“I have to warn you that the details that I am about to convey would be extremely sensitive and indecent. Are you sure you wanted to continue?”

“Don’t underestimate my resolve, Raphael. I promise I won’t change how I look at you no matter the outcome of this revelation. I have loved you, and I will accept you no matter what. If you are still thinking about it, how about I tell you some things about me?”

“If you don’t mind, then please do so.”

As I was about to make my revelation, Iris sensed my doubts and suggested that doing so might alleviate my anxiety. To be honest, there were a few things that I wanted to learn about her that I missed earlier.

“Do you have something to ask about me, Raphael?”

“Well, it’s been bothering me since then, but can you enlighten me on how I am not able to read your real stats?”

“Actually, the reason why you can’t read me is that I am not limited by this world’s system anymore. In other words, I leveled myself a lot and I have broken the system.”

“What? Surpassing the system is actually possible? I thought that there’s going to be no limit for that.”

“That was what I thought before, but there is actually a limit. After reaching a certain level, you would break the system and enter a whole new realm.”

I could not believe it; the system could actually be broken. That was one of the last things that would pop up in my mind. But since my Ultra Skill did not have the capability of reading Iris, there was truth in her words.

There was one time I wondered if this world had a level capping system like in those games back in my previous world. But seeing the monstrous levels of Czarina and Inari, that idea easily bugged out of my head.

“So at what level is needed in order to reach that realm? And exactly what realm is that?”

“This realm is called the Enlightened Realm, and you need to reach five thousand levels in order to achieve it. By the way, this world’s system is actually called the Mortal Realm.”

“That high, huh? I still have a long way to go.”

“Yes. Upon reaching the Enlightened Realm, you can still have stats and skills, but the standards went through a massive leap. For example, a divine art technique in the Mortal Realm is just a regular technique in the Enlightened Realm.”

Holy cow! My mind was blown just now! There was actually a much more powerful dimension beyond the system I used to stay with for my whole life. Now that explained why I could not look through her. It was because I was not powerful enough.

I was quite confident with where I was right now, but when she revealed that, I felt like my pride shattered and realized I was just a frog in a well. But then again, I realized how powerful Iris was, and I was thankful that she was not against me.

“Are you okay, Raphael? You seem to lose yourself for a second there.”

“Thank you so much, Iris; I’m fine now.”

“If I can’t take it now, we can talk about it later.”

“I think you are right; I was so blown away that I could not take one more mind-blowing piece of information. I have many things to say to you tonight, so let’s save it for next time.”

“If you say so, Raphael.”

The information that Iris just dropped was a massive nuke for me to handle. If she just bombarded me with several more, I might shut down due to the amount of information to process. It was like running a highly demanded game with a low-end CPU. For that reason, I had to postpone that in the meantime.

“That was mentally exhausting, but let’s continue with what we have left before. Iris, thanks to you, I am confident I can do it now.”

“I am glad it helped.”

Her smile was telling me that she would heartfully accept me, whatever the words came out of my mouth. Putting my trust in her, I put on a serious face before finally disclosing my darkest secrets to her.

“Iris, I want you to know that… I am doing a lot of immoral things in my life. You already know that I am such a womanizer and I have been engaging in a romantic and physical relationship with many women. My love and lust for women is unfathomable, and my range for my preference has even reached the unthinkable domain.”

“How unthinkable is it, Raphael?”

“I know you would be horrified by it, but I need to tell you this: Iris… I am having… incestuous relationships with my… family.”

I made an audible gulp immediately after I delivered my last sentence. I drew all my courage to say those words, and I felt like a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders once I did it.

But to my surprise, I couldn’t see any reaction on Iris’s face at all. She had been smiling still there, nothing like the anticipated gasp or widened eyes was present in her expressions. Maybe it was because she was too stunned to make any reaction?

“Um, Iris? Did you hear what I just said?” I asked. “I said that I have been engaging in a romantic relationship with my family, namely, my Mom, Mother, and my sister. Please say something.”

Finally, a moment later, I had seen some movement on her; she slightly tilted her head to the side without breaking her smile. The next words she uttered really took me aback.

“Well, it was not that bad, I think. Who else but you, Raphael.”

“Wait, you are not going to react excessively to it?! Everyone would go crazy upon hearing this!”

“If you don’t know, I have been living for a long time, more than what you probably think of. I witnessed history itself and have all the traits an individual can have. Remember that I am not a human in the first place, yes?”

“I forgot that you are a dragon…”

“In other words, a monster, and monsters have almost no morals. We are just acting according to our instincts. Moreover, inbreeding is not rare in the world of monsters.”

“So you don’t actually mind me being in that kind of relationship with my family?”

“Not at all. I wasn’t even bothered.”

“So you are accepting me for who I am…?”

“Of course. As long as we love one another, you can do whatever you want.”

“Iris! You and Sophia really are the best girls for me! Thank you for accepting my whole self! I don’t even know if I deserved both of you!”

Overwhelmed by my feelings, I lunged at Iris and immediately embraced her. I could not believe that she was actually true to her words, and I could not help but be emotional about it. In response, Iris embraced me back; she even put a hand on my hand and gently caressed my hair.

“Fufu. So she also knows, huh? You seem not to be letting me go, so let me comfort you, Raphael.”

“Thank you, Iris, thank you. I love you. I really, really love you…”

“I love you too, Raphael~.”

Just the two of us in my dim room, we embraced each other in the dark until I proceeded to the next stage.

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