Chapter 837: The Last (70)

“Did you find anything strange?”

-No… I’m just wondering if you’re okay.

‘Did I talk too quietly?’

“Are you afraid there will be trauma again?”

-Yeah… in many ways.

“Of course, I would be lying if I said it wasn’t hard, but… we have to overcome it. It’s heartbreaking to see what I caused at the time, but I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to stop it like this.”

-I’m glad you said that, but still… I think it might be better to take a little break this time.

“I can’t remember properly, but I know everything. I’m ready to face it.”

‘Why is she being like this all of a sudden?’

A very worried face appeared.

After seeing Jin Qing talking frantically with the Red Mercenary and federal lieutenants to meet the 18-hour cutline, I saw her grabbing the spear tightly again.

I thought about how important I made it seem again, but I really only talked about it as nothing too special. When I thought of the fact that after the Plaguelord’s death, the guild members were imprisoned under the guise of protective action…

‘It makes sense.’

Maybe it was because I got too comfortable with Cho Hyejin.

I was blunt, but it might have been a little more convincing to continue in a more solid position.

Right. It was sad, but Light Kiyoung was ready to face the sins of the past and the things he had done.

Lauren and Benignore had already forgiven me for my sins, but that didn’t take away the guilt I should bear. I couldn’t say that it was all fake at this point.

-I honestly don’t know if you’re really ready to face it.

“What do you mean?”

-I’m worried about you.


-I wish it was just a rainstorm, but… when you came into my body…

“Oh, come to think of it, I’m curious. I wondered what would happen to the soul of the body I possessed.”

-I didn’t feel it much, but I thought I could understand why the advent is called the blessing of a god. I was able to learn a little bit about you through it. I could roughly feel where you were and what your condition was. If it’s true that you really became a god, maybe… to say that I am a representative of a god… Through that series of processes, I was able to understand you. I cannot express it in words, though.

“What… That’s probably…”

-I don’t know what kind of place that is, or exactly where you are, but…

“Perhaps your soul? I don’t know if I can call it a soul. Regardless, it seems that it was isolated, so you felt that way. Dialugia is here too, and I get along well with Benignore. Lauren sometimes comes to visit. I know my condition best. It has always been and will continue to be so. To be honest, I was a little confused before, but…”

-I’m a bit anxious to say this, but I think it felt like you were trying to suppress your emotions. I can’t explain it exactly, but… it’s like you’re putting them in a small box…

“Are you sure?”

-No, but now I’m worried that this might cause the container to burst. When I think about how hard it was for you after that happened…

‘Actually, it wasn’t that hard.’

I had a hard time acting. No, honestly, it was. Fuck, I was imprisoned for two weeks. How could it not have been hard?

External information was completely blocked, and the door was locked from the outside…

“You don’t have to worry.”

-It doesn’t have to be you. It would be better for you to rest for a while since Jin Qing said he would lend us his strength.


-To be honest, I don’t want to show him to you.


-I don’t want you to see yourself… as the enemy of mankind, transformed, swayed, and brainwashed by the power of the devil.

“I already know everything.”

-Hearing about it and actually seeing it is different. He wasn’t you.

‘Doom Kiyoung must have been really shocking to them.’

Considering how she was reacting now, it seemed that I acted amazingly.

‘It’s a nasty talent. Really.’

I probably looked like the incarnation of evil, with eyes that seemed to have no emotions and an expression that looked down on everything worthless.

The appearance of me wearing a mask and surrounded by demons even gave me goosebumps.

Other people were terrified because I looked like that. It could also be symbolic.

The fear that humanity’s light had been completely tainted with darkness was more symbolic than any other event.

It seemed that not only Cho Hyejin, but many people were already trembling in fear.

-Aaaaah! Aaah!! Please… please kill me. Please… please kill me… please…

-Uh… Ah… it hurts… hurts. Priest… it’s painful.

-Hold on a bit more.

-Priest… it’s too painful. It’s…

It wasn’t enough to say that the sight of people who had been caught in the wrong place and infected with the plague was terrible.

-Plena… I’m fine now… go back. You know it’s dangerous to stay here.

It might be appropriate to say that their cells were decaying.

Basically, it was the kind that constantly inflicted damage to the things that made up the body. It was to the extent that high-ranking priests collapsed faster than stabilizing the body with recovery spells.

‘They can’t even die on their own.’

It was designed to inflict constant pain for a very long time.

Perhaps, if the plague continued to corrode them, they would look like people who had been exposed to radiation. They seemed to be in perfect condition now because high-ranking priests were forcing their recoveries.

Naturally, they had to be in pain. They took damage and healed repeatedly.

It wasn’t a place of bloodshed. Rather, it was a place where enormous divine power continued to pour out, and at a glance, it even looked holy. It was a space filled with such a bright light that it seemed ironic that the people in there constantly screamed in pain.

‘I can understand why she is worried that I will be shocked when I see something like this.’

The bodies of priests who took turns applying divine power were also infected.

A priest looked anxiously at the spots on his forearm.

It had to have pierced his immune system. He did not express it, but after quietly reciting the name of the God he worshiped, he began healing others once again.

The family and friends of the infected outside the quarantine were crying out to let them in.

Ordinary soldiers controlled them as much as possible, but considering their stiff faces, they also looked uneasy.

‘That’s the real hell. To be honest, sometimes I feel like it was a great decision.’

There were too many infected. To put it bluntly, it wouldn’t be normal to lead them. They weren’t even ready to be used as fighters anymore…

In fact, if I thought about how helpful each priest was in fighting the demon army, the priests who were put there were…

‘They are being wasted.’

I was certain there would be many among those on the frontlines who questioned that choice.

Since the order had been given, they would follow it, but there would be quite a few of them loaded with advice.

If Cha Hee-ra wasn’t the commander here, that was. I could see her wearing armor and leaving the barracks. The Red Mercenary’s lieutenants were headed in the area with the infected.

‘Your actions are like a politician.’

She was probably trying to meet the infected people once before she went. There was no one warning them it was dangerous. Che Hee-ra said that she would go, and no one would dare stop her.

-Please… please let me in. Please…

-Can’t I just check if my brother is okay?

-I want to be able to see it with my own eyes.

-Don’t come close. You must not come close. Back off!


-Sh*t! Can’t you hear me? Say back away!

When Cha Hee-ra, who should be on the frontlines, appeared, a crowd gathered.

‘It’s not like we’re going to an election.’

It was then that Cha Hee-ra opened her mouth quietly, seeing loud noises coming out of various places.



-We are doing our best to rectify this situation at the headquarters right now. Unfortunately, we cannot say that the infected are not in a serious condition, but we will do our best to ensure that they do not lose their lives in vain. Everyone, please wait in a safe place prepared by the headquarters. As soon as the identification of the infected is finished, the task force will report their status… We hope to bring you good news in a short time.

-That… that…

-Citizens, please cooperate. Please cooperate with the soldiers.

-Please cooperate!

-Thank you for your cooperation!

-Please cooperate!

Soldiers could be seen raising flags and controlling the crowd.

Cha Hee-ra continued to enter a place where the divine power was pouring and looked for infected people.

She was just quietly encouraging them or giving them a word of consolation, but to them, the fact that the supreme commander came to such a place would be a source of strength.

That plague couldn’t damage Cha Hee-ra’s body, but those who didn’t know it would be even more impressed. Some were definitely motivated. And the Red Mercenary’s guild members were even more so.

-Hold on.


-We’ll fix it in a few days.

-I’m… sorry… for… troubling you…

The lieutenants who came along were even joking around.

-If you keep lying down like this, you will lose muscle, bastards.



-Captain… does… the… plague… really… cause… muscle loss?

-I don’t know.

No, it wasn’t a joke. He was a wizard, so why would he worry about muscle loss?

I couldn’t get used to the atmosphere. The big guys crowded, and they joked around or even patted their fellow large members lying on the bed.

Priests wearing protective gear were restraining them, but the atmosphere did not subside.

Even the ones screaming were laughing like they were drunk, so I thought this was definitely a place where only strange people were gathered.

‘It would have been fun if I started here.’

-Let’s go.




A horn was sounded to bless the warriors heading to the battlefield.

Someone raised a flag, and someone pounded a drum.

That probably signified the main force had 12 hours left on the expedition, and the Plague Trash recognized someone on the other side of the frontline.

—For an insect… it’s not bad.

The Republic’s Demon Summoner trash also raised an eyebrow and murmured.

—Now, how are you going to act, fake creature?

No, he wasn’t a demon summoner anymore…

It was only because fighting with villains was a little more interesting, that I just called him like that inside my head.

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