Chapter 1432: Ruby’s New Spirits

Dad looked terribly exhausted, like he had been fighting for a whole year, although there weren’t any wounds on his body, I felt a bit worried, so I made him eat a few of the leaves of Naturia, and also her little fruits, and also an elixir I just made.

“I-I’m fine, Sylphy, really,” he laughed nervously. “But thanks, I feel better now.”

He patted my head after he ate everything, but he didn’t seem that fine to me!

“What happened to you dad?” I wondered. “You said you went to visit a friend or something?”

“I fought with Ifrit, yeah,” sighed my dad. “He’s not the type of guy to just handle some fire spirits without a fight first… And, well, it ended escalating a lot. I went all-out and… Uhh, yeah, I almost died?”

“What?!” I gasped. “What the hell are you doing?! Why did you fight Ifrit? Wait, how strong is he? Did you win?”

“I didn’t win at the end, but it was a tie,” said my dad. “Or maybe not… I did fall unconscious though.”

“So he’s stronger than you!” I gasped. “I had only thought about Freyr and Freyja as the Kings of Spirits, but the Kings of the Elemental Spirits are both separate entities and also strong ones?”

“Yeah, there are the Elemental Spirit Kings and then the King and Queen of all Spirits,” said my dad. “It’s fine if you didn’t know about this anyways, it’s not something that is just divulged around, only those close to the spirits and that are close to the elves and fairies know this much. Also not every hero could make a contract with a spirit king either. I’m a bit insane, that’s why I somehow was able to get it with Ifrit.”

“Ahhh… Okay,” I laughed. “So what are those little kids?”

“These are the spirits Ifrit handpicked for me,” said my dad. “He said they were ideal for Ruby and her Blessings… So there you go Ruby.”

“B-But this is too much!” said Ruby. “H-How do I even… how do I even do anything?”

She gasped, glancing at the little guys floating towards her.

They had very distinct shapes!

The first one everyone probably noticed due to their unique shape was one resembling liquid metal, like the mercury metal.

It seemed like a spirit made of liquid silver I guess. However, it’s head had a little red flame, so it meant it was actually a fire spirit despite seemingly being made of metal.

This spirit’s eyes were two red jewels too, it was cute!

And then there was the second, this one resembled more what you would think a fire spirit looks like, but it looked I don’t know…

More high quality in its own form and shape?

It seemed humanoid in a way, resembling a little imp-like creature.

It had red eyes, it wore clothes made of flames, and it sat cross-legged as it floated, resembling a genie of sorts.

With its hair made of fire and its clothes made of fire, it certainly looked like a fire spirit, alright.

“Come on you guys, just say something to her already,” my dad sighed. “Stop glaring…” “Wait, they can talk?” I asked.

“Yeah but it seems they’re analyzing Ruby first,” said my dad. “Hey!”

The two angrily glared at my dad, sighed, then looked at Ruby.

“Nice to meet you, brat,” the little genie said. “Name’s… I have no name, actually. Not yet, but everyone back home calls me “Fire Forge Apprentice”. My father is a Fire Forge Master Spirit, we look over Blacksmiths and bless them with our spiritual power. Though, I guess you could say I’m a Smithy Spirit! Yeah.”

“H-Hi… nice to meet you,” muttered Ruby. “Um, wow, you can talk and everything… You also… eh? How old are you?”

“I don’t know! But I’ve lived quite a while, yeah,” said the genie. “You got great aptitude for blacksmith and whatnot, so I decided to come help ya out. We’ll be hanging out together until the day you die pretty much, so I hope we can get along, brat.”

“O-Okay, sure!” nodded Ruby. “Thank you for offering me your help, it’s an honor, great spirit.”

“Nah, the honor is mine, I’ve always dreamed to be contracted with a hero!” said the Smithy Spirit. “And when I heard there was a Blacksmith Hero, I just had to become their contracted spirit! Hahah!”

“Hahah…” Ruby then glanced at the little metal slime-like fire spirit. “And you?”

“Blubububuhhh!” the little spirit made slimy sounds, approaching Ruby.

Then, it extended two of its tentacles towards her hand, which Ruby opened.


“I-I don’t understand a single thing he’s talking about.”

Ruby sighed, glaring at my dad.

“She says she’s happy to see you,” said the little genie. “And that she’s a Metallurgy Spirit. They specialize on processing, shaping, transforming, and fusing all kinds of ores and


“Oooh! Amazing too!” said Ruby with a nod. “T-Thank you!”


The little metal slime-like spirit sat over Ruby’s head, claiming it as her new throne.

“Hahaha, she’s kind of cute.”

“She’s younger than me, so she can be a bit childish, I hope you can bear with her.”

“It’s fine, thank you for being so considered… So um, how do I make this contract, mister


“It’s easy! Just connect your soul with the spirit and it’s done… Do it with her first,” he said. “I’ll show you the ropes, brat.”

Like that, with the guidance of this old, experienced spirit that father brought for Ruby, she was able to successfully link with the two spirits and create her first contracts!

Yay and hurray!

“Now let’s go eat, I’m starving!” I cried. “Dad, let’s cook!”

“R-Right! Haha, almost forgot,” laughed dad. “Let’s go then.”

Like that, we cooked. And then I heard Celica and Celeste walking downstairs, bringing their own products they cooked in the alchemy cauldron for Felicia’s exam.

“We’re done…” sighed Celeste. “Ugh… I’m dead tired.”

“Me too!” Celica complained. “P-Please, no more of this again, master…”

“Hahah! Aren’t you cute when you complain like this?” giggled Felicia. “It’s fine, you’ve done

well! Well, not so well… there’s a few things here and there that…”

Always nitpicky, huh?

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