Chapter 1410: Helping Ruby Start A New Life

(Sylphy’s POV)

After what happened with Ruby’s father, we made our way through the city, trying to make

her feel better and calm her down. Surprisingly, she calmed down very quickly, despite having been crying a minute ago.

“I’m fine, thank you,” she sighed. “I’ve dealt with this so many times already that… Ah, I’ve grown a bit dull to this. I cried yeah but that’s about it…”

“Are you sure?” I wondered. “Really?”

“Yes, yes, don’t worry,” she nodded, smiling a bit. “Thanks for helping me out… I-I… It’s complicated…”

“Yeah, it sure is,” said Celeste. “I’m fairly sure you’re stronger than your father. You could have kicked his ass, why did you let him hit you?”

“Because it’s… I don’t know, I just don’t feel strong when he starts saying those things…” sighed Ruby. “It’s pathetic, right?”

“Hmm… I don’t know about that, but I think it shouldn’t matter anymore, your dad won’t be living with you again!” said Celica.

“Yeah… I mean, sure,” I nodded.

I still felt a bit conflicted about the whole thing, what her father had done to her shouldn’t be allowed anywhere. Is there no law or something that would punish a father for domestic violence of this magnitude?

This city sure looks nice and clean, but I guess these family problems are not something they want to show in the surface… Perhaps it goes the same way for any place in the world.

At the end, its complicated, and not something that can be resolved with strength, it’s all about time, mutual understanding, and everything else.

“Before going, I have another place I need to visit,” said Ruby. “It’s the Demon Community I told you about. It’s pretty sizable around here… My uncle lives there, I used to visit him a lot back then, but I started feeling bad about receiving his money… so I haven’t visited him in almost a year.”

“So that’s how it is…” I nodded. “Demon Community, huh? Would you girls like to go there?”

“Sure,” shrugged Celeste.

“Yeah! I wonder how many demon tribes are there!” said Celica.

“Calm down, it’s not that diverse in that meaning,” said Ruby. “There are mostly red and blue Oni. They are the tribe that came could resist the cold the best. There are Anima living among the Demons as well. Well, there are some oddballs here and there. Like, I remember seeing someone like you, Celeste. People with blue hair and long tails with a needle on them.”

“Huh? My kind?” Celeste’s uninterested face quickly changed, showing some curiosity. “Really?”

“Yeah, they call them Tail Demons, but we don’t really know what their tribe is called,” said Ruby. “Anyways, it’s over there… I’ll lead you.”

Ruby calmed down a lot more, it was as if what happened before had never actually happened. We followed her lead as we made our way through many streets, dwarves, anima, humans, demons, and a few elves walked across every area.

Dwarves were the largest population, followed by elves and then humans, however, as we made our way deeper into these areas of the city, which were called “Scarlet House District” demons and anima became the majority.

Red and blue-skinned people walked around, many with horns over their foreheads, some were small, while others had very long, spiraling horns. Each person had different horn shapes, and also height.

It was clear, the most “pure-blooded” Oni were tall, burly, and had rough-looking faces, the men in specific were very intimidating to look at, with big tusks coming from their lower jaws and sharp, crimson eyes, some being as tall as two meters and a half, if not a bit more.

The houses here were much larger as a result… I also noticed a clear difference between the Blue and the Red Oni. The former were lankier and had much slimmer, taller bodies. Their skin seemed very blue, and I think they were capable of withstanding if not controlling cold temperatures as a natural ability.

Meanwhile, the Red Onis were burlier and larger, more intimidating looking, also they had very high body temperatures, I think this is how both races could withstand the cold here so well.

Blue Onis are simply immune to the cold due to their innate abilities to control it.

Meanwhile, Red Onis can resist the cold because their body temperatures are incredibly high! Fascinating…

However, the “pure-blooded” were very rare, there were now a lot of mixed-race people. The majority being mixed with dwarves, there were almost none mixed with elves or humans. Looks like only dwarves seemed more open minded about having a demon wife or husband, and have a child with them, perhaps their personalities are quite similar.

By just walking by, I could hear the laughter of the demons and anima, the animal people were also quite populous here, mostly white foxes, with their insulating white fur, gray wolves who were large and capable of withstanding the cold easily, white bears who were huge and even more protected, and reindeers, with soft fur and beautiful antlers.

Seeing how dwarves had similar personalities, I guess its quite easy to guess why they would mingle together and also end up having mixed children… But there was more, there were also half anima and demons, and also blue and red Oni hybrids.

Maybe it’s weird I obsess so much about this level of diversity and different people… but it’s quite amazing, I like seeing different people.

And then there’s Ruby, she’s also mixed race, dwarf and red Oni I believe, but it’s weird, I never thought the Gods would bless someone with demon blood.

“Ruby, I was wondering, was your mom also a Red Oni?” I wondered.

“Ah, yeah,” she said. “Not entirely, she was half-Red Oni, her dad was a Reindeer Anima.”

“Ooh!” I was shocked. “Really? Then you’re…?”

“I never awakened any appearance of Anima, so I think I just skipped that part of the family,” Ruby said. “But when I was little I looked almost the same as a dwarf, though my skin was a bit redder than others… I think the Gods must have not realized I had demon blood. When I reached puberty, I began growing horns, my body got a bit bulkier, and my skin redder… But the blessing was already given.”

I can’t believe it… the gods mistakenly gave their blessing to someone carrying the blood of

what they spite the most.

I bet they feel terrible.

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