Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 508 - 505: Home...?

Chapter 508: Chapter 505: Home...?

The moment Fang Mo stretched his hand into the glove.

The Infinity Gauntlet here immediately emitted a dazzling light.

All six Infinity Stones lit up at the same time, and Fang Mo immediately felt a strange energy begin to surge through his arm and throughout his body.

This energy was indeed very violent; if it were someone with less physical strength, it's estimated that their body's cells would be burned to ashes in an instant. Even the likes of Thor and Hulk would probably find it difficult to withstand the impact of this power.

However, Fang Mo was different from them.

Under the multiple protections of beacon energy, crystal matrix armor, and the power of dimensions, Fang Mo didn't feel any burden. Instead, he felt an unparalleled sense of power.

That feeling was very peculiar, as if he was holding the entire universe in his palm.

Experiencing this feeling made Fang Mo a bit overconfident. It must be said that this feeling was truly exhilarating. At this moment, he was simultaneously dominating space, time, reality, power, mind, and soul, truly invincible. Whatever he wished to do, a snap of his fingers would make it all come true.

"Finally, it's a success..."

Seeing the Infinity Gauntlet on his hand sparkling with brilliant light, Fang Mo was a bit dazed for a moment.


Nick Fury, who was nearby, also clapped his hands as if to congratulate Fang Mo: "So, are you planning to give it a try now?"

"Yes, I really can't wait."

Fang Mo nodded, then slowly raised his hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet. Under everyone's gaze, he made a snapping gesture. The colorful light flowed and flickered on his body, making him look like a true deity.

And with the brilliance suddenly lighting up.

The vast power of the universe also surged into the depths of Fang Mo's consciousness.

At this moment, Fang Mo felt that he was no longer an individual but had become the universe itself. It seemed as if a voice was asking him what his wish was.

"I want to..."

Fang Mo stood on the deck of the spaceship, with his eyes closed and a look of hesitation and tension on his face that had been absent for a long time, but it quickly turned into anticipation: "...go home!"

With a "snap."

Fang Mo earnestly snapped his fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet.

An astronomical gamma-ray burst instantly penetrated Fang Mo's body. The six Infinity Stones began to activate in unison, attempting to fulfill Fang Mo's wish. In an instant, the entire Milano seemed to be enveloped in this rumored brilliance, making everything at this moment seem dreamlike.

"Oh, this is truly beautiful..."

Everyone immersed themselves in this splendid scene.

However, amidst this heartwarming, hazy brilliance, Fang Mo vaguely heard a sigh from the edge of the universe.

In an instant, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

That voice only sighed once, but for some reason, Fang Mo could understand all the meanings behind it.

The Infinity Stones are just a wishing machine of this universe; their authority is limited to this world. In theory, they could even restart the universe or destroy everything, but Fang Mo's wish exceeded their capabilities because the power of the Infinity Stones cannot affect other worlds.


A tremendous sense of despair instantly enveloped all of Fang Mo's thoughts, causing him to uncontrollably take two steps back.

"Fang Mo!?"

Seeing Fang Mo's loss of composure, everyone seemed to wake up from the surrounding brilliance. Stark and Nick Fury immediately rushed over, supporting his shoulders from both sides, and asked with concern, "What's wrong, are you okay?"


At this moment, Fang Mo indeed looked a bit bewildered. After all, the expectation he had held onto for so long had turned into nothing, so it was reasonable for him to be dispirited for a while.

But it didn't take long.

Fang Mo's eyes regained clarity.

"Alright, let go of me."

Fang Mo first shook his head, then his expression became even more determined: "It's not time to despair yet. I still have many alternatives I haven't tried..."

"I know, of course, I know."

Stark patted Fang Mo's back, speaking in a comforting tone, "But no matter whether you succeed or not, we're friends, right?"


Fang Mo nodded and then slowly pulled out a dark green-black pearl from within his body.

As his mind moved slightly, the power of the Infinity Stones was activated again, and colorful lights surged into Fang Mo's palm at the same time. The powerful energy directly lifted the Hogyoku from Fang Mo's palm, letting it float slowly in mid-air.

"Can't you materialize the wishes of the people around you?"

Fang Mo stared intently at the Hogyoku in front of him, continuously infusing the power of the six Infinity Stones into it. His eyes flickered with an uncertain expression: "Come on, materialize my wishes. If the energy is not enough, just say so. I will drain this universe to satisfy you."

At this point.

Fang Mo also suddenly had a thought.

Five portals opened behind him at the same time.

Five different dimensional powers surged out from them, flooding towards the Hogyoku in mid-air like a tide.

After being infused with energy by both the Infinity Stones and the dimensional powers at the same time, the Hogyoku in mid-air suddenly lit up with a white light without any warning.

This white light instantly shot towards Fang Mo's brow. However, he did not dodge; instead, he let the white light from the Hogyoku hit him. The light entered through his brow and immediately started scanning Fang Mo's past memories, searching for his most precious possessions.

If it were anyone else daring to do this.

Fang Mo would definitely beat them to a pulp immediately.

But the situation was completely different at this moment. Fang Mo could feel that the Hogyoku was using these memories for comparison, trying to help him find his own universe.

Yes, although the Hogyoku's expressive power was not as incredible as the Infinity Gauntlet, it truly could help Fang Mo realize his wishes because its principle was different from the Infinity Gauntlet.

Although both are wish-granting mechanisms, each has its own distinct flaws.

The flaw of the Infinity Gauntlet has already been mentioned before.

This thing in the Marvel Universe is the true Holy Grail. No matter what you do with it, such as returning the universe to darkness, eliminating half of the population, or even destroying and recreating a universe, it's all fine. It's more like a permission, but it must rely on the Marvel database to work.

However, the Hogyoku is different.

The Hogyoku is said to be made from fragments of the Soul King combined with a large number of souls. It is essentially a universal tool, a fragment of rules; it can work in any world you bring it to.

But the only downside is that you must have the strength to realize the wish yourself for the Hogyoku to activate.

If an example must be given.

It's like being scolded every day for your bad cooking, but theoretically, you have arms and legs, you could learn to flip the wok, julienne, season, and cook delicious meals. Then, the Hogyoku will help you realize this wish. It's more like an evolution, accelerating your growth, catalysis, and finally fulfilling your wish.

But if you are a quadriplegic, then the Hogyoku can't turn you into a great chef.

Because you've already lost the ability to realize this wish.

And now Fang Mo is in such a situation. Theoretically, he owns the Book of Ages, which allows him to traverse worlds through the long years, ultimately finding his home. That is to say, theoretically, he can find his way home.

Using the Hogyoku to make a wish is just to speed up this process.

And to traverse different times and spaces, it would inevitably consume an astonishing amount of energy.

Fortunately, Fang Mo holds the Infinity Gauntlet full of gems, which allows him to recklessly extract energy from the Marvel Universe, as well as his nearly infinite dimensional power.

Quickly, after scanning Fang Mo's memories.

The energy-filled Hogyoku suddenly shook violently in mid-air, its surrounding space was directly shattered, turning into countless tiny spatial cracks. Then, strands of light extended into these cracks, seemingly breaking the barriers between universes and beginning to explore the endless space and time.

Seeing this, Fang Mo's eyes lit up with joy.

But before he could be happy, suddenly a crisp sound came.

The surface of the Hogyoku, dark green-black, suddenly cracked open, clearly indicating that the energy required to cross countless universes was too vast. Although the Hogyoku could help its master fulfill wishes, its own strength was still very limited.

According to the explanation in the author of Bleach's official guidebook, the Hogyoku shattered inside its body the moment Aizen was hit.

The last Hogyoku sealed by Kisuke Urahara was just an empty shell that had lost its power.

"What... is this?"

Fang Mo was also scared. Now, the Hogyoku was his only hope, and of course, he didn't want it to just explode like this. Seeing this scene, he hurriedly planned to take out the workshop box, first to give the Hogyoku an indestructible durability enchantment, and if that didn't work, an experience repair would do.

However, just as Fang Mo was about to reach for the workshop box.

The stand arrow, which had been lying quietly inside the storage space without any movement, suddenly moved without any warning.

This object even flew out from his body without Fang Mo's permission, inexplicably, and then, for some unknown reason, the stand arrow seemed to resonate with the Hogyoku.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound came from the stand arrow, emitting a circle of transparent ripples.

Following that, Fang Mo's stand, Steve, appeared uncontrollably.

And the stand arrow, as if it had found its prey, instantly turned its head towards Steve not far away, and then whooshed over, embedding itself precisely in the opponent's chest.

Different from the previous warning of insufficient permissions.

This time, the stand arrow merged into Steve's body without any hindrance.

And at the next second, both Fang Mo and Steve were taken aback, then both covered their heads with their hands in pain.

Following that, an incredibly startling aura suddenly burst out from Fang Mo's body, and at the same time, all of his facial features - mouth, nose, eyes, ears - lit up with a dazzling white light, and his entire body unconsciously floated slowly into the air.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's happening here!?"

Seeing this, Stark immediately became anxious: "Fang Mo? Fang Mo? My God, what's happened to you? Are you alright?"

"Take off his gloves."

Captain America immediately made a judgment: "He must be unable to withstand the energy of the glove, saving him is what matters!"

However, before he could act, Nick Fury immediately stopped him.

"Fury, Fang Mo is in danger."

Captain America immediately said: "He just went through a cosmic war, he needs to rest."

"No, what he needs is the glove." Nick Fury calmly shook his head: "In that ancient kingdom, there is a saying, 'falling leaves return to their roots.' I think even if he were to die, he would wish to die in his homeland, especially since the situation is not as bad yet."

"It was caused by that arrow."

Stark immediately said: "That thing called the stand arrow, he stabbed me with it, awakening my stand... It must be the problem, it really has nothing to do with the glove."

"So what do we do now?"

Natasha asked: "We can't just watch him suffer like this, can we?"

"Maybe we should ask a professional."

Nick Fury thought for a moment, then took out a phone from his pocket and started dialing.

"A professional?"

Everyone looked at each other and asked: "Who's that?"

"Do you remember the black friend we met before?" Nick Fury began: "That guy named Nyarlathotep, from the tone of his conversation with Fang Mo, it seems that his strength is at least on par with his..."

"But why do you have his phone number?"

Captain America was initially stunned but then understood.

Yes, back in the Soviet underground base, during a fight over Bucky, Nyarlathotep indeed gave Nick Fury a phone, telling Fang Mo to contact him if needed.

But this phone was given to Nick Fury by Nyarlathotep to pass on to Fang Mo.

"Fury, you really are a cunning fox..."

Realizing all this, Captain America immediately looked at him helplessly; it was obvious that he had secretly kept a copy of the phone number.

But considering the current emergency, everyone also understood that now was not the time to blame Nick Fury.

So they could only wait quietly for the head agent to make the call.

However, to everyone's surprise, just as Nick Fury had pressed the call button, that hearty and frivolous voice rang out from the shadows not far away.

"Hi, long time no see, my friends."

The cheerful dark-skinned man slowly walked out of the shadows, and before anyone could speak, he suddenly noticed Fang Mo not far away, the man first paused: "...Hmm?"

But very quickly, Nyarlathotep seemed to have seen something unbelievable, and couldn't help but click his tongue:

"Damn, are you taking this too seriously?"


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