Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 623 The Strongest Grandmaster

Barthmont Palace

Capital City Goras

Alpha Continent's Beast Kingdom

May 19th

Year 1053

"Two weeks…"

Those words escaped the lips of a blonde-haired teenager who was seated at the mahogany wood dining table, lightly picking at her breakfast with a blank expression on her face.

"Two weeks…"

Once again, she called out those two words, the amount of time it had been since she and her party had confronted one of their most powerful opponents yet.

From fighting thousands of monsters, to defeating an S-rank Dungeon boss, and then going on to fight a White High Dragon.

Crowning this all, was their encounter with an Epic Level existence, as well as a face-to-face meeting with the strongest demon on the planet.

In the past two weeks, their names and feats had spread across the lands and were still continuing to spread even further.

Each of their names was synonymous with 'Fame', and the influence that the masses' knowledge of their power gave them was even greater than that of beings more powerful than them.

Yet, all this fame, this influence and all the benefits; meant nothing to this girl at this point.

All she wanted right now, was to see the person whom she hadn't spoken with in the past two weeks.

Evan's Evolutionary process took longer than it normally would have, due to the strange nature of his soul which was many, many times stronger than it should be, as well as the fact that the body he was currently inhabiting wasn't originally his.

It had slowly changed over time to integrate bits of his original features, but that fact didn't change.

The Evolution had taken a longer time as the link between his body and soul was being strengthened greatly.

But while all of this was happening, Evan was unconscious inside the cocoon, and after the Evolution finally finished, he was whisked away by 'Aidos' for a 'conversation'.

Naturally, he was unable to be with anyone during this period of time.

'Since we reunited in Geto, this is the longest we've been apart…'

Such a thought passed through Eliza's head as she finished her breakfast and rested her head on the dining table with a heavy sigh.

It was clear as day to anyone, that the girl's mood was sour, and it had only gotten worse by the day.

Even after she had regained consciousness and spoken with her uncle and Grandfather, her dour mood was very evident.

The cause was known, but there was nothing anyone around her could do about it.

The Palace Servants silently cleared up the plates and cups she used for her meal, while some of them tried suggesting desserts or snacks in an attempt to improve her mood.

[Try these ones out! You'd really like them.]

Her boyfriend's contracted spirit cheerfully spoke as she attempted to feed her with some of the strawberry shortcakes the maids had brought, but seeing the strawberries only made her mood even worse.

It reminded her of the fact that a certain strawberry lover wasn't around, after all.

Perhaps realising her little slip-up, Kayla quickly swapped the shortcake in her hands for a different dessert, all while a black cat snuggled into her arms and rubbed her cheeks with his tail.

"Stop, Kuro. That tickle-?"

Her words were cut off when the cat's hair all suddenly stood on end, his body stiffening ever so slightly.

The next moment, the eyes of all the spirits in the room widened and their gazes all shot in the same direction.

Eliza looked up and noticed the familiar direction they were looking at. But before she could even ask a question, something happened.

The energies of the three spirits surged outward, with the power they exuded beginning to increase in real-time.

Her senses also picked up on a similar phenomenon occurring somewhere else in the castle, the direction where a certain Demon of pride resided.

And then, faster than Kuro and Kayla who could literally teleport, Eliza vanished from her seat.

Kuro was momentarily dumbfounded as one second he was in Eliza's arms, and the next he was landing on the table with the girl nowhere to be seen.

Eliza didn't think she had ever run this fast in her life.

Her 'S' rank agility stat saw its first 100% usage, enabling her to traverse the distance separating her from her destination in a mere two seconds.

However, when she arrived at said destination, all she met was a massive cocoon that had been violently ripped apart from the inside, with crimson, white and some other transparent liquids splashed on the ground.

The person who was meant to be inside it wasn't present.

Almost immediately, her senses, as well as that of every being who could perceive energy within the 22,000 square kilometre area of Goras felt a massive presence descend over the city.

◇ ◇ ◇

Floating over 20,000 feet above the ground, and overlooking the Beast Kingdom's capital from the clouds, was the person whose absence was the reason for Eliza's sour mood these past two weeks.

The overwhelming aura that Evan exuded from his body, was retracted just as quickly as it had spread out.

The power that generated this aura, however, went nowhere.

Water vapour coaxed out of the air and condensed into liquid, before freezing into a crystalline mirror that reflected his appearance.

His skin tone was the same as usual, and his facial features seemed to have become even more refined.

There were no changes to his grey eyes, and they remained as striking as always; his hair, however, seemed to have undergone a little makeover.

Mixed in with the dark strands were a few traces of the colour white. These highlights bestowed a subtle, distinguished charm to his overall appearance.

His physique hadn't changed much, but he could see and feel that his muscles had become even more toned.

While he would like to examine it all, he opted to do that later, in his free time. No point removing the set of clothes he had just tossed on.

He kept scanning his appearance, and after comparing it with the last time he looked at a mirror, he noticed that he had grown a tad bit taller.

But the greatest difference was not his extra 2 inches of height, but the reason why he was even airborne in the first place.

Though he was wearing a shirt, they conveniently seemed to phase through the shirt as they stretched out, flapping ever so lightly to keep him afloat.

A single pair of white wings stretching out with a sleek and membrane-like structure, partially adorned with opalescent scales.

"Well, I guess that's another colour added to my colour scheme.

I got black, grey, gold, crimson, rainbow and now white."

He exerted control over the wings and tried to see if he could twist them around while securing his footing with a void step. He succeeded, but he also discovered that his wings seemed to have traces of gold on them.

"So, I can switch colours now."

Evan chuckled as he spoke, dismissing his void step and returning control over his altitude to his newly acquired wings.

After that, the boy clenched his fist tightly, feeling the strength within it as he muttered.

"This is the grandmaster level, huh?"

He didn't need to open his status to know what realm he currently was, the sheer amount of power he felt in his body was enough to tell him.

'As I am now, I'm probably as strong as Finley was when I first came to Aidos…the man has probably reached Epic Level by now.'

Thinking this, he heaved a deep sigh—


—and then, burst into laughter.

"This is what I've been after all this while!!"

The teenager didn't even know how to describe his current feelings with words.

The current him was without a doubt, the strongest Grandmaster Level existence on the planet, even though he was not Level 500.

However, despite all that power, enough power to completely wipe the city below him off the map about three times over, it felt a bit…


Was it because of Vaeri, whose power he had felt first-hand? The reinforced knowledge that this level of power wasn't going to be enough for him to achieve his goals?

Or it could be those two presences he felt within the Barthmont Palace that made his Danger Sense skill send him a low warning?

Regardless of the reason, Evan put it aside for now and focused on testing out his new strength.

He turned his gaze to the side and activated Farsight, zooming over to one of the forests on the Northern outskirts of Goras.

It was one of the major areas where the capital's adventurers made their living, as it was a zone with high energy concentrations and had heavens knows how many thousands of monsters lurking within.

Evan locked onto one of the monsters within his field of vision and then created a void step which used as a boost to launch himself in that direction.


One sonic boom later, Evan found himself drenched in blood and guts from head to toe as he stood in the severed torso of an unfortunate giant grizzly.

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