment.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Fang Mo was also happy. By now, he had probably figured out the current situation, so he directly called out, "The watermelons at my place are really sweet. Let's eat and talk..."


As everyone knows.

When one fun thing collides with another, the level of joy doubles.

And Fang Mo, by some fluke, summoned Nyarlathotep. What would happen next was easy to imagine.

After some time of communication, Fang Mo also thoroughly understood the current situation, which was pretty much as he had expected. The Nyarlathotep in front of him was not an MC entity, but the actual Outer God from the Cthulhu Mythos, one of the three pillars of gods, the crawling chaos of stealth.

But to be honest, what exactly is the Cthulhu Mythos?

Fang Mo still hasn't figured it out.

Now, he has two completely different guesses.

The first is that the so-called Cthulhu Mythos... including all the deities mentioned, like Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Azathoth, Ghroth, Cthulhu, etc., truly exist in some part of the universe.

When Fang Mo accidentally activated the statue, Nyarlathotep discovered this new world where Fang Mo was and thus descended to greet him.

Besides, Fang Mo had a second guess.

That is the reality testing experiment.

Normally speaking, if Fang Mo just materialized a statue of an evil god, it might really just be a statue without any effect.

But the problem is...

There are two types of Nyarlathotep statues in the Abyssal Craft mod.

One type is for decorative purposes only, with no actual use, while the other is a true evil god statue that can activate rituals.

Fang Mo used the real Nyarlathotep statue for materialization.

The logic of the reality testing experiment has always been bizarre. Perhaps after the judgment, the world's laws confirmed it truly possesses some kind of power, yet there is no 'Cthulhu Mythos system' in this world, so the world's laws forcefully generated a whole set of Cthulhu deities.

Or simply linked this world with another that was based on the Cthulhu Mythos.

However, whether it's the first guess or the second, the Nyarlathotep in front of Fang Mo is a real biological entity, not an MC entity.

This means it does not have to obey or be controlled by Fang Mo.

Despite this.

Nyarlathotep's attitude in front of Fang Mo was still quite good.

After Fang Mo invited him to the villa for a chat, he sat on the sofa with a smile, legs crossed, hands clasped on his knees, and started to chat leisurely with Fang Mo.

Basically, he answered all of Fang Mo's questions.

In return, Fang Mo also explained the world view of this place to him.

That is, the concepts of devils, hell, and humans. After hearing this, Nyarlathotep seemed quite excited, indicating that this world was very suitable for him to make a move.

It's worth mentioning that Fang Mo did not feel any strange aura from the other party.

Logically speaking, they had been talking for almost an entire evening. Remember, this is an Outer God from the Cthulhu world view. A normal person would have gone mad by now, but Fang Mo was perfectly fine, which was a bit strange.

And from the tone, it was not hard to tell.

The entity across from him, Nyarlathotep, seemed to regard itself as one of his own kind.

And it wasn't just any kind of kinship; Fang Mo could faintly sense the other's respect, even reverence, though this feeling was vague, perceptible only through bits and pieces of conversation. But Fang Mo didn't think it was an illusion; the other probably noticed something or misunderstood something.

However, the two of them really enjoyed their conversation.

It was as if the other wasn't that terrifying and bizarre Outer God at all, but rather one of Fang Mo's morally dubious friends, making Fang Mo exceptionally pleased, both in the tone of the conversation and its content.

In short, time quickly passed.

By the next morning,

After Ah Xue had washed up, she slowly came downstairs, and upon seeing Nyarlathotep, she was stunned: "Hmm? Do we have a guest?"

"Ah Xue, let me introduce you."

Seeing her, Fang Mo also introduced with a smile: "This is my newly befriended ordinary friend, Nyarlathotep, but you can also call him Ocean of Books... no, Ocean of Views, Lu Xian, Nya-zi, or the Convict Dumpling."

"You're joking again, Master."

Seeing this, Ah Xue also immediately touched her forehead, then politely bowed slightly to Nyarlathotep: "I apologize, um... Mr. Nya, Master, is sometimes like this, but he means no harm."

"It's fine, I really like his personality. In human terms, it's called 'birds of a feather flock together.' I wouldn't even introduce him to my boss to become friends with him; otherwise, our relationship wouldn't be equal."

Nyarlathotep smiled and waved his hand: "Beautiful Miss Snow Woman, could I have a cup of iced coffee?"

"What kind...?"

Ah Xue looked at him a bit surprised, not expecting him to instantly recognize her identity.

"Hey, you can tell he's American just by looking at him." Before Nyarlathotep could speak, Fang Mo directly said: "Of course, give him an iced Americano, with two chilled bullets, the same kind Kennedy had."

"Is America also the strongest country in this world?"

Nyarlathotep first nodded at Ah Xue, then turned to Fang Mo: "Are there nuclear bombs here? How many world wars have there been?"

"There have been two world wars, and nuclear bombs have been developed."

Fang Mo shrugged: "But this world is a bit special, probably because of the 'Devil' rule causing trouble. The concept of nuclear bombs and World War II has been devoured, and now everyone has forgotten about these things."

"What!? How can that be?"

Upon hearing this, Nyarlathotep immediately expressed displeasure, "No way, I am going to run for the presidency of the USA. By then, let them create the antimatter bombs. How can the world of humans be without weapons of mass destruction? How miserable would they be?"

"Good lord, you really want to be Obama, huh?"

Fang Mo laughed upon hearing this, "On the surface, you're the great leader of the USA, Obama, but in reality, you're the God of Chaos, Ozma. You're really slick with this move."

"Why do humans always have to be so stupid and amusing?"

Nyarlathotep said with a smile, "No matter how I deceive them, tempt them, they always end up repeating their mistakes. No one forces them; they always step into the abyss on their own..."

Before he could finish,

Fang Mo's phone suddenly rang.

"Who is this..."

Hearing the ringtone, Fang Mo also felt a bit annoyed, but when he checked, it turned out to be Makima, which made him curious. So, he directly pressed the answer button.

Before Fang Mo could speak, Makima on the other end asked.

"Consultant Fang Mo, did you visit the police headquarters last night?"

"I did." Fang Mo didn't deny it, after all, the police headquarters have surveillance, and whether he went there or not could be found out by checking the surveillance, no need to lie, "I just went to summon a god in your office, didn't steal your personal clothing. If your personal items are missing, it must be Denji's doing, unrelated to me, because if I were to glue something, I would aim directly at your face."

"Consultant Fang Mo, my personal items are not missing."

Makima's serious voice came through the phone, "But this morning, the personnel responsible for patrolling and the night shift at the police headquarters collectively went insane, and seven people disappeared inside the building. Do you have any clue?"


Hearing this, Fang Mo instinctively glanced at Nyarlathotep, but he quickly denied any knowledge, "What clue could I possibly have, maybe they encountered some Devil, but this is indeed quite outrageous, I'll go have a look."

"There's no need."

Surprisingly, Makima refused Fang Mo's offer, "If it wasn't something Consultant Fang Mo did, then it might be the ghost of the Undying Trio; their bodies also disappeared, perhaps they've resurrected and utilized some power... Anyway, leave the matter at the police headquarters to me, you focus on dealing with Denji."

"Do you really not need me?"

Fang Mo glanced at Nyarlathotep again, "I wanted to introduce you to a black friend of mine, hearing you have a liking for cookies, I thought of recommending him to you."

"...Let's wait until this operation is over."

Makma indeed did not take the bait, once again putting it off, "I've just received intelligence that Quanxi arrived in Tokyo yesterday, but seems to have spent the whole day indulging in food, drinks, and having fun with Devils, probably she will make her move today, please ensure Denji's safety."

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